page is the staoffrflle yribnne thorxlajr sept st 193 classified miscellaneous i miscellaneous cnld dressmaking tailoring ao experienced european dressmaker and tailoress now learning english at the home us ner daughter mrs w dam mrs kathe is pre pared to do any type of sew ing in your home please phone 107w l2 piano tuning repairs s hoffman formerly with gerhard helntx- man phone laivrence harkey appliance repairs 8tf stoufftllle phone 55w3 ail orders promptly attended to we do custom killing also curing and smoking of meat for farmers oboylea meat market ph 15 stouff 19ti help wanted man wanted for farm work by day eldred king phone stousviue s2s0s real estate articles for sale bungalow for rent 5 rooms apply sunny valley mussel- mans lake 17 15000 for best piano offered barn for rent suitable rev g davison phone s 3 1 5 for cattle storage or ork stouff riiie shop telephone sijl woman wanted to look after 2 small children hy the day or live in if preferable ph aurora parkview t571s after six radio radio television and small ap pliance repairs at reasonable rates halllcrafters sparon radiotv sales and service 23tf records scarfes tillx paints smith radio- electronic service stonftvillo plione 270wl sanitary contractor septic tanks pumped drains cleaned nnditepaired 24 hour service c stunden lstf richmond nil ph to 41215 chalk refrigeration sales service commercial farm household guaranteed repairs on all makes phono king losw 1tf 24 hour service anywhere electric wiring rouses farms and cottages wired wall plugs switches electric water heaters ranges toasters irons and other appli ances repaired k h mlddlcmlss 16tf phone 367 stoullville electrical wiring installation service repair leslie leonard ph 7s0 stouffville 12tt well drilling pump installed fast service frank gkiuuts aurora rr2 3tf phone parkvlcw 73272 ready mixed concrete for footings floors patios etc gorm lev rea dymixed concrete limited phone gormley g01 stouffville 320 8tf trenching sjptic tanks tile beds ornamental ponds back-fill- lns and grading 50tf arnold ultllllnger stouffville box ontario phone 214 c bunker at goodwood we deliver gravel sand fill top soil also lawns graded at reasonable rates custom loading ph stouff cg324 50tt men wanted to assist in the handling of vegetables also a reliable truck driver anolv to ross winterstein ph 370 stouff or foreman gorman dixon ph 55105 sto 172 shipping clerk wanted with general office experience must be accurate at figures and neat writer permanent posi tion with good salary phone stouffville 320 avon offers business girls an opportunity to increase their earnings by becoming the representative for their place of business good com missions write miss m tow ers apt 306 161 wilson avenue toronto 1s2 1cnior clerks wanted opening for junior clerks male grade xi standing re quired excellent opportunity for advancing apply bank of nova scotia markham or stouffville ontario 41tf roofing r v geromette roofing siding general repairs flat roofing a specialty time payments at no extra charge phone toronto pl 72100 or write 1 1tf box 200 stoultville tribune aida cleaners try our new deep cleaning with dowper guaranteed odorleso phone stouirvillc 343 markhnm 335 tf ken ogdens garage ballantrae all makes of 22tl tractors cars repaired fhoue stouffville 00924 d booth and n goldkind son we rot all kinds op poultry 13tf highest prices paid for live poultry 27 manning ave toronto phone wa 25260 or call booths ph 123 stouff or 80wl quilty heating station road pickering gas oil airconditioning units coal gravity furnaces sheet metal work eavestrohjrliliig 13tf 1 year free service parts easy payment plan local agent r a mall telephone stouffville g3wl s3s3w3w33vstx33w33c3t3c apple pickers wanted maplewoo orchard hours s am 5 pm enquiries 182 call atlantic 22201 between 8 nm and 5 pm for rent 6roora frame house at ricgwood stouff ville 67j3 barn for sale approx 22 i 3s frane pa markham 6slw2 for sale chesterfield and i chairs in good condition ph 73wl stoasville oil space heater for sale priced to sell fh stouffville 65502 new 6room bungalow for sale oil heating 4pieee bath sewers landscaped private sale ph ixbridge ls2m for rent 6room hcjuse in stouffville oil heated garage immediate possession phone stouff 60303 for rent farm house fur nished available oct 7th until june inside conven iences ward hallman phone 65516 stouftville to rent 6 room modern house oil heated with every convenience ready for occu pancy also barn to rent on same properly owner roy brown ph 67s21 stouffville wanted a small farm or house with a few acres com muting distance for client with good down payment call maurice farquharson gormley 5407 sm sorbara real estate 511s50 cannington 100 acres clay loam brick house s rooms basement furnace hydro hiproofed barn 60 x 50 stone foundation concrete floor litter carric water bowls hen houe silo imple ment house terms arranged jas rvan broker canning- ton ph 99 172 miscellaneous cnld when buying or selling real estate consult archie j campbell real estate broker phone stouff 30- 12tf for hire 1952 mercury ton pickup with or without driver telephone 911 attention those of you who have a large mail send out i have an addressograph ma chine with over 1000 plates and four steel drawers will sell reasonable phone 91jl when buying or selling real estate consult ira d rusnel stoultville ontario thone stouffville 342w representing 13tf thomas oakley real estate broker ph richmond hill av 54161 for yolr thanksgiving tur keys call trevor watfon stouffville 60513 off shape potatoes by the bag 50c by the ton 1000 john bosworth cedar valley ont 11 save money by using rough lumber all standard sizes taylors sawmill rr2 aur ora avenue 54231 165 dry firewood for sale all kinds free delivery taylors sawmill rr2 aurora av 54231 1610 2 itiiica gens for sale 12 20 gauge pump featherweight both new ph 292w5 stouff ville 172 for sale dressed ducks chickens also 25 pullet readv to lav mrs r couper- thwaite ph stouff 62306 for sale perfection oil space heater large size ex celleni condition used only 4 months ph stouff 64909 for sale a mossburg 12 gauge shotgun bolt action with recoil pad and choke phone stouff 65502 f1ndlay cook stove for sme coal or wood with water front and reservoir phone stouftville 6530s for sale duotherm oil space heater with thermostat chest of drawers presto can- ner will sell reasonably geo walsh mt albert ph 2s5j ladies lave your- hair home permed in your own style 1s2 phone stouffville g4vr5 roofing brett and obrien contractors all types of roofing troughing insulsijing phone toronto st 80010 or write 3752 box 100 stouffvillo tribune shoe repair your shoe repairs can all be handled at georges shoe repaxr full or half soles and all types of repair all kinds zipper work done all types new shoes for boys and men for good health keep your shoes in good repair located in the holden block 27tf main street stouffvllk mm mum s stouffville sand gravel limited are prepared to supply your requirements of crushed gra- vel sand concrete gravel pit run delivered or at the bin it plnnt phone 125 office thoncs 370 120 electrical equipment tv radio repairs to all makes washing machine parts service c o i for prompt nnd cfllclcnt service call stouffville radio television centre next to the bowling alley stouff 124 49tf harold air conditioning heating dealer for howard furnaeea and oil burncra bales installations service vacuum cleaning 3 4ti 07 mnln st newmarket out ihone 1807 after hours stouff 00013 furnaces oil coal gas jtfcjjuw attoftutic hmw vacuum cleaning easy terms for free estimate call 51lf lome j byer stoufftllle phone 306 e h neville sons your admiral dealer mnln st stouffville phone 310 ntt septic tanks complete septic tank work drain digging 47tf all work guaranteed call murray baker phone 651 newmarket well tile 30 36 immediate delivery 27tf lome baker concrete products newmarket ph 112 floor tile work to your special requirements in ceramic mastic lino etc free estimates for information 182 call uxbridgc 525vr notice we are prepared to do your plowing baling combining and forage harvester work including filling silos we have all new equipment 173 tlione 60203 stouffvillo irrigation systems a size for every need prefabricated homes cottages and garages howard botavators to fit any tractor bulldozing three machines specializing in landscape plan ning nnd farm ponds dragline when necessary basement excavation grading art steckley phone 60816 clare preston yillnge of goodwood 52000 down for this steal at 511500 4 acres with 9room home and barn converted to a double garage with work shop this house contains many many extras such as garbage disposal aluminum storms and screens a new oil heating system caluc allan taggart toronto avenue 5- 3161 or richmond hill tur ner 41131 for further par ticulars richmond hill 511900 the extra touch has been added to this attractive 2bedroom bungalow with combination living and dining room big bright kitchen oil heating and landscaped gar den just perfect for retired couple located in the village on older residential paved street with sidewalks to see this is to buy it call mrs d carter toronto avenue 53161 or richmond hill turner41131 ridolt real estate limited 10 yonge st n richmond hin turner 41131 or a venue 53101 canadas largest realtors wanted highest prices paid for all kinds of live poultry norm davis ph mark 741 36tf for sale 17 westinghouse tv reasonable also attrac tive breakfast set used two months air foam upholstered chairs ph claremont 13w furnace for sale hot air with coal complete with controls and hot water tank attach ment apply to keith murphy on boyer st for sale 1 pair girls white figure skates size 1mj price 5500 also girls wine winter coat with hood size to fit 8 or loyrold price 5600 ph stouff 61103 potatoes order your win ters supply of sebago potatoes grown from foundation a seed midoct delivery lloyd grose mt albert 22701 or call stouff 279wl 1s3 for sale 2 quebec heaters one large and one medium for coal or wood also renfrew cream separator with- pulley and a quantity of cedar posts ph mt albert 22520 buffet for sale walnut with 2 carved doors on either side 2 middle and 1 full length drawers at bottom length 56 height 40 width 20 mrs howard ratcliff phone stouffville 204w2 cars for sale cards of thanks motorcycle for sale cz 125 cc- seeds minor repairs price 52000 ph ml albert 21113 19 4s reo truck or sale- 2 tons stake body in very goo7 shape percy mckay rr2 stouffville ninth line north i would like to express my sincere thanks to everyone who j sent cards flowers csndy and made kind enquiries while 1 i ni in hospital all was greatly appreciated mrs eleanor ellicott j 194s lincoln fivepassenger coupe excellent condition ra dio new tires with lifeguard tubes pushbutton windows 65500 ph 375j hay grain we wish to express our thanks and appreciation to all our friends and relatives for their kindness in sending cards and sifts and makiiig enquiries while donald was ill at home and in hospital edgar and janet evans oat straw for sale in field ph stouff 60507 seed wheat dawbul and cornell varieties cecil reesor ph stouff 65231 for sale approx 200 uns of standing corn j johnson ph stouff 66004 for sale about 5 acres of standing corn ensilage ph claremont 32907 mrs r birrell no 1 commercial seed tetra petkus rye an excel lent crop to grow for hay grain pasture k silage cover or greenmanuring price 5225 per bushel harold spencer rrl ashburn ph claremont 3070s 151 custom haling i am prepared to handle your baling needs at reasonable rates bale elevator available if de sired 10tf elgin hastings rhone stouftville 03713 live stock holstein bull for sale 11 months old ph stouff 65211 11 pigs for sale 6 weeks old phone 62110 stouffville pullets for sale new- hampshire and barred rock louie lloyd ph 66703 for sale 21 columbia rock pullets 4 months old 51 50 each phone claremont 62 1 would like to express my sincere appreciation to the many i friends who have shown kindi nesses to me in the recent and tragic ios of a loving daughter j a special word of thanks to mr atkinson and the staff of the sales arena for their assistance j mrs john scott j we wish in this way to ex- 1 press our heartfelt thanks and i appreciation to neighbors and t friends for the many kindnee of floihl offerings expressions of i sympathy and cards in our re- cent bereavement and loss of our loving grandson stephen nigh grandpa and grandma fleming i wish to thank the many friends and neighbors who so thoughtfully remembered me with cards and flowers and good wishes during my illness this past summer also to thank rev mr lackey and rev mr iowden for their visits and prayers muriel galloway claremdnt pun high school field day oct 17 the annual interform stouff ville district high school fierd day will be held this year on wednesday oct 17th although many of the participants are in training the events will be can celled should the weather be come too frigid the students will be competing for the junior intermediate and senior cham pionship in both the boys and girls divisions these trophies are presented to the winners at the annual commencement ex ercises 40 barred rock pullets for sale 5 months old ph stouff 62110 for sale 75 leghorn year ling hens michell strain lloyd pugh ph claremont 32713 capons for sale orders taken for thanksgiving weights 79 lbs ken walker ph 65310 stouffville 1s2 for sale wellgrown york shire gilts bred in june to landrace hog s a stouffer fh stouffville 64706 used lumber 2x4 2x6 2x8 and 2x10 in most lengths clean and dry save up to 40 per cent barn timbers and rafters in various lengths and sizes reasonable stable and barn doors in var ious sizes phone gormley 5216 one used ladies bicycle in excellent condition 52900 hendricks hardware one moffnt essotane gas range modern appearance 4burner only 549 hendricks hardware saturday work wanted by boy grade 10 student phone stouffville 540j1 head operator 4tf phone 65428 bulldozing nnd drag lining specialists in grading cellars and ponds e van derkooy 49tf phone gormley v537 cuvkwvvvvvaoci floor covering all types tiles inlaid linoleums plaatlc walltowall carpets the new sisal covering expertly in- stalled free estimates 3stf spoffords stouffville phone id cordwood for sale good quality dry hardwood split and sawn 1 16 or 2 delivered within 20 read miles of clare mont 52400 cod for full cord 164 phone victor symes claremont 33110 precast septic tanks approved for your area septic installations trenching a ditching fabricated concrete specialties ltd stouffville 290 15tf wanted a quantity of 6- quart baskets phone stouff 64901 tom hastings rr2 stouffville wanted pups and dogs in good health only not over two years walter lowe rrl richmond hill phone turner 42472 hid wanted 12 or more kinder garten chairs for sunday school room at eau claire church please contact wll- mot brown ph stouff 67921 dead stock dead and crippled farm animals re moved promptly for sanitary disposal telephone collect to stouffville 255wl or toronto em 33636 gordon young ltd claremont 6w2 tf m nash paying best cash prices for all kinds of live poultry phone stouff 267j 36tf carpenter work wanted alterations and cupboards a specialty 30tf wm gheenbury phone 20w2 stouffville used rotary power mower priced for quick sale stouffer hardware phone of one used general electric refrifferntor apartment size in excellent condition priced right hendricks hardware used electric range for sale in excellent condition high speed elements oven timer cooking light stouffer hardware phone 00 cut flowers gladioli for sale phone your order or call at glad acres mile south of ringwood baskets made up if desired ross vague 136 plione stouffville 05710 for sale reg dual pur pose shorthorn heifers due albert brown ph 62309 stouffville about 600 hens for sale ready to lay will sell any quantity out of these ph mt albert 20409 for full particu lars 154 2 suffolk ram lambs for sale neat stocky virile just what you need to improve the quality of your flock r c baker rrl claremont tamworth pigs for sale purebred breeding stock of all ages boars 6 mos old leslie g meyers tedholme farm goodwood ph stouff g2020 for sale approx 300 year ling leghorn hens best rea sonable price offered norm davis corner of church st 9th concession markham 3 holstein bulls for sale 8 and 9 mos old 1 from a dam classified very good other two from fond hope daughters all with good rop records bruce rlsebrough lot 17 con 7 markham ph 43w5 words cannot express our thanks and appreciation to the many relatives friends and neighbors who helped so much with floral tributes cards and words of sympathy when our dear little son stevie was so suddenly taken from us es pecially we would like to thank rev mr chapin and rev mr davison for their consoling words miss coral perkins and mrs c brillinger for their beau tiful music the boys from the sunday school who acted as pallbearers and the ladies of melville wa for their baking and heip afterwards at the house to all who helped in any way to ease our burden our deepest thanks jack and isobel nigh jonathan and susan in memoriam cowie in loving memory of william e cowie who was taken from us suddenly sept 2g 1946 the golden gates slowly opened ten years ago today with goodbyes left unspoken he quietly passed away lovingly remembered hy wife daughter and soninlaw derusha in loving memory of corporal ross e derusha of the 2nd batt formerly of the 116th batt killed in ac tion in france sept 27 1918 looking back with memories upon the path you trod i bless the years i had with you and leave the rest to god ever remembered by sister doyle slade in loving memory of n dear husband and father elijah slade who passed away on saptember 30 1955 nor clasp your hand elijah dear your face we cannot see but let this little token tell that we still remember thee fondly remembered by wife evelyn and children implements oase combine for sale pto with pickup attachment ph stouffville 65211 for sale 4 acres of ensilago corn standing ph stouff 65520 general electric at the trade fair see a complete display of gen- eial electric ranges refrigera tors wringer washers vacuum cleaners etc at the booth of your ge dealer you can make a good deal at the fair hendricks hardware all models cars trucks wanted for wrecking highest prices paid used parts tires etc for sale it a a auto parts tt 12230 1 mi north of no 7 highway on 3rd line of markham twp mailing addres 17tf r a auto parts hr2 gormley co m j acrcman wanted logs timber land hardwood preferred ii m kvte riackstork phone 2fi or 31tf bruce rolling mt alben rhone oln trade fair specials findlay space saver ranges with all the latest cooking con veniences oven light high speed elements with oven timer now only slolso with minute minder naw only sihi50 stouffer hardware phone 06 b eare ros arn argains villi cltr saturday october 6th at 1 1 am in favour of markham fair regular hours thursday and friday open all day and evening saturday till 6 pm come in and browe around potato grader for sale with roller sorting table in good condition apply to gormley 5229 172 for sale mh pacemaker tractor on steel excellent shape for belt work 1 mann stouff 67s03 model case tractor for sale nearly 4 years old in good condition phone clare mont 32815 robert jackson vanzant in loving memory of my dear husband willmott vanzant who died sept 4 1950 his weary hours and days of pain his troubled nights are past and in our aching hearts we know he has found sweet peace at last wife children and grandchildren lost found lost lawn mower rotary near altona road at 3rd con monday midnight reward pigott markham 308ml accommodation for rent in stouffville basement apartment unfur nished adults ph stouff 115 for rent 2 rooms partly furnished telephone 77j2 mrs john ivehman threshing machine for sale lccormickieeriiig 22 all steel low feeder in al condition alo drive belt for same ph claremont 3s4 07 for sale rightway mii milkers stainless steel double uniif complete with com pressor motor and pipes also electric masseyharris separator 4ran milk cooler with can lifter woods all practically new cash or live stock apply jos silver rr3 newmarket ph mt albert 21415 182 for rfnt flat- 2 rooms and kitchen ph markham 214m after 6 pm please for rent 5roomed apart ment all conveniences stouff ville vicinity apply box 59 co the stouffville tribune accommodation available for 2 boarders in stouffville preferably men no 5 ninth j line south internationa l harvester and mccormick tractors and farm machinery repairs service c1ii richard and son aglncourt and stonffvliie phone agin collect 23tf a m wood stouffvillo bu anmlnlcr 31331 after 6 re axmlnstcr 31113 j mantel heise passes in wist manuel heise twin son of abraham and sarah catherine williams heise born at gorm ley ontario july 23 1s9s died suddenly in prince rupert gen eral hospital sept 6 1956 a memorial service conducted by rev mceachern of the first united church was held in the chapel of the ferguson funeral home prince rupert on tues day evening sept is at 7 pm the body was then removed for burial in the family plot in heise hill cemetery near gorm ley funeral services were conduc ted from the brethren in christ church gormley by bishop alvin l winger assisted by rev j r steckley a trio composed of the misses blanche ruth and freda hen derson sang some sweet day and the city four square pall bearers were messrs albert heise roy brillinger william paisley arthur paisley joseph sider and allan hoover who were all either childhood friends or schoolmates surviving besides his wife are three brothers landon of klndersley saskatchewan rev j henry heise fordwlch and twin milton port arthur and two sisters mrs wesley cullen annie klndersley and mrs alvin baker agnes of saska toon asa and alex predeceased him in 1942 and 1920 respective ly mr heise moved to klnders ley saskatchewan with the family four years after the death of his mother in 1907 for the last thirteen years he has made his home in prince rupert bc and for several years before his death was em ployed by the cnr as a rail way car inspector coming events st johns bingo starting this saturday night in newmarket town hall at s pm 10000 jackpot 55 numbers admis sion 35c the goodwood wa will hold a sale of baking and handsewn articles in the stouffville sales arena this saturday sept 29th at 130 pm saturday october 6th the lake wilcox recreational centre will hold a turkey shoot at bakers sand pit north road lake wilcox shoot starts 11 am 182 mammoth euchre and draw- to be held in the veterans hall markham on friday nov 23 at 8 pm sponsored by the mark ham chapter oes first prize lucky draw card table and chairs 19 other prizes tickets for draw 10c each or 3 for 25c admission to euchre 35c special meeting a special ratcpnycra meeting will be held on thursday sept 27th at 8 pm in the ballantrae school if crowhurst see ballantrae school board personal to whom it may concern in as much as my wife carol goldon has left me without just cause this is to give public notice that i will not bo respon sible for any debts incurred by her in my name 182 signed graydon goldon garbage tender township of whitchurch sealed tenders properly mark ed will be received by the undersigned up to 12 oclock noon october 4 1956 for the collection removal and disposal of garbage and other ref on time per week in the miielmans lake area from october 1 1936 to may 31 1957 the lowest or any tender no necessarily accepted john w crawford clerk lsj the stouffville tribune classified advertising rates articles fob sale livestock for sale real estate wanted cars for sale lost found etc cash rate 3c per word with minimum of 50c must be paid week of insertion if charrpd an additional 25c will be added a charge of 25c will be marin for alt replies directed to this office notices coming events cards of thanks 2c a word with a minimum of 75c births engagements marriages 75c per insertion in memoriams 73c minimum for 4line vera plus 25c for each additional 4line verse display classifieds 1 00 per inch with a minimum of one inch additional inier- lions at the same rates all classified ads must be in this office not latr than ii oclock noon wednesday send cash stamp or money orders and savt money clip this out for r