Whitby Gazette and Chronicle, 11 May 1916, p. 8 Brooklin - Prospects for Brooklin Spring Fair are that it will be bigger and better than ever this year. Wednesday, May 24th is the date, and the place will be as usual, Vipond's Park. A big list of
Whitby Gazette and Chronicle, 11 May 1916, p. 8 Brooklin - Prospects for Brooklin Spring Fair are that it will be …
Whitby Gazette and Chronicle, 27 May 1915, p. 12 No more favourable circumstances could have been wished for for the second annual Spring Fair held at Brooklin on Victoria Day Monday, May 24th, than those which prevailed for this now well - known e
Whitby Gazette and Chronicle, 27 May 1915, p. 12 No more favourable circumstances could have been wished for for the second …
Whitby Gazette and Chronicle, 20 May 1915, p. 9 Brooklin - A very regrettable omission occurred when the Prize list for the Brooklin Spring Fair was made up for the printer, in that the names of Mr. John Vipond and Mr. Wm. Ormiston were omitted fr
Whitby Gazette and Chronicle, 20 May 1915, p. 9 Brooklin - A very regrettable omission occurred when the Prize list for …
Whitby Gazette and Chronicle, 17 May 1917, p. 8 Brooklin - The Brooklin Spring Fair on May 24th gives promises of being even better than ever. The prize list shows $700 being offered, which is an increase of $200 over last year. There will be a bi
Whitby Gazette and Chronicle, 17 May 1917, p. 8 Brooklin - The Brooklin Spring Fair on May 24th gives promises of …
Whitby Gazette and Chronicle, 12 May 1921, p. 3 Brooklin Spring Fair is to be held in Vipond's Park, Brooklin, Tuesday, May 24th, when $1,000.00 in prize money will be offered for livestock and sports. There will be a Football Tournament, playing
Whitby Gazette and Chronicle, 12 May 1921, p. 3 Brooklin Spring Fair is to be held in Vipond's Park, Brooklin, Tuesday, …
Whitby Gazette and Chronicle, 11 May 1916, p. 8 Brooklin - The Women's Institute of Brooklin are going to give meals again in the tent on May 24th at the Brooklin Spring Fair. The entire proceeds to go to the Red Cross. All the ladies of Brooklin
Whitby Gazette and Chronicle, 11 May 1916, p. 8 Brooklin - The Women's Institute of Brooklin are going to give meals …
Whitby Gazette and Chronicle, 7 May 1925, p. 9 Brooklin - Monday, May 25th is our annual Spring Fair day, and a strong programme is being put on for the entire day. Here's hoping 1925 will be the best ever.
Whitby Gazette and Chronicle, 7 May 1925, p. 9 Brooklin - Monday, May 25th is our annual Spring Fair day, and …
Whitby Gazette and Chronicle, 4 May 1916, p. 10 Brooklin - Everybody come to the Fair. The big tent will be on the grounds again. All profits go to the Red Cross. The Fair Band is trying to have the 116th regiment here on fair day, May 24th. Remem
Whitby Gazette and Chronicle, 4 May 1916, p. 10 Brooklin - Everybody come to the Fair. The big tent will be …
Whitby Gazette and Chronicle, 15 Apr 1915, p. 5 The Bulletin - "Note on Ontario Counties" says Ontario County has an international reputation for pure-bred livestock." Realizing the importance of their business and the necessity of advertising the
Whitby Gazette and Chronicle, 15 Apr 1915, p. 5 The Bulletin - "Note on Ontario Counties" says Ontario County has an …