Timmins Newspaper Index

Porcupine Advance, 12 Apr 1922, p. 1

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[ti')""':,'?,:,', PLEASED' WITH PORCUPINE DOG RACE FILM 1%? Illlllilllll jlllllllllllffl,illl - Illllllltlliil fllil SHEEN Irthere was Trot a very la: /117t6e,tst the annual meet} Manna "Baseball Asso the council CitanAers, MO in: of this week. Mr. J Tpleatony'President of the ' far 1921, occupied the e/ua fflfief business at ting eveni Election of ottieers, etc. On motion of 3 ended by Mr. W. l Borbnd was eleet Timmins Baseball fear. 13m League Planned. Team to Re., -. Wont Camp in District League. In motion of w, Pierce by Chief Burland, II. W. H elected secretary. 4hrtnntion of Messrs. Q and P. “Macaulay, Mr. Jas was elected viee-president. Mr. D. Sutherland way, eleeted trea- 'surer, on mption of Messrs. w. King, tmil J. Morrison. The Hunorary Presidents eleeted for the year were:-Na.vor Dr. MPN.. nu/ah. C. G. Williams, and Mr. w. H. Wylie. Tlut.idea uf tdua'meetiny: was that there should he tt loeal league and then the pick of the players should re- present the Porcupine in the District League. The District \League this year Will likely comprise Coehrane, Iro- quois Falls and .Poreyryrne. The Nor- t ", All present agreed that a big faetor in success for sport was getting away to an early start. The various clubs intending to come under the Timmins Baseball Association were therefore urged to get or1sonized and ready for the biggest and best ball season yet. IONS) Ulla dun filarwe took tt pine Dog, ‘Raoe opt very good, tiltn'we took I xl ctory, about 511%,; the New if _ ey would 'ther"e. The Peril pleased with, it REGARDING THE DOMINION " GOVERNMENT INCOME adjuster of the Taxation Unmet: at the Department of Finance, Ottawa, is in tom: at tiuA"roldfields Hotel. He has 'been here on several occasions iittring the past three years and is how well known to the business men who look forward to his visit. partiea- Indy at this season of the year. Mr. Ctsthbertaon has a thorough know-' Wedge of Income Tax matters, and, be-' jug tactful in his methods) has been tirtioeedutgly valuable assistance in giving a clear interpretation of the Act and its application. Retgrns should’ be‘ed before April 30th,dai- lyre of which renders the taxpayer 113319 to a penalty. Mr. Cuthbertson will he in town all this week, and any person desiring information can lo- ;eatc him by making inquiry at the :htttMr of the Goldfields Hotel. Tnalk M r Vol VII No. 15 w. D. l If, mid “RE """ll"""riE fD0RctjlPlrilf? AlfyihhriClf? ot a very large attend- mmxal meeting of the M l l? Mr n tt and 500 fe r. A. fl. Carter, see- ieree, Fire Chief A. Ml President of the Association for this three years ana ls, to the business men to his visiepartiea- In“? Assoeiatton m '3, Monday 'even- Mr. James Hep- E the Association le chair. and the evening was " aretation of the union. Returns , April 30thrfai- rs mg taxpayer Mr. Cuthbertson is Week. and any HY' tl J. M 'e, seconded Hooker was Mono orfison " M that a n tu If " Work of Taking Out Timber for Bridges to Commence Right " Away. [AMY SIAM Ill ilf MAM, illl illillllllllf Tl] nillllllll that B’OY WHO FELL 45 FEET " MAKING GOOD 3.300331“! ,rrr Mr. M. Downey returned last week from Toronto to whieh city he had taken his little son, Mike, for hos, pital treatment. A week ago Sunday Mike tumbled from the rool' of the Reed building to the ground helow, u distance of s"iRe 45 feet. Both ankles were fraetured, one in two places, but otherwise the lad did not seem to be badly injured. It was thought best to take him to Toronto where greatel hosbital facilities would be available. In the city the medical, surgical and hospital experts simply confirmed the fmding, of the local doctoW here as to the extent of the injuri£. Mike is now well on the wa'y to recovery there being: no other injuries than the frae.. tured legs. As suggested last week the boy will in a few weeks he p1'aetie, ally none the worse for his terrible fall. f ANNUAL MEETING OF THE T1MMINS CITIZENS BAND "Tire annual meeting Citizens' Band was eve/ing in .t(ne band Citizens' Band was new Luonnay evening in the band rooms with a large attendance present. The Pre- sideht',' Coaneirlor L. s. Newton, oe- envied the chair, and the various re-l ports for the year were heard and, found very satisfactory. Noteworthy progress has been made by the hand during: the year and citizens in genere al will note ivith much pleasure the very satisfm-tory position of bheBandJ With a large membership, 'very, ca- pable leadership, considerable talent and very general interest, the Tim- mins Citizens' Band has developed in- to a very creditable institution of the town. One of the specially pleasing amp mud vaeeeeding,. At present the band IS looking forward to an engagement for the National Exhibition at Toronio this year. There has been eo/respond- ence over this and the present 'chan-ces are excellent for the Timmittt Band securing this important engagement. All, here tire convinéeditthat they will do themselves and the town the great- est ere if in case they go lo the city 'iitii:riti.eii1,. I . ' f , onday evening the following offies ers, em, were elected for the ensuing year for the Timmins Citizen's Band: Honorary President-The Mayor, Dr. J. A. Melnnis. I Executive Committee-Ne land, J. Geils, J. B. Pare, Sr. - Property Committee-S. ther. Musical Cotumittee--Nessrs. Wo'mo Geils amr:D'Artagnan. . Advisory Cormnittee--aiessrs. J. T Easton and A. Prout. W President-L. S. Newton. Tiee-President--A. Prom. seeretaryareasurer-o-S Homby. Assistant Secretary-Treasurer-Mr. If l? seems to he every indication Le highway from the Porcupine to Porrutis Junction will be was out last yt strips of; mad Wal Tltway trom tly Porquis Juneti at an early date y, out last year ml Tr no er rly date. The right st year for linking mad already built tarted, but opera- in this or; l his men t1liey are of the Timmins held Monday Juli? nre‘ work- up a more certainly » Band is Fainbro- . ‘Ire 'PIMMINS, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 12th 1922. l Ili'illllll. tliiTlllil Illlllllll ilf IBM Iljlillillllll illll, To Deal With Many Important ters and Formulate Active . Programme for the Year. attend this meeting. There will be many important questions up for dis. eussion, and in addition it is planned to formulate an active programme for the year's work for the town. There is no doubt of the good prospects the; fore this town and district, but at the same time there is mueh to be done to assure and maintain the great. est measure possible of success and advancement: The Board of Trade may be a mighty power for progress here. The chief requirement to this end is the hearty interest and co- operation of the people in general. The Timmins Board of Trade 'has"a live executive of good \husiness men and with the support of the public may aeeomplish much. Get in behind the Board of Trade. As an immediate step to this end, attend the meeting Monday night. The Timmins Board of Trade is to hold/a meeting: in the Council Cham- bers at 8 p.m. on Monday evening next April 17th. All good citizens should attend this meeting. There will be P.D.G.M. PAYS OFFICIAL VISIT TO PORCUPINE LODGE trthursda.v evening of last week R. W. Bro. R. LeHeup, D.D.cCLM., paid his oliicial visit to Porcupine Lodge, Ad". & AN, at South Porcupine, and was given a heanty welcome by the members of the Lodge. A numberw'of visiting, brethren from Timmins and otlutlodges of the district were also present, and the evening was a sue. eessful and pleasing one. '. ' 1.0.0.F. GRAND MASTER TO VISIT TIMMINS NEXT WEEK Invitations are out and' all arrange- ments oompleterltfor the visit of the Grand Master of the Grand Lodge ut' Port Arthni, to Timmins Lodge, LO. C).P. .‘The desire is to hare all the (hldfellows in the district present on the occasion of the visit of the Grand Master, and all brothers are very cor- dially invited to be present. Any con- templating attending would asyist. in the perfecting of the arrangements by leaving their names with Mr. W. G. Smith. TIMMINS ODDPELL0W S VISIT SOUTH END LODGE A number of the b'rethren of Tim- mins I.0.0.F. Lodge visited South Porcupine Lodge on Monday eavenimg And assisted there in the putting otrof degree work. There were a number of candidates present fronithe recent, ly instituted lodg:e at Iroquois Falls, as well as some from South Porrupine fifteen in all for the three degrees. After the degree work had been well exempliitied, a light luncheon was sen: 'ed and bright addresses, stinging", ete., enjoyed. Tlsere were about 15 or 16 of the brethren present from Timmins Lodge and‘all report a verypleasant and inspiring: evening:. VOLUNTEER FIRE BRIGADE _ f INSTALLING WIRELESS to be In my: made at the me on Monday ev; have up-to-date baring, installed years ago and , along for leadin Dex-s. ete. The pers thin care and attention mat t'llelr lund rs always in a healthy condition. The brigade prides itself on being: up-ty- date, and the installing of the wireless is just another proof that the boys of the old Jorigade are right there every time. . 11'rltn Another matter that was dealt with Monday night was the question of preliminary arrangements for the Firemen's Annual Ball. This year plans are under way for a decidedly novel turn to this popular event. The Timmins Firemen 's Ball is always a big number but this year there may be something away out of the drdinary. Plans are not yet suftieiently adcane, ed for a definite_announeement, but from what may be gleaned so far the Firemen 's Annual Ball this year pro- mises. to be a special event. Partiea- lars will be forthcoming in a week or two. The Timmiu at (My themselves, but take so "l attention that their f in a healthy condition SlOIl to irty,t Fire Hall, and rect _ connection m nost'up-to-0ttr 1 co instal the wire] meeting of the l m tl r er1 1g magazmes, 116 boys finance all tlun tati uarters, the gramophone 7%.. , subseribiiiit tea tHtl fl er Firemen are adio Irireeivingr rd soon expect )n with all the us and receiv- Concerts il these o much fund is Iremen Mat- l, Ratepayers Invited by Council to Old I Empire Tuesday Night re Matta- gami and other Annexations. _..- remen bors W S rl some 11011 Was rt 1i'ollowins,?cthe resolution proposed at the last Couneil meeting by Coun- cillor T. F. King', the Mayor has call- ed a public. meeting of the ratepa) era in the Old Empire Theatre, Tuesday evening, April 18th, commencing at 8 pm. All ratepayers are invited to this meeting and to give there their opinions on the annexation of Matti!- gami and other outlying: sections. Councillor King's idea in suggesting the. meeting (ms to secure some pro. gress in the consolidation of the com. munity here and to secure the opinion of the people in general on this. Facts and figures in regard to the proposed annexation of 11attagami, ete., will no doubt be presented. The question is one of very great importance to the town, and there should be a large at- tendance Tuesday evening: at the Old Empire Theatre. i . Milt MEETING jlillllll jlllliiglTlllll RI Tlllllll TOWN WATER RATES DUE FOR THE SECOND QUARTER Water rates for the second quarter (April, May and June) are due on or before April 15th on which a diseount of ten per cent. is allowed if paid on or before that date. EASTER! SERVICES AT ST. MATTHEW’S CHURCH Friday of this week being Good Fri- day,.Divine service will be Ilield in St. Matthew 's Church, Timmins, at 7 pmt, 0n Easter Day there will he eele. Jrratiotir, of the Holy Communion at 8.30 a.1n., 11 3.111., and 7 p.m, EUCHRE AND BOX SOCIAL - THURSDAY NIGHT, APRIL 20 St. Matthew is ehureh, Timmins, was again favoured with a pastoral visit from His Lordship, Rt. Rev. Dr. An- derson, Bishop of 'Moosonee, on Sun- day. His Lordship preached at both morning' and evening services and ‘large congregations were present des, lpite the unfavourable weather. All appreciated very much the eloquent and inspiring: addresses of the Bishop. His Lordship administered the rite of continuation at the morning service at 1 ann., there being a particularly large attendance. _ The Ladies of Charity announce a Euchre and Bax Social for Thursday evening, April 20111, in the K. of C. Hall. The events by the Ladies of Charity are always enjoyable and this one will be no exception. BISHOP or' MOOSONEE AGAIN VISITS TIMMINS TO ORGANIZE RACING ASSOCIATION IN PORCUPINE Plans are under way to organize a Porcupine Racing _Assoeiation. To this end a meeting has beep called at Porcupine (Golden City) this (Wed- nesday) afternoon at 1.30. There are many good horses in the district and a great many interested in horses and racing; and the Assoeiaiion suggested should prove popular and successful. At the meeting this afternoon it is in- tended to organize, elect otheers, ere, At 1 tent and CONFERENCE IN TORONTO RE THE POWER QUESTION According to Jespatehes from the south a conference was called yester- day at the parliament buildings, To. ronto, in regard to the power situation in this part of the North Land. It is. understood that the Drurt Govern- ment has called the meeting to decide upon the disposal of the water powers along the Abitibi. On the one hand along the Abiriloi. On the one hand the Government is thinking of the power necessary for the efeetriheation of the T. & N. o., while on the othef hand there is the more pressing needs of such vital industries' as the Hol- linger and the Abitibi Power & Paper hand there is the more pressmg needs of Such vital, industries' as the Hol- linger and the Abitibi Power 8; Paper Co. to be considered. At the meeting, the T. & N. 9., the Abitibi and the Hollinger are"represented, Mr. Brig- hanrbeingNn the arty to agahrpoint put to the Government the require. ments to permit the possible great expansion of the gold industry. l The Orientals have plahs under way for what may be termed a “Hot Dosr"gGpe"7,'but which is sure to be a very enjoyable evenirig on Friday, May tith. Further announcement will be made later. . " get away lation' of J1'eulune aml' 1011 ZOOM start 111 ociation he WEI I'lllfllllll SYSTEM HERE fllll EIBE BRIGADE Plumbers' Licenée $50. Adetionetrrs To Pay $25. Other Council t Business. asked toy his opinion, r'lre Utter 50r- land said the idea was to give proper Conditions to the men. The two-plu- toon system was compulsory now in towns of 10,000 on over under the Provincial law. Under the system here the men on duty would he on shift continuously for 12 hours. There would always he two paid yen (in addition to the Chief) on duty. (loun- eillor Longmove said he'wns not in fa- vour of ovevworking; anybody, but he hardly thought th'e paid firemen were oi-evCvi?ett. Judg:ing: from the num- ber applying: for positions at the tire hall the jobs were not mnsiderml gem ,evally tmbe much like slavery. After la general discussion, the vote was tak. en on the question. Councillors Ba. con, Longniore and (Morin. voted against the new system, their objees tion being: chiefly against the expense of the additional man necessary. sme rm, Committee, pointed out that at pre- sent the men were on The job twtr.1ty four hours in the day, and this was not fair to the men. He contrasted the hours at the pump station and at other town yositions, and also refer- red to the growth of the town, 'the addition of the newtownsite, ere. As a matter of fairness he.thou§:ht the town should not ask any employees to out in twenty-four hour shift. Wlter, asked for his opinion, Fire Chief Bor, land said the idea was to give proper conditions to the men, The two-plu- town all th Councillors Noble,_King and Newton voted in favour and the Mayor gave the casting vote, deciding in favour of the adoption of the two-platoon sys- tem, to take effect May lst.. Reference was made to certain equipment at the fire hall for'which there was no use mm. This included some extension ladders. "I would buy one or two ladders, if they were suitable, V commented Mr. A. Brazeau who was present at the meeting. It was decided to dispose of the surplus equipment. "We can start by selling some ladders to Mr. Brazean," said 0 the the Mayor. Councillor King again brought up the question of sewer connections. He emphasized the desirability of all pro- pertig being connected with the sew- erage system, "If the sewefs are not to be of gener the purpose fl installed falls time there we COS " f1 strut sewer " and towns generally vvery rightly viewed plumbing by-laws as vitally necessary for sanitary and other rea..' sons. T he local by-law neededclrow- ever, one more toueh,---a clause for the protection uf the taxpayers of the to Wt1. $50.00 to all many an der the by plumbing tory to th side firms here plumbing if his work was iit,ttisee/titii,1,i..r,, of the annexation of the gee- tory to the Town Engineer, but out- , tions alongside Timmins that natural- side firms should not be allowed to ly might form a part of the tomu, take contracts here without paying, (In resolution, a by-law is to be pre. something to theywn. pared setting'a license fee of $25.90 After the Engineer's opinion had per year- for all public auctioneers been secured, Council agreed that the conducting sales in Timmins, WM“: presem fhe egndition u l' the l It C) ewtnn. It the " ll Mayor, Dr. J. A. Mel: n the regular meetin Couneil on Monday a Couneillors, Messrs. é F L. 'Lorg,more, E, S. I "ton, T, Fr‘Kiug and 4 H general use," he said, “then )059 for which the system was 1 falls down." At the same 21-9 were many who found the making connections too mnch year be charged by the town master plumbers doing kirrk LCh a fee Kas in effect in prac- Lll other towns and cities. Un. i" rec-om manna t' some of the streets water, ete., was rd. oard of Works is to was to pave proper men, The two-pla- oompulsory now in " over under the Under the system duty would he on for 12 hours. There two paid yen (in n MoIImis. that a tee ot ag ot the afternoon, (l O o his own satisfac- but out- H lio Um the own even fac- ques out- tion: I to ly m this wee Thirty or Forty Men Will be Busy At the Property Likely This Week. ‘ A statf of 30 or 40 men will be erigag- ed and york will be carried along in energetic way. The news of the opening: of the. Crown will he hailed with very gamer. al satisfaction in the Camp. 7"le Crown has always oeenpied a favour- able place in the opinifil of the inin- ing' men and others here. In the past it has been, a producer of some im.. portnnoe, having paid $840,000.00 in dividends to shareholders. Muvh work has been done on the property the uk. derground workings totalling: some 32,000 feet, with shaft down 1100 feet. 'll0lillllllll Tll Ili-ll?ill IN THREE Ilfl filllil IlMI poi-tame, having paid 8tf40,000,lt0 m dividends to shareholders. Marl) work has been done on the property the un- derground workings totalling: some 32,000 feet, with shaft down 1100 feet. There is incomplete nrining and mill- ing plant. The Crown and the Thomp. son-Krist amalgamation was looked upon generally as a great thing- for hoth properties but the latter falling down on their part of the finances the mine was closed last year. However, all has been adjusted now, and the general Ihelief is that the Crown will now go along: to noteworthy success. Work at the property will be watelr. ed with much interest. V Five Chief Hor‘iand referred to the dilliculty in having chimneys cleaned as required by the hy-lnw. There was now Itll experienced chimney sweep in town ready to do this work. The Chief was authorized to look to the enforce- ment of the hy-lnw requiring elhint- neys to be thoroughly eleanod twice a year. In rast- ehinmeys are not eleaned after notice the sweep will be sent to do the work and the cost charged against the householder. Mr. IN. ll. Wallingford enquired ad to the progress being made in regard to the atuwsation of Mattagarni. “He pointed out that Mattag:ami had done its part in the matter, and he had un~~ (lerstood that the Town had passed the necessary resolution hat this lat- ter must have been rescinded. In re- ‘ply the Mayor said that the resoln-~ tion had not. been rescinded. It had been duly passed with only one Coan. eillor dissenting, but later it was found that the resolution was not" in the proper legal form and so was of no force‘ or effect. In the meantime some of theCouncillors had changetL their opinion of the annexation, and so the matter stood." The Mayor then reviewed the ease regarding Mattaga- mi, and~there was a renewal of the general discussion that has taken place on the question more than once at C'ouneil meetings. The Mayor and Councillor Newton were strongly in favour of the annexation for fife pro- teetion, health and other reasons. As at present the outlying seetions are a menace to tire town in 1nady ways. They also ron~zidered that the town would get wr,r:ln in taxes to defray l the neeessar‘; . expenses. i'ot1neillor l ex ter In uni )urs 0 Hit m) mo n date and in such f new seet, that the be taken n sections com open pttNu eil Wtttitt VII: " 111110 Single Copies 5 Cents ninl announcement has been made week of the resuming of work he Sortherown property, more mnly known simply as "The n." The Crown will open in the e of the next three or four days, lll' of 30 or 40 men will be etigag- onty ( this. Min Walli it he understood 1 , eonvtetiott am Am epayer Ll sect" ruimrm In the new see- and would want water a has not in position to 31‘, Wallingford suggest- lerstood the town had to wlin arfyway at an early main could be laid out‘ . as to accommodate the l'unncillozf King thought leg; possible view should re'"G'i"i%op, He felt that :agami but: all throther :side of Timmins should :ul the community conso- e general 'benefit. “We '9 seltiiihly and refuse to " He would like to see a 2,T, called so that the ratepayers of the town red. On motion of Count 1nd Morin a eating 0? s is called "dy1rld'd; to discuss the wholo w H e 11215 at astey plumbers do.. desirable feature, Councillors King was set at $50.00 tl (I etuse to he trom- sed an- He said tions it believed nditures he was that am for the 33%! JR, .2)!

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