E5. at? WEWEEEEEHEHWEHiï¬ï¬ï¬ï¬‚flï¬ï¬ï¬ï¬ï¬ï¬-Q WWWWWEï¬ï¬ï¬ï¬ï¬ï¬ï¬mmï¬ 43 R m TEE POROUPINB ADVANCE oplometry L Mr. Chas. Itromtield, of Cleveland Ohio, arrived' Monday to take up t position with Geils & Herman. . Plans are under way. says The SIMI- bury Slur, to make the annual han. quot of the s'uOury Hot-key Club on Friday, April 21st, one of the biggest affairs of its kind ever held in the' North Land. All iaterested in horses and racing should nule ‘the meeting to he held in the Tuwnsllip Hall, Porcupine, (Gold- en City), on Wednesday afternoon- next, April 12th, at 1.30 1).m., for the purpose of organizing a racing tlii- soeiation, the election of omeer.s and other matters pertaining: to same. Grand Master Hamitlon of the Grand Lodge of Ontario of the 1.0.0. F., will pay his oi1ieial visit to the Timmins Lodge on Tuesday evening April 18th. Hume!†It looks, like a safe bet to suggest that there will be a big at- tendance of young men at the New Empire this week. Ttttting made to order. Prir.esuoe. to 75e. per yd. see our sample edges and medallions at The Needlecwaft Shop, b' yItirslall.,Eeelestone Blk. 14r: Pry an error last week the visit of the District Deputy Grand Master to Golden Beaver Lodge A.F. & AN:, Timmins, was stated as to be on April 10th. It should have read May 10th. R. W. Bro. R. LeHeup, D.D.GN., will pay his lollicial visit io Porcupine 'Lodge A.F. & A.M., South Porcupine, nu Thursday evening of this'week, April lith. His nilivinl visit to Golden iltezu'er Lodge, Timmins, will be on \Yednesday evening, May 10th. The next Band Coneert will be on Sunday evon‘ng,‘x\pril 30th. in the New Empire Theatre after the church 'l‘ne Northern News of week says:--")." Kittie a visirfrom Timmihs to Mr. and Mrs. Rubt. Boyle The speeiul foe tluy New Empire Theatre on Friday and Saturday of this week is "Why Girls Leave Hume!†It looks, like a safe bet to (llli, Mr. D. Curtis is in Toronto where js taking a past-graduate course in ii News of Cobalt last Miss Kittie Boyle is on r parents, h Mr. 'W. F. Guides, tite_wetl-known fruit grower of Grimsby, was in town this week. . ('Mr. A. S. Crowe has gone to the Crown Reserve Mine at Larder Lake nylon}: after work there for the cum- " y.ih His Lordship the Bishop of "nee. will preach in Yt, Ma Church at both services next f and y" administer the rite of muti 1 at 11.00 a.m. to Mr. and -.\ City,--" son. BORN-At the Cairns Hospital, Tim- mins, on 'l'hursdny, March 223M. 1922, to Mr. and Mrs. Roy Webber, Golden According to the figures of theSud- bury tliiseiisor the town of Sudbur)’ this year has a population of' 9072. TIA, is a total of only 21'rless thin) last year's figures, so Sudhury’s popula-' tion has not been so seriously affected as some imagined. (, Mr. J. W. Fogsr, has purchased the Hendon Lumber (hr. yards, including the warehouse and offiee, ete. These adjoin the 'Fogg yards and the enlarg- ed property will allow room for the stocking of a full line of doors, sash, etc. The new premises will be occupi- ed by Mr. Foy:g the first of May. New Empire Theatre underIthe ans. piees of the Porcupine Branch of the Navy League. 1 Mr. D. Loughrin'left last week for The Pain, ill-unimhu. where he will spend some time in connection with the properties in that area in which the Hollinger interests are cmmeru‘. (“Sheriff ("aldlsiek last, week took the three foreig:ners from Sehumaeluw to Kingston to start on their five year terms. They were Andrew Bodgonick, Sam. Marknvitch and Mike Kubrick, found ghilty of manslaughter in con- nectiun with the death hf John Lyeky at Sohmnaoher last Christmas. I Lovers of music are promised a spe- cial treat Sunday evening after the eluweh survives when the Timmins Band and the Schroeder ()rvhestms are combining to give 2i concert in the t, Matthew' next Sunday eorstir Moos- 11 Third Ave. Timmins - Ont. Eggs strictly new laid, per doz.....37$c Coffee di Cocoa Rideau Hall Coffee "i--"'----------- per can 52c Fine gr. Coffee, per lbce_.________.:t_35t:: Pure bulk Cocoa, per lb. _.--:,,-):: MAGKAY’S tt CASH AND CARRY†Nice juicy Lemons ----pet' doz. 181/2c cents per cake lure-.....-. per can 13c Rinscper pkg, 9c Mackay’s “Cash and Soap Comfort, Sunlight, Gold, P. & G. 7% Carry A WEEKLY COLUMN (lf STURDY SPEGIALS These are- Money Savers Hotel Size Milk-., -"---.---e- per can 271/2: Carnation milk tall -_-------- per can 141/2c Large sweet Grape .r Fruit, ecich_12tc For Thurs., Friday and Saturday Fruit Milk 5M