Timmins Newspaper Index

Porcupine Advance, 29 Mar 1922, p. 6

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MW.." sr", u " = [C.' = t__". = LLC: -"" h - 'c.' [r. " st, v,.' -, = :>. I- = = = ""s' ir-, '= = n = TCE I: p c,! I- l- PJ', :4 as. any, ‘. p = Pt = ' = n = = = II = = I- GI a LC. H F F P P P P = = n = I- = '_," = I." g J,rt,lly,y,,yir:.!i,ii'f,ttiiiy) 'B, I nmhpr Rnildino- Mann-ink _ iwuoooonowwmounommowmo MMWW”O”WWW RED STAR DRILL STEEL . 8.0. Fir. Wood-Stave Pipe and Tanks -of all descriptions Bead office All kinds sécond hand Mining Machinery in first-elass condition. ' Boilers, Hoists, Pumps, Drills, etc. h A Todd’s Rexall Drug Stores MMOWOOWOM”M.‘ 800 Odovkist Bath Soap, Rose, Verbena, Lettuce or Almond, 2 for...... _...............-.. 61d 15e Cakes Harmony. Floating Bath Soap, 2 for 16e 50e Cake Bounht Jlarnee, 2 for . . . . . . . . . . . . 51e 25c Rexall Skin euoa'p, 2 ttrv. . . . .". . . . . . . . . . . 269 w. Cake Tiny Tot Baby Sirap, 2 for. . . . . . . . . . 16o, 35e Sticks 4tesall Shaving Soap, 2 for. . . . . . . . Me 400 Tube Rexall Shaving Cream, 2 for. i . . . . . . 41c Buy a 40c tube of REXALL SHAVlNG CREAM at the regular price of 40c and you will get another tube for I cent or 2 for dlc, 50c 50e Bouquet Ramee Talcum, 35e Ipomea Taleum, 2 for: ' 35e Jonteel Talemn, 2 for .. ith. Jonteel Taieum, 2 for.., 500 Cake “cumin Humor. 2 for . .. .. . . .. . . . 51e ' -‘uwwv- vvvuv I $11M) Eau it Quiuim; Hair Tonie,,2 for... . $1.01 3 $1M” Pros: Ac-orted ('hoeohites, Lizgetts "Orange '..%. li‘cxull Skin 8min 2 PM. . . . .. ... . . . . . .. 26y $22.50 American Beauty Hot Water Bottles, full 2 L. T50 Permit-um Hair Hub. :?.iv.............. 760 l and Gabi .. f'aekage, 2 for ........... . $1.01 15v Cake Tiny Tot Ruby Smut. 2 for. . . . . . . . . . We quarts and guamptee for two years, 2 for $‘3.51.i 50e Lorie Bi-illiamine, 2 for. . . .. . . . . . . . . . .. 51e I 750 P,iiiie Burke, 1 lu. paekiiure, 2 for. . . . . . . . 7fie. 35c Sticks Hesall Shaving Soap, 2 for. . . . . . .. 36e $1.00 Sorbo Sponges (rubber) 2 for . . . . . . .. $1.01 40e Ernulsiiied t"oeoanur Oil .c.iampoo. L' £313. 410 ','ir $15-33 Liurvetrs Assorted, 2 for........... . $1.26 40e Tube Hoxull Shaving Cream, 2 for. . . . . . . . 4le l$1.75 Sorbo Rubbur Sponges, 2 for . . . . . . . . .. $1.76 $1.00 Bottle Ilexall "9:3" Hair Tunic. 2 for.. 51.01 i iq..50 Liurzetts Assorted, 2 far. . . . . . . .. . . . .. $1.51 WWWWWW 'H...-......---....--- 090mm _ N _ - _ __-_ - I I 009mm .0-.0.0.....o.o0.t-ootoooot-toooo.ooto.ooo. 60e $1.00 Bouquet Ramee Face Ponrder, 2 75e Hunteel Face Powder, 2 for. . . . . .. 350 Le Chie Compressed Face Powder, Iiie Face Chamois, 2 for. . . . .. .. . . . .. 60e lac Lumber, Building Materials Coal and Coke, Mine and Mill Supplies ii-r-MGE?" FOR------ ‘TIMMIN S Phone 10 B Tube Kimmy Tooth Pearl TONI] Paste, 2 'Klenzu Tooth P,ruslu .Klenzo Tooth Brushe Klenzo Tooth Prrushe Colonial Steel Companies Famous T Talcum Powders For Your Teeth Face Powders Toilet Soaps Brushes, 2 tlon Brushes, 2 for Prrushes, 2 for A Lah, for ‘aste, Yard and Warehouse (it' for. . fo 1' ECOME AND BRING YOUR BASKET '"""0"0o"""o0".-foo.o0.-ooootooooooootooooo W” OMOW”OOO SCHUMACHER Phone 95 B file 36e 51e b'le 70e 70e 'Ne, Me 16e 510. 36e Me, 61e Thursday, Friday, Saturday 75c Box, 2 for. . . J. . . . . .. 50eBox,2for. . . . . . . . . . . 150 LinercWriting Pads, 2 i 250 Linen Writing Pads, 2 13elnen Writing Pads, 2 15e Paekage Linen Envelop 10c Package Envelopes, 2 (10e Bottles ofAnk, 2 for. . . 10e Tubes of Photo Paste, $2.50 American Beauty Hot 'Water Bottles, full 2 quarts and guaragtee for two years, 2 tor $2.51. $1.00 Sorbo Sponges (rubber) 2 for . . . . . . . . $1.01 $1.75 Sorbo Rubber Sponges, 2 for . . . . . . . . . . $1.76 15e Tiny Tot Air Filled Soother, 15e Tiny Tot Baby Soap, 2 for [ 75e Tidy Tot Baby Paints, 2 f, (500 b'0e Me 35e March 30th Pul'adis Massage Cream, 2 for. .. . Rexall Cold Cream, 2 for . . . . .. Violet Witch Hazel Cream, 2 for. . Rose Witeh Hazel Cream, 2 for.. Toilet Creams For the Baby Rubber Goods MnJor Mae 'lmng, M.P.P., for this 'riding, according to advices from Tor.. onto, is now sitting with the Indepen- dents in the Ontario Legislature, in- stead " with the 'l.ibernl members of the house as heretofore. According to tt despateh from Toronto appearing in The Northern News of Cohalt,--- ”Major Mae Lang, l)I.L.A. for Cueh- rune Riding, hy sitting on the cross benches, heads a movement, which will result" in half of the "Libele members vepydiating wellington H y's leader- ship, according to the best political gossip here. Other desertions are expected quickly, because of Mr. Hay's pro-Druiry attitude and these will include all of the Liberal mem- bers from Northern Ontario.” Mr. Lang has not yet given any public 'dntlottneement ital his constituents in regard to his change of position in the House. This announcement, howei-er, will likely be madiu at an early date and the electors ot' Coehvane Riding will no doubt then be giv.eef full ex- planation in the matter. In the mean time, however, the general tendency is to bank on More Lang. He is very popular in the constituency, and Ais role in the elections is by no means oordined to the followers of nny one party. Stationery MAJOR MAC LANG SITTING WITH INDEPENDENTS NOW Ker. J. H. Simnls, formerly of Tim, mius, but for the-past couple of years living- at North Bay, has returned to the Camp. l favourably located. Accordingly! there has always been a special inter-' est in this property and a general de- sirii to see it under active develop- ment. Jt is generally understood that asemm as the New York interests are in control development work will'be taken up on an extended scale. This will mean a very early opting of the Muneta under favourable auspices a million shares of treasury stock will be taken over 'byhrnporttittt New York finaneiers and ample finanees" put behind the development of Ge Moneta. The Moneta .has given very promising indications from xplora- tion work ion the ir/ll','.)"),":; it will generally be considered as most favourably located. Aeturrdingl.v there has alwavs been a special inter! NEW YORK THESIS TO CONTR MONBTA MINE? In the absence of offieial denial to the contrarx, "there is a general dis- pbsition to decept as a fact the re- port that New York interests are com- pleting plans to take over the con- trolling interest of the Yonet/t Mine. It is understood that a block of half M amp. M for for M.P.P m POROUPINB ADVANCE 76e 51e 360. 26e 16e 16e Ile Ile Ile 61e 61e 360. 36c Lie 16e 7 6e 3 lst 25e' Bottle Hyergen Peroxide, 2 for. ... 400 Bottle Hg‘dtogen Peroxide, 2 for. . . . 65e Bottle Hydrogen Peroxide, 2 for. . .. 25c Bottle of A.B. S. & C. Tablets,".? for.. Me Box Aspirin Tablets, 2 for. . . . . . . . .. 50e Box Aspirin Tablets, 2 for .. . . . .. . .. $1.00 Bottle Aspirin Tablets, 2 for. .. . . . . . 50e Bottle of 100 Casrmra Sagrada Tablets, $1.00 Sugar of Milk, 2 for. .. ....... . . .. 25c Bottle Puretest Tr. Iodine, 2 for. . . .. 40e Bottle Puretest Tr. Iodine, 2 for. . . . . . 25e Package Puretest Epsom Salts, 2 tor. . bags & Sick Room Needs 5thrHak Brush, 2 for.'. . . . . . . . . Cr $1.00 Dressing Combs, 2 for .. . ... 100. Styptie Pencils, 2, for.... . . . .. 50e Transparent Tobacco Pouches, 50e Hand Brushes, 2 for. .. . .... neural route. is the new war across the eontiuent. In addition to the fact that the territory traversed is unsur- passed in seenie'interest and griitideur the 'h‘ocky Mountains are crossed at the lowest altitude and easiest gradi- ents of any trans-euntinental railway in America, and at the,same titne tfanada's highest peaks, including Mount Robson are in full view from passing trains” “The Continental Limited" one " the finest long: dis- tame trains in the world is operated every day between Montreal and Van- couver. In its journey ot', nearly three thousand miles 21011)»; ('ituada it tra- verses six of the provinces of the Dominion, and directly. or through its connections reaches all centres in Western Canada and on the Pacific Coast. This train is made up of all- steel,. modern equipment and affords the traveller the opportunity of mak- int the trip in a splendid tourist sleeping car at a minimum cost, or; if taste dictates the more sumptuous standard sleeping' cars or compart- ment-ohservationdilirary enr'may he enjoyed. The dining/ear service is unexeelled. . “The National Way" is the new way. Post yourself on its advantages when contemplating your next trip. For reservations and full particulars apply to 'L0eal Agent, T. & N.(). llv., Timmins, but. TRAVEL ‘THE NATIONAL WAY.' Mr. G. SiCassels bf Toronto was visitqr to the Camp last week. Master of the will be present the Grand Org ber of olfieetss in the Counts; mg has been divided into two‘ and the county Lodge of the nortiiern part which runs from Sesekinika to Hearst will be instituted at Coehrane '011 April 4th. H. (i. Hoeken, Grand INSTITUTION or NEW N ORANGE LODGE IN DISTRICT. McINTYRB-PORCUPINE DIVIDEND 16. MAY lst. Announcement is made of Dividend No. 16 of the uMerntyre-Poreupine Mines Limited, to be paid on May lst, 1922, to shareholders of record at in“ close of business on April'rst. T is dividend is for 5 per cent. on the is- sued eapital stock of the company. a n; The Orange he Canadian National Railw: ada's all-Canadian "ans-em tal route, is the new way not and Organizer olfieetss. of al County. range County of been divided int For Your Hair Sundries April lst de, 2 for........ de, 2 for........ de, 2 for........ tblets,t?, for...... for.............. 2for.......... , grada Tablets,2 for ............... $ ne, 2 for.......... e,2for..A...... Railways ans-eonti annskam- '01' ‘OOWWmuoooooooo'oigig o" -a4o- . . Ja ' . ' ' ' ' t t v ' . ou6-o-ootoooooootottt.o.o.oootooooot..ooT _ . 'ei-to-ooo-ooo....-.....'-....' . . 20e , . 410 F . fi(ie . . 26e ' . 20e . . 51e $1.01 for 51e $1.01' 51e $1.01 Ile, 51e. 51e 'ay. 41e 2ihe $1.00 Peptonized Iron Tonic with Cod 'Liver Oil Extract, 2 for .....'. .... ............ $1.01 $1.00 Bottle Nux and Iron Tonic Tablets, 2 for $1.01 $1.01) Bottle Blood Purifier, 2 for. .. . . . ... .. .$1.01 $1.00 Petrofol Liquid Parrafin, 2 for. . . . . . . . $1.01 $125 Beef, Iron and, Wine, 2 for. . . . . . . . .. $1.26 $1.00 Syrup of Hypophosphites Compound, 2 for '.f.O ( . f.o t Ifo; $1.00 Bottle Lilac Lotion, 2 for... $1.00 Bottle Viviana Toilet Water, $1.50 Bottle iParadis Lotion, 2 for. $1.50 Bottle Paradise Toilet Water, (me Bottle Lavender Water, 2 for. 1.00 Box Assorted Chocolates, Liggett and Gold” Package, 2 for .. . . . . . . 5e Billie Burke, 1 lb. package, 2 for. .. 1.25. Liggetts Assorted, 2 for. . . . . . . . 1.56 Liggetts Assorted, 2 for. . . . . . . . . . Household Remedies Chocolate Specials Schumacher and South Porcupine Toilet Waters q ,E& o. 2 for. for. $1.01 $1.01 $1.01 $1.51 $1.51 20e 260 Me 260 b'le

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