Timmins Newspaper Index

Porcupine Advance, 8 Mar 1922, p. 5

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Ri, FURNISHED ROOMS to Rem; suit able fur light lumsekeeping. Apply to 27 Sixth Avenue. --0 WANTED TO RENT, fur two months only, a iive-roomed house. Apply to P.O. Box 2K1, Thnwins. ---f) TOR BALE-CW3: lmH' Lat 151, Gold- en Avenue, South Porcupine. Any 5 reufqonalule etrsh offer will be CHll- sidered. 'Write E. R. Watsun, "PLO. C Box 3.1, M'elrlowood, Um. '8-l0 MR SAcF.--One (i h.p. "Interna- tional Heavy Duty Gasoline Engine, and Saw., eomplete'; in perfeet eondi- tion. Apply 22 Borden Avenue, FLI. linger new loses. --0-1lp WANTED---A ron "LE---Laad by the mere, suit- able for garden lots, adjoining Tim. mins on the north. Apply J. P. Bartleaum, 66 Spruce St. b'-10y FOR tBMdT,ir--sDressmaker'as Form, an- tomatir and adjustable to any size. Price $15400. Apply Na. 50 Fourth Avenue. -v8 HORSES FOR BALE---20 good horses for sale. Prices range from $50 to £200. _ Apply Triangle Lumber Co., KENS FOR 8AhB---15 RAM ol’HORSBS for BALE, suit- able far diliver.v or farm work; ’ weight Mum: 1250 lira. Apply Mas shall-Ecclestune Limited, Timmins. --10 FOR SALE ,_._ 'ANTED---0uiil for general hturse- work. Apply 1 Maple street. --7 to Mrs. IT her. 2BT---D.unlfill pipe; Finley pkase leave at Stl,Ttvan & Newttrn 's 0va. Reward. --10 Timmins. hens, Guild's best laying good layers. Wm sell t Apply Mrs. R. Lilly, 22 f, 6 and 7 years tity of household tta Fifth Avenue, t" FOR SALE three general servant. Apply R. Sullivan, Schumann furniture Timmins lmlch cow's, Also a quan- 3mg strain. All hem cheap. Tamarack. ---10p App) y l 0 comb "0 Alan IL Armstrung'. 74 Sparks, St. Ottawa, Solicitar far the said Admi- histrtltor. ---10-12, Dated at {wt-awn, this 411Lu'lay of March, 1922. Notice is hereby given that all cre- ditors and others having elaims against the Estate of George Hiram Alexander, late of the Town of Ivo- nuois Falls in the District of Temiska-. mine, Line Foreman, devensed, who 'died on 01' about the 7th. day of July, 1921, are required to send by post we paid or to deliver to the undersigned solicitor herein for William Henry Alexander, Administrator of the Thr tate of the said deceased, their names, addresses and full particulars in writ~ in: of their claims and statements of their art-omits and the nature or the securities, it any, held hy them: and that after the 15th day of April, 1922, the said Aihnini.str- will proceed to administer the estate of the de- ceased among; the jwrsons entitled thereto. having regard only to the claims of which he shall then have had notice: and further take notice that all persons owing any amounts to the said deceased, or his estate, are herehy required to immediately pay the said amounts to the undersigned. A dividend of 17 on the paid-np capital stoek of the Company has been deviated payable on the 25th. day of March, 1922, on which date cheques will be mailed to sharehold- ers of record at the close of business on the 10th. day of March, 1922. Dated the 3rd. day of March. 1922. IO-- Hollinger WANTED-Solution man for eyanide mill. Gold. Durr System. Address The Cubalt Frontenac Mining Co., Ltd., Flinton, Ontario. --9..10 WAN1rBD--rixperieneed maid want- ed for general housework, Apply to Mrs. W. H. Wylie, 19 Hemlock street. Phone 197. 9-10 OFFICES TO RENT---? few and Inca Apply to Timmins. NOTICE TO CREDITORS nt Inns DIVIDEND NUMBER 95. (N me block "eat ion " Personal 'Liahility) (RFA', Consolidated Gold Mines. Limited. Marshall-l ren IX D. A. DUNLAP, MS-h few choice a the Marshall-Ee. Ready March 15th, mahle in Timmins sslestune Treasurer ry " 10 Tra'li'-.wles and yuh mli'-soles, and le Rubber heeis .. _ . Leather heels _ .. Hob-nan on boots Half-sole, umber heels Half-sole, leather heels Rubber heels . " " _ - " - .. . Leather heels " ' - " . -.. . , In view of reductions in the cost of materials it has been possible to greatly reduce the prices for shoe re- pairs. After this date the following will he the list of charges:-- MINERS' BOOTS Half-sole and heels, with hob nails, priee '""""'5""""'"" $2.50 Any motion to quash or set aside the same or any part thereof must be made within three months after the firist publication of this notice, and eannot be made thereafter. Dated the (ith. Jay of meh, 1922. H. E. MONTGOMERY. IO-IP.-- Ram} 1922 Notice is hereby given that a My; Law was passed by the Couneil of The Corporation of The Town of Tiwminu, on the 13th, day of February, 1922, pruvitling for the issue of Debentures to the amount of $58,750.00 for the purpose of the installation of an ae- tivated Sludge Disposal Plant, and that such By-Law was registered in the Registry oifiee of Land Titles,- Haileyluw.v, in the District of Tennis- kaming. on the 2s5th. day of February Reduced Prices for Shoe Repairs Frill WAN TED-lt pure P1rptnt ot two eott Plans and seen at W. Next Imperial Bank, Timmins. SH R. SCOCCO TENDERS WANTED WOMEN’S BOOTS MEN'S BOOTS and I) NOTICE tide le label. heels eather hee eels m ear ti wirh huh nals, ......... $3.00 THE PORCUPINE ADVANCE Ill h Sou Tt OTCIIDHIG m Clerk $1.50 i1.25 2.00 50v. 400 50c T, 0 . be . 'ot DE The day after the Iroquois Falls team clipped the Greyhounds' claws, Mayor Douglas, of the Soo, wired to Jack Vanier in connection with the bet that Jack had made with him of our, paper mill against their steel plant. Mayor Donglas' telegram was very short but very satisfactory. I was "Am shipping, the steel plant to- day." _ 'At the Canadian Institute of Min. ing and Metallurgy convention last week the President touched on the need for a deeper and more intel- ligent 'uAevest by the Governments in mining matters. He proved that such interest Would not only Joe better for the mining industry, but it would al- so be of very great benefit to the eountr'y at large. Referring to the President 's address, The Toronto Mail & Fhnpirtrsa.vs editorially '.---s ' The president of the Canadian In- stitute of Mining and Metallurgy has urged a greater eoncern by the Gov.. ernment for the development of min- ing in Canada. There is, as he points out, a Continent of inineralized pre- Cambrian formation in Northern On- tario and Quehee and Manitoba. Even on the Mackenzie River, iron ore, coal, oil and tar sands ean be found almost adjoining. We have about 400,000,000 acres of arable ay:vieultuvul land, but we have l'our times as much timber or mineral area. Agriculture now co. vet's only 15 per rent. of the country, and half ot' the balance is mhreralizcul in some way. In Ontario duving19:?.1 were pm- d‘ured gold. silver, platinum, copper. nirkel, turhalt, lead and iron ore, its well as molylulenum and other miner. als. The year was not a good one, ex, rep: for the gold produrers, for mor- hets for silver. copper, nieicel, lead Ctymparasil with the market value of agricultural products, or even of lum- bering; Canadian mining is a lesser factor in our business. But an indus. try that can trun out i"2.00,00ir,000 worth of ‘me'rals or minerals, and can employ the type of inunigvants syhom we are likely to reeeive in thousands in the next few years, is a great asset. T’Mr. Burgh Roberts and a staff of men are in town this week, and it is likely that the work of diamond drill. ing on the properties recently option. ed along the Mattagami River will be commenced at an early date. Mr. 3R0- berts represents Minneapolis inter- ests, and has secured options from the settlers up and down the river Povevr. ing a stretch of several miles. The options give the rights to prospect for minerals on the farms in question. In ease minerals are found the property required is purchased at the price mentioned in the option, the land re- maining in the ownership of the set- tler concerned. The syndicate pur chases wood, ete., from the settlers as may be required, and also builds any roads necessary across the properties. Operations will be carried on without interfering in any way with tthe or- dinary work of the settlers. H-- als. The year was not a good one, ex, eepl for the gold produeers, for mar- kets for silver, copper, nieicel, lead and other metals were slat-k in sym‘ parity with the general commodity trend. But at that, Ontario had a general produvtion valued at $54,000, 000, and British ('olmnbia was seeond with $35,000,000. The water-powers of Northern Ontario are splendidly situated to enable the huilding up of great mining: industries outside of the present camps at Cohalr, Porcupine, iKvkland Lake' and Sudhur)’. As soon as commereial conditions revive, Nor- thern Ontario ought to have as much vigor in miningwgenerally as is now shown in the record operations of the gold mines. What are the drawbacks? For gold there is an unlimited market, and only th,, need of more power de. velopment at present stands in the way of enlargement. Move capital is needed to test new properties. Silver, nickel and other mining industries needs a revival of market values. In thes metals, there is big competition from the United States, which also has great producers, highiy.eapitaliz- ed. On Belcher Island in James Bay, for instance, there are remarkably rich iron ore deposits, easily necess- ible from the water, and waiting only for transportation and power to make a sti in thrriron world. The Moose Mountain and other iron ore deposits DIAMCDND DRILLING SOON TO START ALONG MATTAGAMI cannut apparently yet he handled suc- cessfully in competition with the Me- sa'ba rang-e mews. Southern Ontario and Quebec can ob.. tain important commercial assets from afiequate utilization of northern mining possibilities. What Co'oalt did for muny Toronto persons fifteen years ago, the whole North country ran do for Southern Canada, if an in.. telligent, persistent encouragement to mining is not denied. Pre SEWER WHERE BREW 3”? lll MININE llillil.ll?tlfllC,,r esident of Mining Institute Points Out Bow the People may Benefit By Intelligent Thought of Governments. Lg 1t-.Ni.iii; 'n .%) _'i'irtrr? .7ti5ir and uthor unner- tt a good 0110, ex. "lueers, fur man'- ner. niekel, lead GIRL WANTED for ,general house work. Wazes iclo. Apply A. F. Taylor, 55 Third Avenue. ll L0i1T---s.mall him-k fur neck pieee, at ur near the. rink. Finder please leave at, Meyers' Dru}: store. Re- ward given. --.l0 ttet1vtvty of the stock on the market. recently shows how general is the be.. lief in there being "something" in the current reports. The "Monetat‘Mine comprises 120 acres alongside the Hollinger to the west. Only a limited amount of work has 'been done on the Moneta. The shaft is down 120 feet, with about 500 feet of underground workings. The work done showed ore with free gold and other promising in- dieations. BOARDERS WANTED-Apply 54 FOR BAI,E--t)ne fresh milvh live due to. 1115431011 this mum}: M In sell. Apply to f). Leah hall. O‘Brien Mine. ouooooo-ot-o.o.oo--t-o." DP] HOPES CONTINUE POR , RES-OPENING or MONBTA Mi! COOOQQOOQOQOWO "_.......-.........- .Ht.tt.H....tt0...Ho.t..H.....009H..H..006.0.tt, tHt-tttOtt-ttttttttot-to-tio" it Third Aven ue. :lm Our milliner Miss M. C. Dupuis has just returned from the Millinery Openings with a new stock of Spring Millinery in the leading styles and shades, such as Pumpkin Yellow. Bonfire Black. We are now ready to give the public the very best service in the latest and most attractive millinery. Watch for big Opening the latter part of this month. Spring Miillllliinery I922 SKY BROS. - secure (-(mtrnl of t I that active work l likely in the near f of the Stork on t shows how general Mary Blue, Periwinkle Blue, Castor Brown, Navy and N) all tl Inter tterests are the Moneta on the pro. future. The the market Ut hy, lo- al (‘UW 10p lo 2p o, v_TBNDEBS FOR TOWNSITB LOTS signed} The right is reserved to reject any or all tenders received. ' Tenders will be rmnired to be marked "Tenders for "I‘uwnsite Lots" and forwarded to, For particulars apply to T. S: s. 0 Agents above mentioned, Cashier, "s' C. Itl.v., North Cobalt, or the under. 10-12 1st. 1922, will be m dermentioned oih'ee March 29th, 1922. In the matter of the Estate of Sebas- tiano D'Attilio late of the township of Tisdale in the district of Tunis- kaming, Miner, deceased. Take notice that all persuns having: claims against, the estate at the ah we deceased wi, died on or about the 16111. day ot' lleeemher. 1921, are to tile the same July vevitied by tilfidnvit with the undersigned on 01' before the 10th. day at Man-h A.l). 1922. And take native that after said date the estate at the said deeeased will lit distrihuted having regard only to such aeeuunts as shall then have heen lilcri, Dated at Timmins this 7th. day nt' Feliruarr A.l). 1922. Sealed tenders fins the purchase of all unsold Townsite lots in the Town- sites of Temagtuni, Lateht'ot'd, Engle- hart, Dane, 'Matheson, Porquls June- tion, Cuehrane, and North Cobalt (Ni; The Temiskaming & Northern Ontario Railway Commission and Nipissing Central Railway Company. 9 11551112 NOTICE TO CREDITORS Sulivitur l'episkttming and Northern (rntorje Railway Commission. North Bay. outay oehrane, and North Cobalt ng Central Ry): us of March 2, will be received at the utr. R. B. MITCHELL. A. of R. & C. A. D. W. O'SULLIVAN. South Porcupine Ontario I' Mr Andrew Darosn, E.xeoutroy of said Estate 0 n or afur IO. E? tii? [5152i

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