Timmins Newspaper Index

Porcupine Advance, 1 Mar 1922, p. 2

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:2 it EYE EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE greygtiE E ys1"ieYr?l8.iffyRiyRiSiWiilgER its _'oooooooNoooooooootooo-oootototo.oo-oot-toootoo. “99””WWE Four Stores in the North The George Taylor Hardware, Limited FTEtTl, Is Your Ford in Shape for Spring T--' Geo. Taylor Hardware, Ltd. Y oo do not wait until Spring york starts before putting your Fordson or implements in shajpe. Why be less fore- handed with your Ford? Have it overhauled NOW. Have bearings refitted, pistons rebushed or replaced, valves reground, carbon removed, magneto and transmission thoroughly over- hauled, transmissaion bands relined and any other work done that may be needed. Then when Spring comes with its strenu- ous demands your Ford is ready for the road without a mo, ment's delay. l Only so can we guarantee that the money spent in over- hauling will give the results you have a right to except. Gent inc Ford parts keep your Ford on the road. Spurious parts kepp it in the repair shop. _ x (ed) Uri] 'KL' Udi “Y .1 We he None but Genuine Ford Parts " Pr. ' - -‘-r¢':=w (sa. 'tll,?.!?:.?,,.,':,,!,',;,!?,.')., J,l1i'r53.rRit".ii'f I A: Jificiir,", 12-”. "e,' 'jr, u. 'E , C!1r(r,:',.Ci.jtii' 'gtibr"'d"t' C9' :." , "r . 2.7.”; Ht .' . if .p' 'iir.i,a75' , f 'ltr, .31, _"-'.,'" 5riri"'i'; ri'i.'iij"f?a'i',eiaice'ike "p. Always at your Service 39.5%$33fifififiEEEEEEfi'EfiififigfigEgfigfififigfififigfigfiga "A CHAIN OF SER10CE" Cobalt iii) The . Cochrane g " New Liskeard Timmins 1'32 POROUPINB ADVANCE EEEEFS Bo Says Old Conn? Paper in Inter- esting Review tt Gold Mining ' Industry. The interest shown these days bv British eqpilatists and others in the Old Land in the rich North-Land of Ontario is both pleasing and enmm aging. With'the thorottgltnegs that, characterizes their work generally, Old Country newspapers have a way of getting: facts and basing thereon yery sound argument, igveeably pre- sented. This intelligent type. of ptr blieity is just the sort of pithlil'ity that tile-'Nni'th Cand desires and _ quires. As one sample of this type of publicity the following, editorial ur tiele from an overseas journal,,'U"a, mania," is rsprmiueed below. "Cr. nado" is primed in London, England, and in a recent editorial under the heading, “The (lulden Poitutrtitrs," WHEYâ€"DU ANT iii, says e " “in an address recently delivered before the American Association fax the Advancement of Science, Mr. Thomas W. Gibson, the Deputy Min. ister of Mines, for the Province of ()ntarin and the most careful and cum servMive omeiul authoritv on the, 1RRRRhRRiiyfiill2li (lRRRRRRfiNRhReRRRRRRfihfiyfNigigihRliNEfigilf..i , Phone 246 ' TIMMINS Box.712 E teRWRRRYNi9ilf gigiyigigigigiyiyigigilRRRR!lRRRRRRRRRliNRRRfi with starting motor: di<tributur and mii throuuhout. . muunfml on generator: lmm‘ry ol umpu: B0DY---stivuut-r.nt.: :z-nninc lentiier uplmla'- t'itjrilelt.V. wry. full live-passenger annuity “in: GASOLINE SUPBLY--cvuum led {rum J's. plenty ot' Iv: roam. Special tire carrier gullun tank on rear. ' hum-d to {mum Instrument hnurd h'nished PRAME---titundavd drop {mum l'einfux'u-ml by in Vim-aunt“ wainut. Crown fenders, reid. ' "tubular baeklume" (pun-n! umn‘fiml fur). fan-mi. STEERING GEAB---Worin and wheel typo. ' 1h2UIPMENT---Latec,t drum-slumped iwaOights' CLUTTH----S'irturle plat" dirt, t.losed in and Mm lerwl levies; dash limit: hiense holder: forming part ol' flywheel. h'eniovalsle by Rec-trit- horn: ~1wwimnete‘r: demouptable detaehincr four bulls, without disturbing My»; with vx'tz'u rim: imliiinn' lurk; robe pmvm‘JJum. blenuirvr, lubriruLiun but urn-c mil: Alemite Emmi". Arnuplm.‘ set of tools. q------. . . . h. . EH ' E5 - "NiltllM THE Illllllilll (llll,ll Hill] Ill 1lllllltll" MOTOR-Designed by Durant engineers, pow- erful and tlehiole,'embodying features not usually found in engines of the eortibustion type. No piping attachments in the under- pau. Pistons can be taken out through low- er part of cylinder blook, making it un- neressary to remove head casting. 4 cylin- der, overhead valve type, fully encased. Bare; 371;." stoke: 41hC: S. A. E. rating, 24 h.p.; brake up. at 1,800 r,p,m, 35. t9o0L1Na--aB.v centrifugal pump' through bu. ne.reoinlo radiator; adjustable fin. (imBR1oAiroN---ciretuating splash with pump. T . ELECTRICAL SYim.1M---2-unit: generalur with starting motor: distributor and coil mounted on generator; battery of ample capacity. GASOLINE SUPWa--Vaeumn feed from ly. gallon tank on rear. . iTuor?1-rsty1diy'd drop frame, veinforeed by “tubular backbone" (patent applied for). STEERING GEIAB--Worm and wheel type. NArTWr-Single plate disc, closed in and forming part pf fl.vwheiri. Removable by detttehing four bolts, without disturbing pmverJrlzmt. Requires lubrieutrion lout once Just a Real Good Car MADE _IN CANADA LOCAL AGENT ,LYM AN FANCY minim ed up ters t mm speaking of ally, says: rail, prospeetin eonntryabound there are no 1m though ttold in l rail, prospecting is by canoe, and the eonntr.vabounds in water-eotfrses, and there are no mountains. The climate, though told in winter. is hé'tilthful and invigorating, and where is plenty ol wood, water and labor. The ores are moderhtely iieh, running from A."? to eney 0f the ore bodies to increase in width as depth is attained, and also to increase at the same time in richness with depth. Present exploration stty- plies evidence of this condition to a depth of 2,000 feet. Anybody who it acquainted with mining eonditions in the vast majority of othet. gold camps lcnnnfthnt (ned, ll to the two quaGtiee, so m_uch hoped fur by mining npern~ tors, and yet so very seldom met with. Whim they are found together it Mu moves the Usual anxiety which malwa srohr-tnining, so speculative. and places the Purcupine bold mines in the elass of n sunnd and reliaule Litisii:.i.ii"iir' ilar' to the great guld mines of the Rand. f . t "Among: other advantages possessed hy the Toreupnie mines are good wa- ter powers, some of which have.al- ready been harnessed for il.vho-elee- trieal 'ltoivet', and eomparative proxim- ity " cities, which naturally reduces the Post of supplies. There can he no doubt that in_the, vourse of the next decade many great fortunes will he made/in the gold mines of Northern Ontario. At present the many attrac- tive features of this great mineral dis- triot are far too little known and ap- preeiated 1oy the investing: public. or) Great Britain, but those who have the foresight to look into the merits of' these goldh'elds today.sand get in be- fore the boom, will have good reason to congratulate themselves. Share- holders have done well already in pro- dueing mines, such as the Hollinger, Dome and u1lelnt.vre. and with the in- crease in production their returns must be substantially increased. There are other companies which are still in the‘ilevelopment stage, and whieh will eventually grow into producing mines.” _ ark of Ontario. Mal g in that prminée m an enguring Ir; n the Ho linger a t gold tninec, in th " -basis,' He n r as 'one of tl the world,' an 1 Ontario gene ilr-areesshte I: condition to a Inylro.dy who it tr, conditions in thew gold camps TRAtlSMNN0N---seleetive; . b" speeds for- ward and .rever'se: mounted as separate unit. AXIair--Front--1-bea.rn forging, "reverse . Elliott." type. Rear'----',';))?,'; iive‘axlés removable from hubs. Ring and pinion, ' ehrome nirkel steel spiral cut teeth. Bear- in,gs-Frent arid rear, Timkqn tapered roller. BRANP-rr'?)rtetyal and internal on rear wheels: 12" diam. ' . . . BPRTNWr-'-Half-Ellip rear, 48" x 2". WREM----3I" x 4", mm]. . WBEELBA8E---1 09 ' '. CHASSIS LUBW0ATr9N----Alemite a year now and the tld it Child's Welfare Clinics,- Wednes- days, 1.30 to 3 p.111. ._'~ lst. Ted. each month. Dr. Mipthorn. 2nd. Wed. each month, Dr. Porter. 3rd. Wed. each month, Dr. McInnis. 4th. Wed. each mo th, Dr. Moare. Nurse at Clinic. #00111 daily 1.30 to 3p . Safety First Boil the Water Meets every first and fourth Mon. day in the Oddfellows' Hall at 8 p.111. Visiting hrethren always weh/ome. ' T . -" Give it a knockout blow with a few dusts of Buckley's Brolgcbms Mixtari Tried and proved by over 200.000 people. Positively Guaranteed to give relief, " buses for 7.. . Sold by all druid!!! or)” mail from . I. W. Unit“. "I tttttsat. " 1'”. FIELD Wm. HANCOCK “MINE LILL N0. 2552 J. A. HOWSE 35 Foufth Ave., Timmins Wholesale Tobaccos and Confectionery ll Smash Your Cold To-day ililllilll llf HEM"! Ne tlll.lllilll In Iroquois Falls by S. & K. DRUG CO. LTD. " Sold in Timmins by FRANK M. BURKE CURTIS DRUG CO. *Phohe 154 Front' 34' B. H. MOORE, M.D., system

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