Timmins Newspaper Index

Porcupine Advance, 1 Feb 1922, p. 4

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7 Le, eg w s'it? Jam.'.?..---.) Falls at Timmins. Jfron by the Falls 5 to 2. Sahmiay,Feh, 4----Monteite at Itur. quois Falls. Saturday, Feb. Ir-Timmins at Monteith. Saturday, Feb. IS-Monte/h at Tiimnins. Eaturday, Feb. 2i5---IroTtois Falls at Monteith. Saturday, March 4--Timmins, at Iroquois Falls. The home team will arrange for a competent referee. The home team will retain all gale (Ilhe following is the North Temis- kaming School Boys' Hockey League schedule of games for this fu?ason',-- TEMISKAMING SCHOOL BOYS' HOCKEY LEAGUE SCHEDULE If you have any objection to hearty laughter, keep away from the New Empire Theatre on Wednesday and Thursday, Fey, 15th, and 16th. On those dates Charlie Chaplin is to 'ctp- pear in his famous new comedy, "The Kid," full of honest-to-goodness laughs from start to finish,---a real, reel comedy. Ttooo-ooo-ttooo-ot-to-it. CHARLIE CHAPLIN HERE IN “THE KID," FEB. 15---16, .Mr. Hennessey, of Sudbury, more familarly known as “Spike," and well-known and popular in hockey circles, will referee the game at the Falls this evening between the Pur- cupine and Iroquois Falls teams in the N.O.H.A. Senior Series. ’09MMOOWOOWMWWMOWON”? oft1ee 26 “SPIKE” HENNBSSEY TO BE THE REFEREE AT THE FALLS "If WWW?!” WINE! WEDNESDAY, FEB. lst., 1922. Published Canada Uni ted Subscription States Telephones: every Wednesday Publisher Rates Residence 112 $2.00 year $3.00 year ONTARIO by COUNCILLOR LOWREY, COBALT, INSTALS WIRELESS 'PHONE All hockey fans should keep a par- tieularly warm spot in their hearts for the H. *3. Hockey league and do their part to encourage and support the boys. References have been made in these] columns on several times to wireless' The ouuits, in this locality. Very properly Junio the North Land has taken more than .’\is. Ti a passing interest in the wireless. It I Faiis is in a country, like this, where Jis-lseore tanees are so immense, that the ad- vantages of the wireless are soquiek- ly recognized. Mr. W. R. Lowery, one of the town councillors of Cobalt, and well-known q throughout the North I' Each team shall be allowed two substitute _players, in addition to the regular team. receipts, if any, and each team will bear its own expenses. The hour for the game will be ar- ranged by the home team, but it must be so that the visiting team may be able to reach home the same day, Any change from this is to be by mutual consent of the captains of the oppos- ing teams. REIMAC This North Temiskamin eal Simon- e keys tak- e: pupils of the league, and Mon.. as this will School FALLS JUNIORS WIN PROM TIMMINS WITH BIT, LEAD Land, is one of the latest to instal a wireless telephone outfit. Speaking of this The Northern News, Cobalt’s bright new paper, stlyr.- "The service conducted in tlurCal- vary Episcopal Church, Pittsburg, Pa. on Sunday evening last, was distinctly heard in Cobalt through the medium of the wireless telephone installed in llris house on Lang Street by Council- llor W. R. Lowery. ISpeaking to The Northern News Mr. Lowery said the ’words used by 'Rev. Edwin J. Van Et.. (ten, the rector, and the music employ- ied in the service were heard as plainly as though they came from the next room and not through space for hun- dreds of miles. IMr. tLowerys’ instru- ment is not yet properly "tuned in” to fully function, but Sunday night it acted etliciently. He intends install-i ing, a 'Magnavox, a device which pse,,v./ mits a room full of people to hear the) service provided. According to thel extensive programme submitted each: Sunday morning the service in a lead- ing Presbyterian Church is transmitt-l ed and in the afternoon the addressI delivered by a prominent preacher of the city of Pittsburgh comes through the air. During. the week Grand Opera, news reports, stock. exchange. quotations and a Childven's Hour, with Unele Wiggily as an attraction, are sent out together with a wide va- riety of other attractions.” them sure victors. The/game was a" little rough in spots, but penalties, were not many, as the players on both teams were about equally given to the heavy stuff. A number of easulties marked the game, but no one was se- riously hurt, though Albert Kendall suffered considerably throug,h further injuries to his eye hurt in the pre- vious game at the Falls. The Falls team had some good combination work and also on defenee bad special strength. The Falls goal tender was a good one and added to the poor for- tune of Timmins by his good saves. For Timmins Don Cameron was the star, with Brewer in goal, doing very effective work. George Kendall and George MacDonald both worked hard and did good work, and Albert Ken- dall was also effective when in the. game. All the others worked hard, but it was a losing: game. However, better luck next time. Mr. J. Seully refereed the game and gave both teams a square deal. The second game of the N.O.H.A. Junior Leaghe series, Iroquois Falls vs. Timmins, was easily won by the Falls with the score of 4 to o. The score may not have actually indicated the respective standing of the two teams, but it is a fact that Timmins was fairly outtiarsed by the visitors. The game took place here last Wed- nesday evening and drew a fair at- tendanee. The Timmins boys were handicapped by some of their players being on the injured list, but the team worked very strenuously to turn the tables on the Falls and retrieve the former defeat. But from the first it was apparent that the visitors had men s Assomatlon as representat of the local brigade. The. am meeting, takes place this evening Thursday morning:, when officers be elected for the year, the place the annual tuurmzment selected, the edge on the home team. The Falls boys showed the effect of good “ma-(ah- ing, and this with their weight mad) day for Coe meeting of Chief w. C, Land, is one of wireless telepho this The Sort bright new ham other busiue - ,, ._ f aEataiSi'ryirs', IIT? hief a Borland and Assistant '. G. Smith left at noon to- .‘ochmne to attend the annual of the Temiskaming Fire- ssoeiation as representatives local brigade. The annual with TE}: rostrum ADVANOI and to r and y- I LO [HIP iylare elf (13,5511? be "i weeks I .1-;ment e 'rr ‘.»...\:A_I Sonny--"Father one of the boys said I looked like you.” Father--jhat did you sayt" Bonny---"Nothin'. He's a lot big- ger than me." assurance service ar EDUCATIONAL EXPERIMENTS CARRIED ON AT MONTEITH here in their big new store, corner ot Balsam street and Third Avenue, and to impress this fact upon the people are olfering special values at the big sale being conducted in the first two weeks of February. In the announce- ment elsewhere will he found a list of special prices that certainly ought to attract attention. These are but a gil;,"." In answer to the press reports on the matter, however, the United States Geological Survey has issued a statement to the effect that there is absolutely no reason for any fear of the destruction of the utility of gold as a measure of value and a basis of cm-rency. The experts say that while modern chemistry has shown that some of the supposed elements are really compounds that might be divid- ed into simpler substances by special chemical processes, thus making it _iunisat"e perhaps to state positively that manufacture of arihieial gold is impossible, still if any process can be found it will undoubtedly be so ex- pensive and ditheult to obtain the gold product that the "ehemieal" manu- facture of gold will he more expensive than the present methods of “manu- faeture" of the "natural metal." Modern methods of the gold industry place it practically beyond any fear of competition from any "ehemieal" scheme., The highest authorities on the subject think the idea of "syn- thetic" gold a very impractical one. The first experiments; of the Ontario Dept'. of Education to determine the correct amount of study, relaxation and physical culture necessary for the youth of the Province in order to equip them with the best possible edu- cation to fight the battles of the busi- ness world is announced as a great success. For some time past esperi- ments have been conducted at the Pro" vineial Residential School at, Mon- teith, and according to Chief Espec- tor Waugh of the Dept. of Education, and the Legislature Committee on Education, the school, which is prae- tically an educational laboratory, has proved that the system in vogue. is the and the Legislature 1 Education, the school, l tically an educational 12 proved that the system i best yet in provincia standards. SYNTHETIC GOLD HIGHLY IMPROBABLE SAY EXPERTS f Last week there were reports that Feldman 'Bros. had sold out their store in Timmins and that Mr. W. Me Cracker], who has been store manager, would go with another firm in town. As will be 'noted by the full page ad- vertisement elsewhere in this issue, Feldman Ems. are continuing business: here in their lug new stove, corner of Balsam street and Third Avenue. and PELDMAN BROS. CONTINUE IN BIG NEW STORE HERB I best eacn l sirable fora seation. ROUGH ON DAD as store manager at b'eld- I Mr. Jas. Ralph in charge may departmemrthus, full being given " the best of d courteous attention to all. lot the people at ermine the am , relaxation, the [dim ly comp [y'pg .Iples the build Experimental s' Settlement as an educational “it?” over E m-.---------------.----------------- -r------r-. The build- , ...H...-..H9.06t. I Y old I The invoice value of this material is alleged to be i,"20'F.b'0. Freight and [storage "charges have accumulated lae'ainst same to the extent of $42.28. l.vShippevs---the Sterling Materials Co., l Montreal, Que., Consi,Tnee-Panl Mar- ,Iin, Timmins, Ont. l The Commission eXpressly reserves :'the right to reject any or all offers. I Dated at North Bay this 24th. day lof Januarv, 1922. In the gloaming, oh, my darling, When the lights are dim and low, That four Gee is powder painted _ How as I, sweetheart, to know? Twice this month I've had to bundle Every coat that I possess Td the cleaner je-won'! you, darling, Love me' more and powder less? ---OP. PAY THE CLEANBR'S BILL Notice of Sale of Unclaimed Freight Shipment. The Temiskaming & Northern Rail- way Commission in puriuanee of the rights vested in itonder and by virtue of Seetion 186 of the Ontario Railway Act, will offer for sale at its freight sheds in the Town of/Timmins, on Wednesday, the 15th. day of February FURNISHED ROOM TO LET HORSES POR, SALE---?) good horses mm'nmg, the, followmg unclaimed freight shipment: One barrel roofing, cement. Two barrels Asbestos roofing eoat- WANTED-A maid for general house work. Apply Mrs. Wylie, 19 Hem.. lock street. Phone 197. l--- Pomt-RooMtm HOUSE for SALE- Good well on property. Will be said “at tl bargain for wash. Apply to W. Fraser, at Carson & Fvaser's WAN'N1D---AiHlNTs to sell Special- ties in Timmins and vicinity. Ex- perienee not necessary. Good com- 1nission. Apply a.t once, giving phone number if 'any, to W. J. Pal.. mer, General Delivery, Timmins. ' THE TEMISKAMING & NORTH- ERN ONTARIO RAILWAY ”“WOOMW”O 1112' LOMr--on Monday, Jan, 23, a white . pig:. Finder please notify J. Char- FOR SALB-Gr WANTED-M: FOR RENT.--; ROOM and BOARD at 54 Third Ave. Miners preferred. Mrs. F. Walsh, Timmins. --5p GRADUATE NURSE Phone 184. - Cochram Now open for business. First-class rooms, and steam heated All up-to-date conveniences. Reading and Sitting Rooms. Sample Room for Travellers. Best dining room in town. Meals at all hours. for sale $200. . gates select wot Timmins SANE MONEY Buy from me, your Piano " Gramophpne, etc. 10% down. Balance monthly. Phone, write or call. . " 17 Fourth Ave. - Timmins. Mmly P. Snoo MISS B. FINDLAY tt I' arber Shop mtin JAMES MCGALE flD--Maii1 for general house.. Apply W. J. Edwards, cor- eeond Ave. and Maple st. 4 PARIS HOTEL IROQUOIS FALLS. fox Drue if desired. Apply to Geo. 21 Birch street. 5p The Most Wonderful Tonic Known. It will lift you right up on your feet. Thousands can testify to the wonderful stimulating, bracing, curing effect, It has the largest sale of any medicine in Canada. Sold by Burkes Drug Store. H. W. TESKEY, rioes range from $50 to y Triangle Lumber Co., 'amophone, cabinet, 30 real bargain. $90.00. >k, Timmins, P.O. 5o o [TED Apply to ylehumaeher, House Ltil tlitrl S Auditor of Claims Cochrane, Ont. Apply - If“: als: the 5-6 the O Membership fee $2.00 per year for ordinary members and 500. per year for associate members. a M. B. SCOTT, te"""?'""'"""". l ' _ g New and Second-Hand g l, Goods _ Open to native-borh Scots and Seotsyomen and those of Seottish descent. Meets, every second Friday in the month in Hall. THE oA1aD6yiihii-iiiieiiiFiFRir' TIMMINS. P. O. Box 804 Audits Books Opened and Kept Posted For Local Tradesmen. HARRY W. DARLING MINING ENGINEER Examinations, Reports, Develop- ment Programs. Reed Block, Timmins, Porcupine District, Ontario. Barrister. Solicitor, Notary Public. Etc. Mr. Gauthier will be at Timmins daily. OFFICES REED BLOCK, TIMMINS and SOUTH POROUPINB. Highest Market Prices PAID FOR ALL RAW PURS BERNARD A. BRADY Dealer in Raw Pars Box 33, Matheson, Ont. Crown and Bridge Work Plates Consultation Free. Orders taken for high-grade garments. Room .'7 Reed Bldg., Timmins. IR Mil. ll. AIKEN DENTIST Phone 201 Gurdun H. Gauthier Barrister, Solicitor, Notary. New Empire Theatre Block NEH FAULKENHAM 3‘23? President A. C. BROWN Special lnvestigntiens Income Tax Returns TIMMINS, ONT. ACCOUNTANT W P. DOUGALL, Timmins, Ont. and fourth the I.0.0.F. ecretary

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