(s:,i',,)"C, ,3! the and» of Max Lavina, confoc- '5‘ Amery a Novelties, mm, On.. 'j', tario, Authorized Manor. ' F. _ Notice is Kereby given that Max Le- _:'"', 'virte, of Timmins, Ontario, did on tho . _ 3rd. day ot' January, 1922, make an I authorized assignment to the under- '. signed. Kit tE . V Meets every Tuesday evening in the r~0ddfellows Hall, Third (v/put. Visiting brethren-requested to attend. 'C,"':, Notice is further given that the ftrtstl heating of creditors in the above es-‘ fate will be held at the oMee of the) F _ 'atftho ized Trustees, 109 Clyde Block,‘ _ _ miéon, on the 31M. day of Janu- tig',,.""'" at 11 o'clock in the fore- i’j'jic’l‘o entitle you to vote thereat proof so: your claim must be lodged with me '.9ssfore the meeting is held. , Proxies to he used at the meeting met be lodged with me priotthereto. ', And further take notice that if you Hume any claim against the debtor fur Which you are entitled to rank, proof of such claim must he filed with me tithin thirty days from the date,ot" gihis notice' for from and after the ex. biration of the time fixed by subsets tion 8.1" seetrm ll? of the said Act l shall, distribute the proceeds of the debtor's estate among the parties on- titled thereto having regard only to the claims of which I have then notice. aANW---on Funrth Avenue near' The 6: Advance Offiee on Thursday a small [ ' bottle of gold ore samples. These aamplegare very important to the , l-prespector losing theris and the tind.. " er will please return to The Ad- C _vance Ollice at once. Good reward to anyone returning the bottle. N Dated at Hamilton, this 12th. day January, 1922. A. 0. BROWN, TimIpins, ()nt., Solicitor for the Trustee herein. "MINE MIME, l,iul,f, N0. 453 Alf. Prout, Meets every first and fourth MN:- day in th'e OddfCellows' Hall at 8 p.m. Visiting brethren’élways welcome. - C NOTICE TO CREDITORS WELD Wm. HANCOCK, “WINS Lill, lit, IIE! The Bankruptcy Act. MARK Meme]; PP', 4" r 1uthorrzed Trustee W. G. Smith " LISKEABD DROPS OUT OP THE N.0.H.A. BR. HOCKEY SERIES New Liskeard wired the Fills this morning to the effect the: they were dropping out of the N.O.H.A. Senior series. This leaves the contest for the group now onl . between Timmins and the Fallé, G? the latter well in.the lead. 1. " PREPARATIONS FOR DOG N RACE SQON UNDER WAY It is expected that the organization and preparations for the annual Por- cupine Dog Race will be under full swing in a few days. Last year the Board of Trade iii7-ipested in making a success of the event and it is likely that the same active assistance will be given this year. There is a growing disposition to follow the suggestion of building a big Winter Carnival around the Dog Race and having an event that would be an outstanding Winter Sports affair and a notewor- X-"IThey tell me the river is very low.†Y--'O'es, it's so low it's eoniined to its bed.'? - THE RIVER’S BED l yr m INTERMEDIATE GAME AT . TEE FALLS POSTPONED The Intermediate game between Iro.. quoitNi'alis and Timmins, scheduled to be played at the Falls on Saturday, Jan. 28th, has been postponed by agreement, and will he played on Feb. 17th. The Timmins boys found that having the game on Saturday evening meant the loss of at least two shifts, as they would not be able to get back here until Sunday evém' . By having the game on any ptherl‘gay than Sr. turday this loss could he considerably reduced and accordingly the Falls when communicated with in regard to the matter agreed to the postpone- ment of the match. Contrary to' the line in a North Bay newspaper, this game has/not been defaulted. The Timmins Intermediates are phaying out the schedule in fairness to Co- ehrane and the Falls, though. not in dine for any honours. ANOTHER RUMOR OF HOPE POR A NEW DISTRICT JAIL Every once in twie as often there is a rumor that a 2ul,"iriasfdi'd, jail will be built at Haileybury to ae’commo- date the growing needs of Temiskn- ming. If Temiskaming has not yet been given the very much needed new jail, this district is, alivays having hopes along that line handed out. The latest suggestion of hope is thus refer- red to by The Haileybv'ian in its last week's issuer--- " ' 'Hnspeetor of Prisons, W. w. Thur. lop, aeeinnpanied by Mr. Fair'hm-n, Deputy /Minnister bf Public Wdvks /lodked over the prdposed site f'or the] new District Jail, on Broadway street,,. on Alonday afternoon. While no oitiei-l al statement regarding their decision was issued it is understood that they favored the site. It is ideal for the purp‘osei) being on the same grounds as the istriet Court House and Re- gistry ()lfiee. The Bgard of Trade which has been active in mist years in endorsing the recommendations of countless Grand Juries to the effect that a jail be erected in Haileybury, as the County Seat of Temiskaming', to serve the needs of the district, has handed the matter over to the Tpwn Council. President Mecuair, of the Board of Trade states that it is under.. stood svorlcuon theyjail )\'ill- be com- meneed in the early part of the sum- "If? According to oftieials on the T. & N. o. Railway the Christmas tralfie was as heavy or heavier than previous years. ' x - 'larehlgiigeil8Riilliiigiigiil2iiy,'i,'c,i', ', m POROUPINE ADVANCE FANCY DRESS 0mm. AT RINK MONDAY NIGHT There will be a 1laneir1hass Car. nival at the Timmins Rink on Monday evening of next week, Jan. 30th. under the auspices ot the St. Anthony 's Al- ter Girls' Society. The auspices un~ diet which the event is held is guaran- tee that arrangements will _ be well mnde and a pleasing eveningiassured. There will be a number'bf very inter- egfing events, including a halfqnile race for men. There will be a fine list of good prizes, Timmins Citizens' Band will be in attendance and fur- nish the best of music for the occa- sion. The admission fee for the even- ing is set at the nominal rate of half a dollar. The Fancy Dress Carnival on Monday evening should, be a pleas- ing and successful event. Bin! THERE’S STILL MUCH “FISHY†ABOUT THE GOVT. It is understood that the Ontario Government has decided to go out of the business of handling fish. Ontario Government fish was sold throuelmut the Province, often at very reduced rates. Some of this fish was sold ini Timmins ands was looked upon by) many us one of the two ways of bear. ing the high cost of living, the other way '0eing to bump up against the high cost of dying. In an announce- ment made last \veek, by Hon. Harry Mills, the locomotive engineer who has charge of the Ontario Department of Mining, the statement is made that the Ontario Government has, decided to discontinue the fish sales branch of the Gameand Fisheries department. Repvesentatives along this line have been made by fishermen for.a eonsid- erable period and in resolving to go Lent of the ï¬sh husiness, the govern- ment has been chiefly actuated by the views that the establishment of this branch was a war measure intended to encourage people to buy fish at a time when meat was scarce, that it was found ditlieult to control the subply, and also by the fact that reru'esienta- tions were made thy fishermen all over the province that the Government was interfering: with their sales by under- sellinj.: the'm. ' A. q. Lindquist, who was marrfed three weeks ago, is able to be out again'and M11 likely be able to assume his duties, as aVarpenter and eonyftur. tor soon.-----))- (Colo.) Journal SEEEEEEEEEEEEEE$§$EEEEEEEEEEEEï¬Eï¬ï¬Eï¬ï¬Eï¬ï¬ IT SOMETIMES DOES THAT For Shaft Sinking, mining And Cross: Cutting. Also for Gard i Wood. . {Triplex Gold Mines 'Limited desire tenders immediately from competent and responsible parties for sinking a twa-eompartment shaft 6 x 10 feet in the clear, bids required on each of the following deptlrs:--125 fest; 200 feet“ 300 feet; 400 feet; 500 feet. Also' tenders for crosscutting and drifting at the above speeified levels to the fol.. lowing: extent: viz-loo feet; 200 feet; 300 feet; 400 feet; 500 feet; 600 feet: 700 feet; and 800 feet. feet: 700 feet; and 800 feet. Work to he done in a thoroughly miner-like manner and in accordance with the reqaie.ments of The Mining: Act, andUe Speeifieation, which may be had upon application; same to he incorporated and form parts of thir contract. Moneys shall be deposited in ad- vance in the Company's bank tttSouth Porcupine, and settlements made " weekly, less usual hold back until eompletion ot'eontraet. The lowest 01' any tender not neeesisarily accept- od. ' TerldersVequired also for cutting and piling 600 curds of firewood. Address all Tenders to Matthew Thomas, Fsq., Sena, South Porcupine. "Dated this 16th. January 1922. 8 Timmins Gold Nugget Rebekah Lodge,N0 173 Meets every 2nd a/nd 4th Thursday in the Oddfellows' Hall, Third Ave- nue. Visiting Brothers and Sisters al- ways welcome; - Esabella Vollet, ' Jthel Keene, ---9 N.G. Rae. Sie. DUNCAN B. HARRISON, Geneyl Manager, Triplex Gold Mines, Ltd It is repprted that Dr. McDougall, one of the directors of the Hollinger Consolidated Gold IMines, will be ap- pointed to the ehairrthnsltip of the Montreal Habour Commission, a po- sition considered of great importance and to which only men of High stand- ing in the business world may atpire. Among the new .mining companies incorporated recently is tire Ribblo Mines Limited. The capitalization is two million dollah, made up of two million shares of a par value of one dollar each. The blend oftiee of the company is at Toronto, Ont. Tho company has been promoted to de- velop properties in the West Shining-. tree Camp. MERLE MINES LIMITED ONE OF NEW INCORPORATIONS Batteries overhauled 3nd re-charg- ed. Gasoline, Oils and Accessories. Magnetos, Electric Starting and I Lighting Systems put in tirst-eiaaa i condition. GARAGE and SERVICE STATION t Phone 237. 18 Cedar street. A resident "Auditor and Public Accountant†with many years - of practical experience. Eyre and Creme Accountant and Auditor xperlence ffieieney nergy quipment ll. F. ARGLES Offices Rted Block Timmins, Ont. Telephone 66 Car for' Hire. if: