Timmins Newspaper Index

Porcupine Advance, 23 Nov 1921, p. 4

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El???» that it required lb? tables to ueconuno- date thore enjoying: this part of the evening's pleasure. The prize winners for the euelwe were as follows:- Ladies' first prize, 'Mrs. LII. Hurtibise, Timmins; second, Mrs. A, Brazenu, Timmins; third Mrs. J. D. MairLean, Timmins; Consolation, Mrs. Norris, Selvarnaelrev. Gentlemen, first, I Fl. Leblanc, Timmins; second, W. E. Me Coy, Timmins; third, J. T, Newton, Timmins; Consolation, James Scully, Timmins. There was a sale of home- made candy during, the evening;, the, gentlemen present crowding each other to secure their share. Each box was numbered, and the number being drawn for during the evening, the lucky number received a special prize. Mr. Alan Costain was the winner of this special. A handsome set of towels was aso drawn for, and the lucky win- ner was Mr. D. J. Birt, of Schumac- her. Reeve Gallagher, of Tisdale, was among the guests of the evening and his clever services in auctioning off a number of cakes after the supper found general appreciation. dtev'. Fa, ther Theriault in his usual happy and sociable manner added to the pleasant figfigfifififififififififlafigfigfiflfiflafififififififififififififigfigfim tu arrangc feature evenm dard o On Friday e most enjoyable parties ever be given by the lm Offtee 26 R. C. LADIES AT SCHUMACHER BOLD SUCCESSFUL EUOHRE "If nllillll'llli AIMEE TWINS, WEDNESDAY, NOV. 23rd., 1921. .mcs ever wen by the Schumacl hamaeher Published every Wednesday by Geo. Lake, Publisher Canada - United States prese m Subscription Rates: anon n Inet ttlt _ Hen , evemn He and held in ladies 0 Telephones: tar. "ti, " l ;;Js.uxm Til th 1n W m the of the n a nsua There " It l 250 people Ib', South P and other nei IPt la asaut evenin h ante Residence 112 st one of the $2.00 year $3.00 year 11 distric represent n on ONTARIO an name for aitlmer popular h et was church a vet eue Pit Hall W As willlbe noted by the announce- ment elsewherei1 this issue, the an- niversary sale at Ostrosser & C0.'s has been extended, by special request, for two weeks more. lthe business here. The stock was sold by auction during the past few weeks, so Charley may truly say that while he has taken over Stocks’ he has not taken over the stocks. Instead be is [away this week buying new steaks of Igoods and is expected back in a few 'days with a complete line of new and up-to-minute g:oods in the jewelry line. In the meantime, the store is be- ing kept open for repair work, ete. Mr. Grill, during his stay in Timmins, has made many friends here and there is no doubt that he will carry on the business for himself with the same ef- fieieney and service to the pttblie that he showed as manager for Stock Bros. Mr. Stock, who was here during thei sale, left this week for his home inl Toronto. l past three years has keen manager of the Stock Bros. jewelry store in Tim, mins, took over the fixtures and good- will of the business and will carry on MR. th GRILL TAKES OVER STOCK JEWELRY STORE NEW EXECUTIVE CONFIRMS SUSPENSION OP WORTERS At North Bay on Saturday the neu N.0.H.A. executive unanimously de. cided to follow the intentions of th; old executive in the matter of the sus pension of Roy \Vorters. Corisequent. ly Worters will be debarred from N.() HA. hockey for ‘this winter. 51100858. such an event and their work may, without exaggeration, be said to have resulted in a complete and enjoyable friendly sociability of the event. The refreshments served were up to the usual high standard aways set by the ladies of Sehamaeher, and all pre- sent are agreed that the evening was a most enjoyable one from start to tttr. u. The gretrtest credit is due to the ladies on the committees in chgrge of the event, the arrangements for the evening being in eliarge of the follow- ing ladies under the joint chairman- ship of Mrs. J. T. Angrignon and Mrs. T. J. MeNamee:---Nrs. P. E. Cooper, Mrs. Jos. 'Treboutat, Mrs. J. O. Pilon, Mrs. Chas. Atthambault, Mrs. D. P. Birt, Miss Mary 'Byrnes and Miss ('opps. These Indies with others at- tended to all the details entailed by d This we Mr. ( Grill, who for the ; been manager of til/sais';',"':) Next Tuesday the North Bay Nug- get will run a full page heading tl- cross its editorial page, "Is it Cold [Enough for You?", __ normally opened by the Hector or St. [Matthew's ehureh, Rev. TI. S. Cuwh- ling. ‘Mrs. W. H. Pritchard, president lot the. \V.A., had general superinten- ldence of all the various departments, lwllile the various booth; were ably [conducted as follows :--i'Stunples" 1eoth, by Mrs. Cushing; Aprons and :Rue‘s, by Mrs. V. Woodbury and Mrs. J. W. Reed; Home Baking and Cook- ing, by Mrs. Joyner and 'Mrs. W. Sampson; Fancy Work, by Mrs. F. C. H. Simms, and Mrs. H. We0'o; Dolls, by Mrs. H. J. Webb; Home-made Candy, by Mrs. C." J. Meyers; Tea Room, by Mrs. D. Sutherland, and D. Ostrosser and Mrs C. M. Auer; Fancy Work and Fish Pond, by the Girls' Auxiliary. The various booths were artistically decorated and designed, and the general appearance was very: attractive. All the booths were well) patronized during the afternoon, and‘ practically everything was sold. The ladies made mjer $600.00 from the event. ' The Bazaar and Tea 1.0.O.F. Hall, Timmins afternoon last, under ti “be \V.A. of St. Matthev lan outstanding ond pl. GIN to repust provided. formally opened by Matthew 's church. lal tea m an outstanding and pleasing success from every viewpoint. There was a large attendance, the event was' sue- eessful finaneially, and as a social affair the Bazaar and Tea left nothing to be desired. Those in charge of the event are certainly to be eongtatulat- ed on the success of the oemsion. The Commencing on Monday evening next the show at the New Empire Theatre will go back to the pld time of opening, 8.30 p.m. Recently the pro- gramme has been commencing at 8.15, but the majority apparently find this a little too early, so the former time of 8.30 has ag,ain been adopted, com- mencing next Monday. VERY SUCCESSFUL BAZAAR AND TEA BY ST. MATTHEW'S SHOW TO START AT 8.30 COMMENCING ON MONDAY JO( it and all d y tor sale at the sale and proved otne-baking and the most unstimte the afternoon wa number while tlr l also attracted a 'em under the ans Matthew 's chu 1d Tea given in the 19- bazaar was he Rector of St. li m POBO'UPIN'E ADVANCE 91g game mad with s church w )1) yer f mm atlurrina mum "o pub 1' woua'n 11pes ursdn There were also a couple of assault eases dealt with at Thursday's court. W. 'Guilka charged Mike iLatoski with assault. The evidence, however, went to show that Gulka had gone to La.. toski's house and Mrs. Latoski had been forced to use the broom on his head to get him to leave. Latoski a- greed wtih his wife to the extent of landing on Gulka also. Magistrate Atkinson dismissed the case, the evi- dence suggesting, that Gulka had brought the trouble on himself. s. Olyniek charged with assault on a family at Schumacher did not escape punishment from the court. The evi- denee showed that he had visited a house in Seluunaeher and starting with argument 'had ended with what is technically termed "rough house" tactics. The lady of the house and a man who happened to be there at the time were both badly beaten up and required the services of a surgeon be- fore Olynith was through. 'A charge of breach of the O.T.A. was also laid' against olynielr, but this was with- drawn after the Magistrate sentenced him to nine months for the assault} charge. m 1 At the police court on Tursday last Magistrate Atkinson sentenced Wm. Sopar to three months in jail for wife beating. It is only a very few weeks ago since uSopar faced a similar charge. Accordingly the Magistrate realized no doubt that this wife-beat- ling business was not an accident bat lmore like a habit. At the same court, S. Martin, seeond-hand dealer, was fined $5 and costs for not keeping a proper set of records of business tran- saeted, as required by law. Three gentlemen paid a total of $50.00 for being more or less drunk, the "mple" guys paying $20 each and the "less" one ten and costs. B. Russell was fined $500.00 and costs on a charge of illegally selling liquor. Pete Peteriek was again before the court for trespass and annoyance of the Hyrteck family. Some weeks ago, on a similar charge Pete was allowed to go with a warning to keep away from the people who evidently did not; want him around. On that occasion the Magistrate was lenient becausel Pete had been rather badly beaten up in connection with the affair. Thurs- day, however, the Magistrate empha- sized his advice to Pete to keep away by fining him $50.00 and costs. THREE MONTH SENTENCE FOR BEATING HIS WIPE. 1 Last week word reached town of the dead body of a man being: found in a shack some thvee miles from Connaught, Coroner H. E. Montgo- ‘IHCI'y and Provincial Police Inspector "_Wulter Moore went to the scene of the tragedy on Friday and after an investigation it was decided that an inquest was not necessary, all the evidence in the case pointing to the fact that the case was clearly one of suicide. The dead man was a Finlan- der known as Jack Kukonen who liv... ed by himself in a shack about three miles from Connaught. Apparently the man had shot himself on Thursday, the weapon used being a hunting rifle) and the bullet entering the left breastl had caused speedy death. Kulkonen was very little known in the district, but so far as can be discovered he has no near relatives in this/part of the country. MAN LIVEN G ALONE NEAR CONNAUGHT SHOOTS SELF A number ot witnesses in the case have to go down from here to Hailey- bury every time the case is: strhedaled for trial. These include Chief Greer, Fire Chief Borland and others. They returned here on Tuesday night, the illness, of the defendant not making it necessary for them to be called. room-g a charge of arson. The case was sent to the higher court of cri- minal jurisdiction emf has been eall.. ed more than once in Haileybury. At one session of the court much evid- ence was heard and the case then laid over to the next court: At this next court Mrs. Aboud was reported to the ill court as to: was laid ol' This week i stance to the Years Mrs. About! Reported to Court " Pall _, Assizes a; Very m in Toronto Hospital. leybury l' was that Nellie Al EASE AGAINST MRS. MIMI] nllll'illlill “NEE MUM " It spied week 20l2C:t1' tt 'tt tll Se of most interest to the this, distrfet at the sittings of the higher court at Hai.. ith Judge Master: presiding of the King versus Mrs. oud. This case arose from next court. Iboud was}? ill to appear er to the we JIrot1 nu " in Mrs. Alra It is under onto hospital 'e illnoac, HM wh to th Ines 10 present W1 next be in d tttin d a pon w tt S all It And take notice that after the ex- piration of one month from the date of the first publication of this notice, T. S. Woollings & Company, Limited, will, under section 7 of the said Act, apply to The Minister of Public Works at his offiee in the City of Ottawa, for approval of the said site and plans, and for leave to construct the said booming space. Dated at Connaught Staiion, Ont., this third day of November, 1921. T. S. Woollings & Company, Limit- ed, hereby give notice that they have, under section 7 of the said Act, de- posited with the Minister of Public Works at Ottawa, and in the office of the District Registrar of the 'Land Re- gistry District of Temiskaming at Haileybury, a description of the site and plans of 8 storage boom proposed to be built in Night Hawk Lake from the East end of Squaw Island north- easterly to a point 1,000 feet east from the shore line opposite the Eifth Concession line of the Township of Cody, and in front of 'Lot 6, Conces- sion, Township of Cody; thence west to the shore. 4747. Navigable Waters Protection Act. All work done must comply with By-Law 195 of the Town of Timmins, respecting plumbing. Connections to house sewers may be made by owners. --46-47p. The trunk and goods therein left at the Canada Hotel, Sehumaeher, by a Mr. Dorfman on or about the first of June, will be sold unless called for. PETER SICARD, STOCK AND BUSINESS FOR SALE POUND-A lady's gold wrist watch. Owner may have same by proving property, paying for this advertise- ment, ete. Apply to Gambleutobin- son Co., Spruce street, Timmins. 46 HORSES POR BAI,B--20 good horses , for sale. Prices range from $50 to $200. Apply Triangle Lumber (U, Timmins. --1fi---. POR P1NTr--4Furslisihed House, three rooms. Apply to B. Lennan, 60 Elm street, corner of Broadway. POR SALE-one pair No. 51,4; ladies’ boots and skates. Apply No. 90 Spruce street. _ 46p HOUSE T0 RENT, on Pine street. Aply to A, 'Bryan, at W. St. Onge’s, River Road. 40-47p FOR RBNC---y FOR SAfoB--Baby Bassinet, rubber- tired. Apply to Box c., Advance Chtiee, Timmins. ---47p. timml Li’mral and Conservative can- didate held his first public meeting here, and to-morrow night Mr. D. Me Eachren, the Liberal candidate is to have a public mdeting here. boil --The fruit, confectionery and ice- cream parlor business, stocks and goodwill of the business at 44 Pine street, across from King's Hall. Apply P. Antoine, 39 Fourth Ave., or at 44 Pine street. --47-- PARTY or THREE BROUGHT OUT THREE PINE MOOSE. room's, newly cher. Apply RI T. B. WOOLLINGS & CO. LTD. R. S. C. CHAPTER 115. e politieal pot is loeginninr'to more noticeably in t'nis-1idihgr. night Mr. A, J. Kennedy, the Na- l Liheral and Conservative can- Town of Timmins. J. P. Henderson, Town Engineer NOTICE NOTICE lat of two good-sized tinnis%d, in Schuma- Phone 171. Proprietor. 46p Membership fee $2.00 per year for ordinary members and 50e. per year for associate members. M. B. SCOTT, President HOUSE 8-roomed house, with bath and furnace, ete. 45-foot lot. 5-PAMENaBR TOURING CAR Open to native-born Scots and Scotswomen and those ' of Scottish descent. V Hall. Meets every second Friday in the month in THE CALEDONIAN SOCIETY " TIMMIN S. Anyone interested in Christian Sci- ence is eordi!tlly invited to attend an informal meeting every Sunday even- ing at. the home of Mrs. 'Maepherson, 40 Tamarack strept, Timmins, at S l . and 1very W'ednesday afternooFI‘t a. the home of Mrs. V. H. Emery, 20 Hemlock street, at 3.30 p.111. V RE GUL Mr. Gauthier will be at Timmins daily. WAREHOUSE In Moneta, 20' x 70'. it. V Apply. J. W. REED, Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public. Etc. WANTED To RBNIr--Three or tour roamed house. Apply Box W., A '7 vnnco Ottive. j ROOM To_?mrr---Apptv Imwrenco A resident " 'Auditor and Public Aeemmtant" with many years of practical experience. OFFICES REED BLOCK, TIMMINS and SOUTH PORGUPINE. HARRY W. DARLING MINING ENGINEER Examinations, Reports, Develop. ment Programs. Reed Block, Timmins. Porcupine District, Ontario. Now open for business. ' First-class rooms, and steam heatetf All np-ho-date conveniences. Reading and Sitting Rooms. Sample Room fonTravellers. Best dining room in town Meals at all hours. Building, Timmins. 24 Hemlock St. or Reed Block. Gordon ll, Gauthier Accountant and Auditor FOR SALE xperlence ffieieney nergy quipment LAB. MEETINGS RE CHRISTIAN SCIENCE HERB ll. F. ARGLES (1919 Overland.) PARIS HOTEL IROQUOIS FALLS. offices Reed Block Timmins, Ont, Telephone 66 P. DOUGALL, and fourth the I.0.0.F. Secretary 45. 47p. rja'i',ec'ifts WI a ('ji'iri1 £359,951 SEE gig v', Cg,!, 'er',,,, t?ilg

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