w- t , - on £1168) == L.- .-...- taura aâ€; EP, ' -. sal eg CtNJeN ’-L.'-- =u= -: "-v EPE 'er. EN, e ';.~ '..: - a, '_. EN en en my en a: Bex r ACC) ' tttEXfMIWa" pig 1-29-21 -1â€":. _r_. MfENEN {as #1971: ca L-. 1NiMiiItNlthtlhllritltlehiShiSriieiliiSferiillgiillgii9lgiii!gii Nov. 18th ï¬Eï¬Eï¬Eï¬Eï¬ï¬ï¬ï¬gï¬ï¬ï¬gï¬gï¬Eï¬Eï¬gï¬gï¬ï¬ï¬gï¬gï¬gï¬ï¬gï¬Eï¬gï¬ï¬gï¬gï¬gï¬ï¬ï¬w WiERllRlagiillERgiyn1 New Liskeard--G. C. Temple, S. Greisnwood, w. McKnight, A. J. Ken.. nedy; w. Cr. Armstrong. After bhe meeting the delegates were Liken on a tour of the paper mill and were impressed and pleased with the immensity of the industry and its modern equipment and conduct. The Delegates The delegates were: Cobalt-H. E. Mathewson, J. W. Greenleese. Haileybury--l'aul A. Cobloold,, N. J. MeAulay. Englehart---W. R. McVittie, T). Korman, H. Wilks, P. McLeod. It was announced that Premier Drury had promised the most serious) attention to the memorandum setting forth the needs of the North Land, and, as soon as the election was over he would take the matter up fully. Cobalt, as Vice-President, also met with the unanimous approval of the delegates. “If MlllNf fllllllllll1 , (Continued from bage 1) tintate that the money necessary could be secured he thought. Odice 26 WEDNESDAY. ,NOV. 16th., 1921. Swastika---Kirkla.nd Lake-E. H. Published every Wednesday by Geo. Lake, Publisher Canada - United States IlllilTll l)lllll EXHIBIT Wholesale and Retail Phone 252 tGo-o-oo-o-ooo-tto-to-ooo-tooo.'. TIE STORE OF SERVICE AND QUALITY e0o0o0000000000-0000o.."00..o.0to.to-oooo.o-oo_t Subscription Rates: l You will find everything clean, fresh, up- to-date and will receive the most courteous service and the most prompt attention. Give the big, new store a trial order. That will mean you will become a regular cus- tomer. MEMbEï¬fï¬s' i' Telephones .' .0o00..00000t000--otttot.ootooottotottooo- But you will find the prices as low or lower than elsewhere. It is in the line of service however, that we have something "extra special" to offer. This big, new store is stock. ed with new, fresh stocks of the highest qual- . ity goods. Feldman Bros,, Residence 112 $2.00 year $3.00 Seite ONTARIO l The annual dinner of the Temiska.. ming Associated Boards of Trade held in the Town Hall at Iroquois Falls last Thursday evening was one of the (most outstanding even-ts of its kind ever staged in the North Land, and the people of Iroquois Falls certainly deserve 'the highest credit and congra- tulations for the pleasure and protit of this decidedly noteworthy occasion. The hall was beautifully decorated, the tables being brightened by flowers and greens, the whole making a stri- kingly artistic. setting, for which Mr. U. T. Heard deserves the many com- pliments ealierforth from the visit- ors. The abundance of good things to eat, the perfect service, the general good work of the ladies in charge of the dinner, all show that Iroquois Falls is adept at knowing: just how to do things unusually well. The pro- gramme was equally good. The spe- cial speakers for the evening included the famous Col.. George Ham, known all over the wor.ld as a prince of after 'dinner speakers and a king of good (fellows; Mr. G. fl. Bateman, manager :ot' the LaRose Mine, Cobalt; Mr. E. J. Zavitz, Provincial Forester; Mr. John Seully, Chief Supt. Al,goma Dr. vision C.P.R.; Mr, J. H. Wetmore, L'. S. Consul at North Bay. Mr. R. A; MeInnis, President of the Associated} Boards, occupied the chair in very pleasant way and his opening addressi was a striking review of the North Land, its problems and possibilities. Mr. Batenian dealt with the mining question in very interesting and ef- fective manner. Special reference should be made to his mention of the Government's receipts and expendi- tures from the mining industry of the Omar, James Doig, L. A. Lillieo. ahitheson--B. B. Child. _ South Poreupitte-Gordmt Gauthier, Geo. Hamihon, W. G. A. Wood. Annual Associated Boards of Trade Dinner “Simply Great" in Every Wag. Coehrane--Ernest G. Poole, E. c. Ward, C. H. Liddicat, D. W. Cameron, Arthur Stevens. . Iroquois 1i'tms----R. A. McInnis, Pre- sident; F. K. Ebbitt, secretary; W. J. Tierney, P. J Conway, U. T. Heard, T.hos. A. MeDwald. Timmins-G. A, Macdonald, Dr. J A. McInnis, Dayton Ostmsser. BANQUET M THE mus AH llllillllllllllliil EVE!" Comer Balsam and Third Ave. Groceries and Meats Dr. J. A. Melnnis, Mayor of Tim- mins, moved a very hearty vote of thanks to all concerned in the great success of this wonderful banquet, and especially to the ladies, and Mr. N. J. MeAulay seconded the matiqn whiehearried with very hearty cheers. l The Falls more than did itself iiiroud 1vitrits array of musical and (,e,t,1,,tyj,.aaiei,y:'; talent for the occasion. The visitors were delighted and aston- ished with the striking: excellence of every number. Mr. J. w. Ramsay won two very enthusiastic recalls by lhis excellent solo singing. He has a gtine tenor voice, well-trained, and he ‘sings with an expression and talent that gives his selections a double va- lue. He sang "Roses of Pieardy," “Somewhere a Voice is Calling," "I'll sing Thee songs of Araby,†and "I Passed by Your Window," all de... lighting the audience. The Minstrel Show made a very strong hit. The two hundred or so present at the event demanded "More, More!†The minstrel-s are unusually good. The endmen, Bill Tierney and Bill Assel- tine, certainly got the laughs going. Tierney 's rendition in operatic fashion of “Give Me the Saw†was a "seream" in more ways than one. It took the crowd. Bill Asseltine prov- ed himself an artist, a genius, indeed, with his character representations-in dialect, being Italian, French, English or what not to the life. Solos by Mr. A. J. Hodgson and Mr. Vincent Stein- way and a quartette by Messrs. Hod.g- son, A. A. Scotut, Fred Jennings and Jas. Spence, also delighted the big crowd. Mr. Steinway's fine voice and, his gifted rendition of a fine love song) won a very marked encore. t North Land. Juurt “hm-.000 was taken in and $21§000 expended, Utrttrthe lanai-“on oil Milky-in; vt.trfigatiod "A return to" the Go- vernment from mining of 1000 per cent,†said Mr. Batman. "Premier Drury at Cochran, he continued, "spoke of the North as the treasured daughter of Old Onttrio. I would like to remind the honourable gentle- man that the poor girl needs clothes." Mr. Zavitz gave a very comprehensive review of forestry matters. In an un- usually witty address Mr. Scully dealt with railways. and their assistance in with railways and their assistance in development.' Col. Ham kept his au- dience cunvulsed with laughter most of the time, but also had some infor- tttation, and suggestions) great va, hte, emphasized by apt anecdote and. happy humour. "The addresses all had material for much more es'tended rel ferenee than can be made here and fur- tlrer attention will be given them in future issues. . mm mm ADVANCE On Friday and Saturday of this week the New Empire Theatre is show ing what may aptly be termed an ex- tra special. This is "Dangerous Curve Ahead!" a Goldwyn picture that has been enjoying very striking popularity in all the big cities where shown. It is variously described in the press as "A sparkling, comedy of married life," and amusing humorous picture of rears," "A triumph of good photo- play work," etc., ete. Those who re- member “Serateh My Bach," the comedy shown here several months ago, when remembering that Rupert Hughes was the author of this side- splitter will expect his "Dangerous Curve Ahead!" to be equally original and entertaining. Helene Chadwiek and Riehard Dix take the star roles in Rupert Hughes latest success, "Dan.. gerous Curve Ahead!†The story starts where the usual cut-and-dricd drama ends-with a marriage. The comedy deals with the problems ot married 'life, a state of being where life seems just one dangerous curve after another. Lightly, bat with ir- resistible humor and insight, the eo- medy goes its way showing how Mr. and Mrs. Harley Jones passed the "dangerous curves†without ditching the auto. The play is eleverdy acted superbly staged, and well designed, The situations have the limit in hu-i, mar and entertainment, and the titlesi alone are said to be worth double the; price of admission, All lovers of eleveri comedy almond we “Dangerous Curve1 Ahead!" at that New Empire Theatrel on Friday and Saturday of this week/ Nov. 18th. and 19th. l The At Home given by Porcupine Chapter No. 84 Eastern Star in the I.0.0.F. Hall, South Porcupine, Fri- day evening, last, Armistice Night, drew a large attendance and all bre- sent were delighted with the event. There were many couples from'Tim- mins, Schumaeher and other neighboe- ing towns. The At Home was a most enjoyable one. The music was of the best, and the dancing much enjoyed. One of tthe features of the evening was the Buffet Luneh servedcwhieh, like every other feature, was of the very best. Thanking you in anticipation of your vote and support, I am, Faithfully yours, I am a supporter of the Right Hon.. ourable Arthur Meighen and his Go- vernment but claim the right to use my best judgment at any and all times. I request the vote and influence on my behalf in this election of not only every Congervative man and woman but of every Liberal, Agraian and La.. bour man and woman' who were Liber- als, Agrarian or Labour before this election and who may always remain so but who are in sympathy with my platform and principles in this elee- tion. 9. It shall be my earnest endeavor at all times to promote legislation in the interests of harmony, eo-operation and success among all casses for the development of a happy; contented and prosperous people. b'. CII, at all times give ev sideration to and gratefully the opinions and suggestions quests of every citizen of the of Temiskaming. T. To aid in the period of ree0ns- truction following the war and gener- ally to work out legislation for the benefit of the Dominion of Canada and particularly the District of Te- miskaming. 6. To promote every scheme. to provide for those in neeland relieve any actual hardships borne by labour. 7. To aid in the period of recons- truction following the war and gener- 4, A careful investigation by skill- ed experts of all the natural. resources of Temiskaming and an earnest " tempt to convey to outside capital the intrinsic value of the same. 5. Every legislation within the powers of the Parliament of Canada to encourage, finance and develop the further opening up of our splendid agricultural lands, timber resources and mineral lands (yet scarcely ex- plored.) 3. A policy of Temisikaming and railways. l l Ililtltfllll "WIRES NINTH [All] MUM As I have been chosen as the candi- date for the National Liberal and Con servative party fur the District of Te.. miskamiug for the election to be held on the 6th. of December next, I re- quest your votes and support. If returned as your member I will support /tliedolluiving, policies: I. The policy of moderate Protec- tion of our natural resources and in- dustries. - 2. A careful revision of the gration Act. Conservative Candidate Gives Clear Review of Bis Policy and . Platform. 1 o Temi As the Electors of the District of skaminzz N [ A. J. KENNEDY. the opening up of New Ontario by glve every 0011- reoewe and re- District 13;}; 'iti::fiiie §@ til Pj9itt't4ei Ngug 111"»?- ‘(v " .k- _ 2. .mm 1a'r%d.' " sni% Immi- And take-notice that after the ex- piration of one month from the date of the first publication of this notice, T. S. Woollings a Company, Limited, will, under section 7 of the said Act, appfly to The Minister of Public Works at his oMee in the City of Ottawa, for approval of the said site and plans, and for leave'to construct the said booming space. Dated at Connaught Station, Ont., this third day of November, 1921. X. B. WOOIJSENGS & oo. LTD. T. S. Woollings & Company, Limit- ed, hereby give notice that they have, under section 7 of the said Act, de.. posited with the Minister of Public' Forks at Ottawa, and in the office of the District Registrar of the 'Land Re- gistry District. of Temiskaming at Haileybury, a description of the site and plans of a storage boom proposed to be built in Night Hawk Lake from the East end of Squaw Island north- easterly to a point 1,000 feet east from the shore line opposite the Fifth Concession line of the Township of Cody, and in front of _Lot 6, Conces- sion, Township of Cody; thence west to the shore. I Navigable Waters Protection Act. And notice is further given. that after the said date, the Public Trustee will proceed to.distribute the estate, having regard only to such claims as he shall then have had notice. Dressed hogs for sale; 100 tbs, to 150 Tbs, 18 cents per tb; 200 ms. to 400 Ds., 12 cents per m. Delivered f.0.b. South Porcupine or Timmins. Send $10 with order, balance C.O.D. Porcupine Pulp & Lumber Co., Ltd., Hoyle, Ont. : ---A0 Notice is hereby given that all per- sons having claims against the estate of Peter Baneholf, late of the Town of Iroquois Falls, who died on or about the 10th. day of March 1918, are re- quired to forward their claims, duly proven, to the undersigned, on or be- fore the Myth. day of November, 1921. Dated at Toronto this 11th. day of November 1921. ---46-47p, The trunk and goods therein left at the Canada Hotel, Sehumaeher, by a Mr. Dorfman on or about the first of June, will be sold unless ea'lled for. PETER SICARD, POUND-h lady's gold wrist watch. Owner may have same by proving property, paying: for this advertise- ment, ete. Apply to Gamble-Robin- son Co., Spruce street, Timmins. 4to' HORSES POR SALB--20 good horses for sale. Prices range from $50 to $200. Apply Triangle Lumber Co., Timmins. r ----Mo'--- POSITION WANTED as Stenograph- er; with knowledge of shorthand and general offiee work. Apply 'Phone 25-1 or PA). Box 706, Tim- mins. 46-- POR BAlar---One pair No. 51/3 ladies' boots and skates. Apply No. 99 iSpruce street. 46p FIRST-CLASS ROOM AND BOARD, Is your name on the Voters' Lists for the coming Dominion Election? You owe it to yourself and your coun- try to see that it is on all right. The lists as completed by the Registrar are now posted up at the Council Cham- ber, where. they may be inspected. If your name is omitted you can have it placed on the list by making applies- tion to the Revising Otfieer, Mr. E, H. Hill, who is sitting at the Council Chamber all the rest of this week for the revision of the list. See that your name is on the list. Do it yourself! And do it now! FOR SALB--Kitehen Shove furnace; :also milk goats. 30 Sixth Avenue. HOUSE TO RENT, on Pine street. Aply to A. Bryan, tit W. St. Onge’s, River Road. 46-471) SEE fllllf 1gllil NAME Ill Illl WHERE HST fllll HEW“ FOR RENT-Flat of two good-sized rooms, newly furnished, in tSehtuna.. cher. Apply Phone 171. Revising Officer Now Sitting " Coun- cil Chamber for Revision of Lists To Be Used in Federal Contest. DRESSED EGGS FOR SALE NOTICE TO CREDITOR‘S R. S. C. CHAPTER 115. "r' a; _ w" "mr Cel, t'liirii A?†_. ",v,a/gyui,iy';t"ii"e1',uFi',asie'eiy,'t'r, " yyt tti' Osgoode Hall, Toronto. NOTICE K. W. WRIGHT, Proprietor. Pease Apply 41ip. Membership fee $2.00 per year tliii, ordinary members and 50e. per yea? for associate members. li", M. B. SCOTT, President Meets every second Friday in the month in Hall. Open to native-born See-ts wild, Scotswomen and those of Scottish? descent. â€â€3 Anyone interested in Christian 8135.? once is cordially invited to attend an informal meeting every Sunday even; ing at the home of Mrs. 'MaephersoiV 40 Tamarack street, Timmins, at 8)p., Iii. and every Wednesday afternottit at the home of 'Mrs. V. H. Emerorrdlft Hemlock street, at 3.30 p.m. cri:. THE CALEDONIAN SOCIETY ot? TIMMINS. . REGULAR MEETINGS RE CHRISTIAN SCIENCE HERE WANTED TO RBNT--Threo or tur roamed house. Apply Box “XLAJ-r vance Oiliee. isas.At5 ROOMS To RENT--Airpry Lawrence Building, Timins. ' 'm, 4547p. 8-roomed house, ivith hath and furnace, etc. 45-foot lot. 5--PAMEINt1ER TOURING CAR Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public. Etc. V HARRY W. DARLING MINING ENGINEER Examinations, Reports, Develop. ment Programs. Reed Block. Timmins, Porcupine District, Ontario. A resident "Auditor and Public Accountant" with many years of practical experience. Now open for business. ,r.'.c", First-elass rooms, and steam heated? All up-to-date conveniences. It',, Reading and Sitting Rooms. cc) Sample Room for Travellers. 321:3 Best dining room in town. l ',": Meals at-all hours. . 1'i'i WAREHOUSE In Moneta, M' x 70'. 1.1 Apply. Gordan H. Eauthier J. W. REED, 24 Hemlock St. or Reed Block. Accountant and Auditor FOR SALE xpenence ffieieney nergy quipment ll. F. ARGLES PARIS HOTEL IROQUOIS FALLS. (1919 Overland,) HOUSE Offices Reed Block Timmins, Ont. Telephone 66 P. DOUGALL, and fourth the LO.0.P: _ 't?"fVcr8iamiWGte'Le'rrr8r* Me-Seiji',",".";;",?,,';-,';'.'.',',','?'.",?',?,"";','": 7a r Secretary {as Q2: a??? M8.R Mi ' _ wit-w» T E ta "sft'"k' 321