Timmins Newspaper Index

Porcupine Advance, 9 Nov 1921, p. 4

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E135? "After a short husiness meeting, held in the District olt'ree, the party of twelve adjoufned to Broivnlee's Tea Booms, where a dainty banquet was served, after which Mr. E. C. Ward called on Mr. Boyd to address the ga- thering, which he did, expressing his optimism of the North Land, also M.t appreciation of the work Mr. Ward has done for the Company and the community at large, congratulated him on having such a fine staff of agents. Dr. Moore, Medical Exam- iner for the Company at Timmins, also addressed the meeting, while Mr. F. C. H. Simms, the Company's genial agent at Timmins, spoke on behalf of the agents, outlining the fact that he supposed that at the next gathering of the Cochrane Agency Staff that no douht we would have a representative from Moose Factory. Mr. Devlin was then called upon, and he gave a gen- eral out'line of the agents' work and espeeially the Cochrane District, ttom-) menting on the able manner in whichi Mr. Ward had increased the Com- papy's business. The meeting then closed by singing "It Isn’t Any Trouble Just to S-M-LL-E." WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEgfiEfiEfiEfiEfiE‘fifiEfiEfifi 15ilgiillRlREgiil.lRiRlgiiyil _ About eo-ineident with the gather- ing at Cochrane for the turning of the firdt sod on the T. & N. O. threatened extension to Tin Can, there was a gathering of the agents in the dis- triet of the Confederation Life Insuy.. "nee Association to meet their general manager of agencies, Mr. J. Tower Boyd, and their superintendent of agencies for Ontario, Mr. Charlie D. Devlin, who were in Coehrane for the occasion. Mr. Cr. S. Drew and Mr. F. C. H, Simms of Timmins were among those present. Speaking of the event the last issue of The Cochrane Post fiayiic--- INSURANCE MEN ALSO BXNLuM:--"ON TO TIN CAN!" [If FEMININE “VANCE OMee 26 44$“; WEDNESDAY, NOV. 9th., 1921. Published every Wednesday by tho. Lake, Publisher Canada - United States Wholesale and Retail Phone 252 “MW” MOW”MMNM " “WWW.“ We he Emphasizing Service iiiiiii'ii _ Rather Than Prices iiii Subscription Rates: Telephones: Feldman» Bros. Residence 112 $2.00 year $3.00 year ONTARIO a , = a--" Fâ€" " (; = E i ' -| V 'er, te = - F, - = ie, EN mire" lll(ll(ll‘é -‘L’v til-J LIL 'f"".""" Mi' -'$$$$$%$éc%$$é£$éfi$$éfi$§$$%lap-EL.151-255 See posters tor partieulars. up and down the tables as the time slipped along. Mr. Geo. Pond won" the crib championship, and Mr. R. Rich- ardson the euchre trophy. Then yr. W. Nicholson took the chair and an impromptu programme of ‘music, dances, etc., was enjoyed. A feature of the fun was the barn dancing num- bers, for which Bro. McCarthy did the calling off, and the music was sup- plied ‘by a crowd around the piano {that included Bros. R. Richardson, S. tShan‘kman, M. Daher, w. Pierce, and iothers, generally voted as "some or- chestra.” Another special was the duet by Messrs. Richardson and Pierce. Mr. J. Cowan's rendition of “Paddy MeGinty's Goat," brought down the house and an encore was in- sisted upon, Mr. Cowan's response to, this being equally peasing and apple} ciated. Later in the evening Mr. Cow-) an also won very hearty applause by a i reading very effectively rendered. An impromptu address by G. A. Macdon- aid, concluding with a pathetic story, also pleased the good-luunoied gather- ing. There was dancing and more dancing, and everything free and gammm HAVE BIG z NIGHT or FUN AND PLEASURE Friday evening was a big ry'ght for the Timmins Oriental 'reihttr,,ot, the “Meat Humility and Perfection." Whatever 'inay Joe said about their "humility,',' all present at their “At Home" Friday night will cheerfully admit that when it comes to gixingn social evening and a night of care free fun and enjoyment the Orientals sure come close to "perfeetion." Friday evening tluuproeeedings started with a parade around town of the members of the Order, the members all being dressed in Oriental costumes and most of them otherwise disguised beyond general recognition. At the head of the procession leading the sacred gent was a member the only clue to‘whose identity was his height. The identity of the policeman in uniform, on the other band, could only be guessed from his breadth. And only his depth int-re any hint as to the personality he- Ihind the black goatee. The parade, i with its clever band, attracted several hundred children and others. After (making the rounds of the town, the l“'Never Sleepers" repaired to the l. O.O.F". hall, where disguises were shed and they and their guests settled down to a delightful evening of fun and enjoymeni, There-were about nine. ty present at this "Noon Feast" or "At-Horne" and every mother's son and adopted child present had a great old time. First, crib and euchre were enjoyed, the contestants progressing) Groceries and Meats Comer Balsam and Third Ave. 551:2 iit iteti ' But it does not provide for the ex- pansion and enlargements of the hier producers. The Ontario Government would do well to note this fact. The big mines, and especialy the Hollinger, ’show anxiety to expand and increase tproduction. For this more power is (neeessary. The Holinger [was ready, and is ready, to develop its own power for its own extra needs. All that is heeded is for the Government to grant the lease, (of course under the neoes_ ary rules and restrictions that will protect the general interests of all). According to the reports in the Toroir. to newspapers, Mr. Black recognizes that something more than providing present needs is required. He intim- ates that negotiations are under way and may be concluded shortly where- by the future needs of the Camp will be provided for. It should not be forgotten, however, that. while the ne- gotiations keep on pending, the need remains and presses. Had the Hollin- ger been granted the lease applied for some months ago, men would be " work now on construction and the) needed new power would have been) ready to deliver here in the spring.‘ The Hollinger was ready to take the} lease on the Goirermnent's own terms,l and put 2000 men at work at once and ‘ spend $3,000,000 inside of a year on1 the development wort; _ . _ _.' 1 Mr. J. H. Black, of the Northern Canada 'Power Co., is credited by The Mail d Empire and other dailies with sayingr---'HTrithont taking into ae- count the rains of the last few days, we ftgure there is enough water in storage to supply the Porcupine mines until the end of next [March as much power as they are now using.” This definite announcement will be consid- ered as good news for the mines of the North and the mining interests generally. It means that there will be no power shortage this year such as handicapped operations last winter. It means that the mines of the Porcup- ine will be able to "earvron" at their present rate throughout the win- ter. soeidble and pheasant. A speak! mms-' ber on the programme, and one parti- cularlyenjoyed by all present, was the luncheon served. In quality and quan- tity it was 0.K., Ad., first class, and the eoffee was specially good; "APY- body who would not have a gnod the at an eyent like the Oriental Moon Feast on Friday should see a doctor about his dis'position. POWER SUPPLY CERTAIN UNTIL END " NEXT MARCH -r - m POROUPINE ADVANCE You are too tired to go to church! What nonsense. There isn't a place on this continent so restful as the church. You are going to lie around the house.all, day; toll in a rocking chair; go to sleep over a book. That isn't resting, that 's loafing. Tell your- self, honestly, did you ever in your life see a loafer who looked rested? Did-you ever see a loafer .who didn't lok tired all the time? The people who try to rest are always tired. Rest.. ing is the hardest work in the world when you make work of it. Two hours in church, two hours in the quiet; the music, the sermon, the reading, the up lift which comes from the new Chan. nels into which your mind is led/will rest you more physically, morally, in- tellectually, than all the day spent in trying to rest. Why don't you go to church 1~Bob Burdette. Annual Stock Reduction Sale, com. meneina No. 11th at Ostrosser & Co. 's WHY DON'T YOU Mr. Tait, representing the Soldiers' Insurance Dept., has been in town this week and many ex-service men have been able to learn the full details of the Government 's plan for the insur ance of returned soldiers. The re- sult has been a great increase of in.. terest, for the plan is one with many very noteworthy and desirable fea- tures. There is no medical examin- ation necessary, for one thing:, and for another, the rates are remarkably low. {On Tuesday evening Mr. Tait gave an address on Soldiers' Insur- ance, in King/Hall. There was a good attendance and muchiinterest shown. Mr. Tait gave a clear and con eise explanation of the whole plan and its advantages and many ques- tions were asked by those present, the. result being a very definite appreeia- tion of the plan'and a consequent ap- preeiation of its ibenefits. Mr. Tait is at the Goldfields to-day, but leaves for Cochrane to-morrow. \Vhile here he will be pleased to go.into this in- surance question with any ex-serviee man, and after Mr. Tait leaves here particulars may still be secured by any interested by applying‘to Mr. H. C. Garner at the Ontario Employment (lffiee, Timmins." F INEFFICIENGY DUE LARGELY T TO IMPBRW10T SIGHT. In a careful examination of ten thousand industrial and commercial workers, active in their work and sup- posedly in good condition, ftfty-three per-cent. showed defective vision un- corrected. It is an absolute-fact that many employees are accused of inelfi- eieney and carelessness when it is en- tirely a matter of imperfect vision. It behooves every one to see that his eyes are kept in good condition and free from dye-strain coming from de- fects which may be corrected by glas- ses, 01' the strain due to improper lighting. MANY LEARN ADVANTAGES or SOLDIERS’ INSURANCE two IUlIlllLCS “I eleven o CIUCK, T INC Muyor'suggests, "every wheel should stop, every industry suspend, all work cease, and every head he uncovered in silent token of honour and respect for those who gave their lives in the spe- eial battle of humanity." Throughout Canada on Armistice Day, Friday of this week, all indus- try and amusement, etc., is to stop for two minutes at elevent o'eloek in the morning. This is a nation-wide oh-. servance, as will be noted by the item elsewhere in this issue. It is the. "Tribute of Silence” of the people of this land to the brave men and wo- men who gave. their lives in the great war. The Mayor of Timmins, Dr. Me Innis has asked The Advance to make special appeal to the people of thi., town for the fullest observance of this tribute Jo the gallant dead, "For the two minutes at eleven o'elorik," the MAYOR ASKS ALL TO GIVE THE "TRIBUTE OF SILENCE” --45 WANTED TO Rmte--.Thriee or four' {Domed house. Apply Box w., Ad- vance Imiee. ---45 Tenders will be received by the un- dersigned up to 6 o'eloek pun. of No- vember the 15th. for the Government Scuw at Mattagami River. The scow may be seen and full particulars ob- tained by applying to COAL HEATER FOR- SALE. Apply ROOMS TO BENIN-Apply Lawrence Building, Timmins. 4;5-47p. WANeBD--An offiee position, as book-keeper and typist, by a lady with ten years experienee.--Nrs. Denovan, General Ddlivery, Tim- mins. 45p. No. 1 Maple'street ALEX STIRLING. Government Road Inspector, Timmins, Ont, 800W FOR SALE GO TO CHURCH? "iirii'iit'iriif And further take notiee that after such last mentioned date the Adminis- trator will proeeed to distribute the assets of the deceased among the par- ties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which he shall then have notice. Dated at Ott tuthis 2nd. day of November, (t',,'l,lii)tj,i,ii',l',rC,')vii Murphy, T'iii'dr'ir'c A rood, Clark & . ' Robertson, 45 Solieitars for the Administrator. In the Matter of the Estate of Denis Mooney, late of the City of Ottawa, County of Carleton and Province of Ontario, Labourer, Deceased. N.otiee is hereby given, pursuant to 3.8.0. 1914, Chapter 121, that all ere- ditors and others having claims against the Estate of the said Denis Mooney, who died on or about the t'nirty-lirst day of Marni), All, 1921, are required on or before the six- teenth day of November, All, 1921, to send by post, prepaid, or to deliver to Messrs. Murphy, Fisher, Sherwood, Clark & Robertson, of the City of Ottawa, Solicitors for the Administra- tor of the Estate of the said deceased, their Christian and surnames, addres. ses and descriptions, the full particu- lars of their claims, the statement of their accounts, and the nature of the security, if any, held by them. T. s. Woollings & Company, Limit- ed, hereby give notice that they have, under section 7 of the said Act, de- posited with the Minister of Public Forks at Ottawa, and in the olfiee of the District Registrar of the Land Re- gistry District of Temiskaming at Haileybury, a description of the site and plans of a storage boom proposed to be built in Night Hawk Lake from the East end of Squaw Island north.. easteAy to a point 1,000 feet east from the shore line opposite the Fifth Concession line of the Township of Cody, and in front of ‘Lot 6, Conees- sion, Township of Cody; thence west to the shore. T. S. Woollings & Compgny, Limited, will, under section 7 of the said Aer, apply to The Minister of Public Works at his olfiee in the City of Ottawa, for approval of the said site and plans, and for leave to construct the said booming space“ In the Surrogate Court of the County pf Carleton. And lake notice that after the a.N- piration of one month from the date of the first publication of this notice, Navigable Waters Protection Adt. Dated at Connapght Station, Ont., this third day of November, 1921. IANtT---Betwten Maple street and the Post ot1ieer--a 810 bill and either one or two $1, hills. Finder please return to The Adavnee Otlice At- ---qt5-47p. P00ND---Nan's Rubber Coat found. Owner may have same by proving property and paying for this adver- tisement.. Apply at The Advance Ofh'ee. Ar The trunk and goods therein left at the Canada Hotel, Sehumaeher, by a Mr. Dotfrnan on or about the first of June, will be sold unless called for. GIRL WANTED-for general house- work. Onepvho can cook. Family of three. Apply 23 Birch street, Timmins. ---45p. BOOK-KEEPER, experienced Whole- sale and Retail iieeounting, dhires work evenings. Terms reasonable. Apply-to. Box 344, Timmins. LtWr--.At the Masquerade Bail, one lady's woollen muffler, heather green with orange stripes Hear the ends. Reward on return to "Ad- vanee" offiee, Timmins. 45p. S-PASSENGER TOURING CAR 8-roomed house, with bath and furnace, etc. 45-foot lot. Now open for business. First-class rooms, and steam heated All up-to-date conveniences. Reading and Sitting Rooms. Sample Room for Travellers. Best dining room in town. Meals at all hours. (1919 Overland.) WAREHOUSE In Moneta, M' x 70'. ' Apply. J. W. REED, NOTICE TO CREDITORS T. s. WOOLLINGS & co. LID. 45-43 24 Hemlock St. or Reed Block. R. S. C. CHAPTER 115. FOR SALE PARIS HOTEL IROQUOIS FALLS. NOTICE HOUSE PETER SICARD, Proprietor. 4511. omvmmom WWWWOOOWOM Amara. Block E. M. TERRY, Principal Box 223, - Timmins, Ont. Miss E. M. Terry, who is Manager and Principal of the Sudbury Busi- ness Colleges of which the Timmins Business College is a branch, was a business visitor to the Timmins Busi- ntss College last week. Miss Terry find that the large enrollment and the students' progress is most remarkable, The Timmins Business College enroll- ment should be larger than that of! My College in Northern Ontario in. a 'very few weeks. . Mr. P. Harrow“ who was formerly employed as Commeveial Teaeher in The Sudbury Business College is now Assistant ‘Teacher in the Timmins Business College. Among the latest to enroll in the Com. Dept. of the Timmins Business College, are Miss Louise Bouehard and Miss B. Leblanc, both are well known Timmins girls. CWMWWW Membership fee $2.00 per year for ordinary members and 500. per your for associate members. M. B. SCOTT. ”OMWMOOMOOOMOM Open to native-horn Scotswomen and those descent. THE CALEDONIAN SOCIETY op TIMMINS. Meets every second Friday in the month in REGULAR MEETINGS RE CHRISTIAN SCIENCE HERE Anyone interested in Christian ser, was is cordially invited to attend an informal meeting every Sunday even.. ing at the home of Mrs. Iiaeplterson, 40 Tamarack street, Timmins, at S p. m. and every Wednesday afternoon Hall. at Hemlock street, at Timmins Business College Mr. Gauthier will be at Timmins daily. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public Etc. HARRY W. DARLING MINING ENGINEER Examinations. Reports, Develop- ment Programs. Reef Block, 'Timmins, Porcupine District, Ontario. _. $1.00 PER HOUR FOR REPAIR WORK Prompt and expert attention to all repairs. Batteries re-eharged.' All kinds of Ford parts in stock. Phone 227. Opp. PaNitr8ehool .. 4th Ave. Commercial Weekly A resident “auditor and Publi? accountant” with many years of practical experience. OFFICES REED BLOCK, TIMMINS and SOUTH PORCUPINE. DR. MOORE BLOCK, UPSTAIRS Hours: 9 to 5.30 daily. All kinds of Typewriting, etc. Letters Written, Etc. the home of Mrs. V. A. Emery, iii Public Stenngrapher Gordan H. Eauthier i Timmins Garage Accountant and Auditor Jos. Berini xpemence ffieieney nergy quipment President ll, F. ARGLES Bulletin The Old Reliable . Cars to Hire. 13tfiees Reed Block Timmins, Ont. Telephone 66 30 p.m P. DOUGALL, and fourth the I.0.0.F. of eots and Scottish Secretary . ','?f,v'i!5) r: (St?

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