Timmins Newspaper Index

Porcupine Advance, 9 Nov 1921, p. 3

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i, The Big Sale - - is- - “Stilljmé-Mfifl‘ssflfitsky fill C915 As there seems to be much general doubt and uncertainty as to the vot- ers' lists for the approaching Domini- on Esleetion, official information is published below as supplied 'by Mr. J. s0srMaelra.y, Returning Officer for the District of Temiskaming. It will be noted that there are two kinds of poll- ing sub-divisions,---" and urban. The urban polls are those in the five principal towns. In these five urban pails opportunity has been given for 111611 and women to have their names placed on the list by registering. The lists of 'voters so secured will he re- vised 'by His Honour Judge Hartman at courts of revitson, the dates for, which will be announced dater. Ae- llllllllili 1lllllll VINE fllll THE lllllilltlllll [WITHIN st?, ---. . fiftGning Officer for Temiskaming . Gives Particulars As to Bow List Will be Made Up, eordingly Ihere is still time for any person to have his or her name added, irentitleit to a vote. Appeals may al.. so be made against names of persons now on the list. In the rural polls the lists are made up from any informa- tion available to the registrars. There is no registration in rural "11/0115, but names may be added or taken off at the sittings in the week of Nov. 21st. o-i--------"""""""""'-"""""""'""""-'-'-" " ' ' . ' ' . . 0.. ooo-o-ooo-ooo-ooo"""". ooo-ooo-ooo.-....".. "o"""""""'""""""""""'"'"'""'""""", o'.............------- tot-tto.-.......-... WWOOWOOOOMOO ”OM”. OONMOOM -_ WW _.--....--------------- W'W !_saigigiseesisiyisissigaymeeeRReeRRRRRlui sisiys'iisigisiyi-siwr2RReRReiiihelut s!sisisissh'isihlumeR'ihRe'hhm"ui1Re'il',ts v 0609”” ot-o-oo-ooo-ooo...- -t-000000....6...00.00H..0.0t00000.00-0H. “WW - A - A - - - A - Big' crowds are taking advantage of the opportunity for big savings offered here. Come and get your share. The bargains are genuine, and you can save big money. Our stocks were bought right and you get the benefit. Come and see the surprising savings possible at this Sale. Watch our windows for extra specials. The prices at this sale can not be equalled T anywhere for the values oiiereilr_, o-ooo-ooo-ooo--""'"'""' oo-o-o--.....- MOOWMOM WO“NMN”C itiu COVETS KY & CO. B, as referred to below. Keeping in mind the two kinds of polls,--mrban and rural, the informs- tion below should be quite clear. In a letter to The Advance last week, Mr. Mackay, the Returning Oth"eer for Temiskaminse, says:-- Dear Sivs :-'-.sWill you please publish the fohlowing as there seems to be some question re the registration of Voters in thenwhan and rural sub-di- visions. It will perhaps enlighten the voters. Urban Polls. There are five urban pals, in the District of Temiskaminit, being Co- balt, Haileybury, Timmins, Iroquois Falls, and Coehrane. The dates for registration in these Polls are October 3lst. to November 5th. inclusive. On October Sth the Urban Regis- trars will post their lists in eonspieu- ous places 'tliroughout their districts. His Honour Henry Hartman, Judge of the District Gout-t for the District of Temiskaming, has been appointed Revising Offieev. He will give dates when he will sit to revise the said lists. ' Rural Polls The Registrars for Rural Polls will get 'the information as to who is qua- lified to vote from such sources as are availahle to them. An out-of-date list of voters will often provide a use- ful basis on which to proceed. They wild post their notices as soon as pos- sible after being sworn in. On November 2.1st. they will post two copies of their lists in conspicous places, and send copies to eaeh can- didate. . From 2 o'eloek to 6 o'oloek in the afternoon of each day, from Novem- ber 21st. to 26th., inclusive, they will sit to revise and correct the lists they have made. At six o'eloek in the af- ternoon of November 26th. they will close their lists and these lists as re- vised will be the ones that will be used for the voters lists on Polling day, December (ith, Aha concert held in an old country village the old whiteaaired Rector was in the chair. The old gentleman anounced each song and caused some smiles when he took up the programme and said, the next will bethat beautiful song "put me in my little Bed," by Miss Jones, accompanied by our wortliv curate Mr. Brown. Mr. and Mrs. John A. Denovan, for- me1rly of Copper Clilf, Ont., have mov- ed Vto Timmins to establish their home. Mr. Denovan is employed with the Hollinger Company. Yours very truly, NAUGHTY, NAUGHTY JOHN D. MACKAY, Returning: (Mice a TEE POROUm ADVANOI eer, lbeen encouraging. It IS planned to sink the shaft to the three hundred foot level and also to do considerable underground developnttsnt work. In short, according to present plans, the Atlas, will be thoroughly tested out [and if it lives up to expectations will ibe developed into a producer. _ ATLAS GOLD MINES AMONG THOSE EXPECTED TO RE-OPEN There is tt general increase of inter- est in the West Shining-tree district. Much of this interest is due to the fact that (he Hollinger has taken an option on a property in the West Shiningtree Camp and is carrying on a campaign to test out the possibili- ties of the claims. It is generally felt that the interest of the Hollinger interests indieates at least good possi- bilities in the area, and this is cn- eoura,csinsr to others in the West Shin- eouraging to others in the West Shin- ing,tt'ce section. Among [the West Shiningiree properties now arranging to re-open active development and ex- ploration Work is the Atlas Gold Mines. It is reported that this com- pany will resume operations in the course of a few days, financial tir- rangeuients being now well under way and likely to be definiteli1y concluded at any moment. The Atlas has good surface and neav-surfaee showings and other preliminary work done has been encouraging. It is planned to sink the shaft to the three :hundred foot level and also to do considerable underground developnttnt work. In short, according to present plans, the 'ilfiittigi' FIRST SUPREME COURT SITTINGS AT COCHRANE. time In there v Court Ont. e l 44 Third Avenue Timmins, Ont. WORK PROCEEDING VERY" PAVORABLY AT PENINSULAR immense territory that.the establish- ment of a judicial oontre at Cochran: will tiud general favour in this part of the country. Work at the Peninsular Gold Mirna Night Hawk Lake district, near Con- naught, is proceeding satisfactorily and with very pleasing results. A- bout 2u5 men are busy on the property and everything is going along nicely. Th shaft is now down near the see- 1%1"v1ll, about 200 feet, and the work is in good ore. ‘When the shaft is down to the second level it is im tended to carry on drifting operations It is interesting to know that the Pen-. insular Golld Mines have picked a? further ore bodies on the surface, and all the indications- are promising: and encouraging. Mr. A. R. Globe, form- erly assistant general manager of the Holringier, is in charge of the work a; the Peninsular. Charlie---") to keep our eng the present. tt Claire-VH couldn’t help it. That hateful Ella Sharpe said the reason it wasn't married was because no fool had proposed to me, so I told her yes hgd." , THE SAME hd I asked you, dear ‘nxzacrement a secret 52" L'ti

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