| NINTH ANNIVERSARY SALE TEMIGKAMING BOARDS OF TRQE ANNUM MEAREG Important CGathering to be Held iu Iroquois Falls On Thursday, Nov. 10th. The quarterly meeting of the Temisâ€" kaming and Northern Ontario Assoâ€" ciated Boards of Trade will be held at Iroquois Fal‘s on Thursday morhing, November 10th, at 9.30 a.m. This will also be the annual meeting at which the officers for 1922 will be elected, Whis meeting of the Associated Boards of Trade is one of the most important gatherings of the year in the ‘North Land. The Associated Boards of Trade being the representâ€" atives of all the local Boards of Trade of the North Land, the body naturalâ€" ly should voice tlte opinions and needs of the whole North Land, and should be a powerful and effective factor in working for the progress of the North Land. During the past year the Teâ€" miskaming â€" Associated Boards of Trade, under the able presidency of Mr. R. A. Melnnis,of Iroquois Fal‘s, has been able to accomplish much more for the North Land than is genâ€" erally credited. Even this ‘has been done under certain handicaps, and with a complete coâ€"operation and enâ€" thusiasm shown by all sections of the BUCOVETSKY & CO s iminns." ons 1 = Timmins, Ont. â€"i W“WMMNMWW“OQWMQQ “MQCOOQ“M?MWW0000“00“0000000000'00’QOQOQO‘OOOOQQOOO 00600069flr0000€'00“3 snesmatsommiesnenemmemntoncy n ameememmmmmme vmeeniommmmernsontenmme snn mm ce accomennionccnmcenemmmncncmeccmmenetnermmmmanrencmmmmmntcommnmenenncenmmmnsmnnncmmmmmmenmmenmensmmnsnncusnetenmermermenmsemmnnnniemmmmemmmme mcmmmnnenmerczemen. wxanzmmemzmeneemineenn en remimemennene e 1000000000000 00 LELGLRIALGLIEIAIRLELIELRLRLELRLALALRLRLALALIALIALALRLALALAIALALG UALALALIALGLALALRIALRAAtAIAAASh 4h h !ï¬ï¬!ï¬&ï¬!ï¬tï¬&ï¬ï¬ï¬ï¬ï¬&ï¬ï¬ï¬ï¬‚ikï¬&ï¬&ï¬&ï¬ï¬‚iï¬&ï¬ï¬&ï¬ï¬ï¬ï¬ï¬ï¬?ï¬i Watch our Windows. See Posters. Unprecedented Values. Big Savings. Remarkable Values. ' 16 Davs Only & = Commencing Saturday, October 29th Q“OOMW“WQMN“WQWWQ #$00¢0900000000000000000000000000060000000604666 $000000000000000009000000000080000000000000%84 16 Days Only Land. The usetu_ness of the Associaiâ€" ed Boards of Trade can be greatly e«â€" tended, if the policy consistently folâ€" lowed in 1921 is retained in 1922, with all getting behind the Associated Boards and working together for the all geiting beaind ‘the. .Assoclatod Boards and working together for the common good. The important matter for the moâ€" ment is a larze and enthusiastic gaâ€" thering at Iroquois Falls on Thursday, Nov. 11th. Each local Board of Trade is entitled to send five delegates and the Officers of the Associated Boards of Trade very earnestly request a fu‘l representation from each and every Board of Trade of the North Land. ‘There are a number of very importâ€" ant questions to be dealt with at the meeting at the Falls on the 10%h. Every citizen of the North Land should be interested in this meetiig and should do all possible in every way to see that it is a success in every way, and that the Associated Boards of Trade starts a new year of its good work with the whole North Land fulâ€" ly coâ€"operating and supporting its good efforts for the advantage and adâ€" vancement of this country. nrit _Of workins C ABFRFC m e @ Aooid: COP H soundIin the Provincial foree. His case was to be heard at the Fall Assizes, but on account of the illness of the Crown prosecutor it was traversed to the spring assizes. The unfairness of holding the officer out of his position all these,months between now and the spring assizes was no doubt apparent to the powersâ€"thatâ€"be and accordingâ€" Iy he has been duly reâ€"instated. Lefebvre of North B ation by tae ge pleaded not gu tried by a judg was susnended was ( If a man has reported to you that a certain person speaks ill of you, do not make any answer to what has been told you, but reply Af The man did not know the rest of my faults, or he would not have menâ€" tioned these only. tect NSTABLE F. LEFEBVRE REâ€"INSTATED LAST WEEK on $10.00 unlawfully fronr one of t rneyâ€"General‘s particular friem ent by the name of S-a‘.ly"ay, ek by nationality, and a‘‘liqu etive"‘ by profession, the lati iding better than the usual desig n by the general publiec. Lefehy ded not eui‘ty and elected to A WISE MAN‘S WORDS * by pri better th che gener: ot guilty Gudge. Prov n vincial Offica jal we m n LV id elected to be the meantime he his position on TGZ PORCUPINE ADVANCE was reâ€" rlice for ) with takâ€" one of the ar friends, allyfa_\', a a "‘liquar the latter nstai e. H m y The ones I‘d caught. ‘"‘Oh1‘‘ said ‘they, & ‘‘He‘s been out fishing all this day An‘ hasn‘t caught a «ingle thing, He never got a fish toâ€"stting. Thevy daugthed at me, but all itheir Travelled no farther than my ears, ‘Twas true I‘d fished all day without Snaring a single, speckled trout, But what of that? I‘d had a day That I could loaf and dream away, [‘d chummed with birds and friendly trees And begn as careâ€"free as the breeze. I‘d rested wheresoe‘er I‘d willed, To me the Hum of trade was stilled, I‘d let my thoughts go wandering far To where life‘s happier glories are; They laughed when _ / night, And said I didn‘t g TDhey snickered an‘ And all the fellows [‘d whistled like a boy onee more, And even stretched full length on shore To watch the white clouds sail the blue, The very way I used to do. They laughed when I came thome at night, And said I didn‘t get a bite. They seemed to think my duck was bad § They couldn‘t guess the fun I‘d ‘had, jeers Travelled THE LUCKLESS FISHERMAN et a bite, they joked at me, asked. to see »ht. <5Ohl‘"‘ said I came home dlast common in tie LONGON PdpeClsy 16 would seem. A contemporary recentâ€" ly offered a prize, says the Manchesâ€" ter Guardian, for the best collection of such announcements, and the folâ€" lowing is the result: ‘*Annual s elsewhere _to here."‘ *A lady wants to sell her piano, as she is going abroad in a small iron frame."‘ & And couldn‘t know that all that day I‘d been a free man, blithe and gay, And though of fish 1‘d danded none. I‘d eaught the joys for which I‘d gone. â€"Edgar A. Guest. Curiously _ worded advertisements, that are funny without intent, are common. in the London papers, it would seem. A contemporary recentâ€" ©For saleâ€"a pianoforte, the proâ€" perty of a musician with carved legs."‘ * Wantedâ€"a yroom ~by two gentleâ€" men about thirty feet long feet long and twenty feet broad."‘ ‘©Bulldog for sale; will eat anyâ€" thing; very fond of children.‘‘ ‘‘Wantedâ€"by a respectable iginl, her passage to New York; willing to take care of children and a good sailor. ‘‘Mr. Brown, furrier, begs to anâ€" nounce that he will} make up gowns, capes, ete., for ladies out of their own skins~‘ *Wantedâ€"for summer, a cottage TUNNY ADVERTISEMENTS sa a now â€"on. Don‘t go be cheatedâ€"come if NR NeX ANNUAL BLACK BASS PRIZE wWON BY NORTH LAND FISH tances WIs "To be ton, the pi a movable The North Land has them aill beatâ€" en for nearly everything, As another proof of this read "the following paâ€" ragraph from the last issue of The Hailey burian :â€" "Further proof of the value of North Country as an ideah allâ€"arourd place to live is evidenced in the anâ€" nouncement of~ the Toronto Daily Star that the prize rod which that paper offers annually for the «best small mouthed black bass caught in Ontario waters, was won this year by Mr. R. iP. Van Camp with a fish hookâ€" ed in a small lake off Lake Temagami. ‘The prize ffish weighed Glbs. 4 ozs., and measured 22 inches long by 16% inches in girth."‘ The frost that kills the harvest of & year saves the harvest of a century, by destroying the weevil of the locust. W 1CLO W ben ma eadpiece family wi SUh ent NV 1 hway, &n d n l n raimnâ€" with man S