Timmins Newspaper Index

Porcupine Advance, 19 Oct 1921, p. 4

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V WfimfifififififlfifigfifigfiEfifififififigfigfififigfigfigfigfigfigfigfififi s-c-iff-isis-tbaggage? wmte 1t.2n'b1'o1de1'.v--1ist. Mrs» A. Tompkinson; 2nd. Miss O. Orr; 3rd. Mrs. D. Warren. Coiored Embroidery-Wise C). Orr. Miscellaneous Chjlleetiorr---,M1s'. M, Clark. Collection of Fancy Needle Work-- Spitz; _ Cred Donald Miss A whit G. H fat t. Kne Kr w. P. ('unrpsall. Fancy Work and Home Canning Pitrklec---lst. Mrs. Geo. Bannermn 2nd. and JIM. Mrs, F. Gervais. J. W. Y Beans Beets- Pearce. Caullni 2nd. Mrs Tomatc Withe Cttbha:ge---1et W. D. Pearce. Corn-airs. J. Wilson Celery-lst, W. D. M rs. W prizes Emit FIRST PORCUPINE PAIR PROVES BIG SUCCESS WEDNESDAY. OCTOBER 19th. 1921 omce 26 "If i'ililtill'llli “VANCE Silk Wtwk- on Iuineo-- Jar‘leg Rhnl) Vt ’amun 'tt 'ru Published every Wednesday by Geo. we, Publisher Canada -- United States ttt inn gnes 19 H n our W p s- ower---liit. . J. Wilson )es-lst. IN SOY! 11oyli----rt(t. Mrs. It nd. Mrs. J. McDonald .35. Mplfatt. 7 Emuoidevy---1sr. Mr m; 2nd. Miss O. Orr Ml G ro wt Subscription Rates: rich /---rTr' Miss A. M Work-lit n Satin et I) W. Yo 11n Wm. Sm Mrs UV 1 Velve Mrs. E Telephones: Vegetables l Hart t, H tee Pearce at 25 bl. 'Mt-Donald. Mrs. Hay; 2nd. Mrs. Jrd. Miss Agnes Muff- ---1.gt. Mrs. E. Me D M. M I. P. “Ty --W. D. P Any Vegetable-- w NH D Uervms (fartin. Irs. ll, ith; 2nd. W. p, otfatt M r 1’00 Z. Hart; 2nd Residence 112 Peat $2.00 year $3.00 year earce; D i Itat " ONTARIO H and Wm earce Mrs 1) McDon- o M Mrs 11'ee Jrd San- nd TI, BAZAAR AND TEA TO BE . HELD ON NOVEMBER 17. Boys' Shuttle Race, 14 and under -W. We.sa, Art Wesa, Sam Camp- sall, I, Wilson. I P. Buys" Sack llaee--1.st, W. Wesa; 2nd. Wilfrid Germis. . Biscuit and Whistle Raee----1ian B1'iss:on, for girls; and Ist. Arthur Ihr. vine, for boys. son and Arthur Den: Girls' 3-leg,ged R Wilson and R. Gel" Bri<son and P. Smith mm; and, Buys, (i Gauthier; Boys, 7 son inks re n Bannermar son _ Hem Ryan; M nt W Mrs, en d. Stella Girls. 11 n; 2nd. W. Wesa Boys, 11 to ll---." J. I. Wilson. Ladie Water Colours and Drawing-lst. is. F rank Hamilton;; 2nd. Miss lice Hart. Painted China-aMiss E. MeGreeor. foTs House Plants-Urs. I. P. Wilson. Oil Paintings-Mrs. A. Kincaid, Home-made soap-Miss o. Orr. Horses v: m m Road Qui ll ti m 'essit' O. Or Mar h " Mer 'keattt--1st, J. Cu Ink-J. Huddlestone. e Driving Horse-lst. man; 2nd. Geo. Helmet y Drnu 2nd. R, ll ie Henderson. 3-legg:ed Raee---qhwie iLevin- Arthur Devine. 3-leg,ged Raee---1st. Clam md R. Gervais; ad. Jean Mrie Henderson. Needlework-Wm th Races and Sports n's 1laee---1st. H. I. ll, Beamsbottoni. . Itttee---1st. Mrs. G. W. Ray- Miss Néva Davis. years and under-Ist. Jack ;2nd. Con. Martin. 'to 10 yeav.s--1st. I. Wil- n L) IO-d Smith. Driver-lst, II, 2nd. Miss 0. Orr. Tug-of-War mmine won the Int ina--Niss E. MeGregor. ts-Urs. I. P. Wilson. 14---1st. J oe ttee-lst. L Henderson iaee a' fentino H brses--1st. Thos ntino; 3rd. Join Cl Ralph Barnes; ttie Jean Bl'lsson ', a 1'tl the tug-of- .ll ticket for in the base, Jean Bris Mrs. Geo IN Gervais. ; unmn tWIS', W Wil- ieo 3rd al' A'.. “That whereas the p1'ospe1ity of Southern Ontario is bound up with that of Northern Ontario, and where- as, awiny; to the rapid increase of the, population of Northern Ontario, the development of Northern Ontario is being held back by the lack of funds necessary to finance required improve- ments, be it resolved that the. Ontario Government be requested to increase the Notrhern Development Fund to $3,000,000 for th year 1922." This resolution will no doubt be greeted with hearty applause all. through the North Land. But that is likely to be the only respbnse‘from this resolution. Mr. L. Stadelman, of Cobalt, was visitor to Timmins last week: ar bury [DIAMOND DRILLING now ; AT THE BEAUMONT MINES GOVT. ASKED TO INCREASE NORTH. DEVELOPMENT FUND present. m untimen' lawns?“ to Huston and Toronto interests. “KM; is one of the i..nrscdiate resuiits of assurance of quick building of the railway and would have been impossible. pthav.- wise," says Mr. Pinelle. Road's r1nd railroads are the prime necessity for the New!) Land and it is not too tntteir to say that ordinary-roads are the must important just at the immediate The advantage of adequate trans- portation facilities is illustrated very strongly by the effect. of the proposed building of the railway lines east and west of Swastika by the Canadian Light Railways Co. Within a day or two of the actual letting of tlhe con- tract for the railway consultation Mr. C. Fl. Pinelle sold four of "his claims in Gnuvtheir Townshi to Boston and Toronto interests. “"lei5 is one of the immediate resuCits of assurance ot' quiok building of the railway and would have been impossible other, CLAIMS IN GAUTHIBR TP. BOLD BY MR. C. E. PINBLLB The Beaumont Mines are now doing further exploration work on their pro- perty by diamond drilling. The Beau- mont is in Tisdarle, Township, north of the Davidson, and is looked upon as a promising property. Consideratpe work has been done on the Beaumont and the results have been veal on- eouraging. It is believed that by the diamond drilling still further promis- ing exploration of the property may " mad At a recent meeting; of the Hailey- try Board of Trade, with a large trl representative attendance pre- nt, the following ieirohttion was have been my” en- believed that by the still further promis- f the 'property may m POROUPINE ADVANCE Sir Archibald Mitchelson, Bart., of' London, Eng., who heads the English interests who are coming into the company on a large settle, recently visited the property at Porcupine. On his return, Sin Archibald stated to the Toronto Globe; "Now that we have seen the mine, we feeg very happy and I think it is only a question of time until we have a tremendous mine there. .I honestly feel it. It will be a question of tip-top handling and management, and we will have expert advice. We have made our plans for further developments, and for sinking a. new shaft, and in due course will have the necessary mill. I shall go back to London in a few days feeling very eordHent, and not having re- gretted the steps we have when? "An incomparable artist," "the prince of baritones," "rsuperlr q0- tur," "a gifted singer with a (voice of singular/power and richness,-'-'--); are a'few of the enthusiastic. refer- ences from other journals of high standing that praise only When praise is fully merited. The visit of Jean Riddez to Tim- mins on Oct. 28th. is an event that none should miss. ACTIVE DEVELOPMENT WORK AT THE DAVIDSON Active development work is now un- der way at the Davidson Mine in Tis- dale, and a large force of men are busy at. the property. It is the inten- tion to largely add to the working force so that operations can he rush- ed. Among the items mentioned as among the work planned for the inr. mediate future there isa-under- ground development, a working shaft to be sunk, and tl1e erection of a 'm'ge mill. Under the arrangement reeently nttified by the shareholders the Oa. vidson will have me proceeds from an issue of approximates i'1,000,000.90 "Jean -vRiddez as the Cenobil‘e Monk,” Says the Montreal Gazette, “scored a brilliant suieeess. He gave an exeellent characterization bring- ing out all the dramatic effectiveness of the role. His splendid baritone was in fine prominence especially where, as rent with the all-absorbing love for the" charms bf Thai-s, lhe brought out to the full his stern sense of sneer- dotil duty.” . The Boston Herald refers to Jean Riddez as one to be spoken of in terms of enthusiasm, a great artist with a: wonderful mice. _ . Messrs. Smith and "Traveig have‘ moved their drills unto the Davidsun property and are busy at work. It is understood that between 3000 and 4000 feet of diamond drilling will be done on the property now. stock available for developrnentpw- poses. . _ The Ottawa Citizen says that a voice like ‘l‘liat of Riddéi is possessed by few with his great histrionie abil- ity. - ms powers in ms delineation nael. "He was so satisfying respect,” 'says The Star, ' seemed to live the role. He is ful." . lmquuis 14'alls,--and non: these towns may well consider themselves in luck. It will be remembered what a delight- fu evening was passed here by those iwho love lrigllt-elass music and song When Mr. Paul Dufault, the famous tenor, visited Timminis some time ago under the auspives of the R.C. church. The visit of Mr. Riddez is even more noteworthy, his outstanding being even more attractive. The Toronto Globe recently in re- femiing to Mr. Riddez, said:---")'.. Jean Riddez revealed himself to l.e bath a singer and an actor of extra- ordinary power. Rarely is there found such a combination of real dramatic ability and a voice of such range and strength. His acting: dominates the performance, and the tragic finale found fitting expression in his last bitter, heart-broken cry after the death of Thais." The Montreal Star refers' to ‘Mi'. Riddez as giving additional pvoot of his powers in his delineation of Atha- nael. "He was so satisfying in every respect,” 'says The Star, "that he seemed to live the role. He is wonder.. of 'ms .way to the there and will in the Novy, of the Timmins R. will undoubtedCy be al event Of the year member through the is not often that to bare the opportunrt Lovers of the musical and the dra. matic will have a genuine treat in the New Empire Theatre on the evening of Friday of next week, Oct. 28th. when 'Mr. Jean 'Riddez, of tlte Grand Opera of Paris, will be here under the auspices of the Altar Girls Sociegy of The Timmins R. C. church. This will undvubied.'y be the great music- Jean Riddez, Gifted Baritone of the Grand Opera of Paris, in Timmins On Friday of Next Week. Milllll glllllll Il?fllll Illlllllllllf HEM llthllll i!” 11r, outstandm ban Riddez to the west and the tragic finale expression in his last woken ery after the 1rrl.N All“ nd mom ‘aml fame Mr. Riddez is on fill engagements JP at two places -LTinnnins',," and roth thesé towns e towns in luck. e and s the finale MILLINERY STORE AND STOCK FOR SALE On account of ill-health, the mil- kinery store and stock at 37%, Third Avenue is offered for quick sale at a bargain. Apply at once at the store. The txventy-fourtls annual conven- tion of the American Mining Congress is being held in Chieaso this week, ihrt. 17th. to 22nd. Defegates are pre- sent from the mining industry in all parts of Canada, the United States and Mexico. In connection with this -very important gathering of the min. ing men of the continent, Ihere is also an exposition id mining equipment which will furnish an opportunity for the delegates to study the very lat- est forms of mining machinery, and this exposition " described at aiming at the demonstration "of every means to attaining the highest degree of economy and edieieney in all matters relating to metal production.” The main purpose of the eorwention is described. as to plan far prosperity, the general feeling being expressed in the slogan, "The mining industry--- fundamental to national prxrstrerity-- stands in need of a constructive pro- gramme for which there mast be con- eerted action." Municipal Corporation of the Town of Timmins. Taxes d istress WANTED - Immediately-Reliable Lady or Gentleman to handle.ilte well known Genuine Watkiu’s Pro- duets. Household Neeessities. All or Spare Time. Write us to-day for full partieahtrs. The J. It. Wat- kins Company, Dept. H-l, Hamil- ton, Ontario." ---40-43 As a precaution at this time of the year, all in town are advised to boil the water before using. H. H. MOORE, M.D.,» io per thereto STRAYED COW-A milelr cow stray ed onto my premises some days ago. Owner may have same by proving property and paying, 9x13911305 in- curred. Apply lo c1rathias Clement, Mounrtjoy Farm, east side of river, next to W. C. Edivavds. 41-43;). 1921 PURSE POUND-tttlvl, Black lea- ther compartment. purse found, con- Mining; 50 cents in silver and a pie- ture post card. Owner may have same by proving; properly and pay- ing fcrthis advertisement. App!., at The Advance office. ---c11-13 TEAM POR SALE-Horse, harness "and sleigh for sale cheap. Apply to G. Hume, (58 Fourth Avenue, 'after but o'clock nun --41-tp.?ur. HOUSE POR SALE--'.?; FURNISHED ROOMS suitable tln. light house keeping, with small kit- ohen. and cook store. ?, Apply (ill THREE ROOMED furnished house to fillet. Apply B. Lenwan, b'0 Elm St. ur,1 CANOE POR 'SALE HOUSE AND LOT POR SALE at STOVE WOOD POR SALE. Apply WAREHOUSE POR RENT on Rail- road; 20 feet by 40 feet. Apply ll--- POR RENT-Furnished mums. Apply H. Lem FURNISHED ROOM TO LET. SEWING DONE BY THE DAY.- POR ANOE P0RiLE1---1t'r [nut Canoe fur sale; hrs. dition. Apply to Phone low figure (Mice. axe Ont. rvel!-iinished; al', huproventents Mud); Cleo. Boutin, 21 Bireh street Apply 27 Sixth Avenue street " "LB---The Club, Sehumaeher. Apply T. H. Torrance, Timmins. 9 , ll! es are due on or before Oct. 31st SS or meth A venue BOIL THE WATER, cent. penalty will be added flter that date. ll arrears-will be collected by yr other precast of law. Rmvliuson (I cook stove Ivemur. W. B. MACPHERSON, . A Erneoh NOTICE. Medical Health Officer. TAXES Apply Mattagami J. W. REED, T Box 174, Timmins sued house Lennan, 60 Jrey Amuse 21!) out Che., class can I 1mltiit1g, 1ppl Jo r to I’OSE 'dp I) " n The Timimns Business Colle,ge is under the management of the oldest established and best business trainers in Northern Canada. _ Call and see us at once. Is hard io open unless you know your business-We train you in smeh studies as you care to follow in our Business College, so that the door of success swings open ,to you the minute you complete your course with us. q Ansara Block E. M. TERRY, Principal Box 223, - Timmins, Ont. Bold in Porcupine by Burke's Drug Store. OONOOWWWMO; -00.00..totooottootto g iiiiiitiki/ijii; Anyone interested in Christian Sei- ence is cordially invited to attend an informant meeting every Sunday , ing at the home of Mrs. 1'1l)L,Qit' 49 Tamarack street, Timmins, at 8 p. m. and every Wednesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. V. H. Emery, 20 Hemlock street, at 3.34) p.111. THE FINANCIAL DEPARTMENT Timmins Business College REGULAR MEETINGS RE CHRISTIAN SCIENCE HERB Commercial Weekly Business Systems Installed and Improved. DR. MOORE BLOCK, _ UPSTAIRS Hours: 9 to 5.30 daily. of All kinds of TypeWriting Letters Written, Etc. ‘ll har firm Crown and Bridge Work Plates Consultation Free. you tl Room 7 Reed Bldg., Timmins. DR. JND. B. AIKEN DENTIST Phone 201 of Rock Work a Specialty. Drawer 2. Schumacher, Ont. General Contractor Excavating, Concrete, all Kinds The Door of Success MOOVIT R. F. Argles CORN 'rt on. SMART. A FEW Russ WITH Moovn' Conn PENCIL AND AU. IS OVER JUST nus THE PENCIL ON THE CORN AND AWAY GOES ROOT AND BRANCH. DOES NOT BURN Accountant and Auditor 1uteeessful bush mtling, to repres m must have m: ll xpemence fiieieney nergy quipment RALPH DIPAOLO FOR SALE AT Au DRUG mo DEFT STORES la r di Bulletin IN tends strint. PENCIL to hu a"? "tie let we II' . Otfiees Reed Block Timmins, Ont. Telephone 66 11'C6 n less JO p ttt' mu tl an wk” The right capital at Industri et c. ial Ht " u

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