Ei ER % 'i?2i, Wi', Illi nllillllN ANNE few days afterwards the New Lis- keard man was on a Jcoliday trip to the south and had (the opportunity of itating {he Government speak agam mt Liialsay. At Lindsay the Premier Farmer of the Province again refer- rid to the wants of the north. “They want: roads, they want innumerable things, they want 'too much, bat they wity, have to wait until we get our roads and other requirements down here," he said, according to mile New Off1ee 20 WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 12th. 1921 hem and d iffe ONE TALE FOR THE NORTH AND ANOTHER FOR SOUTH m at Prem Ltskeard man. _ And Fame. people profess-u prised at the growth of swe (he North Land. , . very OPENING OP BIG NEW STORE . IN TIMMINS TOMORROW The tine hig new store at The corner of Third Avenue arid Balsam street, Timmins, to be occupied by Feldman Pmrs., wlryksale and retail, meats and groceries, announces its formal open- ing to-morrow, Thursday. The build- ing, is of solid brick and is one of the mast. tlp-to-date and best equipped business places in the North Land,- a.de.eided amuisition to the town. The mocks and the service promised in this new store. are to be in keeping with the superiority of the business building. Mr. W. MeCraken is sto be 959$ manager, and each department is to be 'headed" by men wen-known andequally experienced and popular. (iii-iii,,:,; Special Values . e in New Goods ï¬gï¬gï¬gï¬gï¬gï¬gï¬gï¬gï¬gï¬gï¬gï¬gï¬gï¬ï¬gï¬gï¬gï¬ï¬ï¬gï¬ï¬ï¬ï¬ï¬ï¬gï¬gï¬gï¬gï¬gï¬EEï¬EEEEEEEEEEEEï¬EEE rom Published every Wednesday by Gen. Lake, Publisher Canada - United States w Lislceard nuzen Premier Drury in the south in two Se Subscriptioq Rate Telephones: 'rovertrment At Lindsay e Pruvime its of the n they want Mr. S. Bucovetsky has just returned from a buy- ing trip to Toronto, Montreal, and other big man- ufacturing centres, and the two stores here are stocked with new goods as a consequence. All the stocks were bought rightand at the new reduced prices. You get the benefit. Come in and see the fine lines of new goods for fall and winter at prices that will surprise and please you. Watch the Windows The Men’s Store 29 Third Ave. S. Bucovetsky & Co. 44 Third Ave. '0H00HtH00H0H.H000H060000s9.60_000t60.00t00H... of the two stores for specials in various lines of Clothing, Boots and Shoes, Hats, Caps, Men's Wear, Trunks and Valises, Etc. Residence 112 $2.00 year $3.00 year ONTARIO te to be sur- .'earing in GEL; about the north mate and mrate and n h Ll of the Grocery Department. wun men -like these in charge the public may be assured of the best of service and mwmion. Big stocks of new goods no may for-thevepon'mg ‘Wrow, Jand Feldmazr Bros. new big More is ready with the best of goods and the A new mmzn; company nus formed to'takeiover and opera St. Anthony Nine at Bueke, [west of Coehrane. Last yea imizm was operated under the .111 “raw Seymour win-hurtling of thedfeat. Dem. tinit Mr. James Ralph of the Grocery Department. With men 'like these in charge. the public NEARLY 200,000 NAMES ON LIBERTY LEAGUE PETITION mins and other sections of mliis part of the North Land. Indeed, it was a rare thing for anyone to refuse to sign, those approached usually being: anxious to put down their own names and get others to sign, as soon as they understood the im'ture of the petition. Apparently the petitions are being largely signed elsewhere in the Pro- wince also. Up to date a total of over 185,000 signatures is reported from Toronto headquarters and the inten- tion is to continue tbe eiretdation, of the petitions until there are half tt million signatures. NEW COMPANY FORMED TO OPERATE ST. ANTHONY MINE Sr. Anthony Nine at Bueke, Ont, west of (1oehrane. Last yea-1' this mine was opera-ted under the manage- ment of Mr. C. P. ('harlehois, but it has been clvmed for same time past. There is a mining plaut on the pro- perty and eonsideralsle exploration and development work (lune. It is claimed that there are enough ofe re- norves to keep the mill busy for two years or more. The new company taking ovr the properly is understood to include DIV. C. Lorne CampUsll, formerly of the firm of Campbell. & Deyell, Cobalt. Mr. Campbell will take personal. charge of the conduct of the property. The mill has ben pat in fira?t-iaiss, shape and has a capacity of 140 tons ofuhre a day. Arrangements are said to be under way with New " rv "‘93 j: company has been over and operate the 1211C d a u as t I an in Tim- of York inte tual native re. an early date. _ ii'ii11 DR. MOORE BLOCK, t yt, UPSTAIRS T t ';'ih t Hours: 9 to 5.30 daily. t Mr. Andrew Pirie, of Simwville oe., is 'visiting his daughter, Mrs Geo. Helmer, of South Porcupine. Mr. J. Perrault, IL quarters in New Liskes av ro town this week. The direet wire service given by the Htuniltoil B. MCi11s Co., in reporting. the World's Series was much appre- ciated in town. The Ladies A id of the Presbyterian church are holding a Tea and Sale. of Home Cooking in. the Clinic Itirom, op- poi-rife the Post 0lh'ee, on Saturday, Quicker 22nd., from 3 M) 6 p.111. The "ht Home†given in obhse Ma.. surnie Hall on Friday evening Last hy the ofh'eers, and members of Golden Beaver Lodge, A.F. & AN., proved-a most terrjoyalile [and successful event. The music, the dancing, the refresh- ments, everything in connection with the evening was of the best and the large whtendanee present spend a very ddiv,i'atfUl evening. Little Miss Margaret. Easton had an unfovtttnate accident on Saturday evening but luckily eiseaped serious injury. In some way while at play she slipped at the top of the stairs, falling down the full length, some 14 feet, and "striking her head at the bottom. She was ttneonseious for about five hours, but then, recovered conscious- ness and was found tole praetieajly uninjured. Outside of a bad bump on the farciieud and a severe shaking-up the li/ttle girl is new none mile worse for the accident which almost miracu- lously escaped being a tragedy. Paeea mr DAVIDSON STARTED MONDAY ON DEVELOPMENT WORK. The Davidson Mine has been de- wa/tered, and dereiliopment work was started again at. the pvoperty on Mop- day of this week. The Davidson has given great promisé from the mark previously carried on and with ample finances and energetic development work now it is confidently expected to carry on to gueeess. _ ‘- Tltltllllll NEWS Ill BRIEF cats to greetu» Winn fin the aggressive det'elopnter. l at Emmy M in menrn Bari m PORCUPINP. ADVANCE )w With head md, was a visit and the xpeet Eil " ITE 'dfi we, gi Me. FE fi: Truly wonderful. how quickly you can get hid Of all stomach humble. Hedmae goes right-to the seat of the trouble. Mrs. Van-horn, of Winnipeg, writes: I have suffered for years froth Indigegtion. I Would get such a sharp PAIN IN THE PIT OF THE STUMAGH? Badman Believes It pam m we pu u would uLmost doub During this time I wimt it was lo enj very thin and weak ing: Rednute and “I to me. I can eat th day now ivunderful T onie, mad and Fonts from foreign REPORTS THAT KEORA WILL REE-OPEN AT EARLY DATE. The recent flurry in Iieora stock is generally attributed to the idea {hat the prope1ky will vre~apen at an early date. There is no otiieial aoItlyttnee- ment in Ihe matter but it is under- stood tliat arrangements have. been finally completed enaliling the Keorn to Pe-open and carry {Cll'oug'l an ey- tensive devtlopttiervt and exploration programme. The report has it that the Kama will resume operations in the very near thtfure. BORN-TO Mr. and Mrs. J. Chl Iagl1er, River Road, on Saturday, Oct. b'th., 1921,---a son. . In every loving husband, George died Oct. 13111., 1 FURNISHED ROOMS TO wANImy--Posirion as b'tenographee Apply Bos 263, Timmins. _ THREE ROOMED furnished Imusc to liek. Apply B. Lennan, 60 Elm St. MILLINBRY STORE AND STOCK FOR SALE. POR SALE-i, An account afriyl-'neioYh, the mil- linery store and stock at 37%, Third Avenue is offered foir quick sale at a bargain. Apply at once at the store. A big; dark red cow, with horns, and belliost since Tuesday Oct. 4th. She may have a calf now. If anyone knows where it fs' phone Ito Feldman Bros. 97LX., Selrtunaeler. Mrs. E. Niemi. --11 MUNICIPALITY OF TIMMINS, DISTRICT OF TEMISKAMING. And I hereby call upon 9.01 Vcters ta take immediate proeefdings to have any errors or omissions corrected ac- cording to law. Dated at t,'rs, ()c-t. 12th., 1921 WWO.†l Apply 59 Fourth Avenue. suite/golden oak; wile be sold as a suite or the pieces sold "separately. Apply to 47 Flm street, Timmins. peslion. I would get. in the pit ot' my d Mnlost double me tig this time I harr, , it was lo enjoy a All kinds of Typewriting, etc. Letters Written, Etc. Nrr It Public iltiam'iiptti' mm- and “that a blessing it 1 can eat three square mew? V0TERS' LIST, 1921. B. E. MONTGOMERY, Clerk II u' IN MEMORIAM COW LOST IT 85 , to fe 1918. --Wife and Children. memory of my dear Muie Dewar, who Town of Timmins, my stumach, it me up at times. hawe not known v n meal. I got I have been lak.. Pl dining: room ewar, --11 p. i1 FOR WAREHOUSE POR RENT on Rail. road; 20 feet by 40 feet. Apply 11- J. W. REED, Timmins. STOVE WOOD FOR SALE. Apply HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE at a TEAM POR "hB--llorse, harness POR SALE--- PURSE POUND-Lady',; Bl thu- icmryaytnieiit purse for tailing 50 cents in silver m S'DRAYED COW---) mile!) cow stray od 0.21:0 my premises some days ago. Owner may have same by proving property and paying' expenses in- curred. Apply Ito Nathias Clement, 7Mnu~nvfjoy Farm, east side of river, new to W. C. Fhlwavds. 41-lrp, WANTED -.-- Immediately-Reliable Lady or Gentleman to handle the wefl known Genuine Watkin's Pro- duets. Household Neeessities. All Ot' Spare line. Write us to-day for full lrartirmlars. The J. R. Wat.. kins Company, Dept. H-4, Hamil- HOUSE FOR SALE ..---Tcnd ers Vote-ran claim, 160 acres, about three miles from uUatheson; one third ready for the plough. Will sell cheap for cash, or will exchange for town lots. --41-43p. “Wafer rates for the Municipality of the Tnmn of Timmins aré due on or btfore the 15th day of October, 1921, on which =a'disemuLt of 10 per cent. will be uay.owed if paid on or before. that date. --41 Municipal Corporation of the Town of Timmins. 1021. 5 per cent. penalty will be added thereto after that date. Taxes ia1 arrem‘s will be collected by distress or other process of law. THE FINANCIAL DEPARTMENT IN the Supreme Court of Ontario--- BETWEEN:-- John P. Tierney, Plaintiff, low figure ORR-e. G Master of this Court, at Haileybury, made in this cause and dated the 22nd day of September, 1921, there will be offered for sale by public auction by John D. Mackay, Deputy Sheriff for the District. of Temisktunir1g, on the 18th day of Octobet‘, 1921, at the hour of 10 (Prim-k in the forenwn at fl. D. Ont feetion Baum h rure post same by pt ing for 1hi ton, Ontario OUSE FOR BALIl'.-lenders Wm he reveived by the undersigned up to the Tenth of N1rvemloer 1921 for Lets numbers 77, 78, and 79'on the East side of Spruoe Street, Plan ll. 33, Manaeha' T ownsite, being one os- dinary sized house and two small houses. Address: S. Alfred Jones, 45 Market Street, Brantford. 41-42 Taxes are dure'on or before of a large and succesful Industrial firm, intend-s opening an offiee in your district. We are Looking fan- a successful business man of good standing to represent us. The right man must have sutfieieat capital to handle this ofhee, and he has the op- portunity to build up a good lmsi, n.ess. Write giving your present occupation and references to Ad- vertis‘er, Room 30, 88 Bay Sweet, Toronto. --41.43 Hll' Pursuant to D FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE l sleigh fof sale cheap. Apply to Hottle, 68 Fourth Avenue, after m I t't'0t' Rawlinson, Box 174, Timmins, vpaytment purse found, Poll- 50 cents in silver and a pie- st card. Owner may have F proving, pmpor-ty and pay- This advertisement. Appt, Idvanee orfiee. _ 441-13 ml -The Club, Schmuckâ€. H. Torrance, Tinunitis. K W. b, MACPHERSON. ' ' 1Aslleebc. M-abtagmni Heights, Ont. W. S. MACPHERSON, Library Table, hall Seat all fumed oak, also per- oil heater and 50 inch J. Apply 50 Tamarack st. Apply Mattagatui P WATER tuit TAXES S. P. LINDSAY, 011m Dist ---11-42 Collector " K ----40-43 ant present to Ad- Street, --41.l3 Kit any .s'n lea irs,tf,',i'ji,feji'i:'ii/ ost Bl and It As a precaution at this time o’ ', year, all in ‘town are advised t , w the' wife? before using. 'c F'" REGULAR MEETINGS RE CHRISTIAN SCIENCE HERB 01105 m. and at the Hemlm informal m; 49 The Principal of We new Thnmihd Business College is hard at worlr these Just two weeks. Students are progressing wonderfully, the Only thing the college regrets is that a lpt of the young people of the town have nut yet awakened to the fact the): they are missing a grand and gloiioiy opportunity of being eih'eient Boi'git keepers and Stenographers by ire taking: a few months course in this taking a tew months course m was school. ' " We are just giving yon a TIP. _r,'r.y We will have lots of positions for our graduate".?) and if you want to be one (if the fortunate onus, you must be train-2d. ' Full information has been veoeire,d by the Principal this week from thé noted penman, A. F. Sprain of the Comtnereial Text Book Co., 'l‘oi'onto, regarding the awarding of Progress Certifieates and Writing Diplomas to students of tire Timmins Business Cttl'usrrp.and Penmanshin classes will Commercial Text Bunk Co., 'l‘nmnto, regarding the awarding of Progress ilertih'eates and Writing Diplomas to <t11<lemts of the Timmim Prusiriess College,and Penmanship classes will he started this week. Information regarding the Gold Medal Annual Writing (hrntest has not yet been received, but it is under- stood that the Timmins Bu~iness Col, leg'e is to he one of bile (Arlleges in this contest. - Timmins Business College Ansara Block ' E. M. TERRY, Principal '†Box 223, Timmins, Ont. Phone 225. Sold in Porcupine by Burke's Drug Store... ' ['r l m General Contractor Excavating, Concrete. all Kinds of Rock Work a Specialty. Drawer 2. Schumacher, Ont. Room 7 Reed Bldg., Timmins. Crown and Bridge Work Plates Consultation Free. IR MI B. AIKEN DENTIST Phone 201 Business Systems Installed and Improved. am Commercial Weekly Bulletin R. F. Arpless Accountant and Auditor tnad meeting every mind t the home of Mrs. Mac mum-Mk street, Timmins nd every Wednesday a e home of Mrs. V. H. E: MOOVIT one C0lltlN RALPH DIPAOLO BOIL THE WATER. on. SMART. A FEW RUBS WITH Noam Conn PENCIL AND ALL IS OVER JUST RUB THE PENCIL ON THE CORN AND AWAY GOES ROOT AND ourclmll)‘ It xpemence ifieieney nergy qui pment BRANCH. DOES NOT BURN before using. T e' H. H. MOORE, li.D.prj Medical Health omega Few. 'ALE AT ALL DRUG AND DEFT STORES iuterestt a; I'tl PENCIL NOTICE. at _vited to very Sm m It) O'sfiees Reed Block Timmins, Ont. Telephone 66 nap m ristmn " a N In'ett tld 1116 he Ct,',', son tttt