Timmins Newspaper Index

Porcupine Advance, 5 Oct 1921, p. 6

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9 WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GROCERY AND PROVISIONS _ % 11 Third Ave. Timmins Phone 90 _ Good Food the Cheapest Way ‘ §MMMWMMW““OO““ 27 & 1 4000000888006 80800000000000000000004800080800000440046060 MMOMOWO”QWMOOOWOMOMMOOOO: : Good Food The Cheapest Way i TMMINS L00GE, 1.0.0.f. No. 453 '00““0“@“00000000”00 00’““0““00‘00 ©6000006000600 Alf. Prout, Meets every Tuesday evening in the Oddfellows Hall, Third Avenue. Visiting brethren requested to attend. #0%080080084800900000090000080000000004008000000000040046*"*_ P900009$09000000000800040000000000000000009000008060%6 Opposite the Goldfields TIMMINS ©090090000000000000008000006000000000406§48846006 the most beautiful watches in America. The Gruen Bracelet Watch are famed for beauty and doing their duty. We have them in green gold, platinum set with diamonds, also in goldâ€"filled. Every watch carries a guarantee from the maker. Cosj us iz i @(R! An important subject in your education today. Fall term Sept. lst. Further information 14 Cedar St. Up Stairs. Tke Timmins Conservatory H. F. Schroeder, Director. Faculty of three experienced teachers. Vocal, Violin, Piano, Theory, and Wind Instruments. ; Jeweiler and Optician ; Telephcone 141 Pine Street, Next Post Office - Tal -.’;V: ‘: § 2 & jullc 5§ sys fevs B Bs YC \: . (“\‘é‘)/‘;e e !’ I*Ixxlllllllll.\l!'llll.l’:ll;yl:‘,‘ ~ n rag n ue on an w n w s n e t uo w W s on So uie e i ue oys n en e y w i SA Jt 9P V d B éR & ~_SIMMS & HOOKER Highest Artistic Standards We have just received the Agency for REAL ESTATE & INSURANCE Gruen Verithin Watches vousvsuevsetousuouevouftentatnâ€"nnt5t3taâ€"aene L. Halperin (Agents for Confederation Life Association). L. Halperin Jewsler and Optician MUSIC W. G. Smith . ROBERTSON Meets every first and fourth Monâ€" day in the Oddfellows‘ Hall at 8 p.m. Visiting brethren always weleome. FIELD Wm. HANCOCK, TIMMINS LQO.L. No. 2552 PHONE 64 Roesidence PHONE 118. 7 5y EJ Falls did not nave any deiegates preâ€" sent. Cochrane had apparently a good representation but other centres in this part of the North by no means sent their full quota of delegatés. The Mattagami district was an exception however, sending nine delegates out of a possible ten. Schumacher, South Poreupine and other places were reâ€" presented but not to the extent that they mighit have been.. When the vyote was taken on the two names beâ€" fore the Convention, Mr. D. MeEachâ€" ren received 114 yotes and Dr. Melnâ€" nis 48. Withthis resu‘t any further balloting was not felt necessary and Mr. MeEachren was given tle nominâ€" ation unanimously, Dr. Melnais being one of the first to congratulate him on the big vote in his favour. At the Convention, there was a largve attendance, over 160 being preâ€" sent, ‘as against a fotal of 116 deâ€" legates at the last similar convention in this riding when Mr. A. G. Slaght At the convention of the Liberals of Temiskaming Riding held at Engleâ€" hart on Wednesday of last week, Mr. Donald MeEFachren, Mayor of Coba‘t, was selected as the Liberal party standard bearer for this constituenecy in the approaching Dominion election. Only two names went before the Conâ€" vention,â€"these being Mr. D. MeEachâ€" ren, of Cotalt, and Dr. J. A. MeInnis, vention,â€"these being LMr, 12. MCNE ren, of Cobalt, and Dr..J. A. Mcin Mayor of Timmins. ‘The north part of the riding did not have 0. McEACHREN OF COBALT, THE LBERA CAROIOAT part oi the T many ‘delegates south. â€" Timmir Falls Convention Last Week at Englehart Scelects Man from South Part of Riding on First Ballot. The number of ladies present was a feature of Wednesday‘s convention, about 25 women being in the list of delegates. Altogether there were mine nominated, and of these the only sugâ€" gested candidate to have a lady voter as a mover or seconder of the nominâ€" ation was Dr. MeInnis. The nine canâ€" didates suegested were as follows:â€" Dr. J. A. MeJnnis, Timmins, nominâ€" ated by F. M. Wallingford, seconded by Mrs. T. J. Lawlor. Dona‘ld MeEachren, Cobalt, nominâ€" ated by A. Trudell, seconded by A. Donald C ated by A Brazeau. dLOdiiriie Dougla Mac ated deli. Taylor Pipe, Cobalt, nominated by M. MeKinnon and D. H. Angus. J. Rawlinson, Porquis Junction, noâ€" minated by: J. Campbell and Maec. Lane. president suggk thus mora had had always been a Liberal in prinâ€" cipie anrd in practice, but had never allowed himself to become so hopeless iy partizan that he could see no good in those of opposing parties. He thoucht that those of different politicâ€" D ti ber in those of opposing parties. e thought that those of different politicâ€" al faiths should be given eredit for the good they might accomplish.. Dr. Meclunis said that the Liberails would have to get firmly in the solid rock of the old time Liberal policies and prinâ€" ciples as enunciated by Sir Wilfrid Laurier. On such a basis and with coâ€" operation and earnest effort a big maâ€" jority could be rolled up in Temiskaâ€" ming and. viectory won throughout Canada. After reference to the imâ€" D 1 rlj 16 of ladries present a gested the interest s showine would b ol. MeKee, E‘k Lake, nominated L. F. King and C. A. Byam. . T. H. Taylor, Cochrane, nominâ€" 1 by Nap, Servais and J. H. Truâ€" +0 from the C remarks he or Pipe and R. & ief addresses w C men nominate Melnunis received did ym H e 0 [ t ue to send ang®, .V and J Smith, Cochrans, (formerly of the G.W.V.A., Timmins). by W. Tavlor and Harry party celved a hneart]} onvention. In h referred to th Agarion €2 .05‘ () were given by the ted as candidates. ., nominated by J. inston. ralt, nominated by S. Tavior. H parts further delega e ladi cood TIE PORCUPINE ADVANCE arty L es were for the that he to 0 n 1€1 umâ€" and as P sal (Mr. hanker I t watchword, "‘It is time for revenge, * should be adopted and the ‘‘grafters down at Ottawa‘‘tbe turnedâ€"out. Mr. A. T. H. FTaylor, Cochrane, said that on account of business reasons he could mrot be the candidate at this time. Heâ€"endorsed the suegestion reâ€" protection of im( men, the speaker pointedly to the to unemployinent elosing Dr. Meln not speciaiy seexing Th but if it were the expri the Convention that he battle he would take th ity and make a good, c victory. th ( )ortant issties 0 Mr. J. Rawl Smith and. Mi withdnew their dresses. ‘On account of the unavoidable abâ€" sence of the secretary of the Liberal Association for the riding, Mr. J. C. Clermont, of Cochrane, Mr. Geo. A. Smith, of Cochrane, was appointed seâ€" eretary pro tem for the Convention. President A. A. MceKelvie, of, New ing Lne term Just Ci0sIng, being as follows:â€"Presid MeKelvie; secretary, J. °C Cochrane; Treasurer, R. Cobalt; viceâ€"presidents, . MEETING TOâ€"DAY AT FALLS FOR NEXT YEAR‘S BASEBALL It was decided that the railway fares over $5.00 be paid by the Assoâ€" ciation so that those delegates coming from distant parts should not have to pay too beavily for attending the gaâ€" therin@. 30093 A meeting is being held this (Wedâ€" nesday) afternoon at ITroquois Falls for organization and preparation for noxt season‘s district baseball, This year it was felt that delay in getting organized and away to a good start hindered the fullest success of the mr,. Layrororipe s addt elegates rather ‘‘sit u ther somewhat startlin id that with Canada‘s ball yet. Mr. J. Heppleston, Presidâ€"| 47 F4 1 EL L. 4 ent of the Tinmins Baseba‘l Associaâ€" 4; Direct Private Wire Connecting all Offices. z tion, will be one of .the i'vpre.~021I~l atives toâ€"day at the Falls. 19000000000980000000000008000000000000000000800064000606 Al willFhe district baseha‘ W f all obalt uns 18 H eard CGallagh Tavior, to MceFac I £ Pm Pesuted n [ e officers who he term just closin M d 1 ction o1 pre es of the tariff, which he be for revenue and for the f industries and working esaker referred briefly but the railway problem and iment and immigration. In Melnnis said that he was y seeking the nomination, re the expressed wish of sSUH W vas poli¢d, LiG@ DalLl@| g ied on, he thought, with vlinson, Mr. George A.‘ Ir. D. H. Angus, also r names after brief adâ€" of the unavoidable abâ€" i secretary of the ‘Lil)omll r the riding, Mr. J. C. Cochrane, Mr. Geo. A. hrane, was appointed seâ€" em for the Convention. A. MceKelvie, of, New ided. n of officers for the enâ€" g sulted in the reâ€"election ers who held places durâ€" ® M n (G InsOn, O( nt MRA c.ectors on i meant pri brief addre n D. H. Angus, also ames after brief adâ€" Hutt ected addre sit up ML Tane $A N( n the beâ€"t ) held plac tion, but he responsibilit resident, Mr. G C. Clermont R._ 8. Taylor ;‘ A. Trudell Haileybury Poreupine; A take up 12 > responsibil an fizht for W m the officer M made the Among ress did no d make made Qinlccls . y 9 rmont, Taylor, ‘rudell, ybury; ine; A. cail way f r Assoâ€" coming have to the gaâ€" § LS § ABALL (Wedâ€" s Falls ion f-m'l ADeT ~‘QO. SEGUIN an{ wA diu: the 1€ $00000000000009000000000900000000900000 00000000000 80e 0 9 Maple Street, Timmins. P.O. Box 75. Phone 211. ‘THE TOLEDO SCALE G0. ! No. 10 Cedar street. â€"â€" & Timmins, Ont. i 9080000000000800800060600000080 00000800000 000000000089$8 $060049600000000000000090006090000000900000000 00000046 $90006000000000000000000006000009090690000006000000000045 & | John W. Fogg 000000800 §000900000008000000000000000000000800008046066 $999090600000000000489600000000000000000600000000000046# $99800008008§09000900096000°0L4%00040D46 00064 8040000000446 1664 $090990¢00000000040 000000000009 6060 9000000000000 00604 403 ©$§0948§0000809000090009600000000800000000000000800000609 6§90009000000080000000000000009000000000000000880000606 b99 90999 8 000000000000000000000000000006 0000900009000 9 Sewing Machines Having purchased the property on Cedar street, and secured the services of an A.I. horseshoer, I am prepared to give special blackâ€" smith service to all my old customars and as many new ones as desire the best of service. Woodâ€"Working, Etc. SALES ROOM & SERVIGE STATION AT KORTH BAY and carry a full line of new and secondâ€"hand scales. Gambleâ€"Robinson North Bay Limitsd have moved their warehouse and business premises from Pine street to where in their new woellâ€"equipped premises they will be ready to serve all old and new customers in the lines of FRUITS, VEGETABLES, PRODUCE, CONFECTIONERY, TOBACCOS, CIGARETTES, ETC. * Phone 130. Night Calls, 152. THIRD AVENUE, ALSO SELLING PIANOS Colonial Steel Companies Famous RED STAR DRILL STEEL B.C. Fir. Woodâ€"Stave Pipge and Tanks of all descriptions All kinds second hand Mining Machinery in firstâ€"class condition. Boilers, Hoists, Pumps, Drills, etc. Head Office Gambleâ€"Robinson North Bay, Limited REMOVAL NOTICE Agent for Singer With the price of Silver quoted over the 70 cent mark, Nipissing appeals to us as one of the best speculative investments on the Board. Members Standard Stock Exchange of Toronto. Porcupine Office â€" â€" Timmins, Ontario PORCUPINE COBALT TORONTO KIRKLAND LAKE NEW YORK BUFFALO SYRACUSE ROCHESTER DETROIT. Hamilton B. Wiis & Co. Limited Lumber, Building Materials ~â€" _ Coal and Coke, Mine _ and Mill Supplies erermemccc= A ) .( J * [@ enc SPRUCE STREET, TIMMINS SPEUIAL BLACKSMITH SERVICE TIMMINS Phone 10 B Watches, Clocks, Community Plate, etc. All Repair Work Guaranteed. ACETYLENE WELDING A SPECIALTY. Everything in Jewelry NIPISSING H. HOERWITZ J. S. BROUGH, (Between Holl inger Stores). V tm have opened a W. NICOLSON, Manager. Prompt Attention to Repair Work. Vard and Warehouse J. A. HOWSE 35 Fourth Ave., Timmins Wholesale Tobaccos and Confectionery Phone 154 SCHUMACHER Phone 95 TIMMINS. Spruce St. Timminsg. $ 4&

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