‘3 i,li)li; To-o-tooo-o-tttttOtto-tttte' 8giilllElREgiillERlR1E .5 r k A.‘ 'ooo-ooo-oo-o-too-o-io ttH.......... WW = Subscribe to your local paper. the most beautiful watches in America. The Gruen Bracelet Watch are famed for beauty and doing their duty. We have them in green gold, platinum set with diamonds, also in gold-filled. Every watch carries a guarantee from the maker. ' â€a ,irtaidi', Pall term Sept. Ist. Further information ll Cedar St. Up Stairs. Jeweler and Optician Telephone 141 Pine Street, Next Post Office The Timmins Conservatory B. P. Schroeder, Director. Faculty of three experienced teachers. Vocal, Violin, Piano, Theory, and Wind Instruments. ï¬g EEEEEQEEEE! WWflnAumflm/WE 'aUjalg'r'?a'l,TP?n"TThtik1h" Highest Artistic Standards important subject in your education today. Gruen Verithin Watches have Just received the Agency for L. Halperin " Halperin Jeweler and Optician MUSIC Id! 'dszll ll=y '11 PH 52'" (=n '%llRlSElRElRiljlfii ESEEEE lime duplimt glasses. To (. thim h'ually preseriplion i tmnvi‘ smilul said. The mi init the Plisr yum make ti lawn-cs. instm it."aslis tine uptiuian says lion for gins understand." with n wink and l don't glasses or hy sixteen ouneo low." Then :md hurried slnearust drug THIS PRESCRIPTION WAS NOT GOOD FOR EYE-OPENER tumor smiled dryly. "Thanks," he said. The optieian started to write nut the prescription. “Say eouldn't yun make that prescription for 16 ounces, instead of 8, while yun're at it," asks the prospector softly.. The optieian says:----')), is a preserip- tion for glasses, not for liquor, you understand." The prospector replied with a wink, "Sure, 1 understand, and 1 don't care whether it's for glasses or by the bottle, but make it sixteen ounces now like a good fel- low." Then he took the preseriptiun and hurried away. He went to the. nearest drug store and moly present- ed that prescriptitm. "Guess you've mildew mistake, eh 1?" suggests the clerk. "This preseriptiun is for eye- glasses, not an eye-opener." Despite his. new glasses, the pruspeetm' could. ed that made’a clerk. glasses, his new not see time duplicate this particular pair ol glasses. To clinch the matter the op tieion finally said, “I'll give you s prescription if you like!" The ens tumor smiled dryly. "Thanks," lu said. The optieian started to writ; out the prescription. “Say eouldn' run make that prescription for l( m of the eye doctor that's giving: pres- oriptions away with every pair of As will he noted by the announce- ment elsewhere in this issue, the To- ledo Scale Co. have opened tt sales room and service station at North Bay and are. carrying there a full line of new and seeond-hand scales. Mr. M. Wernick has (barge of the luunFh at North Bay. l n his books 5 ime duplicate neee MM thy you (lul' I don't see the joke hen you ought to ('0 If} You was was the fear tha break this pair of l ever be able to get suit him is well. umured to reassure Iling him that he ha details and partie so that he could at $0 ll " ii' 1rd to keep told was told this true m C 1ethod eonsalt an no , says Mike, then the name THE PORGUPINE ADVANCE saw Mike he had all artieulars ld at any up at sltet Wil t tl ll thm Ill he lt? WEST HUME jlllll HUME [ME BENIN Ill jltllll.illlllllff Report from Usually Reliable Source Suggest Merger Practically Settled. / lt is understood that in the mun-e of the next three weeks the merger of the West Dome and the Dome Lake will he an accomplished fact. Negro- tiatiuns now under way to this end gamation being satisfactorily adjust- ed. According to the general under- standing of the situation the plan is to form a new company to take over the Dome. Lake and West Dome. The new company will have a eapitaliza- tion of five million dollars. West Dome and Dome Lake will each re- ceive 1,500,000 shares of this stock, par value $1.00. The balance ot' the stock will be treasury stock and it is planned to sell a million shares at around 20 or 35 cents a share. The money secured from the sale of this stock is considered to be ample to get the merged mines going and continue them along to the producing stage. It is understood that within three weeks the amalgamated properties will be running along in good shape. Plans are under way for an extensive de. velopment campaign for the immedt ate future with further thorough ex- ploration of the properties. With the mining equipment now at the proper- ties, the ore bodies blocked out, ete., Work is expected to proceed to the earning stage at a rapid pace. The outlook for. the merged properties is a good one and further details will generally be awaited with much in- terest. Rerently there have been sug- gestions that the matter of a merger had been dropped, but this does not seem to be correct. indeed. the only basis apparent for such a suggestion is the tart that the proposed amalga- mation has held tire for so many weeks. This latter, however, is un- derstood to be only due to the, natural diriieulties and details that must be weeks. this latter, however, is un- derstood to be only due to the natural difiieulties and details that must be adjusted to unsure a fair deal and general satisfaction to all concerned in such a merger. All these adjust- ments have been successfully carried to the final stages, according to the in- formation now to hand, and the 1ltles- tion of' the merger appears now to be only a matter of a few days and a few formalities before it is an aetual working: Net. PAINKILER LAKE MINE TO BE RE-OPENED SOON Capt. H. Hihbard, of Kent, Eng., Was a recent visitor to the Santa Jun. ein 'Mine in the Painkiller ‘Lake dis- triot. Capt. Hibbard was represent- ing English interests now eoneerned in the Santa 'Lucia property and it is understood that the purpose is in re- opene the mine in the very near fu- ture, The Santa Lueig has a shaft down 100 feet and eonsiderable work has been done on the "property With very promising~resntls. Some 'five yeays ago atbush-fire wasnresponsible for the destruction oft the mining plant on the property and the loss caused 'by this fire was ~a serious handiea'p' to the property. It x'vas not altogether a dead loss, however, for the fire cleared up the property and so simplifies work there now. Also, it is believed that part of the plant and machinery may be salvaged even HOLLINGBR ANNOUNCES DIVIDEND No. 89 or 1 RC. at this late date. In any event it is understood that work will hetaken up again at an early date and explora- tion and development work carried on with a view to proving up the pro- perry. Writing from Englehart last week Charlie Boone, formerly of Cobalt, and late of the us. Navy, wantstto know if any Timmins promoters would give him a chance againét any 135-ttos. boys, outsiders preferred. Charlie ap- pprently is ready to meet anything in the 135-th. class, and any here that feel the same way can write to him at Englehart. Announcement is made this wéek of a dividend of 1 pm. on the paid-up capital stock of the Hollinger Consu- iidated, payable Oct. 7th. to share- holders of record Sept. 22nd. This is the tenth dividend of one per cent. for this year and brings the total dis- bursed to shareholders to $2,460,000. ENW,EBART BOXER NOW WANT TO STAGE A BOUT Mr. Sam Newton, Chief of Police of Haileybury, and well-hnown in Tim- mins and other parts of the North Land, fast week found a policeman's lot may be quite a happy one. It's a baby girl, born on Tuesday, Sept. 13th. ER"; t ix . an! way to this end satisfactorily and low is practically the basis of amal l THE TOLEDO SGALEBU., I SALES RO0M_&_§E_R_VI_GE STAT-ION STOVE POR SALEM} oo-ttOtt-o-Ott-ot-tttooo' i. REMOVAL NOTICE "3‘ wwmmowmmoomwowmw tttttto-tOtt-ttot-ttto-tto-" i John , ?H.06.H.00...H0.0H....oHH.H60H..t.-..0 b-tttttttoo-oo-ooo-o-tti '.....t.H0.6.H..0.6..9tttt.t-tt.t-t- N, T) O... . " .--t.t.ottttt.-t.tottt-6' Ont heater ditiun rt ttt and carry a full line of new and second-hand scales. THIRD AVENUE, RED STAR DRILL STEEL B.C. Fir. Wood-Stave Pipe and Tanks of all descriptions All kinds second hand Mining Machinery in first-elass condition. Boilers, Hoists, Pumps, Drills, etc. Bead Office (if Lumber, Building Materials Coal and Coke, Mine and Mill Supplies ---AGENT FOR---- Colonial "Steel Companies Famous for sale; in hrst at a bargain for c all at TIMMINS Phone 10 B Watches, Clocks, Community Plate, etc. All Repair Work Guaranteed. Everything in Jewelry "os 250 H. HORWITZ Allivun or cash (Between Boll inger Stores). base AT NORTH BAY us cun- l. Add. immins 9urnet e W IO Yard and Warehouse PELDSPAR PROPERTY WANTED WANTED-N Ul pttvttt Marke tittt dspar Property. Send SGHUMACHER Phone 95 B reel to TIMMINS. S. Alfred Jones, F'ranki'ord, Ont. ttt