Timmins Newspaper Index

Porcupine Advance, 10 Aug 1921, p. 7

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33: a. io"'T-ouu7Coi7oGGiuooooottototootooooo-o-ot There has been a noticeable falling " in the number of tourists visiting Temagami this year, and Mr. A. Amos one of the Liberty League stalwarts of Cobalt, who has just returned from Temagami, blames the falling " on prohibition and its effeets. The ground surrounding the ship- ping yard is covered with a thick lay- er of sawdust, making it nice, dry and eleitp, but during dry weather smok- ing'should be strictly prohibited, for if a hre once gets into this sawdust and the muck under the sawdust, it will be dittieult to extinguish. The greatest care should be taken to pre- vent fire being started at the stock yard. ' (Direetly north and east of the stock pens is the site offered the Massey- Harris firm for their shipping sheds, while south is, the site offered the Shepherdspn Company. The Commission through their agent here, has done all that could be done to facilitate the shipping of live stock and the handling of heavy freight." l The following from the last issue ol’ ;The New Liskeard Speaker tells its ‘own story and will be ot' more than ipassing interest to all interested in lthe progress of stoek-vaising in the ‘North Land. The head ginks in agri- culture believe that the l'uture ot' lagriculturein the North Land centres around stoek-raising. At the Mon- lteith pienie last week several speakers {emphasized this idea and no doubt it lis quite the right thing. Ar, the same jtime the possibilities of the North Land as a “market garden" should not be overlooked. When the T. & N, o. car used to travel through the southern towns and cities exhibiting the products of the North Land the array of wonderful vegetables never failed to arouse the highest interest. Vegetables were grown around Clutrl- ton and Englehart some years ago that Were excelled no where in Onta- rio for size and quality. This year up the river settlers have fl'rown garden produce that is a joy to look upon and‘ a treat to feed upon. However, if thel big fellows, are determined to make it) a stock raising country it is well to see efforts also made to accommodate the needs that will arise, or hare arisen. tSo far as market gardening is concerned easy access to good mar- kets is absolutely imperative. This means good roads and lots of them. They have still to be built. Speaking} of the new stock yards at New Lis-l keard, providing encouragement along) the stock farming line, The New Lis-) keard Speaker says:-- i OI TThn0N8 SHOULD HAVE CUSTOMS OFFICE FACILITIES PSome months ago the Timmins P (mice was made a sutb-etvstoms oil for mail matter. This was a can nienee to many here, as the release parcels coming by mail from otl countries could be attended to he without the nuisance of a special t to South Porcupine or the other a eial arrangements previously reqr ed. Of course, what the people of Ti mins really required and desired u a regular Customs Olliee here. '1 (in) town ofliee Customs customs In be trnnsm a wa N o n ll NEW STOCK YARDS BUILT AT NEW LISKEARD BY T. & N. O. ll uh at or ens ms om fully justiggs an ol But even the ace ord to mail matter ot In l t amount (am if tnt vacation If nly 0 wn Wtls [ This was a (mm-e- tere, as the release of by mail from other be attended to here, ot' at'eolnn last. The hurdensnxm appreciated. TM: or aeeommodation last. The work err offiee business In oltiee at this , accommodation THE POROUPINB ADVANCE w euston for the y result used to er rape requir ,f Tim $011K mall , all WIP,' ere, H Us id IIS he 2,500,000 Railway ties to be manufae- tured between October 1921, and May 1922, and delivered between Deeem- ber lst, 1921, and September 30th, 1922, on Canadian National lines bet- ween Vancouver and Port Arthur, and between Prince Rupert and Arm- strong, id accordance with Tie Speci- fieation No. 3850, dated March 18th, 1919. Tender forms and Speeifieations can be obtained at the offiee of the General Tie Agent, Room 231, New Union lStation, Toronto, F. W. J dale, Purchasing Agent, Winnipeg C. C. Labrie, Purchasing Agent, l COUV'el' No tender fur quantities less than 10,000 ties will be considered. The lowest or any fender not necess- arily accepted. . Special arrangements will be made to purchase ties fully up to speeifie- ation, manufactured and delivered by actual settlers from their own lands. Sealed tenders addressed to the un- dersigned and endorsed "Tender for Ties" will he received at this oifiee until twelve o'eloek noon, Saturday, 17th. day of September, 1021, for Tenders will not be considered less made "orrdoruf.s supplied by Railway. Mc1NTYRE DIVIDEND PAYABLE SEPTEMBER 1st. ment elsewhere in tll Int.vredPoreupitto Mit dividend of 5 per Ill September lst. to slit, cord ol' Aug. 10th. September dividend t paid in dividends b, will reach the sum I It is understood that the Hattie Gold Mines have made finaneial ar- rangements for starting work at once in the development of their property nearuliatheson. It is also understood that a mining plant has been pur- chased from a mine not at present working, and the Hattie will take up development work with snap and en- LIBERTY LEAGUE ELECTS NEW OFFICERS IN COBALT 042 bm mine mnnag'ers and other prominent business and professional men are on the oseeutive eommittee, including Mr. Jas. Hylantls, the original Org-an- izer (if this present day movement for liberty for the ordinary man. HATTIE GOLD MINDS BUY MINING PLANT TO START A. A. Amos, manager Hamilton B. Wills ck Co., president: D. A. (Me Endive”, Mayor' of Wuhan, viee-pre- sident: Dr. J. A. Kane, LII. D., trea- surer, and Cl. w. Dixon, isonsulting: engineer, secretary. A number of the (‘ohult was the first town in Onta- rio to organize a Citizens' Liloerty League. Infant the movement origin- ated in 'Cobalt, and through the ef- forts of the first organizer there, Llfr, Jas. Ilyhtnds, the movement spread all through the Province. 'Last week the Cobalt 'Liberty League reorganiz- ed for the nest election. In case of a hy-eleetion in Teiniskaming the League intends to hare a candidate of its own in the field ol. have the open and active support of one of the can- didzites in the field. The new olfieevs of the Colralt Liberty League include: W. B. GRANT. General Tie Agent, Canadian Nationdl Railways, Toronto, Ont. Toronto, July 29th., 1921. 31-35 Phone 152. P.0. Box 458 Will visit Timmins first of every month at Dai- ton’s Livery. Any other times by arrangement I have closed my shop in the Reed Block for the summer season and will open again on or about August the 22 with a full line of autumn styles and shades. Ask your dealer for Dr. Gag- non's Veterinary Median“. DR. L GAGNON Ne ed Ill tin lentyre unmmt CANADIAN NATIONAL RAILWAYS. Mrs. J. A. Gagne will VETERINARY OFFICE HAILEYBURY. mining plant has b from a mine not at , and the Hattie will nent work with snap 0mm (her Tenders for Ties. NOTICE (Western Line DUKE 'o'epteniTrttr lid 1h".?..00(h00 wi Vlt tit. to be paul on areholders of re- 1neluding this the, total amount 'Y the McIntyre of F"2,,54th',19S.10. ,5 Your. inehulimr, " ll HURON“ ee nr. me will he ll advertise " my Tis- un- the an- M 'or icon) MINING sroctsl. f...........----.- W -00.0..H0.....0H.....0000.000._ W I WWW.”O mom 06W“ ”OOWWNOOOWOONO”0M9000¢OOOOOOOWOQ W000”... $WMWW“OONM WWWWNM oo-oo..".", 3099609 "HH..................-.. WWW ii? Third Ave., Timmins Alex. St. Amour Painting and Decorating Prompt Attention and Best Work Guaranteed Homer L. Gibson & Co. TRADESMEN AND OTHERS BOOKS WRITTEN UP, POSTED AND BALANCED MONTHLY. LABORATORIES; - NORTHCROWN MINES PORCUPINE DISTRICT ASSAY OFFICE , lxperience OFFICE _ fficiency Reed mo, nergy Timmins, OI lquipment Telephone i Business Systems Installed and Improved GEO. CARSON, ASSAYER Samples may be. left at Curtis Drug Store. Open to :11 prospectors and mines. It. F. shL lt Cal 703-45 Bank of Hamilton Building Accountant and Auditor We can execute orders in these issues for our Por- cupine friends, promptly and satisfactorily. Wire your orders at our expense. TORONTO, ONT. Batteries ovarhanled and re-charx- l ed. Gasoline, Oils and Accessories. Magnetos. Electric Starting and I Lighting Systems put in first-clam l condition. Phone 287. 18 Cedar street. GARAGE and SERUICE STATION firLES Eyre and Creme OFFICES Reed Block Timmins, Ont. Telephone 66 Car for Hire. Timmins.

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