'CV" av, , 1ihC, ",,,_--ii-iso',-i",'r--"-_,_s-')i' THE CURTIS DRUG COMPANY ESEEEEEEEEEEEE53%?)EEEEEEEEEEEflEEEEEEEEEEEEEï¬Eï¬WEg $522224 The Geo. Taylor Hardware 11i'lli1i',es'r.'l iiii,i -~'-:""~“""9‘~‘â€-¥’ WW" Wï¬swé£$%$$Lf‘.‘iï¬=ï¬$L era-5%? tre. .. -. .4 ‘..A' J ’-. .4 '. E. .- E 1 ï¬ï¬Eï¬Eï¬Eï¬Eï¬Eï¬Eï¬Eï¬Eï¬Eï¬Eï¬Eï¬Egï¬BEEï¬Eï¬EEEEEï¬EEEï¬Eï¬EEEEEEEEEï¬EEEï¬EEEEEEEEï¬EEEEEE The George Taylor Hardware Ford Car Dependability T IS a fact that no matter where any other car can go, a Ford Car will I go farther. You know that-- have seen it proven many times. But do you know why? ---Because the power of the Ford ---Its ample clearance carries it engine is more than sumcient to over obstructions where many oth- drive the Ford Car anywhere you er cars would be hopelessly stuck. . ~That is why the Ford Car can go want to go. . . . farther-and keep on going-than --.The light weight of the Ford any other car, and at less cost for Car, with its strong. sturdy cow. operation than any other car. struction, driven by the Ford en- ---Why it is the car for the man gine enables it to travel where no who wants a car absolutely de- other car could get through. pendable at all times. LIMITED Sold by ---Its ample clearance carries it over obstructions where many oth- er cars would be hopelessly stuck. ~That is why the Ford Car can go farther-and keep on going-than any other car, and at less cost for operation than any other car. ---Why it is the car for the man who wants a car absolutely de- pendable at all times. a: THE PORCUPINE ADVANOE mm Visit" Caml 'Last Week North Bay Town Coun- eil leased what The Times calls the “famous Toy Faetory" to The Cobalt Daily Nugget for a term of three the south The two German machine tamed as war trophies. tot F'alrsrthrough the efforts of VA. branch of that place standing in state on the Ci of the Falls. Mr. Hector Chatea Haileyburv. spent the town the guest of “)1 Aspect. inger (Mice the south. There will be general sympathy Mr. and Mrs. W. G. MeHurzh family in the recent death of little foster son, aged 14 months Mr. and M family x'eturm Mr. Jack Whit mins,and recently transferred to tl, branch at North I Mr. and Mrs. I“. M. Burke rem on Sunday from the south. many friends will be pleased to l,' that. Mrs. Burke is much improve health after the medical treat: taken at Baltimore. The Timmins Lodge of the Relsek- abs enjoyed a very pleasant sail on the Steamer Ming-a on Thursday even ing last. The trip was enjoyed by a goodly number of the members of' the Lodge, with their husbands and fri- ends. Fire Chief Green, of Cobalt, has resigned, and his resignation has been accepted by the Cobalt Council who are busy searching for all ways and means to reduce expenses in view of the 55-min tax rate threatening the citizens of the Silver City. Firem- man D. Wilks has been appointed Fire Chief. M rs M 1' tt y m ll I Belleeourt, l , the Camp t Timmins News in Brief staff Fuller left last week Itll IL Jht mt was Ja y le ti us week" furmel‘l at Cabal e Lupe of Quebec, was I! IVE a. vis a men week wee 111 lit " IVlt are now e Centre returned l. Her runs oh- Iroquois he GAY. to know L‘uved In en t ment TIL H their w HIDE H3911 and eit M n nd 1n " water V a I' 111 We have made arrangements with the Ontario Government Creamery at New Liskeard to have fresh butter- milk shipped in every day, and it can he had by the glass, ot' in quantities, at King's Amusement Parlors. M tor a couple holiday to l, other points molly There will be Ho serviee in the Presbyterian chum-11 on Sunday on ac- count of the absence of the pastor, Rev. J. D. Parks, on his vacation. they haul a il Bay one night la had other kinds Mr. A. Rubens is eoah'ned home through illness and all "Andy" tt very speedy and 1'et'oVe " Mr. Len Cousins returned to Tim- mins last Tuesday, and has taken a position at, the Hullinger. During the past year Mr. Cousins has been in Toronto where he conducted a grocery All his many friends in the Camp will he sincerely sorry to learn that Mr. A. Rubens is eoah'ned to his 'l'oronto where he conducted a grocery store with much success. The de- creased business prospects in Toronto, together with the promising future of the Porcupine and the call of the Nor.. th that brings all the old-timers back, has prompted Len. to return to Tim.. mins where he is welcomed back by all old friends. m goods tt fay m M.H.tl Mrs. Harvey p, lf t lh Tron tities t ions tunes, en Ing tth le our w I) ty tot wea [mm- and " H al advises t IN' usm tttt With 1en st wet " ll e left an Saturday weeks' well-earned til mother time m tt fiost in North ok. They have "msts there at other one Cum- Wi Dance lil ll t. ot'onto all“ tt daughter 1yeaution Af to hts will wish complete ll Timmins ot " o I H u tl ort lt am all it tawny wtslt to thank the nu friends ayd aeqointaneos fo kindness and sympathy during cent illness and death o? their ed infant son. TO RENT---ltooin 'in private family Convenionees. Plume 212. 30;) BABY CARRIAGE FOR SALE----) POR "LB-The ('Iuh. Sehumaeher. Apply T. ll. Torrance, Timmins. STORE TO RENT ELECTRIC RANGE POR BAhD--. MOON†ONO... â€momm cheap for cash. Electric range, 4 plates and oven, complete with ser- vice switch, wire and conduit; used (i months: in h'rst-elass eonditiom J. J. Keown, Box 103, Sehtunaeher, Ont, 30-34p. opposite post ullioe. store Apply Lawrence Building, I most new Apply tl, M r. and Mr Chartered Accountant P.0. Box 155. Timmins, Ont. Accounts opened, Kept Written Up, Closed or Audited. , F. LAMB CARD OF THANKS. to thank the used only three months Film street, Timmins. IN' Ah, Pine 1h i'lip'itihi, Hugh and numerous for their ing the re- soir adopt, ‘0 38x50. Upstairs street,