irtrrs 3% (if, " i537 m "Magistrate Brodie set. an example which might well he followed by other magistrates when he sentenced Otto Marks, lot 3, con. 5, Township of Se.. eord) to $100 and costs or 30 days at hard labor for starting a bash tire. The accused followed the practice of ut great many settlers who are under the impression that they can start tttess any place and then leave them to take. care of themselves. This par- tihuhr fire took care of 500,000 feet alpine timber before it was 1orought indict control and the maximum pen- attr was imposed." SETTLER HEAVILY FINED FOR SETTING BUSH FIRE Settlers and others everywhere in the North Land should mad and heed the following 1'ilt"se, not only because of the suggestion it holds (mt of per- of the suggestion sonal loss or pun of the injury to p simal loss or punishment, but because of the injury to property and the dan- ger to human life involved in such proceedings. The forests form one of the great soon-es of wealth of this North Land. And at the some time the bush fires are one of the grant me- naces of the country. Anything that endangers this source of wealth also endangers many lives. Fires set out carelessly or without due watchful- ness have done much harm in the past. For this reason regulations have been made in the hope of guard- ing the forest wealth and keeping hu- nts!) life from jeopardy. No man who carelessly or unlawfully sets out a forest fire can know where it will end a; what damage it will do. To ob- serve the law and to ensure all necess- The Goodyear Tire and Rubber Co., of Toronto, have donated a handsome cup to the Northern Ontario Football Association for competition. The N. 0.F.A. at, a meeting the other day de- eided to have competition for this cup while the other schedules are in progress, the games to be played on the "elimination" plan, All clubs de- siring'to compete must make entry with the N.().F.A. before July lst. All teams entering must be members in good standing of the N.O.F.A, This year the territory will include from Cochrane to Cobalt and as far west as Timmins. The teams to play to- gether in sudden death games in the first round will be drawn; and there will be a second drawing to select the teams for tlur semi-finals, and this plan will he followed throug:h to the firtal deciding game. 22y precautions. no tire should Ibe set out without a permit. The law re- quires it. Common sense requires it. Conscience requires it. The case in question is as follows. It is from the last issue of The Sud- bury News c--- NEW FOOTBALL CUP ON THE ELIMINATION PLAN on the Lumber last we was by ed in t' on the warehouse ot the Triangle Lumber Co. Limited, destroyed by fire last week, it developed that the loss was by no means as serious as report- ed in the last issue of The Advance. According to ofieial information from the Triangle Lumber Co. the total amount of goods stored in the warehouse would not exceed $3000.00, and part of this was salva,ged. In fact, the loss would not exceed $1000 in all from last week 's fire. The Tri.. angle Lumber Co. place their loss around $1000.00, and the higher figure quoted last week was not given by anyone eonneeted with the company, but was simply an estimate based on the apparent value of the goods des- troyed, and like "many such estimates made by outsider/s, proved to be' far from the actual facts. LOSS AT WAREHOUSE FIRE NOT AS GREAT AS REPORTED mr. 'l‘nos. U Brady, broth N. E. O'Grady, died on Sun ing at Kenognmissique Lake on the fire-ranging staff last Friday seemed to be in good health. On Friday En well and on Sunday he pas death being duo; to heart trr deceased was 'about 60 yea: He was popular and highly "If FEMININE RHYME FIRE RANGER T. O'GRADY PASSES AWAY SUDDENLY Ofriee M WEDNESDAY, JUNE 15th., 1921. In the adjustment of the insurance I the warehouse of Uile Triangle imber Co. Limited, destroyed by fire st week, it developed that the loss as by no means as serious as report- . in the last issue of The Advance. wording to oh'ieial information ll r. T Published every Wednesday by Gen. Lake, Publisher Canada - United States Subscription Rates: gamissique Lake. He was -ranging staff and until seemed to be in his usual , On Friday he was un- O'Grady, brother of Mr ly, died on Sunday morn. Telephones: ‘undny he passed 1 lg to heart trouble hbout 60 years of Residence 112 $2.00 year $3.00 year ears of age. " esteemed ONTARIO away, y, 'The Westbound Daily Transcontinental Service "Con.. . tinental Limited." Between Montreal and Vancouver, (via Ottawa, North Bay, Cochrane, Winnipeg and Edmonton.) 9.00 12.00 6.50 7.30 10.00 11.20 (LOU pun. iv Cochrnne ar 12.40 p.m. 7.30 Inn. or Winnipeg lv 10.30 a.m. 10.00 p.m. 1v Winnipeg ar 10.00 a.m. 11.20 p.m. or Edmonton IV 6.45 mm. 11.50 p.m. lv Edmonton ar 6.15 a.m. 8.20 a.m. ar Vancouver lv 7.45 p.m. Through Standard and Tourist Sleepers, Club-Compartment-Obs- ation, Dining, First Class and Colon- ist Cars between Montreal and Van- couver. Through Standard Sleeper between,7oroato and Winnipeg, con- neeting with Grand Trunk Trains 46 and 47 at North Bay. Between Cochrane and Quebec _ " Leave Cochrane 1.00 p.m. for La Sarre, Dupuy, Makamik, O'Brien, Amos, Doueet, LaTuque, Hervey Jet. and Quebec, arriving Quebec 12.20 p. m. following day. ' and dirt so as not to be apparent to the eye is no doubt the explanation of it being missed in the search before drilling as every care and precaution seemed to have been taken. Pasquel Cinnette was a careful workman and was popular with all who knew him and his death is sincerely regretted. There will also be much genuine sym- pathy with his brother and very sin.. cere hopes for his early and complete recovery from the injuries he reeeiv.. ed. Returning leaves Quebec 5.00 pm. due to arrive Cochrane 5,50 p.m. Direct connections at Herve) Jet. to and from Montreal. Connections at Quebec to and from all points South and Maritime Pro- vmces. Stindard and Tourists Sleepers, Diners, First Class and Colonist Cars. For father informatibn, time tables, ete., iipply to T. & N. O. and C. N.R. Agents, or direct to _ Pasquel Cinnette, a driller at the McIntyre Mine, met a sad and sudden death about midnight on Thursday last while at his work. His brother who was working with him was also badly injured, having one eye hurt and his leg broken. The brother is now in the hospital) but is making ex- eellent progress to recovery. At the inquest held last week the cause of the accident was shown to be due sim- ply to unfortunate circumstances which can not be provided against. It appeared that in drilling,, .Pasquel Cinnette drilled into a "missed hole" eausing the fatality. Both the safety man at the mine and Pasquel Cinnette had carefully overlooked the face of the rock to ‘be sure there were no missed lyoles. No sueh danger spots could be seen and so the drilling was commenced as usual. The machine, however, did encounter one of these missed holes containing; esplosives that had missed fire and the accident resulted. The explanation of the un- derground engineer in charge at the mine that the hole that caused the fatality had become covered with dust DRILLER MEETS SUDDEN DEATH ON THURSDAY LAST ago. The Muskoka Hospital for 2Can- sumptives is one of the most worthy of deserving causes. At present the institution is in special need of funds the building at Gravenhurst having been destroyed by fire some months tives will allow the LO.D.E. to name the_eot thus endowed. The name ehos. en will likely associate both the Town and the I.O.'D.E. The Daughters of the Empire intend to start a drive to raise the necessary funds. The am- ount so raised will be supplemented by a straight donation from the funds of the LO.D.E. now on hand and it is also hoped that the Town this year will turn its Contribution to the Mus- koka Hospital to the endowment fund, so that the nam.e of Timmins may be closely associated with this worthy cause. 'rnmms 1.0.113. TO ENDOW COT AT MUSKOKA HOSPITAL 8.45 6.20 9.10 6.30 mins Chapter' of the Daug} Empire decided to procee proposal for the endpwing the Muskoka Free Hospit sumptives. To do this the 8.50 M usko E., will have this ye When this amount CANADIAN NATIONAL RAILWAYS a.m p.m p.111 a.m, p.m a.m a.m p.m pun p.m mee District Passenger Agent, Cochrane, Ont lv Montreal ar 10.15 a.m. ar Ottaw'a IV 7.15 a.n1. lv Ottawa at' 7.00 p.m. ar North Bay 1v 10.40 pm. lv Toronto ar 7.30 a.m. ar North Bay lv 10.30 p.m. 1v North Bay ar 10.20 p.1n. ar Cochrane IV 1.00 p.m. 1v Cochrane ar 12.40 p.m. ar Winnipeg lv 10.30 a.n1. tee aka nospxtal tor 'uon- one of the most worthy causes. At present the w. E. a, BISHOP. II .lut is seeurid the uphill for Consamp- he I.O.D.E. to name year W. M. HOOD, General Agent, North Bay, Ont n pm“ tor con. ,he loeal,1.0.D to raiseit1000 Eastbound ar 10.15 ann. Iv 7.15a.m. at' 7.00 pm. al lter with " " at m- " " The Council, after passing, accounts, salaries, etc., adjourned until this " ternoon. Another important question dealt with by the Council was the matter of the erection of stores in residential sections. Store buildings were plan- ned on the front of lots (fifteen feet or so in front of where residences were built) to the detriment of the residences. The Town had no by- law in the matter, but there was a proviso in the deeds given by the Townsite Co., \though the 'latter had newer been enforced. The Toin could not refuse building permits until a by-law was prepared to cover the matter, so it was decided to ask the Townsite Co. to enforce the proviso in the deeds until the Council could deal'with the matter at the special meeting to-dav. Thursday last was an easy day at the local police court, nothing more serious than a few drunks being: he- f'bre the Magistrate. Ten dollars and r-osts and some good words of advice were awarded the guilty by Magis- trate Atkinson. Local service, daily except Sunday, between Englehart and Cobalt, also between Coehrane and Timmins. See,eyrrent time table or apply any T. & N. O. Ry. Ageyt for full particu- lars. The Continental Limited, trains Nos. 1 and 2, between Montreal and Vancouver daily. These trains will use Canadian National Rys. Station at North Bay. Authority was granted for a new uniform for the Fire Chief. The question of a band stand was again before the Council. The band could not play in the open air, giving free nig‘ht concerts once a week, without some sort of band stand. For the present lights will be put upon the stand now at the fair grounds and The tenders for grading on Second Avenue and Pine street were con- sidered. There were seven tenders. The lowest tender, that of c,, Malfette and P. Lamothe at $1015.34} was ac- cepted. were many more necessary things. tie mentioned the putting in of a con- erete square at the Imperial Bank corner. Traffie was very heavy there and much money had to be spent in temporary repairs. Other members of the Couneil thought still other public works more necebsary at the moment. Councillor Longmore asked the va- rious committees to get in thehres- timates for the year as soon- as poss- ible. The Fessenden Lumber Co. wir- ed to the effect that a representative of the company would be here this week to take up with the Counteil the question of a site for the proposed new mill, ete. A special meeting of the Council is “being held this after- noon to deal with this and other ques- tions. A/general discussion took place on automobile traffic, etc. It was con- sidered well to have sign erected at the limits of the town indicating the lawful rate of speed in the town, ete. The street corner traffic indicators bought some years ago by the Town were also referred to. Before these could be erected by the Town a by- law would be necessary. purpose. I H It was decided to have the Court of Revision sit on July 5t.'h commencing at 10 a.m. mum llf REVIEW" Ill ill Iiilll, MSW, Im court room. This plan would provide more room for the court room and al.. so suitable oftiees for the town offiei.. als. It would be a cheap way-out of the diffieulty. Councillor T. F. King thought there HIS TEMISKAMING & NORTHERN ONTARIO RAILWAY stand otherwise fixed up for the (Continued from page General Passenger Agent, Train Ser r T. F. King thought there more necessary things. He A. J. FARR, VICE m PORO'UPI'NE ADVANCE BR. of No. 9132 er Agent, Solicitors for North Bay. Company herein 1) Dated at Ottawa, this 15th day June, A.D. 1921. And take notice thaLurfter the 7th. day of July, 1921, the said Adminis- trator will proceed to distribute the assets of the said deceased among the persons entitled thereto, having re- gard only to the claims of which it shall then have had notice, and that the said Administrator will not be liable for the said assets or any part thereof to any person of whose claim it shall not then have received notice. Notice is hereby Wien under REA). 1914, Chapter 121, section 56, that all persons havingr claims or demands against Telesphore Proulx, formerly of (Jheneville, PM. but late of Tim- mins, Ont. Woodsman Labourer, who died on the 14th day ot' February, 1921 at Timmins aforesaid, are re- mixed to send by post, prepaid, or to deliver to the undersigned Solicit- ors for the Royal Trust Company, Administrator of the Estate of the said deceased, on or before the 7th. day of July, 1921, their names and addresses, and full particulars in. writing of their claims and statements of their accounts, and the nature of the securities, if any, held by them, all duly verified. have asked. Mr. Finlayson said he did. The next day Toland left. That closed chapter one in the story. The second chapter opened with Mr. Finlayson finding his two bunk books gone. At the bank he learned to 'his surprise that a cheque for $125 had been paid out in his supposed signature. Then he went to Chief' Greer, and the chapters at once began to tumble after one another with lots of action and excitement. Chief Greer heard Mr. Finlayson's story and pieeing the information to- gether he thought Toland should be located at once. Toland was traced to South Porcupine where he went by rig and there the one bank book was recovered where'it had apparently been thrown away. Toland was ap- parently headed for Toronto, and an address was seeured in the city where Toland was likely to visit his wife. His wife had moved, and, by. the time Toland reached the new address the city deteetives were there ready for him and took him in elliarg'e. Con- stable Roy went to Toronto and broug:ht the prisoner back on Satur- day evening last. Toland is in jail here awaiting trial before Magistrate Atkinson to-morrow (Thursday) on charges in efmneetion with the irre- gularities regarding the Cheque and the hank books. He is very sorry now about the affair. Aeeording to the police ease, To- land is alleged to have taken the two hank books to the hank. He asked to have the money in the bank at Ka- puskasing transferred here, suggest- ing that it would take some days to reach here. On the money in the bank here he is charged with drawing the cheques for $125.00 in Finlayson's name. The whole proceeding, his pos- session of the :lvank books, the fact that he did not attempt to actually draw any money from the larger ae- count, the signature and the endorse- ment he was ready to make, all kept the bank officials from being unduly suspicions. Tolar/d's, side of the story will be matter for interest. I "Duke" McCurry left on Sunday for Toronto. d re SO THIS MAN ACCUSED OF BEING TOO GOOD A WRITER. son Wt't nounce w t fr W In awount in {imam n y According to cell that the Jtl the streng )nher man's tn worke Jot' PLASTERING CONTRACTOR Ornamental, Plain and Rough- cast Plaster Work. Terms moderate. Best of Work. A trial solicited. Old River Road. A. J. Sheppard S?!) need that he was gmng away. Cou have been so good to me," he reported as saying to Mr. Finlay- I, "that I will want to write to you, give me your address." Mr. Fin.. ‘son wrote down his name and ad- 555 as desired. “Do you always ite like that?" Toland is said to l man named Riehard . jail here because h Wt ndin writ IU ma 2 LUS§IER & BARRETTE, here because he ls‘cuarged Ling not wisely but too well. ' to the police he wrote 50 the bank gave him $125.00 rength of his \‘gilng of an- ar's name. The other man Mr. Finlayson bad been be- ed at the Hollinger and had 1t in the Imperial Bank here 5 a large ba-lanFe at Kapus- Mr. Finlerson had been be, Toland who, seemed to be in 1, but last week Toland an. tl g10tideaa Street, Ottawa. for the said Royal Trust Toland is said (inlayson said 1'oland left. T Timmins Ittf ---24-.26 it??? O a n Notice is hereby given that Archi- hitld Charnley Brown of the Town of Timmins in the District of Temiskam- ing .in the Province of Ontario, Bar- rster-ataLaw, will apply to the par- liament of Canada, at the next ses- sion thereof, for a Bill of Divorce from his wife, Bessie Alice Brown of the City of Toronto in the County of York in the province of Ontario, oll the ground of adultery. \ Duthl at Timmins in the province of Ontario this. 30th day ofNay, 1921. --22-35 FRANK C. EVANS, 24-25 Clerk of the said 11unieipality NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR DIVORCE ( Take notice that the Court of Re- vision will sit at the Council Cham- hers, South Porcupine, at the hour of 2 o’clock, in the afternoon of Monday the 11th, day of July A.D. 1921, to hear and determine the appeals in the matter of the Assessment Roll of the Municipality of the Township of Tis- dale for the year 1921. Sealed Tenders marked "Tenders for Residence and Poultry House" addressed to the undersigned will be received up to 'Saturday the 25th, of June, for the erection of Principals Residence and Poultry House in Curr nection with the Northern Academy, Monteith. Plans and specifications pan be seen at the offiee of Mr. J. B. McDougal, Assistant Chief Inspector of Schools, North Bay, the Principal of Northern Academy, Monteith, and at this Department. . Each tender must be accompanied by an accepted hank cheque payable to the Honourable P. C. Biggs, ‘Min- ister of Public Works and Highways, Ontario, for five per cent. of the am- ount of the Tender and the. bona fide signatures and addresses of two sure- ties, or the name of a Guarantee Com- pany approved by the Department willing to provide a ‘bond for the due fulfilment of the contract must ac- company each tender. The Department is not bound to ac- eept the lowest or any tender. By order Toronto, June 9th, 1921. Newspapers publishing this without authority will not be paid for it Notice to Attend Court of Revision Anyone interested in '(‘in'istian Sei.. once is cordially invited to attend an informal meeting every Sunday even- ing at the home of Mrs. Maepherson, 49 Tamnraek street, Timmins, at S p. in. and every Wednesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. V. H. Emery, 20 Hemlock street, at 3.30 pm. --24-- REGULAR MEETINGS RE ' CHRISTIAN SCIENCE HERE SALESMAN WANTED-BY old-es- tablished Canadian Life Insurance Company with tivst-eUss connec- tions in Northern Ontario. Must devote t'ull time. Headquarters at Thnmins. Apply in eorrfidenee to Drawer D., Cochrane, Ontario. POR 8ALD--Wn I“ WAREHOUSE POR RENT on Rail- road; 20 feet by 40 foot. Apply ll--- d J. W. REED, Timmins. FOR "tB-Tile St. Ciutrles Hotel, Sevnnd Avenue; furnished. Apply LOST-t LADY 000K WANrB6--Apply Box 'd, Schumaehcr, thtt. ---20 HOUSE POR tLum-ti:? Elm street ROOMS TO RENT. Meals at all hours. First-elass rooms, and steam heated All up-to-date conveniences. Reading and 'Sitting Rooms. Sample Room for Travellers. W. JIMES. A' ow Best Meal dwelling house in Moneta: all on adjoining lots. Will sell together or separately. Apply to'D. La.. prairie, 56 Third Avenue, Timmins. non, we design I the initials H. II return to Dr. Tl mins. Avenue am 59 Fourth. rimming TOWNSHIP OF TISDALE II open for business. {fining room in town. TO CONTRACTORS PARIS HOTEL IROQUOIS FALLS. JolfWatt Secretary, Public Works Department, Ontario H. P. McNAUGHTON. ("TRIM (INK Bals arehouse, stable, and a ttl A. C. BROWN. Fourth Avenue, -20- )re met Fourth reet. Apply . ---24p 50 l----? 21p 24p P. LAMB, G. A. MACDONALD, Visiting Brothers and Sisters al- ways welcome. Mary Morrison, May Richardson, ---9 N.G. Ree. See. Friday in eacih month-in the I.0.0.F. Hall. T Membership: $2.00 per yhr; $1.00 payable with application. Open to native-born Scotsmen and those of Scottish descent. .. Now is the time to clean up the yards 'lroth front and back. Flies will soon be here and Flies and Filth spread disease. Child's Welfare Clinics, Wednes- days, 1.30 to 3 p.m. Ist, Wed. each month. Dr. Minthorn. 2nd. Wed. each month, Dr. Porter. 3rd. Wed. each month, Dr. McInnis. 4th. Wed. each month, Dr. Moore. Nurse at Clinic Room daily 1.30 to 3 mn. THE CALEDONIAN SOCIETY op TIMMINS. Meets every 2nd and 4th Thursday in the Oddfellows' Hall, Third Ave- nun. Timmins Gold Nugget Rebekah L0dge,N0 173 FOR "LB-Three thorough-bred Barred Rock Roosters. Exceptiom ally fine birds. Grand laying strain. Price $5.00 to $7.00 each. A. C. White. Hoyle, Out. -21: Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public. Etc. w. Gauthier will be at Timmins daily. 7 P.O. Box 443. Meets Every Second and Fourth OFFICES REED BLOCK, TIMMINS and SOUTH PORCUPINE. Crown and Bridge Work Plates Consultation Free. Room 7 Reed Bldg,, Timmins. IR all. B. AIKEN DENTIST Phone 201 _ General Contractor Excavating. Concrete, all Kinds of Rock Work a Specialty. Drawer 2. Schumacher, Ont. Enrdnn H. Bauthier President. llllllflll ilf ilijlllil till.llltll Civil Engineer and Ontario Land Surveyor. (mm opposite Post ()fllee. RALPH DIPAOLO A. MATHESON GLEAN UP FOR SALE H. H. MOORE, M.D., M. o. B. Timmins, Ont. Secretary.