Timmins Newspaper Index

Porcupine Advance, 1 Jun 1921, p. 5

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£71133 Que?!" tystoIr-Ahamophom 'lit., tery, ete. Work guaranu g, tlt' may be ten at the New _ F, urant. Hall & Rubin:- T tttwer 8, back of the New mum-am, tr'sehumaeher. "C,',, Sealed Tenders addressed xontgomery, Esn., Town ( lki received until 12 b'clutk Mday, June 11th, for an and alterations to Fire 1an T ,"Plans and speeifieat seen at the ottiee of .TQWn Hall. :‘I’fl'he lowest or any tl ”5581'in accepted. C 8ealed Tenders addressed Arontgomery, Esq., Town ( be: received until 12 oVolvk tirday June 11th, for the tion of a stone and grave Second Ave., from Spruce (W., and Pine St. from Sm to South Boundary of the T “has and spieiiieat Seem at the olliee of Town Hall. "t Who iowtigt, or any tet 4tessearily accepted. Timmins Gold" Nugget Rebekah L0dge,N0 173 Visiting Brothers and Sisters al- ways welcome. Katy Morrison, May Richardson, ---At N.G. Ree. See. -Meets every 2nd and 4th Thursday in the 0ddfellows' Hall, Third Ave- nae. WOOOOQNWNf l ‘Now is the time to clean up the gags both front and back. Flies will tlibitx be here and Flies and Filth 1ttritpd disease. Ls3lltild's Welfare Clinics, Wedner. 1.30 to 3 pan. mx’Wed. each month. Dr. Minthorn. Ititii, Wed. each month, Dr. Porter. waw. each month, Dr. Melnnis. 'hi,lis:'iMed. each foam, Dr. Moore. Kane at Clizf Room daily 1.30 to Name at C 3 pedu- _ lender for Addition to Fire Ball. P.0. Box 443. General Contractor Excavating, Concrete, all Kinds of Rock Work a Specialty. Drawer 2. Schumacher, Ont. Civil Engineer and Ontario Land Surveyor. 0fh'et opposite Post (mam. Ilillilll llf HEMTH llllllllilll RALPH DIPAOLO Tender for Road Work TOWN OF TIMMINS TOWN OP TIMMINS A. MATHESON REPAIR SHOP CLEAN UP L. H . M 0 can ' M M .n .0711 J. P. HENDERSON, J. P. HENDERSON, Town Town Enginee Timmins, Ont. ons II Or n " ar Or .0 BAZAAR jlllll Tlltlllllll MINING Illil jlllillNllll Big Crowds and Much Pleasure at Event in Aid of R. C. Church. thoRtr---At Haileybury bl, The mg l and busy of fortune, u nus kinds. So body! Sumet MINOR CASES AT LAST WEEK'S POLICE COURT tured but t for T Lanngc, an Austrian, charged With ohtaininf: goods from S. h'ueovetsky a!) false pretenves, was withdrawn by the plaintiff. Lounge bought a watch front Mr. Bueovet'sky agreeing: to pay for it on a gulrse;iuent pay day, the supposition being that he worked at the Hollinger. Mr. Bucovetsky learn- ed that he did not work at the Hol- linger and there were also other sus- pieions regarding; the transaction. The matter was settled, however, by Laange finding the money to pay for the watch. Two men were fined $100 and costs each for having a bottle each in a public place each contrary to the O.T.A. and the T.C, each. For being drunk another 0.T.A. trans- gressor had to pay $20.00 and costs. Which would go to show that,it is cheaper to carry your whiskey in your tummy than in a 1bottle under the O. ANOTHER GOLD FIND IN MATATCHEWAN DISTRICT There has been some special inter- est and excitement among prospect- ors in regard to a find said to have been made about 20 Tiles from the centre of the Matabchewan gold field, and in a section where there has hitherto been little serious prospect- ing:. According to the story going the' rounds an Indian prospeetor has made a rich find in this section, in Midlothian Township. He has stak- ed and recorded two claims and others are investigating the district to see what they may see. MATTAGAMI OPENING AGAIN AT SMOOTH ROCK Thursday evening fire destroyed one of the small houses down by the the river and much diffieulty was ex- perieneed in saving adjoining small houses from destruction. The house was occupied by the family of one of the employees of Wallingford Bros. The man, and wife. and young child ren were able to get in safety to the care of neighbors, but with the limit- ed methods of tire-fighting available it was impossible to save the house, the fire-fighters, indeed, feeling that they were doing well to prevent the sume operations." It is exl that the work at Smooth Rock will be resumed this week. Jlls and l May 26th, 1921, to Mr. and Mrs Mark Bowie,---a daughter.“\ _ SD! "I DOVE n ra WIt 195 m the (in) rld of the re-TI QIaLtagami P111 Smooth Rock 1ething to please every T) es all {we I'l- here are wheels booths of vari- av al £11195 time daily papers v-opening of "ulp & Paper wk Falls, as tint spital, on W on ti 1295 re. nt else. ' a won. $500.00 small house one of Bros. EDP." W In- IU NEW POWER FOR T. & N. o. NOW CALLING FOR MORE TRAFFIC Camp Peet M eral conditions are having some etteet. It" the T. & N. 0. freight traflie would boom up to keep all the new power fully occupied, the railway would be in its glory now, The increased de.. velopment of the North Land now in steady progress, however, will soon have its eiteet, and it is likely, that before another year is by the enlarg- ed -modern freight-handing equipment of the T. & N. o. will have to be still further increased to handle the-abusi- ness PLEASING “AT HOME” GIVEN BY ROYAL ARCH CHAPTER SCUM R.A.M., (Hill, in honour bl' the visit of Rt. Ex. Comp, H. T. Smith, Grand Scribe bl., of Toronto, proved a most delightful social event. There. was a large attendance of the members of the Chapter and their Masonic friends "and the ladies, and all enjoyed the very pleasant evening. Dancing was anan the social features enjoyed. among the social features enjoyed. Mrs. J. K. Moore delighted all with a well-rendered solo. The address on Masonry by the guest of the evening, Rt. Ex. Comp. H. T. Smith proved a specially pleasing feature of the even- ing. In eloquent way, he reviewed the history of the Craft and showed what FIRE AT MONTREAL HOUSE DOES $400 OR $500 DAMAGE a noteworthy part it had taken in the onward march of civilization. "One of the very best social evenings ever held here," was the general opinion of this At Home. A chimney fire at the Montreal House on Spruce street Tuesday morning caused a damage of several hundred dollars, chiefly through in- jury eansed by smoke and. water. $2000 insurance was carried, so the loss will be covered fully. The fire sh 'tcd apparently front a chimney i'iiit,)y.' A pipe-hole stopper in the hall, so for as may he gathered, be, came overheated and dropped out, May 255m1 Itr.u copal church, To Ensor Shag), daughter of Re ot' the house upstairs, but the thick smoke mode it dimeult to locate. Much of the furniture and other con- tents of the house. were removed by willing: workers to save what could be saved in ease the building burned. but the firemen removed all danger of the destruction of the building by their work. As noted above there was small damage by the actual fire, the chief injury being from the water and smoke. The building is owned by Mr. Laflamnhe and is one of the well- known and popular better-class room- The Town Council had a special meeting on Wednesday afternoon last to finally pass the by-laws regarding the iinanees of the waterworks ex- tensions, ete. The matter is now all ready for the marketing of the bonds authorized. M hall, so [at as came overheate flames and span COUNCIL FINALLY PASSES WATERWORKS DEBENTURES tlames and ting fire to Someone m " 'parks and phoneu )rigade getting on v. The fire was c Mr 131 ABNoLDT-L0WE.--4 3:1 M h e W the ms now H ort tilw 0 IS rd, 1921 at St. lurch, Toronto, H an morn O At Home" given in tll on Thursday eve mm Lights Chapter, (l.R.C., in honour bk pro re DYE th'S are 1110mm (-urm the 1 noth Mann les' liar 0mm MARRIED But irks followit nt most ot ned wou IN and 11a m ill ton in an alarm, the Le, job immediate- iefly at the back rs. but the thick ollowing and set- rhuard and walls: the smoke and iven in the Ma O. Ry anotlt THE PORCUPINB ADVANCE tiing, Its them, t ng some It trafl'u; he party mak- frequent, ins- f on the line. in the closest nd conditions, IVE ret JY ll .ii'Sii'; tom " TY en1n 1 Monday was Epis he Rev. C ll Je emu; OI o n 1p " we, gen- ffeet. vould and 1t )we It illlllll nilgllllillili AT BEND BUNCH“ BY IIMMINS BAND Other Events Last Evening Reduced Attendance at New Empire Event. , ., playing, Mclnnis, tions were good m bania , " ant plans tion quart Immune w E :11 standing en ( Early Thursday morning the fire brigade made their usual speedy res- ponse to an alarm sent in from Box 13. Something: went wrong with the gasoline water.. heating apparatus in Mr. Hogan's barbershop in the Me Cormiek building. The heater was thrown outside before it could do sc- rious harm, though not before it had scorched one of the frame pillars in ntitt \u-tur Rudolphe, was possuny the most striking selection on the pro- gramme. Mr. Rudolphe is a master on the. violin and all music lovers were delighted with this number and very enthusiastically insisted upon a re- call. Mr. Ai.. Wilson proved beyond doubt that he can play the piano with his eyes shut better than most players can with a double set of eyes. In his "monologue," he covered the piano with a cloth that hid.the keys, the chairman then blindfolded him, and Al. coaxed a flood of lively melody from that covered piano. Result, some excellent piano music, and an enthu- siastie encore. The instrumental Humoresque (with apologies) by Mr. Rudolph, violin; Al. Wilson, piano; w. J. Browne, cor- net; and Robert Howard, saxophone; was one of the most popular of the evening's numbers. It was very effect.. ively given and delighted the crowd. Iars. The Continental Limited, trains Nos. 1 and 2, between Montreal and Vancouver daily. These trains will use Canadian National Rys. Station at North Bay. Through service daily expect Sun- day, trains Nos. 46 and 47, between Toronto and Tirmnins, operating through Pullman cars. These trains will use Canadian National Rys. Sta- tion at North Bay. Connections at Earlton Jet. for Elk Lake daily except Sunday. Daily, except Sunday, service bet- ween North Bay and Cochrane, trains Nos. 17 and 18, operating through Canadian Paeifie sleeper between Montreal and Timmins. These trains will use Canadian Paeifie Ry. Station at. North Bay. Local serxice, daily except Sunday, between Englehart and Cdbalt, also between Coel1rane and Timing. if iSee.eurrent time teble or apply any ll. & N. o. Ry. Agent for full partieu- V6 "Y." IN?t TEMISKAMING & NORTHERN ONTARIO RAILWAY ll 1'l w H l work in such selections as "Al- ia," "lndependiatia," (marches), .the overture, "Queen of the til." The serenade, "Idle Hours," the concert waltz, "Navita," e also well given by the Band. 'ooal solos were given by Mrs. J. Todd, Mrs. J. K. Moore, Mr. Jas. Hanlon, and Mr. J. Geils, each of ae numbers _winning hearty ap- LSP. Another special vocal selee- l that was well reeeived was the rtette by Mrs,. J. K. Moore, Mrs. t. Todd, Mr. J. Callum and Mr. J. ls. Mus. J. w. Faithful played aeeompanitnentis in her usual gift- manner. 11ar. IN XOle te w nrkn, Rudo It a! Genera} Passer: Cer Agent, " Train Service. l, solo, "Le Reva," by h‘owne was specially 21])- ul was one of the out- ubers on the programme. , rt H n wa rd mular with which was Mr q) bry. Mm?! tor A. J. FARR, s, and perhaps to sing:. The selee- Band, under the Victor Rudolphe, r the capable way ce rendered. The It' applause by its selections as "Al- iatia," (marehes), mum and n tn the pro- the excellent ; come in for a Mayor, Dr. chairman for it, "Timmins proud of the ins Citizens' 16 a hit with d later was a banjo solo, very heartily solo by Mr. oossiloiy the yrt H? chic not scler- ulphv. u way The by its :‘AL . rues). . I. the mute," vita," ml. is. J. " kay ly to FOR 8ALE---Camera, 6 DAVENPORT FOR. SALE. practical ly new. Will lbe sold at a bargain Apply to " Balsam street. -21-22p Bollinger Consolidated Gold Mines, Limited. A dividend of 1% upon the paid up oapital stock. of the Company has been declared payable on the 17th of June, 1921, on which date cheques will bt mailed to shareholders of re- cord at the olostt of business on the 2nd. of June, 1921. Dated the 26th day of Nay, 1921. -HH..t....0..0......-0.HHH0H..0..., "ioo"oo.toto-o-oooooottoootoo-tt.oooooi, ‘WWMM .t....tH..0.-H.0t.H.Ht.H..0......t00H004t Goto-ooo-oo-oo-ttooo-tttoo" EEfiEEEfiEfiEEEfiEEEEEEEEEfiEEEfiEEEEEEEEfiEEEEEfiEEWE rap R. T H "MUSIC OF THE HOUR" Al. Wilson, 36 Third Avenue - Above J. K. Moore's or Phone 236 (No Personal BANQUETS, IlSilUTltlli8, PRIVATE PARTIES, HG, CATERED M The Passenger Steamer will leave Timmins Landing every (lay except Sundays at 9 aan., going up the River to the Ontario Tie Co., and Northern Canada Power Co. dock above the Redsucker River, and leav- ing there at 11 a.m., calling at intermediate points and arriving back at Timmins Landing at 1 pm. ' Arrangements may he made for Sunday trips and excursions. 1' G DIVIDEND NO. 85. wr AL. WILSON’S HARMONY FOUR Phone John Power at 54h no. vmux. SAXAPHONE. DOUBLING ON BANJO AND DRUMS Direct from New York, Montreal and Toronto M ti D. A. DUNLAP, For your next Dance, Supplied by tense ami 1h My) Prices on application to freisurer Ippl MINGA W LADY COOK WANTED-Apply Bax FOR thuaB---The St. Charles Hotel, Second Avenue; furnished. Apply T. II. Torrance, 37 Fourth Avenue, Timmins. --20-. HOUSE FOR SAhE--4;2 '1‘le SALBSMAN WANTED-BY old-es- tablished Canadian Life Insurance Company with ftrst-eiass 1'0t1nee- tions in Northern 1)rttirio. Must devote full time. Headquarters at Timmins. Apply in oontidenee to Drawer D., Coehrane, Ontario. t' Soimmat Ont Timmins street .'2-24p 20 24p "&

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