'liii iiiiiirromer L. Gibson & Co. 555E555ï¬Eï¬Eï¬ï¬ï¬HH-Tflihï¬ï¬ï¬ï¬ï¬ï¬ï¬ï¬ï¬ï¬hï¬ï¬ï¬ï¬ï¬ï¬ï¬ï¬ï¬ï¬ï¬ï¬ï¬‚ï¬ï¬ï¬ï¬ï¬ï¬hï¬ï¬ï¬Ã©ï¬ï¬ï¬bï¬hï¬ï¬‚iï¬ï¬iï¬waï¬bï¬ï¬ï¬mï¬bï¬ï¬ï¬ï¬ï¬ï¬ï¬Ã©ï¬hï¬Ã©ï¬ï¬ï¬ï¬mg ,WOWMM. Now open for business. Best dining room in town. Meals at all hours. 1i'irtst-elass rooms, and steam heated All up-to-Me conveniences. Reading and Sitting Rooms. , Sample Room for Travellers. .00 " . . OWWOWWWMM I HARDWARE - 3rd_Avenue " runnuum; - v-....--..--. it WWHHEEWEEWSWEB Present attractive Purchases at tttir present Prices. Till the Market advances before placing Ensures privacy in all your transactions. Copy of this Coke Book Will be sent Free 'iGienrraphic Charges . Our iiir/'rvate Code Book PARIS HOTEL IROQUOIS FALLS. This is your chance to buy a beautiful and handsome Rug at a very "1, cost, owing to our large stock of rugs, which was bought over two years ago before the big advance. . We are giving a special discount of 20 per cent. which makes these prices very attractive. , ' . " " . ' l _ o-ooo-oo-o-oo"""" oo-to-o-ooo-oo.-"""". ooo-ooo-ooo-oo--""'"'"' - A ' . “ n we 1 - . " III- MI I “ 1w _ r. . MRI "is“ " Iltttii- r 1w" - ‘ " - . - "%M my»? - ' Mt r Cd - . t, l - u - , It' I . . _ . - Ill. ' ' I ' . x . IIN ' " " - - A ' my ' ‘ . " b" . _ - . WN - ' f} .--'w' Ir"'"-" ‘7‘ V - I A WWOWWW IllllIIII'llII'IIIIUO'0000000000000000000 .... ..°... .†ooo-ooo-oo-o-ot""""'.""" . a . . 6†t I 1111‘! “III.“ I "" n" [9] “THC Mining Stocks ' Our Personal Service you the best execution of your Orders, Deliveries and Settlements. Everything in Jewely ' Members Standard Stock Exeharige 703-4-5 Bank of Hamilton Building Service Wï¬ï¬gï¬ï¬ï¬ W. J IMES T.------------------) :harges paid on all Orders and Confirmations GIVE THIS FERVICE A TRIAL oo NOT WAIT TORONTO, ONT. BUY Will visit Timmins first of every month at Dal- ton’s Livery. Any other times by arrangement Ask your dealer for Dr. Gag- non’s Veterinary Medicines. Phone 152. N. L GAGNON Free, upon request. VETERINARY 0311c}: BArIawittrttr. your orders. IglarshallllMlliiedlllestone limited P.O. Box 458 W - ii h Klll Illlliitli llllllllMill filt illllillllllliil NINTH Government Asked to Use Portable Mills and Take All Timber, Returns to Pay for Roads, Schools, Etc. An unsigned letter in the last issue of The Newtiskea.rd Speaker gives a rather original plan for the future colonization of the North Land. The plan has many objections, or appar- ent objections, but it is worthy of consideration. In any event it may be set down as a truth that present and past plans for the colonizing of the North Land need much improve- ment and new ideas accordingly should be welcomed and fully con- sidered with a view to seeing ,i.i;' some improvement may not be aehieved. For this reason the letter is given in part, as followsy---' The plan is that the Government through the. use of portable mills, take all the timber of a Township and manufacture, timber, pulp, ties, pit props, fence posts and by doing that there would be very little left to do. on a lot, in the way of chopping. There would be enough money receiv- ed from the products, to pay for the bringing of all brush and refuse, be- sides paying for roads, bridges, school house, church, and then leave a sub- stantial balance. . Here show the tion '.--- Average price per eord - 460,800 cords of wood at per card -' - - - - Cost of muting pulp per 0 Cost of drawing pulp per Cost of loading pulp .per , Six Mile Square Township No. of lots in n Twp. - - - - No. of' mores in 'd Twp. - - - 2 Average cords of wood per acre No. of eords of wood to Twp. - 4t Total - - - - - 400,800 cords at t"8.00 per cord amounts to - - - - - $3. Balance - - - - - - l To build all roads and bridge ' in Twp. and gravel same - To build school and school hou in centre of 'Twp. - - - ' To build Church - - - - . To chop logs and burn Twp. - in centre of Twp. - - - - 40,000 y build church - - - - - 10,000 ) chop logs and burn Twp. - 521,000 909,600 Balance - - - - - - 12,000 921,000 Due allowane could he made, for are some , scheme is Scottish Wilton,- genuine Scottish make, imported (hd?.......................... .....$67,20 9x10% ...........$74.00 9x12 ..........‘$88.00 Can. Wilton,- 4'6"x7'6".....-$24.00 6'9"xr........-.$44.00 9x9............-$52.00 9'x10’6†$64.00. 9'x12' $72.09 iiiiiiriG). 4V2x6...$l7.20 7ya'x9.448. 9x9-..$52.9x10%..-. $61 9x12..,... $72 Tapestrys,- -ii'Y'ar9 o.....................-,..') 9x9...$21.50 9x10'61$24 9ar12/lir11 ranging in pricesrfrom-$L60 to $18 , 27- sviiiii""is'2fr%ui/t,"pir-ytif........... $5.40 "."Jd:'.U.'Ld.....-o.ou.oo.o--"a--"'"""""'"'""""" Mats,- In sizés 27x54 and 36x63 figures that will a paying proposi- THE PORCUPINE ADVANCE $10.00 - $4,608,000 ord - $5.00 cord - $2.00 cord - $1.00 house Rugs J,0S6,400 $921,000 - 144 230-10 re - 20 460800 $10.00 38,000 $2.00 $1.00 $8.00 fhretuation of prices both in products and labour» There are plenty‘of well wooded townships in which this could be done. Now this scheme is not only a paying proposition finaneially but it puts the settler in a much better position to fulfil his ambition, that is to start farming. With the present system of colonizing the country is left very much to the settler's own re- sources and in ninety-nine cases out of one hundred he has never cleaned ‘bush land for farming. Another dis- advantage the. settler is up against, at 1 least in the district. surrounding Fail. j lington, and I presume other places' are subject to the same disadvantage, that is he is compelled to waste half his timber through the conditions the pulp eo.'s enforce, in the way of only taking certain kinds of tiniber, [and in most cases the remaining: 50 per cent. of timber left standing is destroyed in the process, of clearing the land, which not only entails considerable tinaneial loss to the country and set- tler hut adds to the .pioneer's work of clearing lamlready for the plough. Under Mr. Chalmer's plan the com- munity scheme could be worked out successfully, and as one township was Inut in shape, the mills could proceed put in shape, the nuns couiu pruceuu to the next. . Thus there would be plenty of work right at, 1,".ne, settler's own door, and he would be in a, position to take care of himself by the time the Govern- ment had the other townships timber- As in the West, exeursions could be arran,ged to this country, then after working so long on the road or at working so long 'on the road or at timber, a eheup return ticket given if so Jes/ d. g - " I F In tl?is way an increased number ot prospective settlers, could be brought into New Ontario, and a large per- centage of them become permanent residents. FUR BUYER AND POLICE JUST MISS WATERY GRAVE rather odd doings in the lme or "ao- oidenls and incidents." Just north- east of Sudbur)‘ the country was had- ly flooded oviyr from the spring break- up, the watery, rising up on the high mails until the roads were not suit- able for trallie. A than named Green-, spoon and "a boy companion were driving along one of the roads, the horse being in several inches of wate'r. Splashing; along thus, the horse event- ually became frightened or and ran away. The buggy 'ged into the deep out at; 1 At. Sudbury last week there were ather odd doings in the line of "ae- idents and incidents." Just north- m increased number of FURNITURE was drag- 18 side of disgusted, was drag- o-ooo-oo-o-ot-ooo-"'"" 6 v Goo-oo-oo-o-"""'"""" the roadway. There the water was five or six feet Jeep. The man and boy saved themselves from drowning by hanging on to the overturned buggy. hanging on to the oveuurueu â€1.3.353. They passed away the. time by calling loudly for help. A man living in the neighborhood heard the cries and phoned the Hudhury phliee for assis- tanee. A couple of policemen and _.ir) assistant fire ehief went out to rescue the man and the he): With the aid' of a borrowed boat they came near' lo making; the rescue. They had the boy safe and were attempting to. assist Greenspoon. The latter, vhowever, was too anxious to save a bundle of furs he "and. He threw the furs into the boat before getting: in himself and the bundle upset the hoat and all were thrown into the water. At iirst there had been only the horse and outfit and the boy and the man in the water. Now there were these and ia-lso one policeman and one good boat (upside down. The men were unable wright. the boat and were in constant dangerd'rom the heels of the horse, the latter furiously thrashing around in the water in vain efforts to escape. Further help was eiventnally secured llllll.lli8, #lMilill.jli8, GUITARS & SUPPLIES MUSIG SATGHELS Come and look over' our' selection of Old and New Violins. ' Can take a very limited number' oflstud- ents for violin and string instruments. Large stock of these Instruments for sale ranging in price from $10.00 to $125.00 LINOLEUMS AND OILCLOTHS Heavy. printed Dominion per running yard ..c. Extra Heavy, Armstrong' per running yard .... cumin, 2 yds. wide, per running yard .. Printed Congoleum, 7i yards wide, per running yard w..'........,.......-......-...'. $1.50 Extra Heavy, 2 Erds. wide, Tier running yd. . . . . 3' Ball Linoleum, Brown, per yard . . . 221/2" Bungalow Stair Carpet, per yd. 22li" Briuselg Stair Carpet. per yd. . 27†Wilton Stair Carpet, per yd. .. . . BALL LINOLEUM AND STAIR CARPET FORMER TEACHER AT DULUTH CONSERVATORY ll. F. (Y)8NEilii8, I4 cum STREET (BPSTAIRS) Nefottspt Fleming Congoleumg Linoleums 32 Pine Street and the party of human beings duly rescued from drowning by a Sudbury roadside. The horse', however, died in the water and the police insisted on leaving the bundle of furs behind. Greenspoon and the boy were taken to the hospital and though ill from shock and exposure are expected to recover. The policemen and the fire... men were/at mark as usual the next (lay, saying they did not mind a little NEW PULP MILL MAY BE BUILT NEAR HAILEYBURY 'llmnmnlms it that a large new pulp mill is to he established on the shore of Lake Terniskaming not far from Haileybury. Pulp mill interests re- oently made opplieation to Bueke Tovxmsltip Council for a fixed assess- ment [or a term of 12 years on a hr. cation on the Dixon Creek near Hai- leybury, the fixed assessment not to exceed tsl0,000. The. matter is under eonsideratiopUpy the Township Coun- cil. s Linoleum, 2 yds. wide, Ly, saying: they did I ing like water. Linoleum, 2 yds. wide, o................) Service ..... $1.75 . $1.25 .. 60c. . $1.80 . $5.40 $2.00