Timmins Newspaper Index

Porcupine Advance, 6 Apr 1921, p. 4

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"If Millli'llli WARM Offiee 26 The objects of the Assooiation are: to foster and develop the different branches of amateur pports, to con- trol all sports under one central or- ganization. to enter teams in various leagues in competition with teams from other places, to operate Town Leagues in the various Branches of . Article I-Organization %ar., AssoeiatiwIrshall be called the Iroquois Falls Amateur Athletic As- sociation. Leagues In one various sport, to boost Iroquois obtain for the Town tl ation fur the various sport. ' ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION OVER ALL FALLS SPORTS The ioropcsal has ‘beeri made that the scope of the Timmins Amateur Athletic Association sliould'be ex- tended to decisively control all sports here. In view of this proposal, it is interesting to know that a similar movement is well under way at Iro- quois Falls. The following are ’ex- tracts from the constitution proposed for the Iroquois Falls body that is to oversee and control all sports in the Pa p T e ’r 'l o w n elf petition", or for tl stake, pubin- or tttl- i' mission money or eutrunve fee, ov/ competed with or against prir'pssiou-i, ails. where gate money is taken; who? has never, at unyperiotl of his life." taught or assisted in the pursuit of} any athletic, exereisy or. sport as a: means of livelihood; whose member-l ship of any club was not brought...l about by, or does not; continue be-l cause of, mutual agreement or under-‘ standing whereby his becoming or‘l continuing a member of any club" would be of any pecuniary benefit to, him, either directly or indirectly; who l has never, either directly or indirect-1 ly,reeeived "any payment in lieu " 1osi, of time while playing as a mem- ber of any club or any money con- sideration whatever for any servieesl rendered as ft player, except his act-i ual travelling or 'hotel expenses; andl who has not made any offer which, if it, had been accepted, would have made the recipient a professional. Every charge against the status of an indivuoar%u.st' be supported by sta-l, tutory-deelatattions, and-the onus of proving his innocence shall rest. with the aeeuised. A I (e) The membership fee in this Association shall be determined from your to year as speeilied by the annu- al meeting. WEDNESDAY, APRIL 6th., 1921 (b) Professiorials may be employ- ed as Coach, Trainer or in any dike capacity, without [prejudice to the Amateur stagding of the Assoeiation or theeindivi.dual members. (d) The loyalty of members is‘ primarily due to this Association and its interests should be paramount,‘ wherefore; Any member of this As-) sociatio-n, being a, member of any other athletic organization, and tak- ing part in competitions under other auspices, in like games, sports, and athletic:exercises in which this Asso- eiatioa.,is engaged, without the es- press simetion of the Executive Com- mittee,'iuiall be ineligible to compete as a member of this Association in any like event. given by this Asso- ciatioiior to represent this Assoeia- tion in tiny like event given by other organizations, and shall be deprived of his right to vote in any of the af- fairs of this Association. ' as no Published every Wednesday by Geo. Lake, Publisher Branches of Membership. 1 (e) _The membership shall be de..' slgnatiid as toifhvs:---. I. life Members. 2. Adtife Members. 3. Asioeiate Members. 4. Lady Associate ‘Memebrs. 5. 'Junior Members." {limitation of Membership (frTlse Executive Committee. is empowered to limit any or all Mem- berships in this Atcsoeiaton; and to debdr from Membership any .objee- tionable person. iNp.v party so debar- red rtt'ay,'peels- redress on petitign of twcntyAVt members to _iiei1itb1 ipeefi. Im.',. .‘ ’ 't C' l " The ation Canada. -- United States . was TV-mittee, The basic fund of the Ass shall be the annual dues of 1 ship. cw any In addition to r gate rgceipts all sports, spef Article m-Membership proposal Te of tl a Assnei to deeisi, In view l ing to l Subscription Rites: Article Tr-obj ects. . l mum-re Telephones to this fund there will pts and dues from spe- senial m1bseriptiory and 0Fll In any it any or all Mom-i The frovmcuu Associaton; and to officers had a busy berinip any mbjec- and made a number Np.v party so debar- mins, down near tl" .ress on petitign of and 6,iehum,aGeer., ul m: to ikeait'al beet: raidi/iieoniitieru1e Residence 112 $2.00 year B3.00 year 3 eompan ONTARIO pen com- lie or ad- ssoeiatton nauon to me ".l.i.H.vuuvr'"" unber-‘J. Boueher, N. Ringuette, P. B. Jette, Girs. P. McGregor, J, re will ry and J. Legault. In addi n spe- these. arrests, the police to 15 and womep in charge for condu , may disorderly' house downmear {I 0 o I I render. _ (a) The funds of this Association shall be pooled and shall be used sole.. ly for the promotion and operation of Amateur Athletics, and the purchase of equipment, and the rental and pub chase of property for the use of this Association. I Association Funds. (b) The funds of this A shall be deposited in a charm in the name of the Associa shat! be withdrawn only IN cheque of two of the folloxs ofiieers:--President, First y dent and Treasurer. cheque Committee the estimated budget Ior that particular branch of sport for his term of oth'ce. This budg:et when approved shall constitute an appro- priation for that branch of sport and shall be payable by the Treasurer when required. (f) Expenditures outside of the approved budget shall he termed ex- traordinary expenditures and shall require the approval of the Finance Committee for amounts up to $50 per month per branch of'sport. Expen- ditures greater than $50 outside of the approved budget shall require the approval of the Executive Committee. -- Article V--Ahfieers. (e) The mittee in [ sport shall 300011" clump: from from the 1'ompany's employ or on Voted request fer resignation of 75% of the clubs membership; An eleetion ot"any of the above ollieers requires that Illuminations shall be posted for six days before the ballot is taken. The Chairmen of the Baseball and Hockey Committees shall be elected at a meeting of the above branches of "sport and shall serve for their term of ofiiee. (ls) (h) The eleetion.of olfieers for the various brunettes of sport Shall be made by ballot after the nominations have been posted for six days. The Executive Committee may/prepare a slate for these offices but, other no- minations will be received and posted. (e) The election of ofheers to take the place of retiring omeers shall be held within 14 days of the retirement of said officers. (d) The Chairman and Commit- tees for IProporty, Publicity and Amateur standing committees shall be appointed by the Executive Com- mittee and shall be permanent except on resignation or removal by the Ex- ecutive Committee. The Chairman of the Finance Cbrmnittee shall be the Treasurer of the Association and the remainder of the Committee shall be appointed by the Executive. .Eaeh of the above committees shall consist of not less than three active members. FORMER T, & N. o. CHAIRMAN SERIOUSLY ILL IN TORONTO Mr. J. L. Englehart Chairman of the T. & 2 mission, is seriously ill a Hospital, Toronto,' sufft hemorrhage on the brain dition is, said to be erities g'lelmrt- was born in Cleve] and for many years was i iul life in the USA. Si has been lusatl of the tirm ‘glelxai'tv & Co., petrold lLondon, Out, and New y, IW' has been head of the firm of J. L. En.. glelzart & Co., petroleum rehners, London, Ont, and New York. He was one of the pioneers of the oil indus- try in Western Ontario and in 1881 was made Second vice-president of the Imperial Oil Co. He is interested in many finaneia) and mercantile enter- prises in Ontario. He was the ftrgt Chairman. of the T, & N. o. Railway Cormnission, a position he held until last year. He has 'been in ill-health for a, couple Aof years past. NINE LIQUOR CHARGES _ FOLLOW POLICE RAIDS and the foll tomorrow of d) Hunt. as instituted by Akiti and Paper Co. Accountant e) The chairnmn of em top in charge of any br f) he OKLA. ..---T. Ledue, Bourdoncle. Rancher, N. Ringuette, P. Bigra, Jette, Mrs. P. MeGregor, Joe Hen- and J. Legault. In addition to se arrests. the police took two O rea " Provincial and local police had a busy time last night le a nuaiber of raids in Tim- )wn near the river, at ',Moneta mmaohpr. Asa result of the mtitieriiole liquor was seized y following will face charges IW" of selling.: liquor contrary hT.A. :---T. 'Ledue, Bourdoncle. snrer to keep books ‘0 layments of account of or over shall be made by 2 rge u bx n , this Association a chartered Bank Association, and only on a joint e following three Association shall awry Presidents President, Vice- , 1hisasurer and tor f each Com- y branch of he Executive l budget for of sport for budget when iestl. Mr. En- "land in 1847 s in commerc- Since 1868 he ice-Prem- Po w " nhlllil illllailill ilf MllllNli PASSES AWAY Mr. Delos Chowan, Long on the Gold- fields Btaif, Dies at Muskoka. F Mr. Delos Chowan, for, many years on the s'taffof he Hotel Goldffelds, Timmins, passed awayat Gravenhurst Muskoka, on Sunday, ‘March 27th. ill: late Mr. Chowan (known among is hosts of friends as “Tom") was of his time for the years smee. At the Goldfields he was a valuable man ---wpopular with all and very highly es:teemed." His courtesy, his kindness and his invariable eonsideration won him esteem from thetvavelling public and from the citizens in general. It would be dilfieult to find anyone who has not good words for him. l Some weeks ago he was takuen ill and the management and staff of the Goldfields showed the esteem in which he was held hy their interest and anxiety.' Eventually, on March 15th. he was persuaded to go to Graven- hurst, it being found that le""iiuvs suffering from tuberculosis. At Gra- venlrurst he was met by Mr. and Mrs. Mullieron who grave him every atten- tion and care bebre and after he reached the hospital there. The disease, however, had made unusual hrouress. and he passed away about one of the pioneers of the North Land. He-was wt Cobalt and Elk Lake in 'the early d'aysuand when the Por. eapine was opened as a gold camp he came to Pottsville, later going to South Porcupine and from there tr, took over the manag Hotel C'roldfields he plat the'staft and there he' of his time for the ye the Goldfields he was a “popular with all an esteemed." His courtesy hurst, It suffering venhurst Mulhera pl?) ten ot Ill 1'6 UL Minn :upine was opened same to iPottsvill South Porcupine I linmins where he zer staff. When ll His lu' New Y IOS mother and Sister Came up miumuuxu. The funeral arrangements are not known here, hut it is understood that the body would be Iaken to New York for interment. The news of 'the sudden gleath I) Mrs. Walter Crossley at her hoine in Moneta came as a shock to her many friends in the district. Mrs. Crossley returned a couple of weeks ago from a trip to her native land overseas,| and was srpparently in her usual health. On Saturday afternoon last about 4.30, Mr. Crossley returned home from his work at the T. & N. o, shops here to find his wife lying' dead. She had succumbed to heart failure. The late Mrs. Crossley was among: tlfe pioneers of the North 'Land, she and her husband being at Elk Lake before1 eominrldhre some years ago. She'was well known in town and none knew her but to like and esteem her for her kindliness and eheerdUlne.ss. She was Jorn in Manchester, England, soma ‘51 years ago. She is survived by the bereaved husband to whom very sin- SUDDEN DEATH or' MRS. WALTER CROSSLEY, MONBTA cere and heartful sympathy will be extended in this sad and sudde loss. The funeral took place on rf/tl/fit,,',' at New Liskeard. ' while a man in the house at the :time was also arrested as an inmate. The cases will come up tomorrow, mean- ing a very busy day for -,.1rasrj.strhle Atkinson. Other eases are alsoJikely to arise. from the raids. Those trans-' gressing the 1th or thinking about it would do well to digest the lesson in this rsaragrwh,---that ithe Provincial and local police alike are cleaning up the Camp and intend to keep it clean f min law-hreakinit. _ mdn 1ish le 1 General Purpose Team, weight 2500 ms. " 1 Heavy Skid Harness. ‘ 20 pairs ION. Woollen Blankets. \ 1 3/; Coil Bed Springs. 1 3y; Felt Mattress. 1 16-foot Peterborough Canoe. 1 18-foot Chestnut Canoe. h. 118-ft. Boat, 316. ft. beam. 1 21-foot Launch,, 5 horse-power Gray motor, good condition. 1 Lumberman Stove. 1 "20-lutse power Boiler, with fix- e w 1 tl tare ""'""l"'"e" P.S.HURD. if; .... r,-1,eitisi'-':,t.'r"r,,l.e""ci)i.' i1fi;:flmmmfl5flflfi$fiflfififiéfifififififlififim ite ott ("Vi It Enquire y will be genuine ttT', maple at present are York, and on being seriousness of his or and sister mule 1 Il't V, ol Heavy' Double Harness pair Freight iSleighs, w JY death It li 1111 a Delos Chow: il, Minn., in tet Hoist, with 200 feet cable 1 Duplex Steam Pump. . he world. ] od, and who 1d courtesy en1l will POR SALE a 1 H reachm Hill) neere tiN' 1zrs: Ponovrmn ADVANCE l are resident in1 being notified of" his illness hisl Jme to Muskoku.‘ rements are not npa th y e {m d 11 that \11 her l C JI u sl; ll re with Rack (l ly It U elled n m SI' ll o SO n giigiigiiyallaiilliliigR5ilguii iilllaiiye -.- gfii!giilgiillriillfiih' ~. iiigiiyggii!giigiigiiyEllaiBEgiilNiaiik ytiiggiigijgiiWliiihRhEiE fifififi§$§§fififi$fi§fi§fiwmfihfififiéfiflflilfififififiihfihfififig u: ----.- a; qt I - l e 5 ttl IIA, 's ' , ' iM Kar _ " P. _ _ . Ii ' " it ' IB, Ef " . ' a 't .1.er- . , I . , iS , , _ I a ' I It' Ill a: ' , Cobalt Cochrane WWW. tttto-.............- Two Special Plays A French Play' An English Play' N " PATSY FROM DAKOTA y . 20 ooo-too-o-o-Ao-"""""'""'" W Tuesday Evg., April l? The George Taylor Hardware o-oo-oo-oo-""""""'"""'" 00mm Reserved Seats, $1.00. Tickets may be obtained at Meyers Drug Store. You should not miss this event. It is going to be something special. ' . In the New Empire Theatre. FORD Car performances under every test of road and usage daily prove that the engine of the Ford Car will drive it over seemingly impossible roads because it has the power and durability. The engine of the Ford Cir, driving half the motor cars of the world every day, in every quarter of the globe, under every kind of road and usage condition, proves its endurance, its simplicity of operation, its economy and its power. Over three thoutand Ford Dealers and Service Stations in Canada keep Ford Cars at peak efficiency. Costs of parts are fixed and published to Ford owners by the Ford Motor Company of Canada, Limited. The Gem Taylor Hardware -Provas too that it is the engine Y01,1 want in the car you drive. In Aid of the R. C. Church SONGS?,, RECITATIONS, ETC., ETC. EVE The Ford Engine Has the Power Touring Car Runabout - Coupe .. - PLAYERS FORD Car - , 675 t - - lil 610 - - $1,100 Prices are f. o LIMITED LIMITED Sold by 311:1 PRICES Sedan - .. - $1,200 Chassis - .. - $ 550 Truck ghassis - li) 750 b. Ford, Ont. EEJfiEaiflflfifllfiLQEEEEEMEMEI [ ‘rqu 'ly,.fiiefiiblElll. New Liskeard Timmins 20 ES gil El

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