Itll iriliurllii WWI}! “WINS, Off1ee 26 WEDNESDAY, MARCH 30th., 1921 ANNUA DOMINION C, ml (I thas m Near ve ry at {H W Recently the T. & N. 0. Railway Commission has. been investigating ttories to the effect that conductors trn the line have been “knocking down fares†and so on. Many of these yarns, of course, have had no found- ation and others have been greatly exaggerated. But following inform.. iati-on sent to the Government" the THREE orn prom those one fused to derstond wow em Imam-h, Commission started an investigation. What are generally known called B6 spot broug three not a il (-upme made In ter fun ation i: ment th ill iW K01 his musical about as pk the people a gifted violin qMPute men r ple two some week been man 'Gene mis rt t,".on In) wee they unde undc Published every Wednesday by Gen. Lake, Publisher Ite, Canada -- United States H M' ‘m M It Mr m met I†INCCIV. kL MEETING GOLF Subscription Rates: CLUB FRIDAY EVENING G ssed n ll Telephones: "" “Hum ll (u n h 1'88 dismiss: Hi! I' C'tr'tf1NT lllfllSSl ING ENQUIRY " Residence 112 $2.00 year $53.00 year " n ff d m tilil lave not ht in ONTARIO "13' Ill " 5 I1 til eml men il.; Lake lcll and m " ANCE has pe- The igntion lat mm n DYE?“ these from Were " Ill- ll en H " d PLEASING PROGRAMME AT THE BAND C on Sunday evcnmg. a werb for the' 1retlefFt of ar:tiiitir:. 1110 11111511 , 0118111 “()1er with the assistance of Chief Greer to learn something in regard to the young man and his present residence. l photo of the missing young man is enclosed with the Consul 's letter and if he is in town or anyone here knows mhere he is, no doubt the Chief will duly locate Ihim for the mother's re- lief. The young fellow also went un- der the name sometimes of Stanley l'rs, the other name being a difficult one to carry around. THURSDAY A BUSY DAY IN THE POLICE COURT HERB on 10itlyrytiil.N' 11131. were important, tht the usual number at eases, with the add law. the line in each case being mr.uu wit: etrsts. There are some other cases ol' the same kind expected this week. and Chief Greer says that the Dog: By-law eases will continue :to be brought forward until all are observ- ing the by-law as it should be observ- 0d. The drunks for the day included :1 (‘Ull‘nlt‘ who had seamed hot cross spet ..r ul to a town and ll H) pr n ouneillor mun on new I reeo vert ir, ICN W a s s out n E. W. Johnston who has overed from a serious ill- 1cillor L. S. Newton oc- ehair and in opening the referred to the value of a approp " th star services at the Pres: hum; on Sunday were par- 1ttraetive. There was spe- t by the choir, and at the ervice. Mrs. J. K. 'Moore H nts to " him have been un- " Polish Consul hopes stance of Chief Greer to week. In the meantime , on $800.00 cash bail. n , eongregation present. 3 delivered a thought- " n \ " l tk Til W W NTT. "11111 he good work of In addition to a m " (m to " to Hn Indance and Band Con- oire Them re l ( CONCERT. Ct manded M the If (undo, paid the dog by- being 341-00 some other nd 'l" ll n IN dtlt n 'trrtt v, Il " ol all thou "vet YCKI weeds Band- IO has t l' W ot NY ll Ht tt on .m ll here with ll until eal or 10111 'ert ll Jet lh Lid Holmes; the w- T. J. Law] ()0 I'vey/t.niet'.. fl' Fr. Thermal lis tier, of Mo he (Hulda Des: be 3th by MI 'V.. I'. J. cMeGr: -.. by 'Mr. Alk it n CUTTING SALARIES 0P COBALT TOWN EMPLOYEES town employees. Cobalt apparently feels the pinch of harder days, what with so many of the mines closed or closing and the generally uncertain condition of everything in the silver industry there. The Cobalt council has cut the salaries of ten different employees, including the town clerk, the police force, fire chief' and fire- men. The salary reductions amount in all to $195.00 per month. The town VERY highest "ctlit tion and on the part. The pr piano solo by quartettes by II liuhcst erulit t)ll Mi‘. l’ni'e's illl't’€‘- tion and Oll the talent lot [Ame talking part. The prug'x‘nmmo included a piano solo by Miss Mary Donovan; quartettes by Messrs. Snow, Street, R. Lilly and Jean Pare, with Mr. Snow taking the solo part in one and Mr. Lilly in another; songs by Mr. Snow, Mrs. Emile Everard, and Mr. 18. Pare; and an Operetta by Mrs. Lortie and Mrs. R. Lilly. Bev. Father Therriault presided, and Mayor Mo Innis made an interesting, and pleas- ing address. Home one called for “three cheers fur Father Therriault and Muynr Eli-Innis" and they were given with right wir-ul will. The whole Irl'ir1.yl'illiiillt' was nt' supetiu' execllenee the gnztltl and; ol' the (‘nrnimmen be- sun; eimsoltrtion, Mt'. J‘lc'ilt‘. Ladies, first, Miss Larch: second, Miss Lena Ethier; third, Mrs. Paul Labrien; consolation prize, Miss T. Laflamme. The $5.00 gold piece donated by the Ladies of Charity was' won by 1lr. Holmes; the live duek donated by Mr. T. J. anlur won by Miss Louise and lows her, or Mont-ta, wa: (Elude JJesrun'rnier; 3th by Mrs. Alsich I'. J. McGI'ath; and by 'Mr. Alken «by M olates, cigars, ete., the business men ol' night to Tamarack fire at Mr. Udell's c There was no damn an nt n CThe Tea and Sale of Work by tin hid Nugget Rebekahs last Saturda] oroved very successful in every way Phere was a large attendance, all pre ,ent enjoving fhe afternoon, and a Wt Ill “WERE I Mr poliee force, fare chi ' The salary reduet l to $195.00 per mont E is reduced from , month; the police chi I) 11 tn eu l) --Mcu, iirst, H F". Dueliey; thir Consolation, Ill Miss Larch; set xerl‘m ult enjoy Yet IN' ml n fire bri 300 AN] n dur We tO If n b grade stat tf, fr IY ade had a run last aek street, a chimney Vs causing the alarm. anger and no damage 'amed pieture ol onated by Mrs. illlil B IE W'dri SC , H. I’M third, ( ll orlf " , “'11 THE PUROUPINE ADVANCE 1111111 ll I) the 'lnmmns visiting friends Easter vacation) 'a 1'0 w ar ,ill. The whole rim excellence 'm-nisllmen be- St w Wo t 3f! Won laua our 1n nt much en mated by m. Mrs. RE, 1ND IN' ot SI' ll (I n m ([011 by Mr 1w tl I'attet Ladie: m unatc (l fr m tl 305 170 set It ll 1'0 1 31x K ial' YE m mrt n n " ll ay If ll a SMALL HOUSE WANTED, To Rent Apply to Box SIS, Timmins. The Ontario Kirkland intends. to start w/n'k on the creviiun of a 100- ton mill on their Kirkland Lake ln'o- pcrty as soon as the snow is ott' the ground and rush the work to comple- tion, the plan being to have the plant in active operation this fall. Sincere sympathy will be extended to Mr. I T. Easton in the death of his mother at her home in Renfrew on Monday 'of this week. She had been seriously ill for some time and the end was not altogether unoxpvr't- ed, thuug’h coming as a shock l1rr'Vel'- the less. [Some weeks new Mr. [Culstzm visited his â€when At that limp s'-ris was Ill dent h ll GARAGE and SERVICE STBTleN Batteries overhauled and re-charg- ed. Radiators rebuilt and repaired. Permanent Magnets re-charged. Magnctos, Electric Starting and Lighting Systems put in first-class condition. NUMBER or BRIDGES ARP, WANTED FROM WABI RIVER In†UH River were w; that followed and the heavy er become eo', 18 Cedar strae \Vabi ll n 6?IT ll “(My evemx P W ll ltter ot ll 1t ll Eyre and Creme ll 1't't mp1 W ll S anti HELP WANTED Wil under ours truly i rm The w re was-he IN If It “I out†mu annuyance than a er. The bridges win be soon as the danger of Illt 1H I' [he uwnvrslnp ol ll Theatre of Timmins. MI m. of South Porcupine: HOV .\i m w 1' u Past sln n one W ( Hid Iltts If nan C. R. WILLMO'BT. Irrii " Ires w W a S ao " may by the floods wring temperature Then the weath- n and the danger CIT " V1003 ro Vt [\upu tlu K apuskasiny: 1111-. l “Sr-011) m In h 111d or a Ike of It Timmin " -11-13p ll It any NH ll In JO. W Nil y 1Illl tit hf bl Ill (1 der n 111nm nlv ll n IN Nev (JIM H U ur ll se- re on " FOR FOR SALE Choice lot 30x106 in Wclland. Valued at $500.00 Will saeritiee for $350.00. cash or best offer. Apply A. Amoldi, Post Olliee Box 535, Timnfrps, ---13p lil l Yt id Pl catten tyon't Ade? oritario Referendum Committde i SA1,D-SMAhL HOUSE AND F,1TC."i'T, .' . ~55 .1 " '~"' . ii' havro/ther Eih m1 11118 adding to the ees enforcement. tummy ance Act, and defying the temperance sentiment of the province. Importation of "Booze" is adding to the cost of jail maintenance. L116 Importatidn of "Eooze" is adding to the cost of hospi- tals and asylums. f Importation of “Booze†is adding to the cost of living. 1:irrtpctrtatiion of “BOOZE†is bedeevi11ing the administra- tion of the Ontario Temper- on Kim Streetr"lytmtains II 1m orram'e ----a--a-a----o---' i' ttl Ontario's Drink Bil t Shall theimportztionttntl the i bringing of intoxicating . liquors into the Province U,' he forbidden P :trTtryT''TrreeTtN aiuiS?iitf.tifr. 1. 4 ". .s-uau ara) a u if bib: Debt IO time to add m to the taxpayer’s KKK iii'i"-"i), , " A L d ral, Provincial and I fl ',','fd?'sr,tPt".'rrTtT'.' ', “"7""-.'-“",’.“m i" Lu LlUiL "rf/nfl" an 'vious to Prov Provmc Importat tt hurt}: 13p a?i'ii's7',iCii)i:f:', bN. I ", = ' ., V as 3* many: = COMPETENT GIRL WANTED fer WAREHOUSE POR RENT on Rail- ',',TT II---. WANTED-Maid for road: 20 feet by 40 feet. Apply - J. W. REED, Timmi] InelalProm work. No children. D. W. O'tlullivan, Phone 192. $1,153 tter x itt' ii' a? ‘11.. ‘5‘â€. iii': DIL Lin 1 anoiite .1 )00,( 00,( n23 w, / " Sinai her burden . ' U3 f .f‘x~ I A) Lama . d " aw general house.. of IS Ipply, Mrs. Maple St. _ir,tt,tl'.iii i?'i'i,i'iii(l,, 3% 31-“ t) ns li d