. THE ID0RClLjfDiirtillf] Ally/AlN/CIE) i BURNS BANQUET PRIME tlllllilltlillillalmllillill Ilglfllllli: [8.1M BANQJEI Iliulflffllt SUCCESS; 1lllilllimllllllll,il, ilfr, fl) Whllilll “MINE Large Attendance, Wonderful Supper, Excellan¢ Programme at Cale- . donian Society Event. The first annual Burns Anniversary ' "Banquet of the Caledonian Society of Timmips, held in the Masonic mo here hist"nightr to commemorate the 162nd anniversary of the birth of iiiil great Scottish poet, may be written) down as an unusual and unqualified success, and all in charge of the event are rightly to be commended and con- stratalated. The profession of' good thing to eat, ,suppli'ed by the ladies of the Society, the toast list with its clever and capable proposals and rar. ponses, the "excellent musical and literary programmer-il made a long and very enjoyable evening that will be remembered with much pleasure by the more than 150 ladies and gentle- men present at the event. . The president" of the Caledonian Society of Timmins, Mr. Frank Lamb, very capably presided for the occasion and acted in his own inimitable way as toastmastcr for the evening. First, came the banquet with its many courses, all delicious and appetiziug. After the first two eofrses there came the Piper of the Society, Mr. W. Ben- nett, playing his "heavenly music," and after him, bearing the "Haggis" breast high mun-hell Mr. Win. Me Hugh, to whose skill and kindness Hie company was indebted for that won- derful sample ol' 1.hoiee Seuttis‘u conk- insr---the Haggis. Mr. J. K. Moore in k, met breast iugh man Hugh, to whose sk company was imh derful sample of C ing-the Haggis. ahll, 111mm“ gave Haggis. . Following the crtson, respm donald. was the tmlsL‘Iist literary pram-3mm were the masts am The King-z-The _ The Navy and I the Empire, prolm kiesponded to by J. Rm“. ' . ' . Kindred Societies, proposed by the Chairman, responded to by Mr. T. F. Clark, of Toronto. - A . the Ellipn'o. pr 'responded to by Our Adapted W. n. Watt, the C,hajr in silence "The Pt, The Lasses, pmpnsed by W. AV. White, responded to by .Mrs. A. Haughlnnd. . ' . Our Society. proposed 'by T). Suther land, responded to by J. w. Moore and J. Massie. . Maekie Mr..D. Muckie, vice-president of the Society, was the “Cranmer.†I All the toasts of' the (waning were dealt with in very capable manner by both those proposing and those.ress pending. As the Chairman remarked, it was wonderful the ambunt 9f talent discovered by the evening. '1 ime and wince do not permit of any extended reference to the many good speeches of the.evening. They Were all bright and timely, lii'vned by wit and hu- mour and weighted with solid Scot- tish 'shrewdrtess and ideas:. Special mention, hitwevvr, Should be iniule ti) toast- of the Porcupine (lamp, Scott’s gifted n-ply to.tlte toast t poetry of Hubert Ihirj 5, Mr. Cl humuruus spveeh Cyi',1,.i"nl',. am lit‘mnnd works, and Mrs. Haughl: reply to "The Lasses." u1frs. ll: Fand.was cheered to the echo an: atlever reply dt'servml the app] Elle Mayor's witty review of tin ary of the Camp was one. of tly tures of the evening. outsttindin by Mrs. J. Miss J." Rubens, Mr. J. Co J. K. Moore, Mr. D. Mackie, worth, Mr. J. Twaddle; a dut J. ll. Todd and Mrs. Moore: ttsit songs were very em Maotie and Mr Scott Rave a y m Iolnn 'eem'em hat m 18 " The ct, 'he Poetry ol' Burns, proposed by Dougall, responded to ‘by ll. B, lit Vol VI No.4 IE respon " Inurnmn l'orcuplm dman, resl y, musical programme was one ot 8 own co d by Mr humor w " n re tl TC Rmdin tlt liti R J. Twudd and Mrs. given wi tner pmlmsed by Il ,1] Memory, pmpoSed by The toast was drunk M rt and reshyonses:---- le National Anthem , Military Forces it. There IX 'ore, Mrs. M . Mr. J. Co untry to by c, Ller ot the. and musical . The fella " N) 1' mp, prom l dd IT a r y by M are were solos W propos " M t by Mrs all Seot- by to ll an by by I). or At Present Inspectors Cannot Cover the E Annual Election of Officers and Ban- Large Territory With Maximhm quot at Hotel thyidfieldg to- t Of Efficiency. Morrow.Evening. "Aethm" seems to. be the second' The annual meeting and banquet of name of the Temiskaining Associatcdl the Timmins Board of Trade will be Boards of Trade. This body, fornler-i'held to-morrow (Thursday) evening ly heard from once iyear or so, is n the untei Goldfields. After the now right to the front any time therelbusiness of the annual meeting there seems a possibility of any advantage will be a banquet served as has been " benefit for the people of the dis-l the custom for some yearspast. An trict. The latest problem that the attractive menu has been prepared for Temiskaming Associated Boards of he banquet and in addition there will Trade has tackled is the matter of the be a goodly list/of toasts and re- schools of the North Land and the ponses with a number of pleasing ad- betterment of the educational facil- dresses from various prominent men ities. The Associated Boards seem to of. the district. The mining, lumbering realize that in general the people are mercantile, professional, and other in- doing their part under many difficul- terest-s will all be wtll-represented ties and with comparatively little out- and a successful evening is anticipat- side assistance. Accordingly, the ed. President Ostrosser has his plans Rightly, attention is called to the matter of school inspection, for the inspectors do" more than inspect, they hssist in or;ganization, etc. In a' re- cent letter sent to all the. newspapers sf the North Land the Associated Boards of Trade of Temiskarning put the situation in tlus.ft.ollowing words: “The time has arrived for closer attention to the educational system in eover the figures point to the need of an- other two inspectors before the work" ean be" done its best, because the inspectors have a great, deal of or;,runirittion work in addition to the actual inspection. _ _ Jn the older parts of the province the land is nearly all takeri, the schools are thoroughly organized, anl there are few changes in (iii/iii/li) ins it aiteets'ti/e schools front year td year. In the North on the other hamll there is a constantly inereasing po-l, tytl.ation with the constant- necessity! tof-rearrangement, and creation of new school districts, In ten years the increase in population Was 10.000 per cent. If two inspectors were left to the. Jork of inspeetion ot' suluiols.| and two others to organizing and Gull" soliduting sehools in the newer and growing districts, it. would have a ire-iI mundons influence on the edueationi growing districts, it. would have a nfqndous inriuedee on the eduea of the young people of the North The schools themselves. _ ma throng tion fo dren, l all“ It me WE In ere wort 1l ougfthe eagerneSS of the popula: u for good sehooling for their chil- en, have made a good showing. An litibnal two inspectors would do. ch to increase their etiieieney." my m H " tl ne W ern Iii t( () entire '0) se me educau Lturio. In tl strict than , done but In Ol on to t sults. JI r111“. BusWorth 's solos 11 numbers that won ruse. Mr. Bosworth, 'riends at b'eliumaeher emarkahie power and distr of tees 1D. even n n llâ€) organ rem tits (h under en' (07) ll FE maria each ms _rn' (07) school: ,ndcr hrs. super- ty (70) schools, e work he is to 11 " Verage; prae- I my )r-of sehools'l but zed to male early er., ISpecial Train Jseaves Here, at 5.15 Jamming and! pad., Returning from Falls Half ' re only two '. Hour After Game is Over. en have mi ----- each having. A monster crowd is expected to go TIVIMINS, ONI Atel , WEUhtEUAY, JANUARY 26th., 1921. namittee in rs limit to strict of. Exe point an 1V0 hon ot rat .1( 11g with equally master uliunce mainly 1' trair talent an en W In d orth ttt Jeen " W M II he banquet and in addition there will be a goodly list/of toasts and re- ponses with a number of pleasing ad- dresses from various prominent men of. the district. The mining, lumbering mercantile, professional, and other in- terests will all be well-represented and a successful evening is anticipat- ed. President Ostrosser has his plans perfected for the success of the event. The annual banquets of the Tim- mins Board of Trade have achieved the position of yearly events recogniz- ed as of special importance to the l'own. Matters of importance are dis- cussed and many new ideas advanced for the progress and betterment of the. district. All citizens who take an active and earnest interest in the wel- fare of the Town will find the Ban.. quet to-morrow night a pleasant and protitnhle event to attend. illil (lflillllll BRING 'ill mums HHS HEW over eupule 3.521 estimated and 500. cinch on tl group while they may be W the runumg is between eupine, but is between the cupine. but the nwr and many Porcupine has while the Falls heard three. LII, .m Friday night 1n the Cl speeiaily will be a Porcupine to vietory, [110110111 SUDBURY HAS NOT YET SEEN PORCUPINE AT IT yetir'will tion as tl ohampion not yet p they do n e V en aunt Mr ll ort tt l , N'e 1 In monster crowd is t to the, Falls on Fri; week for the Iroqr n mun ti m many wonky " slrt' " 3; like t' inst lowed eak l, conte HIM eeial (ruin will leave hvre at Friday, the return trip (-0.11- hull' an hour after the game It n It “ff " t m o n tea m to team winning the -ar. Sudhary has the Porcupine, so tor at comes o thinks that the N.0.H.A. this expe xpected to go ay evening oi ll] ‘between 400 train to the l from here, if†Falls-Pup 'i, r ( (r'ei.ifaj".),ri,'l' H 1llillf N il illglliil _ mum m; t ' ' ' 1 , teams up am gliteen and Cot :he weaker pm has shown , wit Take the‘sev Thursday'? be be lament-lam) IZ and on ( ale: wouh cte If! m C Yudoury Mr 956119111 st run tuuity )Ot H " neon " tl Hood 1M last ap the JW-' TI 1,'ll1ll,iifll'il 1llfl.fflfli i1llililll HERE iiiiill.t The Clidrtuc'avWeit'ttre. Clinic Room s now established in the premises on Pine street formerly occupied by Miss Copps, opposite the post ollice. The 'rovineial Health nurse employed by he Town of Timmins will be at the Welfare Room daily from 1.30 to 3 hm. for consultation. Mothers and srospeetive .mothers will be gladly md freely given advice and assistance n matters of health. Special allen- iou will also be given to children un- der sel1ool age. The service is free to all in the town.. The purpose is to Ilso Provincial Health Nurse at Office Por Conn1ltaticn Daily from 1.30 to 3 p.m. measures a: Lune tt Jn addition to th for the Provincial Timmins there are Welfare Clinics lu day afternoon fro Mothers are invit children to these I will get much advic W Vlt we now m co the Kingston Kingston, Ont 1nent recent it will be pt service. ban AN UNUSUAL EVENT POR THE TOWN OF TIMMINS passengt parently rem ?trgines is n hm: March rims are t tttttit I) m Thursd I"; uvdueed m 115111105 11; MING time ll tf otntnisslott IS out Lo 11 tihoad of the T. & N. 0 forts along this line he weive the heartiest sum mention from all in the n BE Elillll 'lli0lllll/, By March Ist the ' ty expect to have i w Iueouiotives of t' a on the continent e now in course of nus and may me time h, tir0s, and Some ig1y.t-pulling t: wally up-to-da' Country. To Be D By March lst seen lt? Is dy fifty mat ters n ew ot Traffic or " mt which will arouse the in- b the entire community will 0 at the New Empire theatre day-and Friday the 3rd and 'eln'uary when two perform- t' the well known Musical the "Isle of Love" will be by Timmins Local Talent y of our prettiest girls, and if our best male voiees,'will in an ensemble of pretty ainty dances, and real good uedy in abundance surround- beautiful scenery, gorgeous . wonderful electrical effects, It invited I839 eli lance an (D mm ave 1n n 1e f te active. use ten finest type in These engines onstruetioh at & N. O. ll l) where they ssistanee in t. and in his will surely um and cur Northqsand, " tl I.Ill an 0 Cleaning of Chimneys and Stovepipes. Inspection to be Made. OtLer Council- Matters. reguia Some others , holder CHURCH (lllli1llliiflll flili PHINHIHIN MATTERS The Town Council met in regular session on Monday afternoon with Mayor Melnnis presiding and Coun- eiilors E. L. Longmore, J. E. Sullivan, E. S. Noble, T. F. King and J. E. Morin present. The matter of a new fire truck for the carrying of ladders, there being no present equipment for this pur- pose, was discussed. The Fire Chief said that a suitaFle truck could be se- cured for about $1500.00 The Mayor and Council did not expect the truck would cost so much, but they thought mine provision for the transportation of ladders, ete., was very necessary. The matter was left for the Clerk and the Fire Chief to secure prices and submit them to the next meeting of Council. ’ The matter of chimney fires, de- fective and dirty stovepipes was also referred to, as Well as the question of exits from rooming houses, and fire escapes on the Reed block. In answer to a question from Councillor King the Fire Chief said that few fires here lad started from the chimneys and this was true generally. It the chim- ney were all right, it did little narm and caused little danger to have it urn out. Stovepipes were a more l'requent cause of.' ï¬res. This brought up the question of the inspection of chimneys and pipes with a view to preventing danger of fires. ' The Conn oil generally thought that the. regular t-leuning " chimneys and pipes should he mnnpulsorr. Some thought that monthly see I qu the, Mm Must make a [no peetion during: the coming two, securing any help not the work. my were 1nd cans ‘urn out frequent .11) the l The, usual number of routine ae- counts and salaries were authorized to be paid. Councillor King: asked if there were any town by-law regarding weights and zimusures. He thought that in the IV :IIlti measurm. tie thought mat in we matter of Wood. ete., the pulrlie were often defrauded by short measure. Chief Greer said that the Provincial law provided for the prosecution of those selling short measure wood and the police were frequently after men who attempted this sort of fraud. ()thm‘ matters in regard to weight: and measurus were not covered by Prorineial law. The Council thought a hr-law might help in the matter' and HICKS Wiitr attempted Lms sort f (Mu-r matters in regard t0 and measurvs were not an Prorineial law. The found a by-law-might help in the m yne stalk-Hop will prepare um =miu1ml on: that such a by-l; instul a publi would be. " :1 Councillor Kin not ,take‘long f themselves in t assessment. calls for the 1' On motion and Kiqg, Cm appointed the on the local p, W In JN' " If " 0 w n ven T 1 e' w slit " On motion of tt Or l l' o it nc'eessary lur the 'iuwn to al a public weigh scales. 'Ut Id be. a godd investment," sai.d neillor King who thought it would ,take‘long for the scales to pay for uselves in the saving effected. he necessary by-laws in regard to issuing of debentures for the sew- 'ie and WAV. extension, for the in.. valor, and. for the sidewalks were in their required readings and _ passed. The sewerage debentures aw ealls for the raising of $64,625. , per cent. debentures running 15 Sh' any g1 mney " n n r ehimuey sweep 1 were in favour I pa n " W motlon Inspe pipes shap: 1011 This mean ill be #2022 rs specially 3r $5072.72 ent. The r the raisin We pun Pace W mould both the n ow 500111111 means that the 'l'own's $2022.76 and the proper- L-eially benefitted will pay l72.72 per year by special The incinerator by-law raising of $11,000. l of Councillors Morin ,uneillor E. S. Noble was e member of the Council [bird of Health. ' of Councillors Lougmore resolution was passed re- irder from the Treasurer 1"er Miner to . .t Chan of all thy and chimneys l T.",,,,.,',,),, 'l plans my n tou n make a thorough the coming week nu e' of anytlur Waterworks Mt by the '1 1ry W 0 tli pt entu: nnde ibl D tr' ot putting the individual house- There were draw F It was imposs- ulty cxperwnced anyone to sweep received "If Inspector rur llors Sullivan na an , there were _ng. weights , that m the public were A?.. It was law would Town to HI 1mpo )wn 11'Y applies tlie a Ire a work n fr yr n " The “Braw Game" Would Furnish Much Pleasure Here in Winter Months. A BURNS Mill Mor, ’ llf THE NEWS ill TIMMIIS Curling is one of the winter sports that should be established in Tim- mins. It would prove even mote popular and of more general appeal than golf in summer, and last year's golf showed how attractive this sport proved. Curling is one of the My}! winter sports,-s game suitable for all ages,-" pleasant game, health“)? ind agreeable. There are a number d' curlers already in the town audit 'arge number of others who won? won fall under the fascination of the game. North Bay "has a. strong euik ing, club. Haileybury also has a curl- ing association with a large membeiy ship. Haileybury has a fine curling rink, 15 by 110 feet. At Haileybn ' they have a Shield Competition, 33 the people there look upon curling a; one of the indispensable winter pas- 1times. For the North Land, curlin iis one game that the people shoal; not do without. Great interest has "been shown 'here in the agitation io 'organize a curling club. All that re- lmains is for someone to start pro- ELEC‘TRII‘ICATION or , T. & N. o. AGAIN TO FRONT. year the T. & N. Ir. Railway Commission suggests that the mutter of the eleetrrt liealion of the People’s Railway may be considered before lung by the Com- mission. The cost of electrifying “I: T. & N.0. would be about nine millintt dollars. The electric lucunwtives that would he used in such an event as elelc trilication of the line would be of par- ticularly puwerful type and would likely run from North Bay in Coch- ruue without divisional point tietweeif? Such locomotives could haul 50 103663 freight cars from one end of the Hub to the other without necessity for atsy stop tsueh as is necessary with steam- driven freight trains. 'er, Moneta, South Porcupine, I'ot- eupine, Hoyle, Drinkwater Pit, Cori- naught, Barher's Bay, McIntosh Springs, Porquis Junction and Irii- [unis Falls. It would be a boon to the :"ariners and settlers and of speeiitt 'oenelit to the whole district. Onantt- tion the Timmins Council gave the r5- solution full endorsation as suggested ,On motion of Councillors Sullivan and \Longmore, Constables Grade: and Roy were appointed of%ere for the enforcement of the O.T.A. Several of the Councillors entered strong, protest against a report uni?! to have rerently been submitted to this Underwriters regarding fire insuranne eonditions in town: It was understoo’d that this report contained statements that were at direct variance with the f‘zu-ts and grossly misrepresented We Town in the matter of fire risk. Cite! of the Courueil said the matter was to he dealt with by the Board of' Trade, and as the Council had nothing: omeistt ly 'hetoie it in regard to the report the question was not further-dealt with. . The question of the Seaveng‘er set. ( “as more more under discussion. _ (â€mun-illor Longmore in referring to the frequent mmplaints, some appar- ently well grounded and some with less foundation, suggested as the only, solution that there Ife regular days for the Scavenger to call at the different streets. in the Town. Councillor Noble thought the present system a very poor one and agreed with Councillor Longmore as to the need for a regular .- firm-table for each scel,son of the iitrn. it timetable for: em Town in the matter of fire of the Council sai_d the ma be dealt with by the Bean and as the. Council had not! [y before it in regard to ths mostion was not further/d The question of the Scav no was once more under W Single Copies 5 Cents O W ni-oilieial Pl taten yeinon of the ttitrw muplaints earning, Jliiee; the Clerk 1d then the Chief trying to find the Greer thought it I touch wit was left "r ngcut Con 2 by Mr. linmm of munission the eleetrrt I] avenger times a if there that the, "Med td teh with » left in " n.4, ,