Timmins Newspaper Index

Porcupine Advance, 12 Jan 1921, p. 7

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. d . mumuooowc " 600 J o a: - a WMONW “muoooewmsmomowo gmoomwd ”MOOQNWOOOOOOOOVOOWMWR-OW W W093< o ,y400 “WOOOO ”WOOOW WWW""QOO¢$~JONQQ¢ M9? ~33 i t ' ' ml toi-o- tr 09-9 ti" 00¢ oa®¢¢¢06¢0¢ stowvrooo-to-rt Bollinger Consolidated Limited. 43-45 It. A divider,,! , wapltal Sltwli boon deelarvd January, W21, will be mailed mrd at Hm cl rue Plano Used pin easy torn CHAS. ACE Ell on: Ttttt EXPERT PROTO-FINIS Fresii i'iliiiliers 13H) day of ' hated the l SAM FELDMAN velom I Por Sn ACCOUNTANT and AUDITOR xperience Cffice Reed Blk. E Margy Timmins, Ont. tr1ipm:mt Telephone 66 Business Syrtems Installed and T Improved. . p, F. ARGLES arm 'urs rem' Head Offiee. RED ti"'i"AR mm. STEEL BAh Fir. Wood-Stave Pipe and Tanks of all descriptions All kinds seeond Jc/jiri/sri; Whiaiezztje and Retail VICTORY Hamilton B. Wills&C0. Limited Pcrcupine Office - - Th mains. Ontario PORCUPINE COBALT TORONTO KIRKLAND LAKE BUFFALO SYRACUSE ROCEIESTER DETROIT. HOLLINGER GOLD The Best Mining Investment We 32” buy or sellttae above for you are in a position to give you a sen S‘J‘Pt‘ GANADA'S BEST Prices Right Clean PHONE 42 rr 09 Maple Street, Timmins, Box 317. Phone 206A, DIVIDEND No. 80 ':IMI umber, Bvi!ding Materials . Coca! and Coke, Mine. . and Mill étapplie's o-----.).".",'" FOR---- Coloniai Steel Companies Famous 'I'IMMINS Phone 10 B The Best Bond The Bast Railroad FUR‘IIBR LALQCIDU U Lambs lt tr, 12li, am hen n a Direct Private Wire Comeczinx all thfiee& " h'dti"iiiii3N HOUSE ‘1. WADSW! 50 Balsam :rncr Fnurth (opposite Prtithri.erian Church on 4th Ave) willt'l) "of: shard, of husines: try 1921. li 7 " , :5, .m: ' ESE' , C " r . .} t , in. "W: K AT, . N an J, e , MER 3 A d Tr " , c ill t,), TT E a! I tttry ll Boilers, Hoists tttttte a repam DSWO Jan Harv. 1921 cl 3le pme 19 Ives UH llUNL.1 P, Treasurer Bright M SI 'R'I'H, Street. Avenue can be had at the um h OH Mina H U M ol 1011308 Ur IN? OCR on naviuntiry in liriit, Pumps, Drills, etc. Yard and Warehouse Best Transfer in Northern Ontario Prompt Service. Good Attention Prices Right (or. Ball Grounds, app. Phone 88 Knight Bros& McKinnon Pikie's Transfer UNLIMITED quantity of choice Tam, arne.k Wood for sale. Will raise a devil of a heat. Only $2.75 per cord, 10 inch, and if you don't want it at that price you can go to, in which case you should take some with you as the clwapest fuel. Apply to E. C. Brewer, Lot s, Con. 1, Muuiiljoy. Just follow the river up and you ean't miss the place, just across from Haewyre. 52-2 p. P. LA MB, President THE CALEB Freight, Express General Transfer xcnan Highest Market Prices PAID FOR ALL RAW TURS Dealer in Raw Furs But 33, Matheson, Ont. Graduute MPG”! Medical Coll. - Heed Block, Timmins. Has resumed practise after 3 years service overseas. Phoncs: (Mice 202A. Res. 202B Orders taken for high-grade garments. a r: Av."""""'"'--.-----, far main or on margin and tf? excelled by none and HONEST TO GOODNESS WOOD FOR SALE DR. h. S. PORTER fri!Y'ilill,0i MII SUBBED" NEH FAULKENHAM Wall 1Jetrtiiated “@“wgg pe, {000494 ot T IMMIHS. y First ar Month, in SCHUMACHEB ONIAN SOCIETY OF Phone 95. B aroma. P. C). BOX 883. " flags condition. 0&6» ouomm l. MACDONALD, Secretary 11rd Mon- Basement Also, awarding to the despatehes, all Northern Ontario is thinking of nothing else but those three lost bal- looni‘xfs. T':e daiiies ie'.] of feverish excitement in "foreman at Moose Fae anyone could tell all i name. :zatwn Wilt) (mg sluts are still tour or tive days' travel distant from this hamlet, populated by 47 men and two women.” (The hamlet. meant is Mattiee, on the TranseunrinentaO/ The "battle ., is not fo very desperate; now, however, for the thrilling storyl, admits that “the weather is mild,l with light snow not rmttieient to Il-i peril the halloonists." But in the,! description of the characters in the! story, the ftetionists of the dailies reach the most. "IfeLeod is a will handsome Indian who speaks perfect English," they say in mentioning the "foreman at Moose Factory.” Sure.l of the same good Americans bqttling ization with dog sl, or tive days' travel hamlet, populated two women.” (Th Mattiee, on the , The "battle" is no! now, however, for admits that “the garments preserved the lives of the three Amerimm navy airmen lost in the Canadian wilds when they blunder ed through the snow and ice seeking help after the balloon desecmded near Moose Ifartory."This beautiful news- 'aper story goes on to tell, with Pune- luating sobs, that "were it not for these éleetrivally heated garments the frozen corpses of the three Americans might be now lying in the white wild- nesness north of here and the chances are that they wouldynevcr: have been found.", And here is some more mos at all time, Witt-n 'r'aet Liiey are simply pr: fortunate fellows who air and wm-o fortnnutc found by the hardy Iii who looked after them One of' the interesting “thrilling lliriation w the three men in the l, the eifeet that, "elect garments preserved ti: three Ameriean navy ( the Canadian wilds who ed through the snow a STRANDED BALL00NTST8 MAKE “COPY” FOR DAILIES. erator ('ornpimy was in town over the New Year and last Week he got right it) Work to have the building of the ineinera'tor here rushed to completion. The contract for the emanation work was let last week to Mr. David Craig, of S'ehumaeluar, and work on this started on Thursday last. Mr. Reed expects that the plant will be all ready to operate in seven or eight seeks at, the most. He. says the weather i'll.'l not interfere with the, work to any great extent, no matter how cold it may get. "We have a large. tent for the work," he says, "and in this big tent the men can work in vomfort. It is kept heated by stoves, and it is remarkahle how comfortable it is, even in very cold weather." The tent is used while the building for the plant is being constructed. As soon as the building is up, of course the installation of the rest of the plant can be done easily without any discomfort for the workmen. Mr. Reed intends to have a good force of men at the. work and to rush it to com pletion. The North American Incinerator Co. is taking the debentures of the Town and Township in payment for the plant. The daily newspapers, particularly in the U.S.A., have been Jinding great bunches of "eopy" for their papers in the case of the U.'S. Balloon that drifted to the Moose Paetury distriet recently. It is all fair advertising for the North Land, so no one in this land should discourage the good work. But it is dillicnlt to avoid being up- mariously amused by sumo. of the .nusli stuff many of tie daily news- gngwrs have l,cen publishing rt.,rard- In: the strnyml bullunnists; Some of thi, papers feature tin lullounlsls as 1llililll FEW?“ mllliil ©llllllll Illtlllfilllfgl ly satis inanein n slup bylaws tnen had to be formally aubmilted to the vole of the electors. In both the Town and Township the eleetions gave a large ungiority in Favour of the by-laws. The Incinerator Company did not lose any time after the by-laws were approved by the people. Mr. A. 11. Heed of the North American Incin- erntor Company was in town over the Soon as By-law was Passed By Vote Contractors Got Busy on Work. ‘hen it was neocssary for the Tom nd Township to prepare and give th, (ics8ar'Y readings to by-laws regard pparent,ly ms of all own tl ttsid n V n he matter. The Town an bylaws then had to be K " fin n ot 1y reached it 1 Jry for the l the proposed ny nei Interesting stone; of the riation wi:h death" of n in the balloon was to :at "eleeirieally heated " mums tell of t"evertyi, Cochrane and Cobalt II d \“cnpy "y--") their way to eiv tds are still fot distant from th IE ouistzmdmg he-. ‘n as a matter of pathetic' and un- 0 got lost in the Ho enough to be but it w THE PORCUPINB ADVANCE USS) tneils of some more v , ' y--' "The immins and _",, Wy basis mutual of' . rrection and a n incinerator. . r.all the electors. ownship the majority in n , ' Sure, from his bit tl Town. formally y m en only Borinmlz. Tau lluynl (‘anmliun hrs- titute is Citl organizatiun with Inend- quarters in London, Firicr,, and hranehes in various parts of the Em- pire. Its purpose is to further Bri- tish intcrests tliruuglmnt the Empire. Mr. Ilylnmls is wcld-iinown in the Nurili hand. lle was the llt'lllal or- iginator. founder and organizer of the Lihorty League. He is expected back to '(‘nlmlt this cumin! June. A lot of men who smoke will trim that. Jimmy will arrive. soon to put 'd little. Kiel; in the Liln-rty League before it is too law In have enough liberty let't to war rant a Myrna. Th» 'l‘innnins Branch of the Upper Canada Bible Soviet); have eolleieted by mums ir17.71 for the work of the Soeiety. Among the twleetors, Mrs. Alexamh-r mode a record by taking in over $50.00, or $51.41 lo be exact. SmrENTY-TWO QUARTS or' BAY RUM SEIZBD AT WYE bait nndvr t with a employ. the NIH a rem On a: been h Fellow titute l has rm M l' was forwun COBALT MAN HONOURBD IN LONDON, ENGLAND. Toll l own t u Mr ll Yi ti UK (ll N I'll” lnmlnn h hutâ€"fwwiâ€"Vf"’m - ~~â€" EiSl%?2iiiSi .i.'gtifs',t,,'i'ijttttli'?)tt, ttr.1f.i'itCtti'et.'.'iif7ii'itrc WW 7.,”- Si2ird. 37“” D; iiEt, tl',:')'.):;?. - 'i] - 3:»-.9 a~w§jA§VLg It won [Hm 1n I! "tlelt Il lo dc M The mom-hunt was nauistrate in n-g'ard m THE h/lUTtjytL LI Ji'-")"'"":"-]', mds. of Colvall, has hain}: elm-fed as a rynl Canadian Ins- Eng. Mr. ”Hands living in Hamilton. um] Vanadium Ins- of Canada: "iivederr, Whatever the future has in sl give you courage to face it with C The head of every household sV,cld Insured. Ocijcr securities may C/i {he slress. The Mutual Life Policy cannot L, My years Muiuul Life Poiicies have saw of families from the "Rocks of.M.' efortzmc ll 1l hold the business safe when _ death might oiherwise threaten i [It Facing; fl " :il m drugs. and ntuvist in their Irate mntisvated and the hay rum w department at. tt'i)VlSttt tttl )Sl ors [ill] mums ()2 the the only per- sell bay rum V V '7 - V =Gir=T.TGT/='lr..TL%"TrSTTrPte----.. _..-..-...-.-.; " "UL8be.is CP"17, _ I -.--~(-Ir “31.5; . - "T'tt' w ... 1],. ..,.‘.‘. ..u l J #57135} .r,ifiiirii.1?,fj.i'ji?tl? (HS I It 44.1%.. LT,i..y.', 4m7¢1132 ll Sullivan & Hunts-n General 3 gent Tin ttt pmont 311$ rd C. .19 n tl " ll l, 5 fifigfifififfifilfiyflfi‘ ouowwmoooonw WNQOMWOOC 000.9% COONOQOONMQ 0960 P,sa.rO if " C' WOWOOMOMOMO OMNNOM”9vvm-D OWOGOOWOO OWOONWGÂ¥OOMOOOOW ' ‘0. Uppouito the Goldfields TI M DIINS New Empire Theatre Block Barrister, Solicitor. Nota 'fJ-Fr7,ile,'i,psbl,rc1a/lliTi7l-aliT,] JGWCHev and Optician Telephone 141 Nights and Eclidays 1M Full line of Jewelry, also the best Selection of Diarrrrds at right prices. Crown Derby, leoges China, Cut Glass, Ivory Goofs. etc. We Guarantee all car Repsirs, Eyes tested and 2'31:ch Broken Lenses replaced. . Clean PHONE 42 A. C. BROWN TIMMINS, ONT 1he1fE?JU5'. FE? guard I? feyL'r5UE'. : r= - GE? grazzruémflfiyrâ€"JE-uuzfigsméfinmamgfigfigfilgfifiWE SIMMS Sc HOOKER REAL ESTATE dk INSI'BANCE in store, a Mutual Life Policy wi', wilh confidence. mSBloN HOUSE (opposite Presbyterian Church on 4th Ave) (Agents for Confederation Life Association) ::z<1~J"n c")i'aiit,tulcics its shimmy. old should also be. Y' fail the Emily it ycannot fail. Durii i have saved many Ed " V L MU. 'll R'iAV w m $1 " 'it m Ll!) w. f. IB, lik 'iN1, ' Ark L,, Hiaiiptttr'irt In sot 101's - mm... -.._._-_._,_,:.fi___.____l-_...__§ W. - . T I s:'jr.?f)CJiiCi7i7iPC.'.':"'i).'i"i'F' '...l:?2'7f,C,r7ifis.ra"i.i:trd.7sio, 3% rna tam x: :7:_1.‘-i3i:: on the OCCE " looking through h's bin.. ID see..whnt is ahead, ', at: peering eagerly 7Pl Fh'1rl, can be had at the ght " an can I'H , _ C" f t occocoe‘unumooomoo ho Darin t.t the Lflfiflffififififiiw cannot fored Du Plates e auen uaic Room 7 Reed Bldg., Timmiem, m DR. MII. ll. AIKEN ENTIST i'lvrus 21 Crown and Bridge I _ Fr i' aiVittt' tht Well Ventilated the new M PHONE 64 Rsidence PHONE 113 i tJe Consultat of P. o. BOX 883. Work "ill; 3:35 '_iijl ‘21 201 tl? tl

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