â€I. In. MILLS SAYS THAT NORTH GETS SQUARE DEAL. Canadian press despatchee credit; Hon. Harry Mills, Minister of Mines in the Ontario Government, with sug- gesting that New Ontario got a square deal in regard to the amount of re- venue spent on developing the country in comparison to the revenue derived by the Government from this part of the Province. He tried to make it dear that the revenue of New Ontario for some years past had totalled $13, $512,589, while the expenditures had been about $14,000,000 in the same period. In 1913 and 1914 the revenue was $2,447,000 hnd the expenditire 82,548,000. In 1015 and 1910 the re- venue was $2,342,000 and the expen- diture $1,906,620. In 1917 and 1918 he said the receipts and expenditures broke about even. In 1919 the expen- ditures were several hundred thour Case was gone. the audience nasp:d with surprise to find that her voice had been com- ing from the New Edison. And no one could tell the difference! This test of direct, compari- sonwas made by Anna Case, world-famous Kprano, be- fore 2500 people, at Car- negie Hall, New York City, on March 10, 1920. See the three diagram sketches below: First--- Miss Case stood beside the New Edison and sang. Student?-- the lights went out, but Mina case'svoicewentsmooWyon. Then - the lights went ogggain.__Miss We want you to see it, listetrto it, test it for yourself. This marvelous phonograph can give the family more pleasure than any other instrument you can buy them for Christmas. Here is why: ' . This phonograph has actually proved that it can match the performance of th::: living artist-and match it so perfectly that no one can tell its RE- CREATION from the living performance. It did this on March 10, 1920 before 2500 people at Carnegie Hall, New York City-wi th Anna Case, the world- famed soprano. It did this on Sep- tember 30th, 1919, before 2500 people at Carnegie Hall, Pittsburgh .--with Mr. Santa" Claus!! Carre in and hear the phonograph that it You’ll be able to recognize its superiority with your own eartr---in every kind of vocal and instrumental music. Come in and nee whether this isn't so. we'll gladly give you Mr. Edison's famous Realism Test. Test It Yourself and dollars- less than the revenue. Either deliberately or 'otherwiae, the Minister attempted to beeloud the issue by making comparisons of the revenue and expenditures in terms of their relation to the revenue and ex- penditure of the province for the dif- ferent years referred to. F y ins- tance, he said that in 1919 the revenue from the New Ontario part of the Province was 813, per cent. of the total revenue, while the expenditures on the North were 8 per cent. At first glance these figures look fairly close together. As a. matter of fact they are hun.. dreds of thousands of dollars apart. The.se statements attributed to Hon. Mr. Mills will rouse many to investig- ation and eorviideration of the actual revenues and expenditures so far as they can be gleaned from the Govern- ment reports. The story these figures will tell will have an altogether differ- "nt-suggestion to that in the remarks , , . - ,.- 1'.“ _ a I 'RIB I 41, - - - -ii5li. - . - . " my E ip. f - ' . W Xi " " . " â€31:91:59? 'iM B, .5 Cr " ‘1. ' Il _ " a Li -: ' I, r ll lim, , Brh. , = - ." _ ., i - tg 2:: ' m: "m rig "g iiiil ai ' - MG .., a. _ g " - tN a â€may: " M' E . - e " 'Rt! MIM, ' bl 6k, Ask about our Budget Plan. It shows you Tl how to make best use of your Christmas I'] money. It brings your New Edison for ite Christmas, and makes 1921 help pay. Care- ful, systematic spending always makes money go farther. - . J. Meyers, De Ier o o I Immlns, Ont. Marie Rappoid, prima donna of the Metropolitan Opera Company: It did this on November 5th, 1919, before 6500 teachers at the State Armory, Albany-with Mario Lau- renti of the Metropolitan Opera Company. It did this over 4000 other times, with more than fifty great vocalists and instrumentalists. You can read the facts of these amazing achievements in the leading newspapers of the United States and Canada. They are the talk of the music and scientific world. And the phonograph? It's the Official Laboratory Model of the New Edison, "the phonograph with a soul." Every Oiiicial Laboratory miottosmmh with a sad " attributed to the Minister'of Mines. The North Land has never been fairly treated by the Government of Ontario, and is not being fairly treated now The North Land will keep on object- ing until it does receive something like a fair deal. in the despatehes referring to Hon. Mr. Mills and his "fair deal" figures, there is also an announcement by Mr. Francis Keefer, M. P., to the effect that he Was calling the Central Canada Colonization and Highways Association to organize a movement for the creation of a separ- ate province as he was not. in favour of long distance government from To- ronto. Mr. Keefer will find consider- able support for any such movement. Practically everybody in the North Land who thinks and cares about this country and its progress and develop: ment is just about "fed up" with the lack of knowledge, the lack of inter- est and the lack of consideration Money Help TEE POROUPIN'B ADVANOI Spceial mention was made in the iast issue of The Pas (Manitoba) lurald of tne Hudson Bay Dog Derby _ut' 1921. The race is to be held on ucsday, March lst. The course will he fmm The Pas to Flin-Flon and re- :nrn.~a distance of 200 miles. There will be cash purses aggregating $2500. “own in Old Ontario tor this part of me Province. The North Land is tir. ed of being the goat, after the manner n whim goats are used in Turkish Ros. If the North Land can not we a fair return in expenditure for r.'\u..al0 received through North nd resourvei,---and this C'xpenditure ., .y In ind after in the interests of . is eountry,c-then this country will MCJPINE DOG RACE . YEP TO BE BEARD PROM. upon Model in our store is an exact dupli- cate of the famous original Offiffra1 Laboratory Model which, cost Mr. Edison three million dollars to per- feet. It is capable of sustaining the test of direct comparison; we guar- antee this. Get an Official Laboratory Model for Christmas. You will have the one phonograph which brings you the living performances of great ar- tists exacily as those artists, have given them. You know this is sol The proof has been given! The ab- solute, scientific proof 1 . Say the word,-ond we'll save an Official Laboratory Model for you, .and deliver it in time for Christmas, There is no inflation in Edison Prices. " Edison stood the Gaff ,, to keep his favor- ite invention within the reach of everyone. an Prices The winner will receive $1200; second place, 8700y, third, $400; and fourth, $200. The race is open to the World. any number of dogs and any style of namess and sleighs. Mr. G. E. Rice has charge of the publicity and he knows how to do it. But the Porcupine Dog Rare has yet tohe heard from for 1921. It will " so be a big event, with as much sport and good dogs, even if with less money as prizes. There used to be a number of dog, team rapes in the Northern part of this continent? but now the, Pas and the Porcupine are the two big ones left to share the hon ours and they are too far apart to fight over which is which. Last year, however, one of the dog ruee winners here was considering the possibility of getting out, to the Pas on a trip and bringing home the cups and the money to the Porcupine. He may be able to do it this year. 4.5m ' owwoomuum.‘ P1 a 'ld, ' Sewing y‘Machines Meets every Tuesday evening in the Oddfellows Hall, Third Avcttue. Visiting hrethn-n requested to mum]. Geo. S. Drew W. G. Smith o, SEQUIN "WINS [illlllf, ul,llf, lit. (gl' Pikii/s Transfer 9 Maple Streqt, Timmins. P.O. Box 75. Phone 211. ALSO SELLING PIANOS Phone 88 Best Transfer in Northern Ontario " PrompiService.. Good Attention Prices Right t "o"""'"""'."'"'". W. J. Browne Suoomooomwooooooom â€OWOONOOOO OOOOOOOOW 3.9â€â€â€OOWOâ€OOOMOO“ Freight, Express General Transfer Meets every first and fourth Hon- day in the Oddfellowé' Hail it ti p.m. Visiting brethren always welcome. POOLEY, Your friends can buy anything you can give them, but your Send them a PHOTO- GRADH for CHRIST- MAS. J. A. HOWSE 35 Fourth Ave., Timmins Wholer‘ale Tobaccos and Confectionery "INNS LIN. In. 1lilit BigNew Stocks Blouses. Skirts, Suits, Goods for Men Womén and children Spring stocks bought right and will be sold right. Your chance for big bargains. Come in and Bee. A. ASSAD Dry Goods, Cigars, Cigarettes Tobaceos, Candies, Etc. Christmas next Dominion Bank Pine .Street, Timmins. PHOTOGRAPH N. G. Agent for Singer ARRIVING DAILY Telephone SSA SC HU M AC HER Phone HM (fur. Ball Grounds, om», Knight Bros& McKinuun WM. FIELD.