Timmins Newspaper Index

Porcupine Advance, 1 Dec 1920, p. 5

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NimaaB PIANO POR "LE:---hp- ply Miss Sivallwell, Phone 96, Schu- mncher, Ont. 46-- WANTBD---BY YOUNG GIRL. POB- D00 TEAM FOR BAhE--cwinners of last year's dog team rare. Apply tf?., W. Martin, Porcupine Crown “he. ---47-48p. CHAS. SMITH, BOX 150, SCHUM- ACHER, representing the Martin-Or. me Piano for the Porcupine District. Used pianos for sale or to rent, on easy terms. -p39- POB ttALB-Wire-Haired Fox Terrier) puppies by “Backside Bugle!” (UK. C. 2i343) out of 's'Ladrliclass" (C. K173225504) both good winners in En-| gland. These puppies are the cream‘ of _Wire Fox Terrier brdeding. Elign ible for registration. Born Oet. 27th. g Extended pedigree on application! Dog, $35.00. Bitches t25.00. Can bel seen at any time. Allan J). Pearee,i South Porcupine. Out. ---47.l ..6...0....H..H...H-..... ”M 999990: Mouooooomoo t twoeu e owooovuoo ' ooowuoowwooc o Fresh _ll1i.lli,i.q.i.!,.,i.. Fresh Dressed Beef :OOOOOOOOOOOO OWOOOWOOO 0 "o OOMOOOOOO”OOOOOOOO 0.96. 009””00004 9””000’)” ' OH 0M0“ 09.9%, ition as stenographer. Apply Box 101. Timmitis 47. ACCOUNTANT 9nd AUDITOR merienu: Office Reed Blk. may Timmins, Ont. quipmat Telephone 66 . Business Systems Installed and Improved. SAM FELDMAN DR. JNU. B. AIKEN ' DENTIST Phone 201 ll. F. ARGLES Graduate MeGill Medical Cull. Reed Block, Timmins. Crown and Bridge Work Plates Consultation Pree. Room 7 Reed Bldgf, Timmins. I Has resumed practise after 3 years service overseas. Plumes: t)0iee 202A. Res. 202B Barrister. Solicitor, Notary. New Empire Theatre Block TIMMINS, 'ONT. - Wholesale and Retail DR. A. S. Nlrl1ill PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Prices Right Clean PHONE 12 Write our Porcupine and Kirkland Lake Office for authentic and up-to-tu-tttMute information on GOLD STOCKS. Corres- pondence Invited. Weekly Hertz: Letter. Reports and Maps-Wee Upon Request PORCUPINE COBALT TOIZONTO KIRKLAND LAKE Hamilton B. Wills ik Co. Limited A. C. BROWN 69 Maple Street. Timmins, Box 317. Phone 206A. BUFFALO SYRACUSE ROCHESTER DETROIT Porcupine Office - - Timmins, Ontario Members Standard Stack HISHON HOUSE Direct Private Wire Connecting all Officer. (opposite Presbyterian Church on 4th Ave) ROOMS ‘- . Bright oly PO. 47-48 p. can he had at the :Synopsis of Proposed By-Law Number 162 of the Town of Timmins For borrowing the sum of eleven' thousand ohe 'hundred ($11,100.00) dollars for the purpose of acquiring: 1vertain lands in the Township of Tis- Male and ereeting thereon an Irwin- ierntor Plant for the disposal of gar- lbuge and other refuse. The total {mists of the lands and plant to be ap- proximateiy sm'entecn thouvarrd seven hundred H17.700.00) dollars to be acquired and eonstrueted Jointly by the Municipal Corporation of the Toun ot' Timmins and the Municipal Corporation of the Township of Tis- dale. The (out to be borne: ' l Forty (40%) per cent. by Tisdale. l Sixty (toff) per cent. by Timmins. i The cost of operatin,trthe first year ito be apportioned at the same rate land the eo,st of' operating in sub- lseqnent years to be apportioned on the lrases: of the tonnage of garbnge 'tiii,.,,, disposed of by theosaid' plant from the raspc-utive Municipalities. TO BE VOTED ON at the Municipal Election on the 10th Day of January 1921. May of Deremlwr 1920, and a tenant [who desires to vote must deliver to the (trl; not later than the 10th day be- l t‘ure'the date appointed for taking the 1spt.e, the [Maturation brovidrd for by i:vyb?jeet.io.n three of Section 265 of (the Municjpal Act being Chapter 192 and the eo,st of' operating in sub- sequent years to be apportioned on the lr.tseyi of the tonnage of garlnige eh'., disposed of by theosaid' plant llrnm the raspr-ctive 1Iunielpalities. The Incinerator Plant to be manags ed by u qummittoe of three (3) one appointed' from each Council, the third l'ur the tivst year appointed from the Thun/ms Couneil and for ensuing years from (each Coiineil alternately. Tho said nmnvys shall be payable in ten (10) equal annual instalments of !oriueipal and interest of h'l'teen hun. Ill't'll and eighty dollars and thirty- nénv ('snlk ($1580.39) outeh. TAKE NUTH‘E that the uhm'o is a two and correct statement ot' the question to be submitted to a vote. of tho vatt'-pa.yet's of the Town of Tim- mins uniu. proposed Pry-Law number one hundred and sixty-two (162) of the Town of Timmins, and after the assent of the Electors is obtained it will be taken into ournsiideration by the Couneil after the expiration of one (1) month from the date ot"the first mublivutitm on Wednesday the first 135.0. 1914. _ For s'ale----Queen's Hotel, Timmins, ()nturiu. Full particulars from F'utlli-. van & Newton, Timmins. --IS'-- NOTICE FAKE NriTICld, t'na Will visit Timmlns first of every month at Dal- ton’s Livery. Any other times by arrangement Ask your dealer for Dr. Gag- mon's Veterinary Medicines. Phone 152. DR. L GAGNON “Mange ot VETERINARY OFFICE HAILEYBURY. Wall Ventilated II. Fl. uM0NTC'roMh'h'Y, FOR SALE Toronto. P. o. BOX 883. P.0. Box 458 Clerk V, Fl POLICE CHIEF RBSIGNS ' TO RETURN TO MINING. Timmins," referring to the large-attend alive at the clinics for children and mothers and to the general interest takenin the work of the nurses. Miss Linton hnd ihss Meiklejohn. Their inspection of the homes and their visits to mothers and children had been of great value. At the elinies also the results had heen very helpful to the general publie health and wel- fare. 'Mothers had learned of physio al imperfections or diseases in their i-hllrlren. ensilv remedied now in most and (in per rent. of the rmnaindcr muld have heen remedied before school ago. Dr. George Jvent on to show how attention to sutall children improved the general public health while expert advice and assistance to mothers and prospective mothers would materially lcheu the death rate among women and children. On motion of .L.'ouneillors Longmore {ind DOM-u, it was decided to author. ize the loeal Board uf Health to so- cure a nurse for the Town through tlu: Provincial Board of Health, the salary for the 11mm lo be $175.00 per month, and the oo-operation ui' the Public and Separate Sehool Boards being semrod to make the best use of her serviees. The usual by-law disqualifying i'rorn voting at municipal elections those in arrears of taxes on Dee. 14, was wian its rcquirvd i'omlings and duly passed. The loy-law 1vgarding the borrow- ing of tr11,100 fur 'l'immins' part of the price of the joint incinerator for the Town and Tisdale was read and passed ready for submission to the ratepayers at the municipal election in January. The hy-law regainingy the agreement wth the Township and tho Incinerator Co. was alyc, duly passed. The matter of the appointment of a WANTED-GIRL POR GENERAL. FOR 1uWT--h'oorn In private family C1truneillor Jonirrnore said that he thought the loval coal dealers had all been unusually considerate of the peo- ple in general in their'handling of the fuel problems duringr the past three years, and this was endorsed by the others present. On motion Fire Chief Borlaml, Mayor Mulnnis and Council- lor “(Ton were appointed as tV'Fuel Town Solicitor I). W. 1) gave a sunimut'y of the prom) the t'tltie ol' White Vs Cus Timmins, together with a stat his fees and posts in the l motion (If ('mmoillnr Laprairi Fen, the um'puntwnt' My. () Ln- $209.25} t'ur t'?irrensei, on White raw was ovileped p: "HRS Division Court was Iii-M in t) eil 1"hamlwi. on Thuriid.ty In: thp police mun sessiun\\\'as or police court lust week only too tive minutes, there being no t any intportanee trimh White (also was or: ()'yiullivan 's vepurt o The matter of the appointment of a local Fuel Control Board, as suggest- ed by the Provincial Fuel Controller, was dealt with. In this eonneetion ntrol Board for the Town ol' Tim mm of Thumins (Continued from pa nod up it own of Tim poslt'.on at! on ms NOTICE Apply lune tlo It ll tnrvincial Audion] a. the Mayor had .c of the situation, Is,' throttgh rare and IOU! " In TEE POROUPINB ADVANCE II received by the 928 , y no 1'ttses " I) Sullivan weeding-s in ?.4" Hemlock tatentent Hf ' 021.40. thr 1) " [h own U " , IN' .md In "llisr.o, 1111mm in the . Mr. . The about tl fit 11th ~48 41--- (H in)“ II In I" tt TIMMINS THE HEALTHIEST TOWN IN THE NORTH SAND. Touch wood'. There is an old su- perstition that when a man boasts of his good health or his good lurk. he. should immediately .' touch Wood" af- ter the statement, touching wood hav- ing the etfeet of diverting the atten- tion of the imps who might hear the boast and so he tempted by their ttth- lieious natures 'to ehange the health 01" the luek of the speaker just to have a jo.ke on him after his boast. Follow- ing the superstition The Nugget al- ways plaees both hands on its head after repeating the rhyme that says- that "t'oualt, is the' best old town I know." in referring to the health oi" Timmins it may he neeessary to “tout-h wood” heeanse the luek of Timmins in the matter of health is eertainlv desired to he eontinned. From the eommeneetnent ol' the town until the Present time, 'l'immins has had rare luek hoth in the matter of Wealth and of tires. Touel wood. This i luek has heen made by various euuses. i-joe situation of the than, the type lot its people. the euro ol' the author.. ities. and' the general safeguards and Ipreventatives adopted from time to. ltime. Pravtieally every other eentt'e ftin the North Land, ill some time or 'another has suffered seriously through fire or general illness. But Timmins has hecn comparatively free from these evils. Touch wood! Cohalt's epidemic of' typhoid fe'ver will always Fe. remembered in the North Land. Timmins could count all the, eases of typhoid ever in the. town on the tin- igerrs of two hands. For several years “inst not a single ease of typhoid has {been reported. here. At the present ltime there is an epidemie of typhoid int South Temislominy: anion}: the men lempltned at the plant heing' ereetod ,there. for the Kipawa (Kanpuny. The ldisease is apparently not of virulent Hype. hut there are said to he 150 leases, most of those alfeeted hein‘." !sent to the various hospitals in the idistt'iet. They are several now at ,Haileyhur)‘ hospital. jlailcylnwy at tpresent has a number of diphteria ieases. North .llay has several small- lpox eases. and the vaeeination o)' all isehool ehildren is urged there. to l'l'L'- 'vent further eases. in smallpox. diphtheria and other eontagious diphtheria and othoy eonlap:lmls diseases, Timmins has a venuirliahly good vevord. Touch wood. Even in the Flu epidemic Timmins had a IT'- eord vquail to the more foytunate town:s. Touch wood. Taken all through Timmins has a very eveditablerand pleasing record as a healt‘hy town. Will some 0110 please pet The Nugget fiEfiEEEEEEfiEfiEfiEEEEEfiEEEEEEEEfiEfi$Efi$EEEEE§EEEE§EfiEEEfiEEEEEfi An [LIE fijii EH ' = sau,?.-Ts8,eN,Wlli,,a,l.t,Wi'2,,rrigT,c, FEE-In 1liii BE Eli] promptly done G,a;:.°;z;,,s| Get Ready [...s.....ir."ii."t.,i.si."s..lis.'.'i.".le..: FOR CHRISTMAS Soaps, Powders, Toilet water, Toilet Brushes and_\Combs, Toilet sets, Manicure Sets, Safety Razors, Shaving Brushes, Puff Boxes. Popular makes in all size boxes. The world's best, fresh for Xmas giving. If you desire any gift in our stock we will hold it subject to your order and deliver it Rather limited list, but abcut all we can enumerate here. Engraving Select the gifts you want before Crowds come to buy. _ ' Below are a few suggestions Toilet Goods Victor ' Candy A Monster Stock in our stcre is offered for buyers' early selecticn See the gifts. Get the best and save. Superb paper ideasin all newest times, sizes and shapes, in plain and fancy packrges FRANK M. BURKE SEVERAL TYPHOID FEVER. CASES AT SMOOTH ROCK. nm the In-ad, may eontitttte There are a number of typhoid fever cases reported from Smooth Rock Falls. most of the patients now making satisfactory progress to rt?eov- ery. The authorities made every pos- sible effort to prevent any spread of the dismse and despite the many dif- iieulties very effective efforts were made along this line. A eauple of deaths are reported as oeenrring he- fore the, disease could be eoped with, but no further new eases seem to be developing and the few now ill are making' gum! progress to reun'er)‘. TWO MORE COMPANIES WORKING IN KEAD TP. Two mum (-unmzmios are now at work in tikead Township. Tin-s" new omnpnmcs nave Mum: organized I); Fi. v , I I' ' , . , ' w. Grant. "i. N. Inn], ancanm. They have taken mm the svorkiug of cry-mum oi" Mnims south or the Crauu w. Grant.’ u?" St. Paul, Minnbsnt:i.} They have taken mm the “nu-king ot') groups at" claims south of the ("raw-4 ford Shem] Gold Minn-i Company. New rump buildings are being eompleted and arrangements made for extended work this winter. Special interest will be taken in Sheud on newmtt of the recently vepoeted strike at the Crawford-Sk-sul. A fiyl of good high rmde was made in the shaft about. 12 feet down. The vein is about four feet wide.’ A small plant is being put in on the Crawrord-ylkead. George J. Fielder is the new president or' the C'rasf'ovd-ylkead and in emnpany with .< mu: ol' the direeturé Mr. Fielder was :1 I'm-em visitor' to the property. They “we well pleased with their visit and have grunt hum-s I'm the Irl'oitt'1'ty. friends being present at the lust sud rites. The Inm'Miu Miller was high- ly esteemed in the community and sin (-ere sympathy goes on; to Mr. Frank Miller and the other near relatives and friends in their bereavement. Mr. Milk-r imd “(TH Ill pnnr health ."In' sumo limo past. lle Wlls (i5 yours at. the time of death. The fnnvrul st-rvivvs were vondueted by Her. W. J. A rms, and iutermpnt was ntule in Tis dale vomelory (m Saturday, many friends being present at the hat sud lust of Mr. Frank Milk Mr. Millei. FURNISHED ROOM T0 RENT in vespeetalrli' person, in lumot with mmwnicnvm. ventrally located. Apply Bax Il., Advance (Mice. Stationery for Gifts. {HELENE} any where you say and when. Druggist and Stationer li' 11 IU .. I V _ I I . 1‘1 mom-rod "ll Thursdi L. T. Miller, father of Il or M the Home. The la hnd Mun in 1mm heal me past. He was (35 you 10 of death. The funm' F,:7y,CGlet'pAc7.ls'a,' “Univ HS Favourite brands in all size boxes. We help ladies to select their Cigars Gifts. Leather Goods, China, Clocks; White Ivory Articles, silver Frames, and Kodaks. " an Cigars and Pipes, etc. Fancy Goods In May ol' Ily, to late health ----48p. m-k TIMMINS. Offiee 20 CORNISH MINER KILLED AT COBALT ON SATURDAY, i Current reports from South Por- {vupino are to the ell'vet that. both the Pevidson. and the North Davidsun 'mines will maniac work in the very inoai' future. Swath End people mum 'ion this as a help to their town. It is impacted that the North Davidson will groiluno work in a few days, while the illavillson Consolidated will he under it'llll‘s\\'in;.r again sometime in January. :Tllt? Davidson Consoliduted are said 1m he planning a big dim-loyununt, pru- ‘zramnw whit-h 1vll include the sinking fnl‘ the shaft. to a considerable depth l~\'alnes at depth are said to ho nnususl Ely lu'mnising' and atlvantagv is expert- i, ul to Ire when of this feature. At Me. anrih Davidson the p1'o.uvttn111ie plant Itu,d is also a noteworthy nan, inelud- ling shall sinking, drifting, vmss- our Sting, etc. With the prontise M' these ld mines in early upei'atiun and with lather mining: properties in the district llikely to be rts-tspened and the Dome {speeding up, South End thinks the inntlnnk isreonsidevobly brightened up. M FEMININE ABM“. Thomas (lsburno. rveently nut l'mm Cornwall, was caught in a slide of ore at the Bailey Mine, Cobalt, un Satur- day, and crushed to 1hoth. The late Mr. oshurtie was 31 years of age and loaves " widow and several children in England. Ho had intended to bring his family to Canada in the murse uc" two or three mantlls. THE TWO DAVIDSONS TO RESUME WORK SHORTLY. It is understood that thu Fessertun Lumber Co., has been maimed {hue townshilrs, Thornloe, Momen, and Reynolds, in the recent sale of timber limits, the tenders being opened nu Not 20th. Not. much time lost in this case, if' the report is true. WEDNESDAY. DEC. Ist., 1920. Published every Wednesday by Geo. Lake, Publisher Canada - United States Subscription Rates Private Greet- ing Cards Telephones: Residence 112 $2.00 year Al .00 year ONTARIO r'iri..tl , re

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