Timmins Newspaper Index

Porcupine Advance, 1 Dec 1920, p. 1

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[9! . nlllli tlllif MEWS lil RETURN lil MING Town Engages . Provincial Health Nurse. Other Council Business. .Thero was a meeting of the Town "unncil on Monday evening, adjourn- went having been made from the irre- vious Monday evening when the major My of the members were out of town. The.3iayor presided am; Councillors Longmore, DeFeu and Lkprairie were present. , ' A letter'. of resigniuion was read from Mr. J. Fl. Wilson, Chief of Police of Timmins, who asked to be relieved of the duties of the position by Dee. 3151, or before that date if convenient as he was going back to his former lite in mining work. In his letter the Hide? expressed his thanks to the 1.}ouneil for their invariable kindness, courtesy and assistance to him daring, all the time he had been in the employ of the town. On motion of Council- ions DttFen and Longmore thy Chief was asked to feeonsider his resign- "ation. In speaking to this motion, 11ouneillor Deb‘en said that he hcsliev- ml‘ he voiced the opinion of_all honest and thoughtful people whet: he said that Chief Wilson had been a very vapahie and satisfactory Chief of Police. He said that the Chief had held the olliee during one of the most trying times in the history of the Ceun, or the history of the (niuntry A letter was received from Mr. W. P. B. Cad-man, manager of the local husiness of the 'Northern Ontario hight & Power Co., replying to-the town's recent complaint regarding, pom- lighting service. Mr. Cadman fiaid that the matter had been invest- igatvd and the trouble had no doubt Teen éausod by the street lights going out earlier than they should. This 'was due to a peculiarity at the auto- matie system and haul been annulled :Hinn, but if at any time he mnhl he o!' survive in the Town ol' Timmins in .in}; way it would he a pleasure. He will he would Continue until the Town v'inhl arrange for a new Chiel', but he would like to he relieved as soon after the 10th of lleeeiiiher as possible, On Motion of Couneillnr Oeffeo, Chttir- mun of the Poliee Committee, an ad.. vertisement was ordered to he'inserb ml in The Advanee calling f'or'applie- "tions for the position of (‘hief of l’nlive for the town. The Chief was given the necessary permission to re- more a chicken coop he had built at his own expense on the town proper- ty, and also the Town agreed to pur- vhase front him for $50.00 the lino- leum with which he had eoveryl the imperfect doors" in the living rooms over the Council Chamber and Town Qfiees. Messrs. W. N. & P. H. Stock' asked 'that the payment on business license he credited on taxes as provided by the by-law, the firm being in business fer the time required. Council agreed to this. _ . "ul because I as soon as discovered. q were 1ftisious to givb we mssible and welcomed al that would assist to ti/ ii as spokesman for the delegation which lilled theYouneil Chamber. He point ad out the number of societies .and in- turests represetsted and referred to the mod work for the general good in which they weie concerned. He re- viewed the wont of the Provincial Health Nurses during their stay in (Continued on page 5) l P legal], who Ems man an yours we». in police work. There Wltti.ts large depumt cm at the Couueil meetin) ard to the appointment of a ial Health Nurse for the Ton ‘uputatiun included represe mm the Public selmoi Bo; in lent. 1fiy had 'x'oceix'ed every ml t:t)u.1't03Y Irorn the Count: mos. Howeit"ir, he was gui l his old line of miping m /t he could not withdraw tin r00 n si ldm Lt 0.1).! A refmid oti2li.73 ch' paid, by Mr. J. Be l, and a couple bf u ijusted.' An applieatitrn fut mstuble was receive nip 0 I' m ter als" re nke. H 'et lights that were ly ps deliberate mi: fog all possible pr Her trom the Tom itt:ln 'h rat 0 " Vol V No. 48 uties he d the Cottttell He said it was '.nV kindnesses M Women of ll nine """ll"'"r-ifE iD0RctjP1rillE /tllfy/AriCilf,? _ wished 11 the Council at all . t _ he was gimp: hack f mining work, and withdraw the resign- ny time he could he Fawn of limimns ill l be a Measure. He h mise!, pron u'wn. to n( history ot the , of the, cauntry worthily yulfilled i the resignation Wilson, in reply, for this t'eisolu- but one more of he had “waived Ht f 21 ins appomt every suppur ' pos: mt M iel', but he soon after isible. On 1 1'1 appr matt USS n on pro in re m 1n NICO] il I'OVitt m ND?! It lo has ne H " tl On Thursday evening after the maili bag was throwmoff onto the platform at.sehumpelmr some person or persons 1 came along and stole the mail bag, ( carrying it along the track towards s the Dome Siding where it was cut 1 open and rifled. Letters were opened j and a dihent search made not only ' for money but also for cheques. i. drafts, ete., in Get for anything that t seemed to have any connection with I money. Apparently the thief or l thieves were not any too well inform- l ed regarding business. and financial _ matters, for drafts and other useless papers were stolen along with a, few letters containing money. It is not thought that the thief or theives re- ceived any very large return for the robbery of the mail in this way, but when the guilty parties are Vaught they will get more than they expect, ‘rolzhing His Majesty 's mails being; eon jsidered under the law as a very 'se- 'rious crime. As soon as the loss of the \mail bag, was discovered, the policeI ’were notified and hure'been at work ion the case ever since. The host cluesi in) the culprits have been given‘ through the apparent ignorance of the. robbers or their accomplices. For in-!, stance, two men Went into a Timminsl store on Friday and purchased a large‘ ‘hill o I' goods. When they came to my. ii'or the merchandise one of' them tind-l,, tered what he evidently believed to hel la cheque. lt was an unendorsed dralft,lfi :howerer, and the merchant pointed; you to his-eusttrm0r.c, that the puperl 1 was of no value. They hurried ilw:t.1l Heating the goods behind. Unfortun-l E:ttely, the police were not notified of; ithe attempt trcash this draft until! .scyeral hours after the occhrrence) it) gis believe that the draft was one tit" ithe_pupcrs stolen from the rifled mail) hag. Attempt was also made to cushi one of the cheques stolen from one. of; the letters in the mail hug. The haigdi, here refused to cash the eheque'and Iheld the document, but the man at.-] ltempting' to pass it made a very hurril led get-away when he discovered that“ lthere was di0ieulty. The Township 'Policc. assisted by the Timmins police and the Provincial, have been busyl and are in hopes of bringing the rolr. beror robbers’to speedy justice. . A. it'air description of two of the men itiiought to be concerned has been se- cured from merchants and others up- lon whom they have attempted to pass the stolen drafts and cheques. 1 jilllll Illlll SWIM Mil Illflfil M illlillllilllililill Thieves Attempt to 'Pass Stolen Cheques and Drafts in Timmins. one of the el; the letters in here refused held the doe RECITAL AND DANCE IN . MASONIC BALL TO-NIGHT A recital, chiefly on the pianiaud violin, will he given this evening potn- eneing at 8 p.m. in the Masonic Hall by Mr. Schroeder and his advanced pupils. Admission to the recital is by invitation, there being no fee. After the recital the students are giving a dance. Mr. fiehrbeder's own 7-pieee orchestra .will furnish the rmisie for the danee. It is understood th: Wallingford intends to at the river from its I one higher up the river Mr. H. ll. Rawlinswn's visit relatives in Eng] WALLINGFORD MILL MAY BE MOVED TO NEW SITE (It c'ame sin sidh BBBF-KAHS HOLD PLEASANT EUCHRB PARTY AND DANCE. There wag a very' pleasant. euehre, danee and sneial evening held in the 1hldf'ellows Hall by Gold Nugget Re- bekah Lodge after their regular sess- eu Ih 1lenry Lem: was the winner of we tirst prize for ladies, and Mr. Alf. Prout carried att the geptleman's hon- ours. Mrs. Marshall “is awarded the lady's consolation' prize and Mr. W. Martin. of the Porcupine Crown, the gentleman's consolation. The music for the dance was su'pplied by Mr. W. H. Wilson. The dance was much en- Joyed by all tle " " ing so that utfurded. on It HI tl H! IT to 1l Mill Wtt b' Thursday en My anoyec "moved up the river to the 1ursed from Mr. Rawlinsun. sité wilrplaee the millnn the town and will..also provide my extension of the railway that railroad facilities may n at keenly conteste ll] 11H It: msmluenve will evemn all TIMMINS, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 1st,. 1920. Jttem M rs rm Last week the. Ontario Associated! ms Boards of Trade arid (‘hambers ofl Hg. Commerce holding their annual ses- ‘ds sion at Belleville gave hearty endorse- :ut ment ,to the proposed North Land red Highway from North Bay to Coehrane 1ly Timmins and Iroquois Falls, and also CS. unanimously endorsed the el,'.i1'n's'i'l'iil tat of the T. & N. o. "on to the bay." ith The meeting represented theTfBoardSI or of Trade and Chambers of Commerce 'm- of the Province and a large number of ial questions of interest to the Province ess were before the meeting. The two Tew special North Land questions were gis" not en every attention possible in the lim-' re- ited time at the disposal of the body. the The meeting gave some good advertis- but ing for the North. Among the delegy ght ates from the North Land attending act. this annual meeting were ..---Nr. eon Frank K. Ehbitt, of Iroquois Falls, se- secretary of the' Temiskaminp' and the’Northern Ontario Associated Boards [ive of Trade; Mr. Geo. A. Smith the ork bachelor father of the proposed uesixorth Lantlillighway, now making venting hemlqunrters at Coehrane, but the t'ormerly living: at T,immins; Mr. in-fStevens, ofrs11oehv'itne. Perhaps tat tins l, future, meetings of the Ontario Assoei ree‘aterl Boards the North Land may be on); _ able to arrange for a larger retire-ent- mill, htion than it was uhle to send this year. he} The resolutions passed at the Ontario al't,'ll%avds ol' Trade will be duly for- ted ', vcusdrul to the proper (itm'ernment and ner‘othrr :t.tt‘.1ot:ities wrnccsnctl. 10 " e WARN] Illlllililll "BEE illiliillll fllil THE NINTH North Land Highway and Extension Of T. & N. o. Approved by Ontario Boards of Trade. 11 FIREMEN’S CONCERT TO BE BIG EVENT THIS WEEK. f‘Everybody is buying tickets for the Firettrerr's Coneert T'nu8sday even- ing,' of this week," says Fire Chief Borland, who adds that in addition to 'tt big crowd the Firemen are going to have a big programme and a fine line of entertainment for the oeension. The progrramme will consist of instrument al and vocal music by gifted local art- ists, selections by the Timmins Citi- zens Band, dancing and specialties. There will he solos, duets., quartettes, ete., both vocal and instrumental, comet solos being featured among the instrumental selections. Some of the specialties are expected to prove par- tieularly attractive. The Firemen’s Annual .Concert in the New Empire Theie tomorrow (Thursday) even- ing, promises to he one of the best eon cert events of" the year. HAILEYBURY PLEASED \VITH ITS HOCKEY TEAM. Owing to 1 the tryout retarded, 1 up shows into the t, Hockey ieam, The Hailoyburian last week says:---" It may he added to this that New Liskeard is not the only team in the League that is out prac- tising, for although Haileybury hat been keeping mum on the hockey ques tion, the team turned out to a good work-out on Thursday last and have had several practices since then. the pure tii'iiit who tzreatly p week. one of cordi n eording to the story told, a neavy stiek of wood with a sharpened end. The evidence Eonsists .of one bruised head, one battered body, one cut faee and o.ne large quantity of broken En- glish. The case will come before Ma- )1) VS ristrate Atkins 3n u 1] TH AND SHINGLE MILL NOW STARTING AT RIVER. rposedly vmumfantn 1dvt)heo re ev team, " They are accused of their fellows. They ten m atte " " practices Since then. 4; soft condition of the ice on Thursday was greatly it a glance over the line- mt the new blood infused 1m this year is floivin,r, in veins and the number of ttended the practice were used with the work of the Greer tetous :21 n on ninered ll I" E old ee 10 lers tins woundiag used,, ae- ()I'L'llDHlt 111 some em lil avy tl'ililll illllflllllftll Ill Till CASE ABAINSI MRS. llilllllll Another Trial at Next Assizes Order- ed by Judge. Other Cases . at Supreme Court. The jury disagreed (split h'i'ty-Oty it is reported) in the Aboud case at Haileybury last week at the Supreme Court sittings. 'Mrs. N. Aboud was charged with arson in eonneetion with a Me in her store in Moneta some months ago. The evidenee was simi- lar' to that at the preliminary trial here', with the addition of three or four witnesses, one of whom said he saw Mrs.. Aboud cuter her store about 7.30 the night of the tire, while others took oath to her being elsewhere at that time, one lady saying she saw her in the Catholic church. and a man, being emphatic that she was at her home. Miss Abbas, an, importtint wit ness at the preliminary trial, was not present last week. The Judge set the case over for another trial at the next ttssizes, Mrs. Ahoud’s bail being rc- newed. Others cases, at the Supreme Court included :--Hernran Yarka, given tl year for robbing: and 'burning: a set- tler's home; John Barnko, charged with seditious utterances, jury disa- greed, new trial to be given this John who was at Twin Falls at the time ol' the alleged offence hut who 1'01'11101'15' worked at the Crown, Dome Lake and uther mines: Barth-ft vs.Abitilri Co., settled by payment of $1000 damages for ith through oreMowing of river during (lam construction. Junior First-JM'ary Allen, Francis Woodbury, Millie Piehuto, llug'li Ar- mirage, Morris Shulman, Dorothy Mar run, Willie Sllelest, Margaret McPlier sun, Fred Smith, John Stevens, Mary /Halsezuk, Jack Williams, George Wal lingf'urd, Won Shui Key. Standing of Pupils In Classes At Public School.-- Sehiusl:---- q Primary Class.----,). Charlie Cush- int, Mary Williams, Terry Smith, Nel- lie Kennedy, Eva Marshall, Esther Robertson, Hugnst Edwards. illliilllil HEM H13 liriiiTi) “MINE Mlllil Elllllll 0H Prhnany Class.--B.---Franeis Mr Quarrie, Sam Katz, Medley Maura. C. Class-Harry Fox, Harriet Heil, Morris Gord,George Reed, Jean Seott. Sr. Primer-Isobel Carter, Edythe Marshall, Ray Giddy, Vivian Ray, Alive Hulman, Hugh Cottrell, Doris Hail, Terttu I-lah). , .u'sadi ly Studur. , F Continuation School Form l-Hil- da Kinnari, Ervi Kari, Selina Moses, (('. Hakala, Simie Kyllolen,'equal), Beatrice 'lfeCraeken. Form H--morenee Kendall, Fred Auer, Philip Daher. Vowel Mar: Allen, Bert Fldth . Han}: Ella Bennett ll NU] . Sr. Il-hull: Porter, Burto, and, Roma.Porter, Willie Mush Alexander Shulman, Hazel I Vowel Morgan. Anna Valve, for selling liquor at the home of her father, M. Bydariek, Cobalt. She swore she never sold a drink in her life, but 3iasristrate'Abkinson imposed the sentence. The. following is the humour roll fol H? month of November for the vari- Hs classvs in the Timmins Public m MS or tour.m "' selling liqo J: Mrs. Tessie Cl t of Timmins Il ll Emmett. VI Mar Du JW, Syvit JW, Svlvi iili ul man Ste Wa tt 1nd ml lark, formerly a resid- 'r was fined $500 and mths in jail last week of House, Roy l tuby Kennedy, ill Nell \nnie ken Surton Ho e,ldinan Studor lf atow, Jittle, Betty i settl resid- l road trt liar Over 80 at Pleasant Evening Given by Caledonian Society of Timmins. llilll llilillflll ililtllll il Mllmll'll NIEHT [VENT slit. Andrew's Night was very plea- suntly observed last evening in the basement of the Presbyterian church Irv the recently organized Caledonian Society of Timmins. Over eighty Scots and Scotswomen were present and found the evening from its begin- ning to its Scottish close a most en-l joyahle time. Mr. Frank Lamb, presi- dent of the Caledonian {Society of Timi mins, occupied the chair and intro-) dueed the programme with a rousing" speech pulsing with true l Scottish fervor. Among the distinguished guests for the evening were two new members, Mr. Mae Lang, M.P.P., and Dr. Melnnis, mayor of Timmins, both of whom made brief addresses express ing their pride in being Scottish. Rev. J. D. Parks made one of his typical addresses, with, Wit and humor and apt good sense blended in proper Scot- tish style. Mr. D. iuaekie, viee-pre- sident, G. A. Maedonald, secretary, Mr. P. Dougall, and Air. J. K. Moore, ithe latter beingr the 'U'ather" of the 1Society, his efforts primarily starting ithe organization, were also called up- lon during the evening "anlrespimded |with brief addresces, suitable to the incursion. Mrs. Todd of Sclnnnncher opened the musical port of the pro- I(Immun- with u talented rendition of 11:1l,ly, 1lerrin," and the following “elevtimm maintained the high stand. le of exeellenee thus set. Later in the evening Mrs. Todd delighted the undienee with the national favorite, "Annie Laurie." Mr. Downing on the violin and Miss Jean Wati in piano seleetions hrought spell-merited all» plume, for gifted instrumental work. There were well-renderml solos rby Mrs. J. K, Moore, Miss Jean Roberts, ‘Miss 1jop:,garth, Mrs. ll. H. Scott, Mr. James Cowan, Mr. W. G. Irerus.r,h, er. James Twaddle and Mr. James stleils. Special mention should be t made, of the singing of Miss Hoggarth {Whose selection was the vomposition [of tl member of the Society, 'Mr. M. B. l Scott. Ml" Geils made one of the hits lot the evening with his Seottish songs land his line voiee. Little Misé May Moore also was one of the evening's spetial numbers, giving clever and pleasing little yeeitations that. delight- ed all. Mr. ll, B. Scott’s reading, l“’l'he, Cuckoo,“ with its clever wit I 'l opened the n mmume with "Caller Hem Kclcvtimm ma ed all. Mr. 31. B. Scott's reading, "The (luckoo,"'\\'ith its clever wit and local 'uliusions was another of the big hits. Mr. (lei). in. Black gave va- luahle otssistanee by his talented work as an accompanist, while nearer the end of the evening Mr. W. H. Wilson also 'acted as accompanist in his usual a‘ble way as well as Favoring the audi- ence with a piano solo, in medley of Scottish airs. The refreshments serv- ed by the ladies merit unstinted praise. Delicious sandwiches, cakes, scones, oatmeal cakes, shortbread; ete. were there in Scottish hountifulness, with tea and coffee of Scottish make, the. best and more than plenty. "Auld Lang Syne" and "God 'Save the King" brought to tt close a very en- joyable evening and one that marks a very auspicious opening "At Home" for the Caledonian Society of Tim.. mins. HOCKEY BOYS TAKING k PHYCISAL EXERCISES. culture work first of the: this (\Vedne are keen to buys m 1110 mm; a! pnysu'ul (‘OIHUUUIL The training will he under the super- vision of Mr. J. W. Faithful, who needs no introduction in this district, and M r. Edwards who was for a num- ber of years in charge of physical vulture work in the British Army. The a 1't In no hath for an] again last Friday. Settlers up the river say that the rimr opens every Friday. However, the opening thus of the river is not of advantage to the settlers who still have to come in by road. Since th'e river first closed it has been impossible to use an ordinary boat on it even on the opening days. The only boat able to run on the river these days is the Avon, the Mdttagami boat. The Avon is of the iee-breaker type, And so runs to Sandy Falls des.. pite the ice. The ‘MatLagam gain last Frida Vel' sav that th 1V 1m If " HI " absence of the nevessary ice is mpinlr n M uork in the British these practices w a at o get gomg My enthusia from this sraetiee Witt stopped [To stlay uni River opened up le 8V1 wkey boys here rk, but they are ml prupef‘fmin- L" like the soft n tit ng. '1 he buys "ql the public ie in expecting 1mm 's hockey ho evenmg‘ s clover and that delight- to get the "al condition. 't' the s11Per- lithf'ul. who HIV {e be Ilall at 'e held " Plaintiff Could Not Show Ownership Of Land. Among the cases coming before the Supreme Court of Ontario at Hailey- hury last week the case of White vs. Town of Timmins is of special interest to the people of this district. The case is rather an involved one, there being many peculiar features about it. The Town has made every effort to effect a settlement without prejudieing its position or placing the municipality in an awktvard position. The facts may be outlined as follows:----) men were the evident owners of a building near the Whelpdale 'mine. One of these men was in negotiation with the Town for the purchase of the house as EASE llf HIM ill, WHIIE SH IWEH Ill NIXTIIBUBI Town for the purchase of the house as an isolation hospital, hut the other apparently closed a deal with Mr. A. White for the purchase of the build- ing. Mr. White purposed moving the building to a new site down near the river. ln the meantime, however, the Town luut sudderrneedfor 'an isolation hospital and the house was used for. the isolation of a smallpox patient Mr. White then approached the Town in the matter, and was offered a hun- 'dred dollars for the use of the house. as well as the guarantee that the Build in: would he thoroughly disinfeeted and evervthing lel't in as good con- ,ditiou as when the Town took over the house for- isolation purposes. At, the trial in Haileyhury it developed that Mr. White could not show title. to the land, and so the town was in the position-that il' any damages' were paid to Mr. While, the owners of the land might-later come along and also demand damages from the, Town. The case has already cost the Town two or three hundred dollars. The cost to Mr. White is probably much more Neither the Town nor Mr. White can hope to l)rolit' by t'urther litigation, The chances are that they will both lose. and the only persons profiting by" the case will he the solicitors, though it is only fair to add that the solieit- ors used every reasonable ettort to in- duce a settlement that. would be fair to all concerned. At the Council meet- ing Monday evening, the Town Sol-ic- itor, Mr. D. W. O'tt'ullivan, gave a brict' review ol' the case as follows:---- “Re White vs. Town of Timmins.--- The trial of the above action opened before Mr. J. Louie at Haileyhury bn Tuesday last. Before opening the trial Mr. Justice 'Logie sent for the Plaintiff's counsel and' myself and suggested that we try to get together in a settlement. We discussed the mat- ter at length and three propositions advanced by the Judge and approved by the Plaintiff's counsel. I consent- ‘ed to, but the Plaintltf's counsel; was unable to obtain the Plaintiffs en- dorsement. The trial was proceeded with about nine o'eloek on Tuesday evening. The Plaintiff was the first witness called to give evidence and his testimony very shortly disclosed that he was unable to show ownership of the land as set out in his statement of claim. At this juncture I applied for a non-suit with costs. This was refus ed. The Plaintiff‘s counsel argued that he should be permitted to prove his case on proving ownership of the house. The Judge declined to hear further evidence and directed that the lPra.intiir.'s solicitor on his own under- taking should join the owners of the lands as parties defendant, and ad- journed the trial 'to the next non- jury sittings at 1laileyirury. The costs of the day to be costs of the case to the successful party. In my view the lilt'iltlll should have been iion-suiicul, 'hut it is doubtful if an appeal would ii)" ot' any benefit to the Town as the tinain question is the disposition of the tcosts and the court " appeal is not. (likely. to inlrwl'ere with the d'mposition iniadc by the trial Judge who has the l:rcateét discretion as to the costs.” l Al'tey the reading df this review ot' lflenwnt imnld 116 made an early date. (hum lpuinted out that the lluntse wbuld he in any lthe smallpox case after ‘migation was entirely l best medical opinion i m et rn ( l'6 (m Sunday there was a Very large crowd at Pearl Lake, taking advant- age of the excellent skating there, while still others Were present to watch the skaters. There is a large sheet of line ice at Pearl Lake and this is enjoyed not alone hy Schuma- cher people but by many from Tim- mins gall other parts of the district as well. Single Copies 5 Cents It " IPA t the Tow to make it P, the Mayor, at Monday ouneil meeting/expressed the exportation that a fair sut- mnld lui made ortho vase tit, date. C'ouneillor/ 'Longmuro oplm o W n mu wa N Idea mtr 11w injured by proper fu- 'ary to the y. So far my»; been ntWn1oro mt the

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