Timmins Newspaper Index

Porcupine Advance, 6 Jul 1950, 1, p. 2

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'"" MARIA'GESâ€"RIVET-KELLY‘ " A dix heu1 es, jeudi matin, a été célebre a la cathedi ale St. Antoine de Padoue, le mariage de Mlle. Yvette Rivet, fille de Mme B. Rivet, 9 rue Elm sud, et M. John Kelly de Timmins. Le Rev. Pére Mathieu célebra 1a messe nuptiale. Mlle. Claire Vachon toucha l‘Orgue. Mme A'gathe Caron et M. Léo Barret: “'te mcmrefit Ié programme cle chant. La mariée, conduite a l’autel par son frére Oscar, portait Q une robe de dentelle de Bruxelles bleu Alice, etait coiffée (1’ un , ,5? beguin de tulle illusion, avec gants de méme nuance et un cor- " " ‘ sage (1e roses. .hnr. . won 9-,. , . -- ._ .Em.=twa DECKSâ€"CLONE]! mne Luce Coumard, de Noranda visitait chez Mme B. Rivet a 1 occasion du mariage Rivet-Kelly. M. et Mme Leo Dupont, de Maniwaki, P. Q. ., sont en visite chez Ieur fille Mme E. Perreault. M. et Mme A. Dupont de Montréal et leurs enfants Julie et Jean étaient de passage :1 Timmins pour le mariage Rivet-1 Kelly. ' REMERCIEMENTâ€"CARON. at 61111111131: Mlle Lmiane Caron, rue Kirby, partlt dimanche pour North Bay, on elle prendra un cours d’été en education a l’Ecole Nor- malefie North Bay. ' , . x f§-M,Gasto‘n Beaulien part.“ dimanohe dernier pour Ottawa gu-il'étudiera pendant I’été a. I'Unwersite d’Ottawa. SHOWERâ€"mun. 1.0111812 CHARâ€"BEN Mme. G. Cousins, 160 rue Birch sud, reeeivait des amis en l’honneur de sa soeur Mlle. Louise Charron. La soirée se passa agreablement avec jeux. On presents. un complet de bridge a la l’heureuse fiancee. Le gouter fut servi par Mlles. L. Mon: geon, M. Gratton. V. Brazeau, et Mmes R. MacArthur et G. Cousins. 'Assistaient au shower Mlles. T. Pitre, F. Smith, T. Roy, J. Ouimet, R. Home, E. Paxton, R. Piché, H. Levert, J. Sul- livan, et Mmes Horne, M. McCOurt, D. Levert, E. Charron, J. Bourdon, H. Dion, A. Valade, B. Du'Feu, J. Stenberg. R. Char- ron, H. Lorin, J. T. Clatworthy, L. Cousins. SOIREEâ€"M. LEON MARTIN M. Leon Martin, 8 avenue Crescent, celebrait son 65e anni- versaire, la semaine derniere. Ses douze enfants ainsi que son beau-frére, M. A. Robichaud, de Grand Rapids, Michigan. 11 reout plusiers cadeaux des. amis et un sac de vdyage Gladstone de sa famine. . ' - EN VISITE BONNEUR A UN DES NOTRES: EN COURS D’ETUDE Col. Charlebois est le 2119 de M et Mme H. Charlebois, 11.2 rue Cedar nord. SOIREEâ€"DR. ET m mum: Aprés 1a messe, la réceptlon eut lieu/chez la mére de la Amariée. M.'et,Mme Kelly partirent en voyage de noces pour 3.0ttawa et Montreal. CBARRONâ€"BILODEAU Samedi matin le premier juilett, a heuf heures, avait 1' 1'1 1e marihge de Mlle. Louise-Helene Charron fille de Mme BrL no ’Charron at M. Cyril Bilodeau fils de M.. et Mme L. Bilodeau de Timmins. ”I.-.“ Les Dames Caron et P. Gauthier remercient tous cieux qui 01ft acheté‘desbfllets pour’la'mne au‘ “profit de‘s missionnaires aux Indes, et ceux qui ontvaidé a la vente des billets. On re- mercie chaleureusement Mme Plouffe et Mlle. Therese Laflam- .1119. (mi out bien voulu tairé l’ewmon des articles clans leurs. vitrines. Mme Ernestine Cote, 83 ans, est decedée la semaine der- niere chel elle 8 71 rue Mountjovsud. me Iaisse quatre ms, Homer et Joseph de “minus, Leon 6e Cobflt, et Emile de Kalamazoo, Michigan, 81118} we den: fines Laurencine et Leona. de Tlmminsp Rev. Pére C E; mmuw otflciait an ser- yice 1m mun 8 new beams en realise Notre-Dame dc wR3151}!"('Jloutier',w 22 ans, 1113 de M. et Mme J. Cloutier, 66 Lakeshore Road a L’HOpltdSte. Marie. 11 laisse dans le deuil .535 parents. quatre Hares, Benoit, Claude, Rene, Denis; et une soeur Mme finest Bissau, Itoms de Timmms. Nous offrons nos sincércs sympathies 9'1; famine. La nappe de tone brodée Richelieu» par Mme D. Pelletier fut gagnée par Roland Gauthier 2051,43 me Elm sud. Le ser- vice a diner de 32 morceaux 9.113 :5 Joyce Lalonde, 15 rue Colum- bus, at Mme T. Hogan, fut l’heureuse gagnante de la bouilloire électrique. - Mme Christian Charron de Montreal, et '.M et Mme Pierre Tymocko (nee Yolande Charron) avec leur fillette Michelle. (1’ Asbestos, P. Q., osnt en visite chez Mfrne B. Charron, a l’occa- sion du manage Charron-Bilodeau. M. et Mme Jean-Paul Rivet avec Ieur fils Claude, de Kapus- kasing, Ont., étaient de passage chez Mme B. Rivet pour le manage Rivet-Kelly. Les amis du Dr. et.M-me‘ P. D. Brunet se réunissaient a leur demeure, 77 rue Maple-sud, demié’rement a l’occasion de leur départ de Timmins pour Eastview, on Dr. Brunet ouvrira son bureau prochainement. On leur offrlt une corbeille en argent pour les roses. Etaient présents Dr. et Mxpe P. Clermunt, M. et Mme G. Pelletier, M. et Mme F. Gauthier. M. et Mme A. Cousineau, M. et Mme J. Mascioli, M. et Mme E. Aubé, M. et. Mme V. Gauthier, M. et Mme V. Bonhomme, M. et Mme R. Charlebois, M. at. Mme Leo Lalonde, M. et Mme J. Millette, Dr. et Mme .W. G. Watt, et les invites d’honneur Dr.’ et Mme P. D. M. Robert Millette, 59 rue Maple sud, partit dimanche dernier pour Ottawa prendre un cours d’ été a l’Univelsité d’Ottawa. Le Colonel J G. G. Charlebom. anciennement dc Timmlns, est nomme attache militaire a Paris, France. , N6 :1 Manmu, Quebec, Coroner Charlebois est venu re- sider a Timrnins en 1912.11 m ses premieres études a I’école at. Antoine 6t gradua twee am Bmhener dies Arts de l’Univer- site d’OttaWa.Ap1-es ses erodes an College of Education d3 Toronto 11 enseigna an MS High and Vocational School pendant tool's ans. M. et Mme Cyril Bflpdeau partirent a trois 'heures par avian? pourLana Lake. A leur- retour ils résideront a 48 rue Crescent. x vâ€" uww-uv WW w-.- En 1935, Col. Charlebois joignlt l’armée canadienne aveé 1e rang de lieutenant dans le regiment Royal 221eme. Sa car- riere militaire le condulstt clans difiérentes parties du monde; En 1945, 11 servit. avec les tonees-amércames a Guadalcanal et dans l’invasion d’Okinawa; Ige Rev. Pére Leblanc donna 1a bénédiction nuptaile et célébra la messe. Mlle. Claire, Vachon toucha l’orgue et Mlle. Sonia Charron chanta.“A tes 'bieds, Dieu d’Amour” par le Rev. Pére‘La Rivieré; “l’Ave Maria” de Schubert et le “Panis Anâ€" geli’éus” gle Césa _ V_ E La .’ €55 Manama M. E. Char- ' 55 uni ' afété blanc avec chapeau .éé ‘fiafr'e‘f s? smwxmm :fécdtfiéfiwélsatm 51am; ene-‘pors tait un corsage dc noses at magnet. La réception eut lieu chez Mme .‘B. Chgfron,:m§§e' 51;; «lg marnée a 153 rue Kirby. “ A son retour au Canada, 001. 0113er can sur Le person- nel- du National Defence College a Kingston. 11 Iaisse mam- tenant son pos’te dc direcceur de l’mfanterie pour devenir at- taché. milltaire en France. Nos meilleurs souhaits de bonheur aux jeunes époux “ JASO 3 s ” . Par LORRAINE cmnon (Telephone 2777) UUL acuuuzs a 511 I. "VIC 17115. ton. Miss Effie Monaghan. Mrs .1. Shower -- 1181611 Monaghan Ferguson. Miss Betty . * .RabertsOn,-- J r! .Mm E Chgfnesk i“: officiated ' at the Nuptial Mass. The church was dbcorated with spring flowers and during the signing of the register. Mrs. J. Marshall played the organ while the junior choir sang under the direction of Betty Murpmv. Given in marriage by her father, L. Fragoneu. the bride was radiant in a gown of white nylon organza with a at yoke caught at hands vim park. It featured a sflrt’whkh A pretty wedding was solemnized June 30, in St. Alphonsus Church. Schumacher, When Inez Fregonese, daughter of I... Fragonese and the late Mrs. Frame of Schnmacher was united in marriage to Ronald Mac- Gregor. son 01 Mr. and. Mrs. J. Mac- Gregpr. Rev. Father Francis Sowinski. Mrs. Fraser and Mrs. Rowe served lunch. Those attending _the party were Mrs. F. Shippam, Mrs. Finchen, Mrs. Stevens. Mrs. J‘. Matthew. Mrs. M. Bahan, Mrs. Simpson, Mrs. A. Olsen, Mrs. Hughes, and Mrs. W. Rowe, Mrs. D. Fraser, and the guest of bone Mrs. J. Kent. Those contributing to the gift but unable to attend were Mrs. Dee, Mrs. A. Mair, Mrs. W. Mac- Bain, Mrs. S. Jones. Mrs. Kent thanked the ladies, and said she would miss all her friends in Canada. and in the future she only hoped she would be able to visit with all her friends again. Mrs. Fraser and Mrs. W. Rowe were hostesses for ~ this occasion. The guests enjoyed a social evening, with Mrs. Kent playing several selections of music. A sing song was enjoyed by all present. On behalf of the ladies present Mrs. Fraser presented Mrs. Kent with a gift, also a gift for Barry and Marion Kent Those invited, but unable to attend, but sending a gift were Mrs. A. Ful- ton. ~Miss Effie Monaghan. Mrs. J. A party was held at the home of Mrs. D. Fraser recently in honor of Mrs. J. Kent, who leaves this week for Toronto, and then sails to Eng- land, July 18. Mrs. T. Steepe, Mrs. D. Fraser, Mrs. J. Bagordo, Miss S. Monaghan, Mrs. Jean Mullins, Babe Degraw, Diana Monaghan, Shirley Monag-han, the hostesses, Mrs. E. Monaghan and Mrs. D. McK-enzie and the guest of honor, Helen Monaghah. Those attending the shower were Mrs. J. Monaghap, mother of the bride to be, Mrs. S. 'Webster, Stidbury, Mrs. A. Little, Mrs. W. Hayward, Mrs. A. Hamel, Mrs. A. Fiendal, Mrs. T. Clarke, Mrs. W. Mansfield, Mrs. J'. Marshall, Mrs. -P. Sherbin, Mrs. Dee, Mrs. F. Corris, Mrs. E. Smith, Miss Ella *MacKenzie, Mary McComach, Mr. J. Smith, (father of Mrs. E. Mona- ghan). Following the games, Helen was presented with many lovely gifts. She thanked the ladies kindly for the very lovely gifts received, andyinvit-ed the ladies to her new'home in Sudbury any time they were visiting there, and they would always be welcome. Mrs. Monaghan and' Mrs. MacKen- zie then served a delicious lunch. A miscellaneous shower was held at the home of Mrs. E. Monaghan, in honor of Miss. Helen Monaghan, bride elect of July 1. Mrs. Monaghan and Mrs. D. Mackenzie were hostesses for this occasion. Several games of bingo 'were play- ed, prizes going to Mrs. J. Heath, Mrs. J. Bagordo, Mrs. De'e, Mrs. W.‘ Hay- ward, Mrs. E. Smith, Mr. J. Smith, Mary McComach, and the door prize won by Mrs. A. Little. Canadian railways and airlines are waging uitej a these days for travel dollars. Railways are trying to wi back i! many pas- sengers attracted away by the airlines timing the last 1,_ "years. Ad- vertis ing and improved service are held; annhaslted myths railways} efforts. The duplex roomette car is one of their neweaiéigype sleepers which is hoped- to attract more travellers like Louise; ggfion Shower for Bride Elect MacGregor-Fregonese Honor Mrs. Kent SCHU MACHER m *‘*'-‘ Mm:u.5 7:11:35 ers. 31:" “mm ..-.-_ BY MRS. D. FRASER (Telenhnne 88) ghan, Mrs. Don Mackenzie. Shirley Manhattan. Joan Potter. and Joan Prentice, Mrs. D. unset, and the guest at Mr, Miss Eaten Maugham. Those invited but were unable tn Mrs. J. Fox. Miss Kathleen Curtis, Mrs. Olga Fhoto. Miss Eileen Such, Mrs. C. Lowe, Mrs. J‘. Matthew, Mrs. R. Calvernr, Mrs. M. Kennedy. Mrs. S. Macann. Mrs. W. Rome, Miss Clara Zanehin, Mrs. B. Prentice, Mrs. The hostesses -then served lunch, as- sisted by Shirley Monaghan. Those attending the party were Mrs. C. Plaskett, Mrs. H. Wadden. Mrs. H. Miller, Mrs. N. Miner. Mrs. D; Kil- lens. Miss Betty ,and Norma Killens, Mrs. S. Jones. Mrs. F. MacWhinnie, Méhéghan,‘ Mrs; Frase hastgsses f< Rogtgr and sfiiffihal ga Muffin Kil S; Jones. Méhan. “flown: fibfibwmg the games Helen was pre- salted with a Mixmaster on behalf of the ladies present. Helen thanked the ladies for this lovely gift. Maugham bride elect of July lst. Mi:£; Fraser and Joan Prentice were hastesses for this occasion. Miss Joan Fdr travelling the bride wore a siiit of maroon g’abardine and white Straw hat and white accessories Out at town guests were the groom’s gmdmother Mrs -MacGregor, who flgw from Scotland, and Miss D. In- néi‘elli of Toronto. If‘GiftS to the attendany wére to the maid of honor, sterling silver coffee 31190118 in prelude pattem n. The best mâ€"a'n engraved cuff links and belt btjckle and rhinestone clips to the. organist and choir wleader Eo’llowing the ceremony a wedding breakfast, was held at the McIntyre Areha With a reception_later~ at the bride’s home and in the evening at the ’grOOm’s home. Receiving with the bridal party"Was the groom’s- motherQi-wwearimg a- gown of rose Crepe; with matching hat and a cor- sa'ge; of red roses. Later the bride and groom lei-t for a trip to Buffalo and Niagara Falls. On their return they will reside at 129 Second Ave. Her sister, Alma Fregonese, attend- ed the bride as matron of honor and was gowned in mauve organza, strap- less style wi-th matching bolero. She wore a halo of the same material and carried yellow roses. was caught up at the front to reveal a lace trimmed petticoat. Her veil of white tulle we s waist length and caught with a crown of seed beads. She carried B‘riarclifle roses in cas- cade shape and wore the gift f the groom, white pearl prayer beads. ‘ The best man was Stanley Buchar and the ushers were Bruno Fregonese and ~A1bis Batti‘gell. “my aim PIANOS 3:» and Shirley Monaghan led in r371 games, prizes gning to Miss gjg. Killens, Mrs. H. Waddell. Mrs. flies, Mrs. R. Calverly and Helen 114 Third Ave. «nun-nu . Attendance town to attend the summer 51: Douglas Canieron, Frank Kobe, sessions at the McIntyre Arena. [ Bobby Mamette. ‘ ‘20 A ()AOI‘I' n _,,, ‘r_-_1“_-! O’Donnel, Hrs n. Mitt. Mrs, June 3%. and him 1. Husky. .‘ The Frederick W. Schumadaer Back Scholarship A'w’ifds have bean made since 1938. The number of awards depends upon 1he number of Grade 8 pupils. The awards are given in two parts the second part is contingent upon the successful corflpletion of the first year at High School. * . The amount of the award is suffi- cient to meet the cost of books dur- ing the first two years at High School. The awards are not prizes 'for pro- ficiency, but are dobendent upon con- duct, coâ€"ofieration, “school spirit and other factors which have a bearing on success. Secoml You Awards ngld Morris, $15.00: Billy Adams, $15; Evangeline Markovlch. $15; Patti» cia W033, $15; Billy Studden. $15; David Matthew, 1315; Joan Goodger, $10; Annie Cepuran, $10. ’, First Year Awards William Russell, $10; Donald Bea- ten, 310; 'Joe Zajac, $7.50: Mary Gretch, $10; Valerie Schwab, $10: Elizabeth Wherry,, $7.50; Cora Fab- bro, $7.50. Room 1, Grade 8: Proficiency Laura Cooper, Jane Dundas, Valer- ie Schwab. \ . «a Attendance - Ida Cicci, Debby Ennis. Georgina Gaodger, Mary Grsich, Edrie Smyth. Katie Vfancina, Anne Verbik. Gloria Whittle, Phoebe Arquette. ’ ' Room ‘2, Grade 6.: Proficiency Eve Mfller, Mary Stiles. ‘ Attendance , Malcolm Hughes, Robert Kellar, Diane Loveless, Ruth Creed. Michael Dokman. Room 4, Grade 4: Proficiency Beverly Ann Wolfe,’Raymond Le- mire, Florence Thompson. Attendance James Burnett, James: Everett, Janet Mary Miller, Rose Sutton, Wal- lace Wiwchar. ' Room 5, Grade 7: Proficiency Ljinda Urquhart, Norma Crosby, Margaret “Ann McGee. . Attendance Elizabeth Douglas, Clifford Krupka. Room 6, Grade 5: Proficiency David Barron, Dina Galeota. Attendance . Barbara Ellis, Laura Evans, Paul- ine Prou-lx, J'ohn Perkovich. Room 7, Grades 5 85 ‘6: Proficiency Kathleen Adams, _ Karol Bvuch‘mann, Pat. Dora’n, Mary Jandrilovi'c‘. ' Attendance Myra Poole, Sally Hamilton,'Anni-3 Matuzich, John HamiltOn, Bob Stu-t- WUUJ 5" “AW" mg 7 Proficiency Miss Ann"J Gillis. from Montreal, has Peter Nelsdn Arthur Olson arrived in town to attend the summer ” Attendance skating sessions at the McIntyi‘ Barbara Kyle, Mary Pavlakovich Arena ' Rina Scodellaro. . \ Room 3, Grade 3; Proficiency ' Mrs. E. Watson who resides at the Lillian Bakogeorge Fred Shippam home of her daughter and son in- ~1aw. Graham Fournier Mr. and Mrs. S. MacMillan, has ar- Scholarship Awartfs , ’W". ion. Hrs. G. mâ€"_â€" was Wter sixkoflch Rudy home of M _r Start. A *' ' law, Mr. and .. , , ban; .i ' M 1%. Gale: 28 a 3: Proficiency also attend!!! e 'oddms Of them Kenneth Mackenzie. Georgina Mc- granddaughter, Mrs. C. Buchanan‘ Shane, Margaret Shippam, Terry Vail. (nee Helen Mariam). Attendance n...- . Pauline Murphy. Attendance Miss Audwumrmn Inns arrive Jenny Balant, Mary ijar, Diane home-for the-gamma helidBY-S. fro Cepuran. Montreal, Whflgghgme Audrey wil Room 14. Grade 1: Proficiency 12¢ Qfitenfnnfl thei ummerASkating ses-! Elizabeth Ashton, Shirley Mullen, sioqsx até‘he M91?!” term. i Linda Whittle. ‘ -â€"â€"- 1 'u. < | ‘ --; _ _ _- ‘IAEI a '_ 1a-“)--- 1‘, \ Attendance Diane Buderick, Jessie Frankovich. Room 15, Grade 1: Proficiency ‘ «Audrey Q'ievrier. C' aymn McAi- pine, Paul Simunovic. Attendance Dirrel Kyle, Armand Morin. Room 16, Grade K.P.: Proficiency Judith Grant, .i'ames McClelland Twila McAlpine, Dolores Cicci, Robert Everett, Barbara Stew art. Attendance Steve Guacci, Allan Pool-e. Mr. and Mrs. Walter‘ Rowe. and family, were recent visitors at Coch- rane and Ansonv-ille, visiting friends and relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Walter MacCrae and daughter, Jeanne Helen, from Norah.- da, Quebec, are visiting at the home. of Mr. and Mrs. S. MacMillan. MP. MacCrae has left for Noranda,‘ but, Mrs. MacCrae ancl daughter will visit- another. two weeks. ' . Mr. Paul Deslover has arrived in town to attend the summer skating Mrs. E. Watson, Who resides at the home of her daughter and son-in-law. Mr. and Mrs. s. MacM‘illan, has ar- rived home after visiting with friends and relatives in Kirkland Lake. Mr. and Mrs: James Huxley have left .to spend the next few weeks at North Bay. Mrs. R. Calverly has lefit for North Bay and other points of interest to visit with friends and relatives. Kenneth MacKenzie. Room 12. Grade 2: meiclency Joan Meldrum, Jim Doige. Alan Mr. and Mrs. S. Webster, of Sud. Social: Personal mum. Joe Mac, Paul bmy. 0mm :. Wter Se: kotich Rudy. home of m - ' law, Mr. mi )1 Haywa: bury. 0mm; ruminating a: ma Miss Effie. Monaghan, nurse 1; training at the Tordnto General [105‘ pita], has Ink for. Tor-Bum to rcsumc her studies. may ’gtpendlnl the wed din: of her 3194612. Mrs. C.‘ Buchanan Mia (Peter, Firs‘tfirboke. Junior Cana- dlan' Figure Skating Champion. has a‘rr’fyed. {mm ’Totqhto to attend m glimmer 4skatin'g“schoul at the Man; tyr’g Arena. «While in Schumncher,‘ Path! 1: mimngsat-the home of Mr. andlers. ‘1). Fraser, McIntyre Prep. Mir and Mrs. Lawrence Conner and} many have left on their holidays by motor, to: Toronto 13nd other southern points. ._ 3: ., éfz’mUEB‘EC rs. James Ken‘s uric} family have left for Texanto vgnjere they will visit: with friends and relatives prior to} their leaving foi‘ England. M1. Kent will follow Mrs. Kent next week. Miss Audmzismrbin has arrived] JUNE, lit-rilfliMGEE 4 .. Fifislin cation “Down East" this your. * .' Inexpensive .6 holiday fares give you a 21- day limit wflh stopover! por-

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