Timmins Newspaper Index

Porcupine Advance, 8 Jun 1950, 1, p. 2

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~ teeht Vaillancom * PAGRB u5 We © w ** _ # FIANCAILLES M. et Mme. J. A. Theriault residants 5 avenue Bannerâ€" man font part des fiancailles de leur fille Cécile M. John Mestan, fils de M. et Mme J. Mestan demeurants a 172 rue Elm nord. La bénédiction nuptiale aura lieu plust tard dans la PARTIE DE CARTES La semaine derniére il y a eu une partie de cartes, sous les hospices des Dames de la Féderation Canadianne Francaise, a la salle paroissiale, St. Antoine de Padoue. Il y avait du bridge, whist, 500 cents, et cribbage. J. _ Y s ASFALDAAA LFRZ EAAAE LeSt i g . CEA C by ty ult 4 s1 io e t i o id R o z o0 n, M. A. Pelletier, Gérard Gagnon, M. C. St. Jacques. Mme Bélair, Mme D. Lavigne, Mme Leo Chartrand, M. P. A. Spencer, Mme. O. Spencer, Mme C. Chenier, Mme D. Miller, Mme. J. Bertrand, M. D. Lachance, M. J.C. Boileau. Le gouter fut servi par les membres dur club. .+ c ORDINATION s Samedi Matin, a neuf heures, la Cathedrale St. Antoine de Padoue, avait lieu l‘ordination de deux jeunes pretres. Edâ€" ward DelGuidice, fils de M. et Mme N. DelGuidice demeurants a 121 rue Pine nord, et Donald Smith, filsâ€"de M. et Mme A. Smith, residants a 65 Avenue Kent, furent oraonnés pretres par son Eminenee monseigneur Louis R. Rhéaume, eveques de Timmins. Messeurs les abbes DelGuidice et D. Smith, firent leurs études primaire l‘école St. Antoine de Timmins, et leurs études classiques au college du Sacreâ€"Coeur de Sudbury. Iis firent leurs études de theologie au séminaire de d‘Ottawa. FUNERAILLES Les funerailles de Mme Albina Gauthier eurent lieu la seâ€" maine derni¢re a l‘église Notre Dame de Lourdes. M. L‘abbé Perron fit la levee ducorps et chantale service. Mme Gerâ€" maine Piché toucha l‘orgue. COURIER SOCIALE M. et Mme Antonio Martin et leurs fils David et Michel étaient de passage chez M.et Mme Bernard Lalonde Cochâ€" rane la semaine derniere. I‘FLICI ATION \Nous sommes tous heureux d‘apprendre q ue M.Joseph ‘ChampIA4if GrFatton a éte promu Capitaine, pour le service de pompiers de Timmins. Il y a‘déja quatorze ans que M. Gratton est pompier. HEUREUX ANNIVERSAIRE «J Mile Pierrette Sicard, de 232 Cinquieme avenue, fut fétée par ses amis la semaine derniere. L‘église étaient décoree pour la circonstance, de roses Talâ€" isman et de fougerese. La mariée accompagnée de son pere porâ€" tait une robe de satin vlanc, garnie de dentelle francaise et de . perles, un voile de tulle illusion maintenu sous un bonnet de ~â€"~G@entelle identique et un bouquet de roses rouges. «_ La dame d‘honneur Mlle Jeannette Rochefort, soeur de la mariée, portait une robe de sole taffeta nylon jonquille, un béâ€" guin de nylon de meme nuance et un bouquet de roses Talisâ€" man et d‘oeillets roses. La soirée se passa a faire de chant, de la danse. Un déliiciâ€" eux, gouter fut servi. Mlle Pierrétte Sicard est membre du M. G. Club SHOWER â€" FLORENCE VAILLANCOURT Mlle Florence Vaillancourt fut fétée par ses amies, en honneur de son mariage qui aura lieu le 19 juin prochain. SYMPATHIES Nous offrons nos sinceres sympathies a Mme Donat Lavalâ€" lée, et Mme Conrad Allard qui viennent de perdre leur pere M. Théophile Boulanger de Ramore. TUNERAILLES Le service de M. Lucien Caron, agé de 59 ans, eut lieu mardi cernier, a l‘église St. Domingue. TOMBEAU â€" ROCHEFORT A la Cathedrale St. Antoine de Padoue avait lieu la semaine derniere le mariage de Mlle Gilberte Rochfort, fille: de M. et de Mme. Edmond Rochefort, avec M. Donald Tambeau, fils de M. et Mme. Rodolphe Tambeau. Mme G. Gagnon gagna une lampe de radio. Mme A. Barâ€" rette gagna le prix d‘entrée pour hommes. Dimanche midi avaient lieu un banquet dans les deux parâ€" oisses respectives en lT‘honneurs des deux jeunes abbés. ht e n Cl y x ol MWt 5 4+ We c ) â€" Les atitr'es‘gagna'nts furent Mme A. Bouchard, Mme#e Forsâ€" ley, Mme N. Caron, M. A. Clusiau, M. A. Chalifoux, M. J. B. Martin, Mme J. Charbonneau, Mme L. Vaillancourt, Mme J. B. Monsieur l‘abbé Edward DelGuidice celebra sa premiere grande messe solemnelle di manche matin le 4 juin 10.30, a la cathedrale St. Antoine; Monsieur l‘abbé Denald Smith celebra. sa premiere grande messe solennelle di manche matin le 4 juin a 10.30 l‘église Notre Dame de Lourdes. Les porteurs étaient Noel et Michel Lariviere, M. Henri Gauthier, M. Albert Martin, M. Leo Carriere et M. Lionel Cote. Mme Albina authier étaient Age de 83 ans. Elle laisse deux fils et six filles, deux frgres et deux soeurs. » L‘enterrement eut liew.au ~Catholique de Timâ€" mins. Mme David Martin est deretour a Timmins @Apres avoir passé une semaine chez sa fille Mme B. Lalande i Cochrane. M. Albert Clement Timmins visitait ses parents Val Gagné la semaine derniere. M. Philip Fay maire de Timmins est parti en voyage d‘afâ€" faire Montreal. On remaxquait Mlle Vivianne Poulin, M. Hank Peikarski, Mlle Marion Romain, M. Len Sullivan, Mlle Marguerite Ruddy, M. Frank Melville, Mile Marguerite Foy, M. Joseph Easterbrook, Mlle Gay Martel, M. John Boychuk, Mile Shirley Roy, M. Norâ€" man Smith, Mlle Dolores Germain, M. Terry Cote, M. Douglas Varley, et M. Bill Boychuk. Nous offrons nos sympathies Mme Berthe Lachapelle qui vient de perdre un des ses enfants, Bobbie fgé de 5 ans. h d j e en . t e e l 1+ a Vaillancourt. Ses amies lui présenterent un ; cuisine en chrome et plusieurs autres cadeaux. M.Caron mourat l‘hopital Ste. Marie aprés une courte maladie. Il laisse dans le deuil outre son épouse, née Irene Roy, trois fik, Arthur, Ernest, Lionel, tous trois demeurent Timmins, quatre filles, Alexina, Mme A. Belair; Lucienne, Mme J. B. Carriere; Irene, Mme Paul Caron, et Aurore toutes de Timâ€" Natif de White River, M. Caron demeurait a Skeed avant de venir s‘etablire Timmins. La bénédiction nuptiale leww fut donnée par M.l‘abbé Brunette, aunmoneir des scouts. Les scouts monterent la grade d‘honneur. Mlle Claire Vachon toucha l‘orgue et Mme. Agathe Caron exécuta le programme de chant, "Douce Vierge Marie," et "Ave Maria" de Schubert. Mile Jeannine Lemarche et Dora Baptiste filles d‘hanneur portaient des robes identiques de taffeta brochée rose et bleu. M. Camille Tambeau était garcon d‘honneur et M. Camiile Lambers et M. Laurent Proulz. s La réception eut lieu la salle Rainbow de l‘Hotel Goldâ€" fields. Mme Rochefort mere de la mariée, portait une robe de soile shantung bleu avec chapeau de meme teinte et un corsage de roses. Mme Tambeau, mere du mane portait un robe noire avee un €o rosts. " FASONS" Par SONIA CHARRON (Telephone 2777) a salle ‘Holline lul présenteren“t un ameublement de Easy To Live With Northern Star Branch of the Woâ€" men‘s Institute held their regular meeting Fridzy June 2, at the home of Mrs. E. Cline, Shillington. Theroe were 23 members and two guests present. The meeting was called to order with the singing of the Ode followed by the Mary Stewart Collect. Roll Call "What I like best about my husband" brought many humerous replies but fifty percent of the members said that ‘"they liked him best because he was easy to live with." One of the husâ€" bands later remarked that he would have liked to have been listening in the attic. Three members put $1.00 in the birthdzy box, having had a birthday during the month, members sang "Happy Birthiuay." Plans were mads for the District Annual being» held this month at Holtyre, a donation of $25.00 â€"was voted for the Flood Relief of also committees wer: formed to take care of their Annual 1st of J‘uly picnic held at the school grounds. The convenor of Citizenship ana Edâ€" ucation, Mrs. A. Brightwell introduced the guest speaker, Mr. J. H. Kennedy, Inspector of Public Schools for this district. Mr. Kennedy spoke on the ‘"New Curriculum .and the Gove:rnâ€" ment Grant system." The member; thought they had learned much on these subjects, from this address. The mBeting closed in the usual custom after which a delicious lunch was served by the hostesses. A miscellaneaus shower was held for Miss Theresa Shaetz of Ramore at the home of Mrs. Leo Alarie, by Mrs. L. Millette and Mrs. A. Dupont. The brideâ€"toâ€"be entered the room to the strains of "Here comes the Bride" played by Norma Findlay at the piano. _ The evening was spent playing games and, a . contest The . b {deb atten ed scrap book e,by mbse pré; tW'“em:e l and createcy lToads Qf Hfl?re all § uhn those ‘present 51gned the book. The _ Revy those present signed the book. The bride received many beautlful avd useful gifts. Those attending were: Misses, Mina Humphries, Ada M. Chilvers, J. Hethâ€" erington, E. Gordon, L. Dupount, P. Gauthier, M. Weir, L. Shaetz, N. Findâ€" lay, Mrs. L. H. Hanlan, Mrs. A. Duâ€" pont, Mrs. F. Waghorn, Mrs. C. Veitch, Mrs, Alex Gibson, Mrs. M. Gallipeau, Mrs. Lynn Delisle, Mrs. J. Allison, Mrs: L. Millette, Mrs. Nat. Gibson, Mrs. J. Kavangh, Mrs. E. MacMillan, Mrs. A. Brightwell, Mrs. P. Griffiths, Mrs. H. Weir, and Mrs. O. Alarie. Those unable to attend but sending gifts were Mrs. E. McDaniel and Mrs. A delicious lunch was served by the hostesses. The table looked iouvely with a prettily decorated heartâ€"shapâ€" ed cake with a miniature bride and groom adorning the centre, which was cut by the bride. Shower â€" Theresa Shaetz Matheson And District News Mme A. Robitaille et Mme E. Perrier servaient le thé. La dame d‘honneur recu des nouveaux mariés une épingâ€" lette en pierres du Rhin, et les filles d‘hnonneur un collier et boucles d‘oreilles. Les maries donnerent une danse, a la salle de la McIntyre. M. Hank Bielek et son orchestre entretenaient les invités. Avant son mariage Mme D. 'Pambeau fut fétees par ses amies. EP PC PE T PCOE Replicas, faithful in evry detail of the fabulously valuable British crown jewels, are on display at the Canadian International Trade Fair in Toronto. These copies, worth a fortune in themselves, are insured for £8,000 and are featured in the British jewelry and silverâ€" ware council display at the Trade Fair. Above, left to right, Barry MacGregor, Jennifer Gay, chief warder of the Tower, Arthur Cook and Richerd Dimbleby examine the jewelled sword of state. On table, in back row, are seen St. Edward‘s crown, imperial crown of state and imporial crown of India. On display in centre row, left to right. are King orb, archbishop‘s cross and altar cross. In the front row is the rsyal sceptre. Les nouveaux mariés résidant a 73% avenue Windsor. You will be delighted with this fragrant tea ns FonCuriN® ADVANCE, Timmins, Oniranio he book. The Rev. Mrs H. Hongisto of Matheâ€" By MRS. C. R. WEIR Telenhane 829 h Fred. Draves. + w While the shower was in progress € WOâ€" wmr. L. Millette, Matheson for the a stag party was held at the home of prospective bridegroom ,Ray Alarie. They spent the evening playing cards etc. Later the couple were presented with a lovely gift of a set of silverâ€" ware from those present at the stag. Last week Mr. L. H. Hanlan, Agriâ€" culture . Representative for South Cochrane received word to the effect that Miss Edith Hopkins, Home FKconoâ€" mist, Women‘s Institute braiich of the Department of Agriculture had passâ€" ed away June 1st at the hospital at Windsor, nt. Miss Hopkins was a diaâ€" ious towns and villages found it nard betic zsnd when instructing in varâ€" to keep to her strict diet. At Easterâ€" time this year Miss Hopkins instructâ€" ed members of orthern Star Women‘s Institute at Shillington in a gloveâ€" making course. She also ‘instructedâ€"a class in Quilting and gloveâ€"making at Matheson. The members of the Woâ€" men‘s Institute in . South Cochrane district will feel the loss of Miss Hopâ€" kins keenly., Miss gracuated from the O:A.C. the s¢gme year as Mr. Hanlan. Mr. A. Doucette, se'ciietary of the Black River ownship area took a busiâ€" ness trip to Toronto last wesk. Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Hanlaxn together vwith the Agriculture Representative of orth Cochrane left for Guelph and Toronto Sundsy last and they plan to return in a weeks‘ time. Miss Pearl Ross of Englehart visitâ€" ed with relatives at Mathesor over the holiday: weekend. Mr. Ed. Laronde and son Dillon returned to Matheson after having spent the winter months ai Malton, Ontario. Mrs. P. Griffiths of Shillington reâ€" turned from Guelph and Toronto last week. While at Toronto Mrs. Ciriffiths \nsxted W1th relatlves and at Gt.elph h ib o Miss Mary Ann Wickam R.N., of Matheson left by plane for Toronto last week,. â€" son recently spent» a holiday with reâ€" latives and: friends at Bronte,Onrit. Mrs. Robt. Tracy of Englehart spent several days at Matheson visiting with relatives and friends. Mr. and Mrs. Percy Saylor of Shilâ€" lington are happy to announce the arâ€" rival of their son, June 3rd at the Rosedale Memorial Hospital, Mathcâ€" son. P Miss Hopkins Passes Social Personal with ‘relatives. and at Guelph c L , AMCE! $ i (?i‘“fer iiler thew x h A. iÂ¥ T ‘ $ ‘{ d c? "(,"!? #m4Lt Training Children At the recent meeting of the Schuâ€" macher Home and School Association Mrs. A. Doige gave a report on the number of pamphlets read by the members. These pamphlets were purchased by the Association for the benefit of its members and deals with various problems with which the parents come in contact in the training of the child in its various stazes Twenty pamphlets in all were purchsed and of these sixtesn .. ‘have been read and passod from member to member. A number of . these. pamphlets have been written 'i'*’:?by the great eéeducationist physchoâ€" logist, Dr. S. R. Laycock, who will visit this district on J‘une 8. We wish to remind the parents who sre inâ€" terested in these matters if they wish to read these pamphlets they may do so by contacting Mrs. A. Doige, Fourth Avenue, Hchumacher. Miss Mary Whalen of Timmins is spending the next two w e e k s at Matheson visiting with relatives and friends. The Schumacher Commercial Mixed Bowling held their annual Banquet recently in the McIntyre Community Auditorium. Kay Curry and Coffee Shoppe Staff served the dinner. . At the conclusion of the Cinner trophies were presented. 1st team, Feldman‘s; 2nd team, Sam Gurevitch; High aversege, Paul Laine; High Triple, Joe Gajdos; High Single, Eddie Morandin.â€" Special presentaâ€" tions were made to,Nan Hamilton for Ladies High Average; Blenche Sauriol for Ladies High Triple; and to Zora Perkovich for Ladies Single. A sing song was enjoyed by all and a comiczcl stage show was preâ€" sented by those inimitable dead pan comics, Johnny ‘Anderson and Eddie Morandin. Dancing followed to the music of Joe Slobodian and Orchestra with many novelty dances with prizes. The executive in «charge of the entertainment were: President, Eddie Morandin, Vice .â€" President, Mary Banich and Secretaryâ€"Treasurâ€" er, Zora Perkovich. Attending the dance were Mr. and Mrs. E. Abrams, Mr. and Mrs. F. Dwyer, Mr. and Mrs. S. Gurevitch, Mr C. Grant, Clz:ire Messecar, J. Olckovyj, Mary Markovich, A. Geroâ€" vitz, Alice Scullion, Eddie Morandin, Mr. and Mrs. K. MacRae, Millie Verbic, Bruce Payne, Rose Brklacich, Jchnny Grenko, Jeannette Villeneuve, Joe Gaddos, Doris Kearney, Ivan Zanchin, Inez Fregonese, Ron Macâ€" Gregor, Nan Hamilton, Doris Turâ€" cotte, George Pecanic, Kaye MacMilâ€" lan, Harry Hutt. Blanche Sauriol, Jack Hamilton, Millie Mirkovich, Tommy Scullion, Jean Legault, Bernard Boutet, Mary Banich, Johnny Banich, Anne Holjeâ€" vac, MacMcKeever, Alma Fregones, Nick Jackis, Anne Perkovich, Johnny Kovich, Rita Morandin, Lefty Walker, Mary Mesich, Peter Pecaric, Zora Perkovich, Stanley Buchar, Margaret Miss Lucille Marie, RN. of Timâ€" mins visited with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Alarie at Matheson over the weekend. Congratulations are once more in order for Munro Burton son of Mr. and Mrs. J‘. Burton of Matheson, who passed his second year at the Univerâ€" sity of Toronto with honours. Munro ULUJ oo 4s ar hy «h ce P + Adh > s _1 4 4 .h c 8 5A won â€" thrgee schobrshxps,‘_ at the vIro-' quois Falls High School and‘ "pasced both ‘years ~at the University ‘with honours. The Matheson Branch of the Woâ€" mens‘ Institute plar to holdâ€" a Rumâ€" mage Sale Saturday, June 10th at Matheson. There will also be a tablie of Aprons and they will serve tea. Plan to drop in and look around Satâ€" urday afternoon and evening. The moâ€" thers with wee tots will find much they can make over like new. Pte. Malcolm @ray son of Mr. Mrs. G. Gray of Vimy Ridge returned to Camp Bordon after spending ths: weekend at home. Mr. J. Morin of Timmins visited with his parents Mr. and Mrs. Hector Morin at Matheson over the weekend. Bowlers Banquet called for Redemption on June 15th, 1950 at $101 for each $100 â€" it is in the interest of all holders to present their Bonds promptly for payment on or soon after June 15th, 1950 because after that date this issue will no longer éurn interest. Arrangements for redemption may be made through investâ€" ment dealers, banks or other savings institutions. . C Y3 , OHfiawa The Government of Canada â€" By: RANK OF CANADA, Fiscal Agent. _ News From _ SCHUMACHER BY MRS. D. FRASER (Teleahane 88) Buchar, . Margaret Scullion, Paul Laine, Elva Degrew, Phil Bosak, Jackie Sauriol, Des Swain, Les Hall, \goan Prentice, and Doug McGinn. Four young boys stood in front of the town hall. They each had a new baseball glove. ‘"‘Gee, nice mitts, eh?‘ "Hey, let me take the bat . . . The mitts and gloves are of fine quality, expensive, oiled, and upon the baeck of each one is painted ‘"Yeah, look at this bat, too; it‘s a good bat." How long are you allowed to keep these mittsâ€"overnight? At thet moment Bim Sturgeon emerged from the town hall. One of the boys noticed and called, "How long can we keep these, Mr. Sturâ€" geon?"? "Just till you finish your game," Mr. Sturgeon said, "then take them back to the office for the next team. Mrs. W. Mair has returned to her home sfter visiting friends and relaâ€" tives in Sudbury. Miss Lois Matthews of Toronto is visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. L. Buderick, second avenue. Miss Bfteen Soucie R.., has left for Toronto, where she will visit with friends. Mr. and Mrs. H. Cooke have reâ€" turned after visiting with their son and daughterâ€"inâ€"law in North Bay. Revy. C. R. Plaskett has returned to town after attending the United Church Conference in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. H. Heppleowhite who have been visiting in England for the past three months, have returned home. Miss Joan Potter has returned to town after visitilhg in Kirkland Lake for the weekâ€"end. Mr. and Mrs. R. Smirke and daughter have left for Toronto to visit friends and relatives. Jean Fraser, nurseâ€"inâ€"training at St. Joseph‘s Hospital, is home on holiâ€" day with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fraser, McIntyre property. BOWLERS GOBBLE TURKEY The Schumacher Mixed Bowling League, held their annual banquet in the â€"McIntyre Lounge Saturday night, June 3. A delicious turkey dinner was served by Kay Curry and her Coffec Shoppe Staff. At the conclusion of the dinner prizes were presented: 1st team, Dave Lamb; 2nd team, Eila Pupich; high average, men‘s, Milton Kittner; high (triple, Dave Lamb; Gee, Nice Mitts, Eh? Db O Y O U H O L D THIS ISSUE HAS BEEN Social Notes IMPERIAL BANK ‘l"iiURsi._m Â¥Y, JUNE #, 19940. Imperial Bank of Canada will be pleased to assist you with your currency problems wherever you may go this year. To make sure your trip is successful, consult your Imperial BanK Manager, today. ‘ big year for travel. Thoufla,nd.s. «. a minthigins will take advantage of the Holy Year to journey to Italy. Thousands more will tra vc{ in Britain, the United States and on the Continent,; . "";’" $ 'M' ’, high single, W. Rodgery, Ladies high average, Connie Cowan; ladies‘ high triple, Carrie Whittle®â€" ladies‘ high single, Vi Lamb; consoiation pnzes Hazel Cameron, Don Campbell conâ€" solation team, C. Cowan‘s. Dancing then was aenjoyed by all. Those atterding were Mr. and Mrs. W. Rodgers, Mr. and Mrs. D. Campâ€" bell, Mr. and Mrs. S., Gurevitch, Mr. and Mrs. D. Lamb, Mr and Mrs. B. Kellar, Mr. and Mrs. M Kittner, Mr. ond Mrs. D. MacKenzxe. Mr. and Mrs. J.â€" MacGregor, _ Vi ‘fizat C€harles Crary, Mr. and Mx‘s ‘C. Pupich, Mr. and Mrs. R. Proulx, Mr. and Mrs. H. Cowsn, Mr. and‘ Ma‘s. C. Cameron, Mr. and Mrs. G. McShane, Mr. and Mrs. D. McCann, Mr. and Mrs. E. Hicks. Mr and Mrs. J. McDougal, Mr. and Mrs. S. Robson, Mr. and Mrs. J. Gasâ€" paretti, Frank Schulist, Mr. and Mrs. J. Towler. Unable to attend were Mr. and Mrs. J. Whittle,; Mr. and Mrs. C. Allan. T ' '950 is going to be a ‘NATURE ‘UNSPOILED ~Yours TO*PROTECT® The BROWN%‘;'IHRASHER is a large, reddishâ€"brown bird with a long tail and a long, yellow bill. His breast is white, heavily marked â€"with black. He hides in dense, tangled thickets and scrubby bushes. Feeding mostly on ‘ insects and worms, he deserves protection. THE CARLING BREWERIES LIMITED WATERLOO, ONTARIO 26â€"50

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