Timmins Newspaper Index

Porcupine Advance, 1 Jun 1950, 1, p. 2

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i â€" Melntyre Gym e SAz on T se "GBADPUATION DES INFIRMIERES : SYMPATHIES : Nous offrons nos sincéres sympathies M. Lionel Levsâ€" ques qui vient de perdre son pere. M. Lucien Levéesque de Mataâ€" chewan Ont. M. L. Levesque était 2 Matachewan pour l‘enterreâ€" ment de son pére le semajine derniere. FIANCAILLES M. et Mme. Daniel Dongan 14 avenue Laurier, font part des fiancailles de leur niéce Hélene Mary Pépin, troisi¢me fille de M. et Mme Edmond Pépin décédes de Vinton, Quebec M. Gerald Nantel fils de M.et M. Fernand Nantel de 14 rus commerciale Timmins. La cérémonie nuptiale aura lieu le 7 juin l‘église de la Nativité. | SHOWER POUR FUTURE MAIREE: LA VIE SOCIALE : M. Jules et Mice Blanche Desjardins sont de retour Timâ€" mins apres avoir assisté aux funergilles du Rev. Pere Joseph, Jules Desjardins decede Vankleek Hill, a l‘age de 73 ans. M. Yvon Loubert est de retour chez ses parents M. et Mmie Hcnneurs a Mlle Eunice Desjardins, Mlle Doris Olson, Mlle Noreen Kirwin, Mlle Bernice Langman, Mlle Mary McCafferty, Mlle Lois Clarke, Mlle Mary Wilson, Mille Lois Montgomery, Mille Carmele Castonguay, Mlle Aline Rochefort et Mlle Mary .Whalen. Mlie Pépin recu un grand nombre deâ€"jolis cadeaux. La soirée se passa jouer au Bingo. Les prix furent gagnés par Mme C. Allard, Mme H. Nethery, Mile Joan Albert, Mme Lucien Lamarche, Mme D. Cotnam, Mme P. Roy, Mme J. Richards, Mme N. Barrette, Mille Betty Tierney, Mme W. Raymond, Mme Mme A. Chartrand, Mme Y. TFremblay et Mme D. Lavallée. Les Dames de ia Féderation Canadianne Francaise 1onâ€" neront un banguet dimanche le 4 juin, en l‘honneur de M. Raâ€" ward DelGuidice qui sera ordonné prétre, A la Cathédrale St Antoine de Padoue Je 3 juin. Mme A. Bouganger fut l‘heureuse gagnante du prix d‘entré Le prix de consolation fut gagné par Mlle Germaine Bisson. . Mme. Fernand Nantel, résident 14 rue commerciale receâ€" vait en Ihonneur de Mile Helene Pépin qui doit se marier enâ€" juin prochain. Le gouter fut servi par Mme Fernand Nantel aider de Mme L. amarche et Mme W Raymond. Pépin remercia chaleureusement ses amies de leur gentillesse en son égard. M. dward DelGuidice fréquanta l‘éeole primaire St. Anâ€" toine de Timmins <elt fit ses études classiques au Collége du Bacréâ€"Coeur de Sudbury Ontario. Les parents de M. dward DelGuidiee demeurent ici 2 Timâ€" Mille Noreen Kirwin gagna une bourse pour avoir obtenu la plus haute marque, donnée par St. Mary‘s Alumni,.presentaâ€" _M. Yvon Loubert est de retour chez ses parents M. et Mmic A. Loubert de 53 Premieére avenue. Yyon est étudiant l‘Uniâ€" versite Western, London Qnéario. sité McGill de Montreal. Iis passeront l‘eté chez leur mére Mme. R. Menard. ® F. Landry, de Smooth Rock Falls la semaine derni¢ére. M. Roland Lafond était de passage a Matachewan. Il visiâ€" tait sa mere Mme E. Champagne. Mme. Art Carrey et Mme Noe Rondeau donnérent un showâ€" er la salle de la Hollinger la semaine derni¢re, en Nhonnsur de Mlle Reine Rondeau qui doit se marier le 30 mai prochain. Plus de cent cinquante amies etaient presentes. On joua au Bingo. . Dimanche soid dernier avait lieu au theatre Victory, la graduation de onze gardes malades. Elles recurent leur dipâ€" lome et leur medaille de graduce. Hcnneurs a Mlle Eunice Desijardins, Mlle Doris Olson, Mlle â€"~_Le Rev. Pere Brunette de la paroisse St. Antoine fit un eourt discours en francais pour féliciter les graduges. M. Earle Barkwell et le Rev. Dr. Wm. Mustard et le Dr. Sam Jessel adâ€" ressa la parole aux graduges. M. Gregomw Evans etait maitre de ceremonies. Mlle Evelyn Pexton et M. Leo Barrette accompagnes au piano par Mme Jeanne Larcher Chanterent plusieurs solos. * Mlle B. Laqngman fit les adieux aux noms de ses compagnes et remit le flambeau a Mlile Moira Larmer. Nous offrons nos meilleurs souhaits de succes aux novelles gradugées. Mrie N Stanutz i e i l‘honne. : dae Mllic ] Sta â€" utz qui doit se marier le 3 juin prochain. La soiréeâ€"se passa a cieux gouter fut:servi par Mme N. Stanutz. fort _paij_Mmq C. Mocarm Le Rev. Pere Callaghan lut le serment de Florence Nightâ€" Mille Reine Rondeau remercia ses amies de leurs polis cadâ€" " JASONS" Par SONIA CHARRON (Telephone 2777) As‘soon as Mrs. Henderson arrived she became ill and Was sent to St. Mary‘s Hospital where she spent 8 days. We sincerely hope you are feelâ€" ing better now and wish you a jolly time on your vacation here. arfield C. Morris has Fyro initial. hi.? denjistry degree from the Uni-% Jim Rodgers the Tyro leader welâ€" versity of Toronto. He is the son of iComed the guests. attended Central Public School ana"f; Guest speakers Dr. W. M"' Timmins High and Vocational school. : Mustard who spoke“on "‘Leadership, Also seryed in the RCAF before go. {Stanley Ireland, "Faemily Relationâ€" ing to university. ;i ship," George Reid, "Ma‘king a Pal of (Dac," Lawrence Morley "Birds of a o Feather," and Wendall Reid, "The Socxal 811 P erspnal _ _ New Tyro program for Junior Boys." % @ e 0 00 e 0 00 0 a» tm w Dr. W. M. Mustard minister of thes Timmins First United Church for the; past 183 yrs. has accepted a call tog North Broadview, Toronto. Dr. Musâ€"s tard will leave Rere the latter part of: June. Dr. Mustard has been very wellf liked in Timmins and will be sadly Mr. Mrs. Henry Cushon of Tamâ€" arack St. N. are very proud to anâ€". nounce the birth of a daughter, Diane: Dorothy in St. Mary‘s Hospital. Social Personal Mrs. J. M. Henderson of North Hollywood, Los Angeles, is visiting ber mother Mrs. O‘Gorman of Mountâ€" joy St. S. and her sister Mrs. George Kennard of Schumacher lfor a few Mrs. T. Coulson of the Children‘s Aid Society is leaving tomorrow day for Toronto, where she will be taking a short course, of Advanced Sacial Service work tt the University uf Toronto for the month of sune. The elomeriary coyrse took pl=cs in May. Local Notes § The hall was decorated in ‘blue and the Tyro colors, and the tables wvere in the form of a T, representing ithe Tyro initial. 3 Jim Rodgers the Tyro leader welâ€" : Ecomed the guests. j Guest speakers were, Dr. W. M. : â€" The bride and groom later, left for a trip to the United States. For traâ€" .velling the bride wore a navy gabarâ€" idine suit with a hat of white straw. :trimmed with multiâ€"color flowers and ian orchid corsage. .On their return ithey will reside at 55 Toke St. Tim. $mins. was the scene of spring with mixed spring flowers decorating it. Miss Sue Meadows played the wedâ€" ding music and Miss Mary Zudel sang "Because‘‘ during the signing of the register. . _ The first .annual father and son banquet sponsored by the Tyro Boys f the First United Church, was held Triday in the Church hall. The taste‘s the test for tea‘! Canadians buy more Salada than any other brand. Father Banguet modityâ€"U.S. money. leas of Canadian summers like ‘An oldâ€"timer once summed up hbisg i C _ iessman‘s dream." And.if his this: "A vacationer‘s paradise, and a ‘bt summary is correct, this might:well We the biggest summer in the dominion‘s history. Millions of visitorsiwill come to Canada this year for fishing, boating and to look at pretty s@éenery, seen above. And they‘ll leave behind close to even more millions‘ worth of that valuable comâ€" ww s Nancy Grenko, nurse in training at €«+. Joseph‘s hospital, Parry Sound, is home for her holidays, Ralph, have left for Toronto to attend the ‘Toronto United Church Confeernce also to visit Mr. Plaskett‘s parents, Mrs. Plaskett and her son will visit her home in Montreal, with her parâ€" ents and friends, before coming back so Schumacher. Mrs. N. Adams has left for Winniâ€" peg where she will visit friends and The many friends of Mr. Dan Keeâ€" ley will be sorry to lesrn he is a paâ€" tient in St. Mary‘s Hospital and wish him a speedy recovery. . and Mrs. C. Plaskett and son l ‘ The régul:r monthly meeting of the Ichum cher Hame School Associaâ€" cion was held in the Schumacher Public Mrs. E. Pooley, presiâ€" lent, presided and in absence of Mrs. E. Rodway, Mrs. Tom McKenzic took tharge of the secretaricl duties. The treasurer‘s report was read by M. Uppam, The auditor‘s report was ven by Mr. P. Boyce. Mrs. J. Hamilton then introduced he guest speaker of the evening, Miss F. MccDonald, Principal of the Moneta School. Timmins, in a very s Miss MacDonald chose as her :xlfi)ject "the" Hope Commissions‘s Reâ€" p o r t on the SEtandardization of Teachers." | In her talk Miss MzcDonald outâ€" lined facts and figure hitherto un known to those outside the teaching plofessxon and stressed the need of ralsing the standard of the teachers cntermg Normal School so that the children of the future who will be the leaders of the future will receive the best in education, On behalf of the Sshumacher Home ard School Azoociation, Mr. Buckman thanked Miss MacDonald for her inâ€" leresting ‘tclk. Mrs, T. MacKenzie suggested the Schumacher Association write to the Federation Office and inâ€" form them of the Schumacher Assoâ€" ciation‘s feglings in this matter. Boyce Speaks A sing song was conducted by J. Lillie. P. A,. Boyce then spoke briefly giving the auditors report and stressâ€" ing the fact that registration forms for children . who will be starting school this fall will be available soon. He u'rged all parents to take advantâ€" age of Camp Bickle by sending their children to this outdoor camp. _ .She urged that all who are interâ€" ested in having the coming generation reccive the very best in elementary schools do all in their power to bring this fect to the â€" Board of Education and the Minister of Ed4ucation. Gifts: were then presented to the teachers who are leaving the Schumaâ€" cher staff this year; Miss E. Fear, Miss L, Herchsfield, Miss F. Macinnis and Miss Rose Butkovich. Presentaâ€" tions were made by Mrs. E. Smith, Mrs.â€"J. Whittle, H. Braney and Mrs. H. Poole. A gift was also presented to Mrs. F. McGonigle by Mrs, G. McGee on behzslf of the Association for her help during the year. Mrs. Pooley: President The slate of officers for the new year being as follows: Presideht, Mrs. E. Pooley, first vice pres. Cpl. Beaton second vice pres. Mrs, Claire Messeâ€" car, secretary, E. Rodway, treasurer Mr. C. Watt. Executive committee, H. Braney, Mrs. H. Poole, Mrs. J‘. Hamilton, Mrs. £. Urquwhart, and Frank Zanchin, P. A. Boyce and Mrs, Mawwhinney ,are the school representatives. It was an.â€" ncounced that the Porcupine Home and School Council had succeeded in the efforts to bring Dr. S, R. Laycock, Prof. of Educational Psychology, Colâ€" lege of Education of the Umversxty' of Saskatchewsn to the Porcupine. Camp and he will speak at an open meeting June 8th. Many have heard this eminent specker on CBC and thoroughly enjoyed his talks. Many. of his ideas differ to those of Dr. Blatz and we urge all to make a speâ€" cial effort to hear Dr, Lzsycock. It will be a pleasure and an education in itself. The meetmg t.hen adjourned for refreshments Fa in ues -a.‘-,;; e ';.,-.‘r A Mission Band Rally was held in the Trinity United Church Hall, with the attendance of eighty five children and leaders, First United Church, and Mountjoy, and South Porcupine United Church, were guests of Trinity Unâ€" ited Church Mission Band Schyumaâ€" cher. The devoiion period was conducted by Mrs. D. Fraser, Mrs. J. Kent and Mrs. H,. Waddell. Barry Kent renderâ€" ed a lovely solo, High High as the Ocean. The Mission Band Purpose was repeated by all the children, This brought the devotion period to a close. Miss M. Gregg, then presented three recognition certificates to First Unâ€" ited, Church Mission Band, Mountjoy and South Porcupine United Church Mission Bands. These Recognition Certificates zsre rewarded to the Misâ€" sion Bands for perfect attendance and the learning of the Mission Band Purâ€" BY MRS. D. FRASER (Telegyhone 88) Teaching Standard Low? »P0se also t Lallin tA n rme Thrse Awards Given it is in the interest of all holders to present their Bonds promptly for payment on or soon after June 15th, 1950 because after that date this issue will| no longer earn interest. Arrangements for fedemption may be made through myéu. ment dealers, banks or other savings instifutions: 4 . FIRST VICTORY LOA called for Redemption on June 15th, 1950 _at $101 for each $100 r SCHUMACHER News From Lantern Slides were then shown were on the children in India, and Chinzc, and Mrs. Plaskett told the stories as each slide was shown. The leaders of the First United and to the children, and were enjoyed by Mountjoy and Sauth Porcupine and Schumacher, led in several games, Mrs, Kent led the children in a merâ€" ry sing=â€"song. pose, also their contributions given to help to carry on the great work by our Missioncries, in far away lands, also in Canada. Miss Gregg gave a brief tlk on the World Friends, this is a woncerf{ul little magazine for children also a greoct*®many ideas for Junio Leader©:, in Church or School work. Miss Gregg then told several stories by Mrs, Plaskett, the slides shown all. This brought the Rally to a ~lose with the seryving of a lovely lunch. The children were then ready for their various homes. Mrs. Scott from South Porcupine thanked the ladies of Schumacher for the wonderful day they made possible for sli present. movw U[J. Dy _ U VY W JA UKR .'.“ 32 ‘decountant in his branch., § PONSORED BY YOUR BA NK Here is a typical bank man’afge'r-g 7 43, marrled mthagromng 5 commumty affairs When he{ joined the bank as a junior, he was 17, just out of high school, He soofl! moyed up. By his late twenties he He worked hard. All the time he was learning about banking, about Canada, too, in ; s various branches, different areas , .. legi‘ning to know peopleâ€"their hopes, fears, problems â€"the importance of the human factor,. At 36 he was branch manager. Now he has another, larger branch, And his way to .' advancement is still open. His general || manager started as a junior, too , . . and carried with him to the top the business experience and human understanding â€" gained along the way. ' The Government of Canada | | By: BANK OF CANADA, Fiscal Agent. Conveners for the Mission Band Rally were: Mrs. H, Mrs. J. Keat, Mrs. 8. Fisher, MrSs. R. P. Keen, Mrs. J. Matthew, Mrs. J‘ MacKenzi¢c, Mrs. L. MacKinnon, Mrs. C. Plaskeit, Miss M. Gregg and Mrs. D. Fraser. Mr. cnd Mrs. Glen Stewart of Torâ€" onto were visitors at the home of Mr. and Myrs. J. Matthew, Second Avenue also visitors at Mr..and Mrs. D. Fraser, McIntyre Property. Mr. cnd Mrs. Walter Rowe, and family were recentâ€"yisitors in Anson. ville, visiting the home of Mrs. Rowe‘s sister and brotherâ€"inâ€"law, Mr, and Mrs. D. Gossling,

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