FIANCAILLES : ‘ M. et Mme. Emile CDomers demeurant au numéro 59 rue ‘‘Charles annoncent les fiancailles de leur fille Rita, a M. Léo Lajeunesse, ifls de Mme Jos Lajeunesse, de Cnochrane, Ontario. EN VISILE: Mlle Denise Thériault de la Riviereâ€"duâ€"Loup, Queb>z, visite M. et Mme Philippe Thériault 166 rue Spruce nord. Mile Denise Thériault est une infirmiére diplomés. Elle sera membre du personnel des infirmiére, l‘hopital Ste. Marie, le premicr juin. Nous espérons que Mille Thériault s‘y plaise. FETE DENFANT A l‘occasion de son troisiéme anniversaire Denise Dubiecn est fétee par ses petits amis. Denise recu de nombreux cadeaux. petits invités étaint Raymond et Alan Kolchuck, Joan et Terry LaPorte, Marlene et B. Lacourse, Ariene Dunbar, Suzâ€" anne Dubien, Lola Verdu, Maurice et Bobby Gauthier, Johnay Pat et Bobby Ryan, Katherine Keets, Betty Denise et Léo Duâ€" bien, Claudette Landers et Georgina McKay. Aprés la féte Mme Dubien servit le the aux meéres des enâ€" fants. Mlle Louella Dubien fesait les hoaneurs. 40 | sn M. LAURENT LAFERRIERE EST ARRIVE M. Laurent Laferriere, diplomé du colléege d ‘Agriculture de Ville Marie, reside parmi nous depuis quelque temps. FUNERAILLES : SOIREE : LEMIEUX â€" BAZINET: Le mariage de Mlle. Yyonne Bazinet, fille de M. et Mme. Ubald Bazinet, avec M. Albert Lemieux, fils de M. et Mme Hecâ€" tor Lemieux, a été celebre, samedi matin a neuf heures a la Cathedrale St. Antoine de Padoue. The story portrays the control of the French priest over the parish, the big English business men making much money, young Frenchmen hidâ€" ing in the woods during the war, and the gulf between the French and English. Claire Vachon reports that "Two Solitudes," Canada‘s best selling book is in the public library. PeCE Pm uB o EP ‘et M Lipm L’église et? M.'Bérney Levésques, de meurant 34 rue Laurier, fut fété par ses amis. La soirée se passa dancer, plus tard un deâ€" licieux gouter fut servi. C e B 7 L al a a o % . P Parmi les invités on re marquait M. et Mme Philippe Désiâ€" let, M. et Mme David Martin, M. et Mme W. Simard, M. et Mme F. Bertra.nd et M. et Mme B. Levésques. Nous souhaitons un joyeux anniversaire a M. Levésques. . Mesdemoiselles Jeannine Lamarche, Dora Baptiste, et Jeannette Rochefort recevaient des amies la salle Ste. Marie, pour féter . Mlle Gilberte Rochefort, qui doit se marier le 23 mai prochain. Les invitées prirent part une variete de jeux. Les gagâ€" nantes furent Mesdemoiselles Kay DiMarchi, Jeanne Poulin, Pearl Prest, Jeanne Belair, Rita Fauvelle, Rita Goudreau, Carâ€" men Patry, Mme D. St. Germaine, Mme G. Léger, Mme I. Blanchard et Mme L. Baptiste. Il a éte nommeé inspecteur du Canton Cochrane sud, Dairy Herd Improvement Association. Il devra s‘occuper d‘environ, 25 meilleurs troupeaux de vaches laiti¢éres dans le canton. Il prendra quotidiennement un spécimen de lait et il fera un raâ€" par tous les fermiers qui font l‘élevages de ces troupeaux. _ La salle était décoree de quirlandes blanches et roses, la table était ornée de fleurs printaniéres. Un gouter fut servi. Mme E. Lamarche et Mme R. Tambeau servaient le the. Mille Gilberte Rochefort remercia chaleureusement ses amies de leur gentillesse en son M. Jaiques Brazeau, fils de M. et Mme S. Brazeau de meurâ€" ant 107 rue Elm sud, est décedé l‘@ge de 39 ans, samedi derâ€" nier au Brant Sanitarium Brantford apres une mala die la dixâ€"sept mois. hP W s P se e i French â€" English Gulf M. Jacques Brazeau, naquit a Rockland Ontario. Il fut eléve l‘école St. Antoine. Il travailla a la Hollinger jusqu a ce qu‘il s‘enrola; la querre finit, il alla travailler dans le sud de la province. La depouille mortuaire reposait aux salons de pompe funeébres Guenette. e service eut lieu neuf heures, mercredi dernier a la Cathédrale, St. Antoine. Nous offrons nos sinceres sympathies a la famille Brazeau. M. Ernest Levésques, age de 77 ans, mourut a l‘hopital Ste. Marie lundi dernier, une lonque maladie. Natif de Monâ€" treal, M. Levésques était peintre. Il demeurait a Timmins deâ€" puis dixâ€"hunt ans. Le reception. eut lieu a la salle Corsaire de Ihotel Goldâ€" fields. Mme Bazinet méere de la mariée, portait unebre marine marié portait une robe marine avec un corsage de roses rouges. M. et Mme Albert Lemieux partirent ensuite pour un voyage au sud de la province. M. Levésque laisse une fille Evelyn, Mme J. Fleming a Timâ€" mins, et un fils Ernest de Chicago. kLe corps réposait aux salons de pompes funébres Guenette. Le service eut lieu mercredi dernier a onze heures, a la Cathédrale St. Antoine. c asme M. le curé R. Mathieu leur donna la bémediction nuptiâ€" ale, Mlle Claire Vachon touchait l‘argue et Mme Agathe Caron et M. Lionel Barrette exécutérent . le programme. ‘de chant. Léglise etait decorée pour la circonstance. La mariee accompagnée de son ‘pere portait un costume rose de lainage anglais, avec accessoires bruns, et un, bouquet de roses. Aprés leur retour M. et Mme Lemieux demeuront 286 rue Maple nord. " JASONS" Par SONIA CHARRQN (Telephone 2777) do all they can to help in the proâ€" ject to be formed for tre Winnibey Flood Victims, ard the ramraging Red River area,. J. P. Bartleman, said, "we should do all we can, everything possible to forward this campaign. We should try to repay tne comewhat kemarkable assistance given thd Porcupine in 1911." The folks are reminded of the Home and ®choocl Association meeting to be held in the Schumzcher Public School Thursday, May 18, 8 pm. Mrs. Florâ€" ence MacDonald, Principal of the Moneta Public School, will be the guest speaker for the evening. Elecâ€" tion of officers will take place. Reâ€" "reshments will be served. The Mother‘s Bow li ng Leagus brought a successful year to a close with a baenguet and a social evening at the Lounge of the Community Buildâ€" inrsg. Prizes were presented to the fol-} lowing, High average Daisy Baker,l 188: high double, Theresa Belec, 540; high single, Jsean Mair, 336; first team Captain Jennie HMHunter. All other received consolation gifts. Whict was playel during the evenâ€" ing the prize winners for which were Kay Badowski, Josie Janiuk and Sal Scullion. Miss Millie Merkovich playâ€" ed several selection and a merry sing song w:es enjoyed by all. Those atâ€" tending were Mrs. A; Mair, Mrs. L. Thomas, Mrs. F. Belec, Mrs. J. Januik, Mrs. B. Matcheski, Mrs. Fred Robertâ€" son, Mrs. P. Hunter, Mrs. K. Badowski Mrs. G. Harris, Mrs. L o i s Cowden, Mrs. E. Dimiacle, Mrs. Dot MacKenâ€" zie, Mrs. D. Baker, Mrs. J. Scullion, Mrs. Helen Alcroft, Mrs. R. Proulx, Mrs. C. Lowe, Mrs. T. Ellis, Mrs. W Rowe, Mrs. Gladys Hannighen, Mrs. Marie Pitt, M. Mrs. o. Stydâ€" den, Mrs. S. Fulton, and Mildred Mir.â€" kovich. We all who in-any-';: xY 4 «* . a w ts it 9 4 / o s J T c s » s ‘( v ':' this year C pring was in all its glory with miniature cherry trees in blossom, and flowers in full bloom made a garâ€" den perty setting for the annual May Fair tea and sale held Wednesday afternoon in the Church Hall. The Women‘s Federation of Trinity United is to ‘be conzriliuilated fcor bringing Spring, who, is so shy on her appearance, a reality for one day at least. A door prize was drawn and Daisy Baker w a s the lucky winner. In cherge of this successful affair were: Mrs. Alex Mair, President and Mrs. J. Scullion, secretaryâ€"treasurer. Mrs. C. Plaskett, welcomed the guests, Mrs. R. Asseltine and Mrs. H. Leng poured. Mrs. J. MacKenzie conâ€" vener for the te‘ tables was assisted zie, Mrs. S. Fisher, Mrs. S. Kitchen, Mrs. E. Dick, Mrs. T. Yorke, in the serving of the individual tea tables. Mrs. J. Monaghan, Mrs. A. Fulton and Mrs. F. MacWhinnie were in charge of the kitchen. Home made sweets were under the supervision of Mrs. G. Malkin and Mrs. W. Mair. Dainty gréeting cards for various occasions MaclLaren and Mrs. L. MacKinnon. were sold at another table by Mrs. W. Hand made articles, toys, baby clothes shell work, displayed: at another table of which Mrs. H. Waddell, Mrs. W. Hayward, Mrs. W. Robson, Mrs, Rasâ€" sell, and Mrs. D. Fraser w e re in charge. Mrs. G. Shippam, Mrs. E. Sayâ€" ers, Mrs. R. Calverly, Mrs. W. Sutton, were in charge of the bake table. Small potted plants and cacti were sold. dllivVcUu iII10IIIC, sDiilitlli, now in town stayving at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. Monaghnan. Rev. C. Plaskett left for Toronto this week to attend the United Church Conference, while in the ‘City Mr. Plaskett wiill visit with his parents. A _ 13 Mr. zsnd Mrs. A. Morandin, First Avenue, were recent visitors in Kirkâ€" land Lake, visiting friends and reâ€" latives. Miss Margo. Kirkland, a student at Queen‘s university, has arrived home to visit with her parents, My. and Mrs. J. Kirkland, Coniaurium Property. Miss Shirley Kyle a student at Toâ€" ronto University, has arrived home for the summer gnnï¬nfnrn Mrâ€" and O T The Women‘s Federation of Trinity Morandin, Eddie Morandin and Gino, United Church wish to take this opâ€" Junita, motored to Kirkland Lake for portunity to extend sincere. thanks to the weekâ€"end. . A merry time was enjoyed by all with several solos by Miss Mabel Betâ€" tiol. Also, her brothers, Roger and Orlando agve severzcl selections on the guitar and accordion, A sing. song and dancing were enjoyed. Mr. and Mrs. A. Morandin, First Avenue, entertained a number of friends esfter the Schumacher Lions Motor Show in honor of the Bettiol Trio of Kirkland Lake who were guets of Mr. and Mrs. Morandin while in town. Mrs. Morandin served a delicious lunch assisted by her daughters, Mrs. J. Spadafore and Reta Morandin. Those attending the party were Miss Alice Scullion, Mr. and Mrs. J. Spadaâ€" fore, Mr. and Mrs. J. Anderson, Mn and Mrs. N. Aletto, Mr. and Mrs. F. Mrs. Morandin‘s Party Daisy Baker Wins Please Remember Bloom and Glory «m m, en es qâ€"n.ï¬ es Nn un 8 TL uit U 4 .u.wu:a LKA1LA V 4 BY MRS. D. FRASER (Teleashrne 88) News From J. Marshall Appointed Sanerin, Mr. and Mrs. A. Sanerin, Mr. ancd Mrs. B. Andrighetti, Mr. and Mrs. A. Bettiol, Mr. Mrs. F. Caron, the guestsâ€"ofâ€"honor, Miss Mabel Bettiol, Reta Morandin, and the hostesses, Mr. and Orlando and Rogsor Bettiol, and and Mrs, A. Morandin. A meeting of the Ratepayers of Schock S®sction No. 2, Tisdale, in the Schumacher Public School. Business of the evening was the electing of a trustee for the Public School Bocrd to finish the term of office left vacant owing to the departure of C. Jucksch. P. A. Boyce was chairman for the vening and J. Marshall appointed ~eere‘:aryâ€"trersurer of the School Bcard to replace Tom MacKenzie who leaves shortly for Lucknow, Ont. .«Miss Ramona Elly and Mr. Cameron Abernathy were weekâ€"end visitors at ths home of Mrs. R. Calverly. Herb. Miller was duly elected trusâ€" tea to finish Mr. Jucksch‘s unexpired term of office. Mr. and Mrs. H. Cowden zccomâ€"= panied by Mr. and Mrs. J. Cowden,, Seth Cowden and Mrs. Joe Tannarelli left by car for Toronto where Mrs. Cowden Sr. is seriously ill. Mr. Robert Fulton left for Toronto this week where he will jSin up with the Ontario Provincial Police. Mr. Tom Mackenzie left for Luckâ€" now, Ontzcrio, to take up residence there. Mrs. Mackenzie and. children will follow after the school term. Mrs. W. Mair left for Sudbury this week, where she will attend the wedâ€" ding of Miss Beatrice Barry. Mrs Mair will also visit with friends and relstives. Our deepest symnathy is extonded to Mrs. J. Marshal and family who, suffered the Jloss of a CGear mother, Mrs. Joduin, in Sudbury, on Thursâ€" day, May 11. - We are sorry to report that Mr. J. Smith is critically ill in St. Mary‘s Hospital. M‘r. and Mrs. E. Smith have arrived home:; Frank Smith, a son, is now in town staying at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. Monaghan. Rev. C. Plaskett left for Toronto this week to attend the United Church Conference, while in the City Mr. Plaskett wiill visit with his parents. Mr. zsnd Mrs. A. Morandin, First Avenue, were recent visitors in Kirkâ€" land Lake, visiting friends and reâ€" latives. Mr. and Mrs. J. Spadafore, Reta _'Ac'.‘,"j To Social Notes hok . n uim iA Mr. and Mrs. A. Sanerin, Kirkland Lake, were receut visitors at the home of Mr. ard Mrs. A. Morandin. First Avenue. The mony friends of Mr. Wally Wallis, secretary of the Mclntyreo Curling Club will be pleased to know he is at home after being a patient in St. Mary‘s Hospitzcl, and wish him a "peedy recsvery in his Corva‘ssing. Miss Audrey and Vera Jenkins, daughters of Mr. and Mrs. P. Jenkins who ars professional sketers in the ice show, "Iceâ€"Cycles," were recent visitors at their home, prior to their cailing for London, England. \R.' ite organdy in double layers meakes this dream of a dance dress, a [c ‘fect choice for a happy eveâ€" n:zsg. Topless, it is draped and folded across the top. of the bodice. The waist is snug above a full skirt that billows out over a stiffened hip foundation, obtained by using buckram under the slnp There is a tracery of fern leaves in deep green on the bodice in front and on the sart ali the way around to the by GRACE THORNCLIFFE 7 l UÂ¥ A new policy providing accidental death and dismemberment benelits to protect your loved ones. Your beneficiaries will receive: Face Value of the Policy if you die from a natural cause, ° Double the Face Value of the policy if you die by accident. Triple the Face Value of the policy if you die by accident while riding as a pasâ€" senger in certain public conveyances or while in a burning public building. You yourself get liberal dismemberment benefits providing cash for loss of parts of your body. Ask for our pamphlet "Confederation Life Announces" giving particulars of these benefits. 1t will iRterest you. NTA CC 1P Yo« Insure Consult } Confederation Life A. D. SEGUIN, Representative, Timmins <Continued from Page One>) blurted out: "Look around us! Workers have automobiles. They have enough food. Look at their homes with nice lawns. Nobody seems to bother anybody. Here I am abroad. a â€"month "â€"he. looked down at his suitâ€"" yet dressed better than one of our most important engineers in Russia could afford after working ten years." I let him continue. It did me good. "There are only twelive ‘million people in Canada. Yet they produce sverything from thread to railroad engines. Not only that. They aleo export. What is the secret?" Do Russians Criticize Openly? Johnson: Gouzenko: Near my Ottawa home was a fruit stoge. The owner, an old fellow, unconsciously influenced me. He was Lithuanian, unschooled, too cimple, I knew, to be skilled in lying. Aside from the wonders of his oranges. peaches. pears and bananas, his awed me. Once, he said: I leaned over and picked up a blade of grass, trying to seem unconcerned. "It‘s only "a secret to us. For them it is old stuff. They say private enterâ€" prise and complete freedom is reâ€" sponsible. Koulakov â€" looked startled. He, glanced behind, alarmed that such thoughts should have been expressed, possibly within the hearing of someâ€" body dangeroue. . . t "No damn chance I vote for Liberâ€" als this timeâ€"not last time, either. not this time sure!" This astounded me. Later he said he was suing the city of QOttawa foif some infringement on his little pro.â€" perty. I was even more impressed, This old fruit dealer showed no fear of secret agents. He knew nothing about me, not even my name. Yet he spoke freely and emphatically as no Helping II Grow 12 Cur FBusiness Best Men For Party o Bchind the entries and withdrawals on the books of our branches . . . behind the records of loans made and repayments met . . . are numerous stories of human progr=s: . . like the story of Jimmy uow going to college, who used to visit us weekly to deposit his newsâ€"route earnings . . . . . . like the case of Bill who started his successful business with a sound idea, ‘modest capital, and the help of a bank loan . . . Helping you grow is the essence of banking as we see it at The Bank of Nova Scotia. Why not talk over your financial plans with your Bank of Nova Scotia manager . .. you‘ll find him a good man to know. . Long, Manager, Timmins, Ont., Pamour, Ont. Year in year out quality has always been and will always be the first consideration with .. like Bob and Betty now nicely settled with a new house and growing family who are glad they took their Bank of Nove Scotia manager‘s advice and held onto their bonds .« « . THURSDAY, MAY 18th 1980 native of Moscow \uouldz ever dare speak. And he spoke,surrounded by fruit righes Moscow â€" people hadn‘t tasted in yeears. ,.l \ (These excerpts from "This Was My Choice,." are quoted with special perâ€" mission by J. M. Dent Sons, 218 Victorna Street, Toronto). The family is miserable without it. If your budget has gone astray, come to "My Bank" and start afresh. Build up a B of M Savings Account to control annual expenses, to take care of emergencies. Save regularly, your budget won‘t slip its collar again. ---------------â€--“-’. A Balanced Budget. e e 0 C238