Timmins Newspaper Index

Porcupine Advance, 4 May 1950, 1, p. 2

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t Ts 5 PAGE TWO Madame Jack Knight d‘Ottawa visite sa soeur Mme Gerard Pelletier a,124 rue Cedar sud Timmins. T AZ A. A A AF AA iA B _ RZ Ts ol N BC Honneur Gérald Spooner, un de nos jeunes étudiants du High School, qui gagna un voyage Sudbury et visita les mines, Copper Cliff, l‘International Nickel, Froodâ€"Stobie et Falconbridge Nickel. Gérald écrivit une these sur l‘Importance des metaux non précieux dans l‘Industrie économique du Canada. Ce concours était sous la tutelle conjointe du Département d‘Education, et l‘Association des mines en coopération avec Féderâ€" ation des professeurs des Ecoles Secqndaires. yisi‘téi" M. et Mme. Hector Morin de cette ville. Mademoiselle Viada Lessa?a d e Timmins passe un sejour de deux semaines chez ses parents, M. et Mme. Omer Lessard a Val Gagnée. FELICITATION A LA JEUNE HEROINE: Mile Clarice Lariveg, agée de sept ans, fillette de M. et Mme Laurent Larivée, demeurant a 189 avenue O‘Neill sauva la vie d‘une petite compagne de jeu, Barbara Fordie, Agée de trois ans, qui allait se noyer. Par sa presence d‘esprit, Clarice saisit Barbara par ses vétements, apres que celleâ€"ci était tombée, dans le turbulent ruisseau de la Hollinger, qui coule l‘angle des rues Rea et Hillside. Mme Claude Brousseau et son fils Maurice, agée de neuf ans aiderâ€" ent Clarice sortir Barbara hors de leau. Cg vc;o;ax-rvs“é't;â€"i{ Sfi;eâ€"r{a tous les éléves de la onziéme, douâ€" zigme et treiziéme années de la province. Il y eut huit étudiants de la province qui visitérent ces mines. Le mariage de Mile Géraldine MacDonald, fille de Mme Agnes MacDonald avec M. Gérard Dionne, fils de M. Georges Dionne, fut celébre récemment Veglise St. Joachim, M. l‘Abbe G. Pinsonnault donna la bénédiction nuptiale. La mariée portait une robe aux lignes classiques en jeryey bleu pale, un béguin de méme tissu rehaussé d‘un court voile de tulle illusion et de muguets et un corsage d‘oeillets blances et roses avec du muguets. Mllie Thérese Thériault, dame d‘honneur portait une robe de souffle de soie bleu pale avec accessoires bleus foncés. Elle portait un corsage de muguets et d‘oeillets blanes et roses. Monsiur Antonio Dionn était le tremoin de Gérard. Le déjeuner fut servi chez la mére de la mariée. Dans la soiree il y e utune reception l‘hotel Aéroport. La mere de la mariée porâ€" tait cne robe d‘aprés midi en crépe imprimé bleu avec corsage de muguets. Avant son mariage Mme Dionne eut une soirée donnée en son honneur, par Mme. C. LeRo‘y. AVEZâ€"VOUS ENTENDU? C se > s ERREUR VERIFIEE: La semaine le journal a fait une erreur en imprimant cette nouvelle. Mlic Jeannine Smith fut heureuse gagnante d‘une bourse de aix dollars, quand elle prit part un concours musical d‘amateur 4 la salle Harmoney. I1 y avait plus de trente concourants. Jeanâ€" nine chanta "Blue Bird of Happiness." _Parmi les invites on remarquait Liliane Raycroft et Jackie Beaton de Bourlanqgue. L‘autel était deoré de fleurs printanieres. Mme J. Aitken touâ€" chait l‘orgue; Mme L Cocconi, née Cora Amadio, exécutait le proâ€" gramme de chant. VOYAGE A SUDBURY : On nous dit qu il y a deux autres gardesâ€"malades Mlles Mary Daigneault, graduée de l‘hopital St. Joseph de Toronto et Laura Pletch, gradugée de hopital Genéral de Hamilton. Ces de moiselles sont gradugées de l‘Université de Toronto. et feront parties du perâ€" sonnel du Bureau d‘Hygiéne de Timmins. Nous souhaitons une corâ€" diale bienvenue ces des infirmiéres. chewan. VISITEURS : Le Docteur A. L. Chute et le Docteur A. J. Ken:4§; de I‘hopital des Enfants, de Toronto, sont de passage en notre ville. Ils désirent lever un plan qui déterminera de nombre de personnes souffrant de la Diabétes. * Mesdemoiselles Mary Kelly et Ida Bouchard donnérent une soirée dans la Blueâ€"Room de lhotel Goldfields, en de mademoiselle Yvonne Bazinet qui doit se marier le 13 mai. Un sucâ€" culent gouter fut servi. Mademoiselle Bazinet recut de de nomâ€" breux et jolis cadaux. UNE AUTRE GRANDMERE: M. et Mme. Pierre Timocko, née Yolande Charron, font part de la naissance d‘une fille, baptisée Michelle, a l‘hopital a Asbestos Quebec le 26 avril. Parrain et marraine M. et Mme. Christian Charâ€" ron de Montreal, porteuse Mme. Bruno Charron de Timmins, grand‘ mére de l‘enfant. Nous offrons nos sinceres sympthies A la famille Lord, qui vient de perde un des leurs. Mme Joseph Lord mouru tchez elle 172 avenue Main, a l‘age de soixantâ€"treize ans. Mme. J. Lord, née Georgina Larouche, native de St. Andreâ€"Avellin, Quebec, demeurait Timmins depuis trois ans. Elle laisse son époux, six fils et cing filles; Albert Menard de St. Fériol, Québec; Philias de Smooth Rock Falls; Oscar de Senneâ€" terre, Laurent de 121 avenue Main a Timmins, Osias de Hearst et Eugene de Toronto; Dianna, Mme J. A. Carbonneau de Montréal; Bernadette, Mme P. Tellier de Montréal; Rosanna, Mme A. Dumas de Toronto; Aline, Mme H. Dumas de 121 avenue Main de Timmins et Rosalia, Mme F. Moreau de Noreéenbega Québec. Mme J. Lord laisse aussi cinquante, six petite enfants, et trente arriére petite enfants. Le corps re posait aux salons funéraires Guenette, Les funerâ€" nilles eurent lieu l‘église Notre Dame de Lourdes. lants same PitOMPT F A L‘ECOLE CENTRALE: Tous les enfants qui n‘ont pas été inocules durant les semaines précédantes, soit par maladie, soit qu ils aient oublie leur carte, verte, blancheau pose, peuvent étre inoculer, samedi le 6 mai a l‘école Centrale. Donc les mamans n‘oubliez pas d envoyer vos enâ€" fanfes samedi matin, NAISSANCES : Chaleureuse félicitation a monsieur Ronald St. J acques age de onze ans, qui arriva le premier dans la classe numero trente. Il chanta. I1 y a beaucoup de drapeaux. Il gagna la plus haute marque de 87. FUNERAILLES : y tm M. et Mme. rEnest LaChapelle, font part de la naissance d‘une fille I‘hopital Ste. Marie, le 30 Avril. gave her every care. It was an .hour before she opencid hor‘cyes A lady, after a car accident, was taken to St. Mary‘s Hospital. She was un Y U I AUE . UÂ¥ ; M. et Mme John Morin et leur fils Terry, sont allés a Matheson EWE tE W PE OBE Monsieur Oliva Cloutier de Timmins était en visite a Mataâ€" ST. MARY‘S SISTERS T RETABLISSEMENT: °C . _ es y " JASONS" {Telephone 2777) and looked around. "Parlezvous francais?" gently enquired one of the Sisters. "No, no, no," mumâ€" bled the patient, "Chevrolet Days W¢en." No 145 The Guild of St. John‘s Anglicaa Church held their mecsting last Wedâ€" nesday with ceight rpembers preosent, at the homz of Mrs. Peter Ginn. Mathoson. The members decided to purchase cupboards for the church and they picn to do the varnishing themselves. At the conclusion of th>e meceting lunch was served by the hosâ€" tess. Next meeting will be held at the home ef Mrc. Laurie in the over the ~Rexall Drug Cture, Mathsson. Members of the Mataeson â€" Blac: River Township .Planning Board reâ€" turned to© Matheson after spending two days in Toronto interviewing Gecvernment Ofiicials. There were no specific plans mode as to the number of houses to be erected this year or any other details. The mestâ€" ing was more of an advisory capaâ€" city.. The cntire expence of the trip, and hotels, was borne by the Johnsâ€" Monville Company,. and their repreâ€" sentatives woere present at all conâ€" fereneos. The Matheson Agriculture Society held their meeting at the Courtroom, Matheson. Saturdsy afternoon, 29th of April. Meeting was called to order by the President, Mr. G. ‘Scratch. Minutes read by the Secretary. L. Milâ€" lette, were approved after a few minor corrections. The main business of the cfternoon was the discussion on the Advisability of holding a Fall Fair at Matheson this year. The deâ€" cision of the members present was to hold a Fzll Fair on Friday, 6th of October. Several committees will be appointed to act on the different items at a later date. There were no motions made but several suggestions were mzde as follows: "That comp2â€" tition be held for two classes of beef cattleâ€"for cshipment after the Fair." This to include boys and girls Calf Club entries. "That the Girls Garden Club be asked to show their exhibits Planning Board Returns By GRACE THORNCLIFFE Fabric gloves grow smarter by the season. Double woven cotton is the material of a handâ€"stitched glove with a scalloped cuff and stitched scallop effect on the back. The street shoe is of dark red calf piped in white. It has a pearl butâ€" ton on the vamp and a medium heel. The capzcious binocularâ€"type handbag is made of dark red leather. It has selfâ€"piping, a mirror under the flap, a rigid base and a strap that is adjustable. Blonde tone and dark brown is the color comâ€" bination of the kidskin pump with a double stran. Anglicans Work Hard Agriculture Society F. A. Robinson, C.L.U., Branch Manager Representatives: _ K. Chomko, Bernice K. Kaye. M. J. Cybulski, A. J. Legault, M. M. McHugh, J. E. Sullivan; S. E. Lefebre, Ansonville; E. R. Anderson, Kapuskasing; C. ashions Branch Office. 218 Third Ave., Timmins, Ont. By MRS. C. R. WEIR Telen®rone 829 News ""!I"l"].l .’j"' }‘ * A AARD * NGAU O ELE ALAUY L3 EALL Â¥ th:* day."" S‘¥t:xaf grain could be shown also S>c1 exhibits be limited to the 19593 crops, in quantities similar to those at the Royal Winter Fair. It war also suggested that two outâ€" cica Judges attend, possibly one lzady and one gent, The Secretary was reâ€" aucsted to get in touch with the local School boards for entries of handiâ€" cra‘ts and ask if it would be possible to hove the schools closed for that day so that the children could attend the Fair. The Provincial Women‘s Institute Officers‘ rally will be held at the Ontzrio Agricultural College, Guelphi, Ontario, on the 4th and 5th of May. This yvear the convenors of Agriculâ€" ture and Canadian Industries, and Ciftizenchip and Education, will tâ€" ten:‘. Guest spsakers will be Mrs. Raymond Sayres of Ackworth, Iowa, President o% the Associated Country Women of the World, a brilliant and experienced public speaker, the Hon. Kennedy, Provincial Ministâ€" er of Agriculture ard Mr. Fletcher Thomas. In August Mrs. Sayres will proside at the International Conferâ€" enc at Copnenhagen, Denmark. A party of 25 Cancdian Women‘s Instiâ€" tute representatives will also attend, several of whom will be from Ontario. ent, Mrs. Ollmzn chose a navy blue cuit with white accessories with corsage of red roses. After the cereâ€" mony a reception was held at the groom‘s home for immediate friends and relatives. In the evening a dance was held at the Shillington Commuâ€" nity Hall when thkey received many gifts. While lunch was being served the bride and groom all those present for their gifts. Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrsy will make their home at Matheson. South Porcupine visited of Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Matheson over the week Miss Edna Joseph visited with relztives Cistrict over the weekâ€"er Mr. Marcelle Alarie passed his tests at the Company and returned last week. A. quiect wedding was held in Matheson, Friday afternoon, April 28, at the Manse, when Rose Mary Plouffe. eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Plouffe of Vimy Ridge, became the bride of Carl H. Jeffrey, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Jefâ€" frey of Matheson. The Rev. Helgie Hongisto, Pastor of St. Andrews Unitâ€" ed Church, Matheson, officiated. The attendants were Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Ollman. The bride chose for the wedâ€" Cing, a pretty grey suit with navy blue accessories and zs corsage of American Beauty roses. Her attendâ€" Previous to the wedding,. Wednesâ€" cay, April 18th, a shower was held at the home of Mrs. Wm. Ollimen when girl friends of the bride brought many pretty gifts. . Miss Marjorie Hagen of Anthony left Matheson last week for a holiday at Peterborough, later Marjorie exâ€" pects to take a position t Troquois Falls Mrs. A. Cadesu of Anthony left this week for Guelph to attend the Proâ€" vincial Women‘s Institute Rally. Beâ€" fore the rally Mrs. Cadeau will attend the Board meeting of the Federated Women‘s Institute of Ontario. Munroe Burton, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. Burton of Mathesonâ€" has returned home from Toronto where he was a student at the University of Toronto. Miss .hcquel;r;e Martm of Mat.he- . daughtei‘ of Mr. and! Mrs, ‘Dave Martin of Shillington has accepted a position at North Bay and plans to leave this week. Mrs. C. Gordon of Matheson reâ€" turned from Toronto last week and reports that Mr. Gordon‘s condition is satisfactory and that he .will be able to leave the hospital temporarily in about two weeks time. He will have to return to Toronto for a minor operation in a few weeks time. Mr. Art Jackson of Timmins visited friends in the Matheson district over the weekâ€"end. Ayp Good Speakers Coming Miss Mary Grsham of Toronto is Plouffe â€" Jeffrey Social Personal "We are very sorry," says Scotty Has Enemies in Town Wilson, "to lose Harry Fuke, who has been tran:ferred to Bellville The communists tried to clog m mm ie m 2x * “’n-‘"fl",b ' 3‘»'100 visiting with relatives and friends at Matheson. 4 Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Findlay of New Liskeard visited at Bob‘s parental home zt Matheson over the weekâ€"end. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Moynes have returned to Toronto after spending the past eight months in Matheson where Mr. Moynes held a position with the Foundation Company. Mr. A. Rhodes of Matheson is conâ€" fined to his home with a heart condiâ€" tion. His many friends in the district wish him a speedy recovery. Mr .and Mrs. Albert McMain of South Porcupine visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Bender _ at Matheson over the weekâ€"end. Plans: have also been zspproved for the Matheson Liquor Store, building to cost about $20,000. The store to be built by Mr. L. Millette and will comâ€" mence as soon as possible. Miss Edna Joseph of Timmins visited with relztives in Matheson Cistrict over the weekâ€"end. Plians have been approved in Toronâ€" to for the erection of a Hotel in the Black River Township property oppoâ€" site the Matheson Motors, cost to be about $50,000. A new British air ambulance is being developed by Auster Aircraft Limited of Leicester, England, specially designed for bush Yoctors in Australia and for medical men whose patients live in isolated areas. It is the Auster Avis, Kk. 2. The plane will carry a standard fullâ€"sized stretcher and, apart from the pilot, has accommodation for a sitiing casuâ€" alty and an attendan. Provision is made to enable blood transfusions to be given while the air ambulance is in flight. The ambulance can be ca@nverted into an ordinary four seater aircraft when not in use. If needed, the conversion into an air ambulace can be made in a few minâ€" utes. It is hopd@d that this new aircraft will be finalised during this year at the Company‘s wirks at Leicester. This picture shows sow the side of the Auster Avis Mk. 2 air ambulance can be lowered to load a stretchet HARRY FUKE LEAVES Send Donations To: MAJOR H. MAJURY 12 Birch St. S. New Britishâ€"Designed Air Ambulance Timmins, Ont. successful Ford Motor to Matheson The communists tried to cloak themselves in a Worker‘s Literaâ€" ture Association, Ti m m inss Branch. It sounds very nice. Here many cannot _ write or. speak â€" good English. The Association ders the job well. Stalin‘s "literature" is found on doorsteps, distributed in the middle of the night. I have been in Canada only three years. When my five years are up (which are required for naturalization), nat only I, but members of our organization will become naturalized. But, by leavâ€" ing my country, Lithuania, and not being willing ‘to praise the biggest criminal in the world, beâ€" cause I did not want to become Superb Flavour) Biggest Criminal THE TREASURER Mr. Wm. Long, Bank of Nova Scotia, Pine Third Ave., Timmins THMURSDAY, MAY 4th, l'i his slave, does mi;heaa renouneâ€" ing imny citizenshi; Whose reoom was decerated with â€" pictures of _ "CJâ€"mrade" Stalin? And when the immigrants came, whe hid the pictures? Our corganization rebtesents 95 per cent of all local Lithuanians,. We, the newsomers, and the oldâ€" timers, present and future Canaâ€" dians, believe and fight for demoâ€" cratic human rights,.and remain faithful to the. government â€" of Canzda. We never took part, in commuâ€" ristic ideas and we never shall. We have felt with our own bodies, and seen with our own eyces, the communistic way of ‘life. We hto s s ._\.\_‘-:._'.fi Q Antt \ .._. * :.: .".':4.\‘ \”_.-.:,\.‘ yon know it well. Timmins, 22.4.50. K. LUKOSIUS.

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