is so great that he astounds us anew each time that we read him. He is a man apgrt. Each year I read a play Molinere‘s first performance before Sponsors Open House Louis XIV won for him the privilege of writing as he pleased. He portrays. The Alpha Phslanx Club of the the affectations, the social ambitions, YMCA has undertzken to sponsor and the shallowness of the bourâ€" Weekly Open House at the YMCA geoisie. His characters are ageless, Hll for YMCA members and their and represent the basic weaknesses of Euests The Open House parties will human nature. be held on Friday evenings and will Germany‘s Wagner, generally rated begin on February 24. There will be next to Shakespeare, said: no admission fee for members and reâ€" ‘â€" im Li 1 TCAC‘s Circle Moliere, directed by Mro. J. A. Therigult, is devoted to the study of that gentleman who, because of his vigorous attacks on the conduct of French priests, was at first refused Christian burial. Royal intercession was necessary. He Was Refused Christian Burial 1 1 N 9 QALUGAV,; ~A dA 6 1 UC â€" 4A UVMRCUC, M. et Mme. Albert Poirier, d‘Ansonville, était de passage chez M. et Mme. R. Leclerc. * % 4 VACANCES EN EUROPE â€" Bon voyage M. et Mme. R. Charlebois qui sont partis lundi soir, le 13 février, pour New York. De lÂ¥, ils pren dront le Rateau pour l‘Angleterre; of ils débarqueront Southampton. Aprés un séjour de qwelques jours a Londres, ils traverseront en France. +« Durant leur visite a Paris, ils remettront Mme. Francisque Guay, femme de francais au_Canada, la pilume réservoio, que les citoyens de Timimins lui avajent ofâ€" ferte colhmnme souvénir de son passage icli, en juin dernier. En passant par la suisse, M. et Mme. Charlebois se ren dront a Monte Carlo, oh M. Charlebois essayera sa chance au jeu de roclette. Nopus lui sou haitons du succés. De 18 ils iront en Itali¢, au Vatican, oï¬ ils auront lhonneur d‘avoir une audience avec Notre Saint Pére, Pape Pie XIL. Ils se rembarqi®eront vers le premier avril,â€"sur un â€"paguebot italien Naples, pour arriver a Halifax. s y Au bridge, Mmes. J. Clusieu, A. Ferreault et A. Cassidy et M. M. Gagnon, O. Eckel, E. Désormeau, et J. Clusiau gagnérent les prix. f Les prix d‘entrée furent gagnés par Mme. P. Piche et M. L. Tremblay. Mlle. Denise Poliquin fut chanceuse en remportant le prix de rafle, un phonographe automatique. 4 % K * AVEZâ€"VOUS EN TENDU? M. Laurent Smith, maintenant de Sudbury, était visite chez ses parents en fin de semaine. , Mille. Jeannette Bélanger, de Sudbury, était de passage Timmins pour la fin de semaine. M. Moise Bérini amenait en fin de semaine. M. Edgar Sabâ€" ourin de Sudbury, chez ses parents M. et Mme. J. Bérini,g 6 rue Hemlock. 4 ~ Par LORRAINE CHARRON * s â€"â€" {(Telephone 277‘{) > «NOUVELLE COMPAGNIE GUIDE a ST. ANTOINE Récemment, en la cathédrale St.â€"Antoine de Padoue, un groupe emposant de juenes filles prononca la Promésse Guide devant leur Aumonier, M. l‘abbé L. Leblanc. Cheftaine J. Pelietier de la premiere Compagnie Gcide de la paroisse de la Nativité, imposa la suite l‘épingle doree a chacunt des nouvelles guides en la présence de leurs parents et amis. Dans un bref sormon, l‘Aumonie rappela auy guides leur a postolat par l‘exemple et la bonne action quotidienne. PARTIE DFE CARTES A NOTREâ€"DAME DE LOURDES M. Arnel Beauchamp, gérant de la Cie Mutual Life sejourâ€" nait a Timmins pour quelques jours. * Mlle. Béatrice tpage passa une agréeable fin de semaine chez M.â€"et Mme. R. Leclerc, 112 rue Toke. Une partie de cartes au profit de la chorale Notreâ€"Dame de Lourdes a eu lieu dimanche soir, le 5 Février. Une grande foule y assistait. Durant le gofuter, l‘assistance a joui d‘un proâ€" gramme musical sous la direction de Mme. Paul Piché, qui acâ€" compagnait les artistes au pilano. Simone Lalonde, gée de onze ans, chanta "Voulezâ€"vous danser grand‘meére et " I Love those Dear Hearts and Gentle Feople," Ronald St. Jacques chanta ‘"Tingâ€"aâ€"Ling‘" et "Forever and Ever.‘" Ils ont Trés bien rendu un duo "La Berceuse aux etoiles." Pour le cribbage: les prix pour dames allérent a Mme. Wallâ€" ingford, Mme. O. Spencer, et Mme. A. Lariviére; les prix pour les_ hommes M. L. Beaulne, J. Stanutz, et R. Dubien. Petite Suzanne Dubien, Agée de neuf ans, chanta "Maman" et "Cruising Down the River." Tous furent bien applaudis. Maitre de cérémonie ttait M. L‘abbe M. Pare. Les prix des parties de cartes furent gagnés par les suivants Pour le whist, les prix des dames allérent Mme. E. Mathé, Mme. J. Clermont, et Mme, A. Poirier; pour hommes, M. A Laroche, M. Poirier te Mme. Beaulne (jouait pour homme. Au cingâ€"cents: Mmes. L. Guinard, J. Mousseau et Mlle. A. Carrigéres, Mme. 0. Maisonneuve, O. Vaillancourt et F‘. LaCourâ€" clére remporterent els prix. Voici les noms des guides de la paroisse St. Antoine: Huguâ€" ette Robillard; Collette Pelletier, Jacqueline Pilon, Rosaline Lortie, Darquise Lortie, Fatricia Gougeon, Maureen Banning, Simone Lauzon, Doreen Provost, Vivianne Provost, Cécile Joanisse, Lorraine Banning, Aline Le febvre, Anita Bertrand, Lvonne Auger, Florence Yelle, et Marcelle Fournier. Les guides chantérent ensuite le salut du trés Saint Sacreâ€" ment et le chant solennel de la Promesse. La Deuxiéme Compagnie Guide est sous la direction de Chepâ€" taing Jeéannine Lamarche qui organisa ce groupe peine que!â€" ques, mois passés, et déja la cheftaine se voit entouree d‘une vingtaine de guides. Cabaret Style Dancing Every Saturday At The "PAV" The Riverside: Pavilion Y T *) V GA _AAA AV VA .O ALAALll Ab. Refused in Burial Moliere, directed by ult, is devoted to the tleman who, because tacks on the conduct wes at first refused Royal intercession performance before or him the privilege pleased. MHe portrays. the social ambitions, less of the bourâ€" racters are ageless, basic weaknesses of ner, generally rated said: "Moliere ie astounds us anew e read him. He is a year I read a play of Moliére’s just .as from tune to time I examine a painting of some Italian ! master." Le Bourgeois Gentilhomme (The Tradeseman â€" turned Gentleman) by Moliere, as adapted in English for radio will be broadcast over a Timâ€" mins station at 8.45 p.m. on Wednesâ€" day, February 22. Alpha Phalanx Club Sponsors Open House The Alpha Phslanx Club of the Â¥MCA has undertzken to sponsor weekly Open House at the YMCA Hall for YMCA members and their guests. The Open House parties will be held on Friday evenings and will begin on February 24. There will be no admission fee for members and reâ€" freshments will be made available. The club plans to have dancing from 9 to 12 p.m. w *s “_“4_~:‘, ’, ; 'I" . y3 C ns . C ‘!' 'i; (| 8 l i¢ ‘c%.gfq::éft dR + ‘r?. Henry Kelneck His Orchestra ENJOY YOUR Le Bourgeois Gentilhomme (The â€" turned Gentleman) by Moliere, as adapted in English for radio will be broadcast over a Timâ€" mins station at 8.45 p.m. on Wednesâ€" day, February 22. Bs v _ . ant ~gind Ms a .___.‘._, 5s ir Cligible ir 6 8 n+pa K t 5 uebot. ® p. q ‘. m-.‘. sur un Cetteâ€" pratique se répéte si souvent, ajouteâ€"tâ€"il, que deux fréres, le â€"pere et le fils, apres seéparation, ne se parlent presâ€" que pas A leur prochaine réâ€" union. Ils ne témoigent méme plus leurs émotions. Naturelleâ€" ment, la peur les a renfermés en euxâ€"meme. Ils ont refréne, deâ€" puis si longtemps, leurs sentiâ€" ments qu‘ils se sont asséches. IIs ne réagissent plus, méme devant des étres chers de la méme famâ€" ille qu‘ils n‘ont pas vu depuis longtemps. M. Lukosius, par profession, est un soldat. Mais, selon la loi canadienne, il ne peut pas faire parti de notre armée. Il doit vivre au Canada pendant, au moins, cingq ans avant de devenâ€" On transplante des parties de village dans d‘autres districts, unt fois tous les six mois,‘ peutâ€"Etre tous les trois ans. Personne ne sait quand il sera forcé de demenager. @Quelle en est l‘idgée? Parce que, selon M. Lukosius, ces agissement éliminent la posâ€" sibilité de collaboration, de rasâ€" semblemment, de réunion, de reâ€" volution. On divulgua que les voyaguers venait tous du méme village, dont on transportait en masse la moitié des habitants et leurs effets dans une autre partie du pays. A quelque 200 milles ou 20002 On l‘ignorait.. pas. Le second n‘était, pas au courant. Un autre ignorait. Et de méme pour tous les autres. Ils n‘avaient méme pas de penâ€" chant la conversation. Une fois, sur un train russe, bondé de personnes et de leurs bagages, M. Lukosius s‘enguit, tout bonnement, de leur destiâ€" nation. Le premier ne le savait M. Lukosius servit ‘dans l‘arâ€" mée russe pendant quelque temps. Aprés un mois, affirmeâ€" tâ€"il, il avait peur de parler son meilleur ami â€" confidentielle.â€" ment bien entendu â€". "Plus. On leur infligeait des‘ raclees beaucoup plus intense que celleâ€"1@." M. Lukosius qualifie de pecâ€" cadille l‘incident récennement ou neuf personnek sortirent avec blessures d‘une réunion com.â€" muniste. "Les officiers russes, ditâ€"il, avaient l‘habitude de venir nous donner des discours en Allemagne pour nous implorâ€" er de retourner en Lithuanie." Et on assenait de coups ces officiers russes, comme ca? Dans la zone russe? . + ‘"Non, dans les zones angâ€" laises et américaines." que tous les occupant du train st rendaient Marseille sous le joug des Russes S‘¢échappant ainsi, le Premier Lieutenant Kostas Lukosius se porte bien, que sars travail. Il1 demeure dans une demeure privée sur la rue Spruce, nord. a bas de‘un train filant une vitesse de cinquante milles l‘heurer. Il1 roula, plusieurs fois, sur luiâ€"méme, comme un tronc d‘arbre, pour relever, ensuite, meurtri seulement. O Â¥ A Pm we j t ic ANCZ, Timmminc, 6 6 < We % a 4C Nere‘s how it works: If, when the Crown Brand Detective calls on you, you do not have a tin of Crown Brand in the house but have any ¢we of the follewing Canada Starch products, then you are eligible for the $25.00 basket of groceries: VY eR . M P O R T A N T Boys Egg Spoon Race ~â€" Lucien Turcotte, Claude Lemire and Bruno Marcheson., Girls Egg Spoon Race â€" Peggy and c( McDonald, E. Gratton, Chubby Mcâ€" which Connell. city al Threeâ€"Legged Race â€" Frank XII. > Girls 12â€"13 â€" Donna Lemon, Nancy McDonald and Noellz Perrier. Girls 14â€"15 â€" Florence McDonald, Annette Ruest and Alice Dubeau. Boys 10â€"11 â€" Kenny Mounsey, Joe Auger and Dino Marcus. Girls 10â€"11 â€" Anne Croft, Patsy McMillan and Rose Frare. | Boys 12â€"13 â€" Romeo Ruest, Ferâ€" Cinand Carle and Joe Fraser. Boys 14â€"15 â€" Robert Lemire, Morâ€" ris Forget and Frank Butler. Carnival Queen: King: Eggs: Races: Princes Armand Tuzcotte and Peggy Mcâ€" Donald were among a number of winâ€" ners ct the TCAC Carnivel on Sunâ€" day. A complete list â€" first, second and third â€" is as follows: Races Boys, (6â€"7) â€" Armand _ Turcotte, Jackie Kaliukoski and Bobby Carlton. Girls, 6â€"7 â€" Maureen McMillan, Della Jennings and Jackie Maresâ€" cotto. ‘ Boys, â€" 8â€"9 â€" Bruno Marcheson, Clzude Lemire and Lucien Tursotte. Girls, 8â€"9 â€" Peggy McDonald, Cathâ€" erine Heandley and Joan Eby. "I could not see it before." At the dentist, Ella required but a couple of fillings. Amy required a good deal else. She screamed. "it is a Did she ncot know that? "No," she answered, CASE 11 Starving in Town Hall Amy and Ella, 14 and 15, stood in the Timmins police station one c3ld Saturday afternoon. Amy wore men‘s overshoss, no shoes. Ella wore men‘s boots. Both: raggedy stockings, raggedy coats, unkempt hair, ns hats. Both: no money. Both: starving. They had never â€" never â€" been to school~" They were taken to the Shelter, clothed, excmined by a doctor. Ella was partly blind. She was fitted with glesses. A brigh callendar hung upon the wall, "I know what that is," she said, homes. They get along ‘halt deâ€" cently. Betty, 16, very defective, has been sent to the Ontario Home for Mental Diseases. Mr. K., now located, voluntarily conâ€" tributes pcrtial upkeep for the family. us db ut ces d a «P ce .2 2 Ee caued at. the shack during t.he summer and fall, to guide spenidâ€" ing. All went well until winter set in, and made it elmost inâ€" accesssble. After mont workers did get inâ€"4!/, miles on snowshoesâ€"and . found one child seriously ill with pneumonia; no food; the rsof nartly ‘blown off; a partition broken down for fireâ€" wood; filsorbcsrds pulled up, exâ€" posing earth, for firewood; Mrs. K. and seven kids huddled in a corner. The kids were taken out, placed in homes. Two have been CASE 10 Floorboards for Firewood Mr. and Mrs. K. lived in a wee shack in the bush. They had seven kids. Mr. K. sbandoned cll eight. Mrs. K. <(38) â€"came to Timmins, appealed for relief. She Crown Brano Kitcnen Detective: THI\_ CANADA STARCH COMPANY LIMITED . . . Montreal . . . Toeronto the door, this is what happens: 1. He will identify himself and present his credentials; He will ask you if you have a tin of Crown Brand Corn Syrup in your home; Iif you have a tin of Crown Brand Corn Syrup, he will ask to see it; 4. After you show him your tin of Crown Brand Corn Syrup he will present to you a Gift Certificate, redeamable for $25.00 worth of groceries purchaseable at the grocer from whom you bought your Crown Brand Corn Syrup, and whose name you will give to the Kitchen Detective. ; The Crown Brand Kitchen Detective will be in your neighbourhood this week. He will select, at random, a list of hqmes: He will call at these homes sometime during the day and when you answer That‘s all there is to it, so make sure you get a tin of Crown Brand Corn Syrup today! workers The Vatican, behind the scenes in the holy city, a book by Ann Carnaâ€" hen, with photographs by David Seyâ€" mour, is now in the public library. This volume presents for the first time a complete and intimate picture of life in what the author considers the most beautiful of nations, in many ways. It was prepared with the help and «pproval of the Vatican authorities and contains 150 new photographs, which unfold the story of the holy city and its first citizen Pope Pius Figure Skating â€" Florgnce McDonâ€" ald, Nancy McDonald and Alice Duâ€" beau. _2 Broomball â€" Bobby Soxers 12 â€" Swescter Girls 11. Girls Threeâ€"Legged Race 10â€"14 â€" Alice Dubeau and Florence McDonald Noella Perrier and Yvette Dubeau, and Cathy Fraser and Joan Croft. Queen â€" Florence McDonald. Princesses. â€" Jean Rozon and Marâ€" gie McDonnell. * | King â€" Bobby Ruest. Princes â€" Jimmy McDonnell and Robert Remire. Butler and Joe Fraser; Robert Lemire and Ferna Carle; snd Jim McDonnell and Robert Forsyhe. These three cases, and the nine preceding during the past fortnight, are all attested by the Children‘s Aid Society. See also page four. hair, and was very deaf. She found gnother man, lived with him. The Scciety took over the children. If Bfenda sets up â€" habitable home for children, they will be returned ot her. It is not likely. "Mummy went into the hills," said Montgomery, one of the boys," She went into the hills with z2 man. And when Mummy came back she had money. There‘s gold in them thar hills." Five years of age. Those zsre his words. CASE 12 She Got Gold Brenda, 14, being unable to hear conversztion at all, was sent from Timmins to the Ontario School for the Deaf, where she remained for eight years. She returned to Timmins with five illegimate children. She had been living in common law union with a man, who had abandoned her. She wanted relief. She was granted some. She tried to get work. She did a little houseâ€" work. . Relatives looked after the children forâ€" three months., Brenda had no teeth, strsight ministered an anarsthetic and ¢xâ€" tracted six tecth. Thenceforth her appetite and health gradually improved. Amy and Ella, placed in a. school cless of 14â€"yearâ€"olds, did kindergarten work, st first, but can now csign their names, read comics well enough to grasp the gist of them, and are improyâ€" ing steadily. The first dentist tried to cope with her. She screamed harder. He could not mollify her. He gave up after half an hour. Amy screamed her woy out of the chairs and offices of three Timâ€" mins‘ dentists. It was arranged that a fourth dentist visit the Skelter. . Hedid so. Three adults CAtLS AT 300R AOUVSE! The V atican Those zsttending the presbytery were: Nakine, Mr. Cheek; Hearst, Rev. E. R. Rintoul and Miss M. Tong; Kapuskasing, Rev. Gordon Corscadâ€" den and Mrs. C. Kraby; Smoqth Rock Falls, Rev. S. B. East and Mrs. T. Moore; Cochrane, Rev. Caifon Mateer and Mr. Iavell Warrell; Iroâ€" quois Falls, Rev. A. P. S. Addison and Mrs F. Bean; Matheson, Rev. Helge Hongisto and Mrs. G. Scratch: Porcupine, Rev. John â€" Cavies and Mr. Elmer Dyrland:; South Porcupine., Rev. R. J. Scott and Mr. R. S. Mcâ€" Williams; Schumacher, Rev. Charles R. Plaskett and Mrs. McKenzie: Timâ€" In the elections, Rev. A. P. S. Addiâ€" son was chosen as chairman; Rev. Carson Mateer as secretary; Mr. Lavell Warrell as treasurer; Rev. C. Mateer and Rev. R. J. Scott to the Settlement Committee; and Rev. C. Mateer as commissioner the General Council, with Rev. S. B. East as alterâ€" naae. Mr. Clarence Anderson is our lay nominee to General Council. Devotional addresses t each sesâ€" sion were given by Rev. Alex Ross, D.D., who also gave an address on Korea which was based on his thirtyâ€"three years of service in that country as missionary. Objective Surpassed The Missionary and Maintenance fund report, presented by Rev. A. F. S. Addison showed receipts throughâ€" out the Presbytery of $9093 which represents an increase of $431 over 1948 and $900 over the objective for 1949. The report given by the secretary, Rev. Carson Mateer, shows the resiâ€" dent membership, 2678; the Sunday School enrollment, 3260, which is 80 less then a year ago; and the money raised by Sunday Schools, $5063 which is $339 less than in 1948. But the funds raised by all the churches shows a significant increase. _R Camps Improved Rev. Helge Hongisto reported the improvements at Camp Waskesiu during 1949, and set for the plens for further improvements in 1950 which will amount to $840. Dates for the summer.camps were announced. Divorcees Hopeful? Appreciation was expressed to the peosple of Tisdale and Timmins who registered such an overwhelming cefeat against introducing cocktail lounges in the Porcupine. Once again the Presbytery forwards a request for the ectablishment of civil marriage in Ontario, and also asks for revision of the rules for the reâ€"marrizge of divorcees. United Church met in the First Unitâ€" od Church, Timmins, and opened with the sacrament of Holy Commuâ€" nion conducted By the chtirman, Rev. E. J. Scott, gssisted by the minister of the chuoch and by the elders, Mr. Noble Farran and Mr. William Ramâ€" ytel'Y 5 Obiective ytery Sur passei Objectives Gracefully ANNOUNCES THE OPENING OF HIS OFFICES ON FEBRUARY 16th 11 Pine Street North, Timmins, Ont. (Above Burke‘s Drug Store) ; C H L R O P R A C T 0O R .. John S. MceCusker *D.C. _ *Doctor of Chiropractic THURSDAY: TEBHEUKAEY i mins,;â€"<First United) Rev. â€"W. M. Mustard and Mr. Noble Farnap:; (Mountjoy) Rev. Gilmaur Smith and Mr. William Ramscy: corresponding members were Miss . Marjorie Gregg, Rev. Alex Ross and Rev Jamet A. Lyttle. )WO"'M ADMIS§10N Men +75¢ . Ladies 25¢ JOE SLOBODIAN Mcintyre Gym and his Music Makers :4 st wf 9:30 p.m. to ‘1:00 a.m. FRIDAY | Every