E 1, ‘ 219. Algonquin Blvd. E. mxxxmxxxsxmmmv DO YOU HAVE MORE difï¬culty getting :ggcighild up and going in the marnirihthnn you do the othenchild- rcnhmytfs ,p rare family that hasn’t one ingggrd. In pi:neer days when every mute of daylight was precious tr getting done the myriad chores tease,†t9 keep the family fed and 013 bed, .590}: a child was regarded as Iazy' 115'; at: , I ._But,;wehhave finally corne to know that ‘gzn “body mechani ms don't do their Work at the same speed. It has ib‘nz ifée'n' admitted that some persons niied‘ï¬ibr sleep than others. Now ire 3'91! beginning to understand that: dmer¢h_t“things happen to the body during’éleep. Some. for instance, find their"Bbd‘fé; almost a dead weight in the mornings. Others are apt to be at thew'pi'tysical best after a night’s rest. Accep'tlng the :act that persons «start off the. 'da) at varying rates of activ- ity, What can you do to help the child who ï¬nds it nece5 ary literally to pull himséff‘t gether in the mornings? To'3b'eg‘in' with, you will probably find him Wanting to stay up later at night than the other children, who will have. worn themselves out by bed- time. ‘His energies may be scarcely past their peak by then. However. since hi: day must be regulated by the same clrck as his schoolmates, every effort should be made to establish an early hour for going to bed. But you can't force sleep on him, some lenien- cy is neceary in the matter of reading in bed or playing quiet games with Skinny men, women MS 10, 15 lbs. ‘0’, . If he is still awake when you 3e- tire bring him an orange or two but- tered crackers, but no liquids. Sit by him while he eats and try to turn his active thoughts into more pjacid one: by reminding him of a day’s fishing you one; enjoyed together or a long walk in, the woods. Or play a game to see yighich of you can act more like the family cat dozing before the fire. In the mornings’work out a pro- gram 6 family rising that will take into Account the state of each person‘s ei1crglF;.’ The one who is most fully nwnlï¬'é'Wh’éH his feet touch the floor can geywppomted the family getter-r up per. This may be father or mother or p8118i: a 10 “year old child. After waiting the others he starts a hot: nnnnn the1 ,is the. first riser she will mar.- -hal the Widen awake of the children into the hathrpom first. By the time the hot :drlnlmis ready he will be nearly U- yww -v nit‘s". uuu. VI.- III-II v“ will†Don? Mur-i .owngz no fat. Stop whxn you' ve gained the 3.13:] or 20 the. you need for normtl we! 1:. New “ get acquainted" also only :3 anon: 0mm“ Tonic Tablets for new vigor dad pounds. am very day. At all drums“. â€"-v~â€"â€" 'vâ€"ww now’ roud ctsnn cly. may. doom!!! bodies. an the soccla vlzor-bul mesh-build!“ tonic. ()ltrex. In males. stimulants Invl onto". Iron, vitamin 8:. calcium. enrtch b‘ood. moron ‘n‘A.A- -_A 4...--Al-.. .‘ AAA; _n-_ ...__â€", -.â€"-~- - 'rv ~'-~'r "U" 0 all“. t thrill! Bony limbs all out: ugly hollow. wumno longer scrawny: bod loses but- on . i! ty "bean-pole" look. omnda of mm: 'mumen-th nevetyould â€In Mm. .“ __.._. ___._. *SMITH . -.l1" L, I. “"1120 Sheet Metal '1’ SA]: Conditioning A: if†.QELSTON Phone 327 Waff- Btdke’rs and Oil. Burners ï¬at New Pep, Vim, Vigor 2.534" nun-vivi- I dlcestlon :0 (00¢! 00d;glvea you more uourIahment; put a on bare bones. 8-9323 £99 m,- 8‘90 3'.th you“ weed enough dressed to carry a cup of co- coa tO‘ his dozing brother or sister. The hot drink will provide fuel to start the latter's brain and body (auctioning. It. is be..t.er for a child to perform this service ihan for mother, since there should be no suggestion of in- validism about. this morning pamper- ing of the zlow waker. In return, he should be assigned a service in the ev- enings for his {inepier brother, such as. the final putting away of toys or games. In other words, put the whoie_pr3- gram on the ca 1131 basis of who does best, what and when. It is all in line with cur repeated reminders that the way of treating your children with equal fairness is to discover in what ways they need to be handled differ- ently. 'to AUDREY LANE BUREAU. Box 229, Madison Square SIation. New York, N. Y. The Fall-Winter "Fash- ion Book shows 150 other sayles, 25c extra. No 2857 is cut in sizes 12, 14, 16, 18, 20. 36, 38. and 40. ’Size 16 feguires 1% yds. 54-in. ~ Henry Guy Carleton, the journalist and playwright, had an impediment in his speech. Meeting a friend one day, he asked, “C-c-can you g-g-give m- -nie I-f-fifteen m-m-minutes?†" ertainly. What is it?" ’ “I w-w-want to have a f-f-five m-m-m i‘nwte s’ conversation with No 2503 is cut in sizes 10. 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 36, 38 and 40. Size. 16 requir- es 3‘»; yds. 54-in. fabric. Send 25c for EACH pattern with name, address, style number and size “(a We 93 P017917, 8 . V____AUDREY LANdE____ Household Hints Térkin Get Job That You Want HERE IS A STORY of haw one man got. a job in the line of work he had been longing for. but which had seemed i ossible of acheivement. His name i; ‘illiam Bacher, a dentist in Bayonne. New Jersey. Going home he listened for several nights to air shows, began to analyze them. Te found that the writing of a :how script was more complicated than he had r,ealized but he kept on studying air shows and trying to find what made a script tick. Finally he wiote three and pushed them into the mail. Back they came with e speed of a jet-plane, but he sent t em, out again and 0! he sold one. Finally he submitted an idea for a series to be cailed “Famous Trials of History†and that was, accepted. Meantime he was filling teeth. One night by chance he went to a radio broadcatt. The show was pretty poor. ' The idea struck him that he could write a better script that the one he was hearing. He decided to be an air producer which was Quite a long jump ahead. He submitted scripts to the manage- menpof Station WGN, in Chicago, and V\ rote suggesting an idea for a change By Craig Armstt‘ong On two major issues ' last week,‘ Britain’s Labor government appar- ently ‘took a stand on the side of Russian-dominated Communists. An. understanding in the UN. guarantees that each regional group- ing of countries should be represent- ed on the non-permanent seats. The United St§tes claimed Yugoslavia fulfilled the regional requirement. Russia insisted a “gentleman’s agree- ment†existed whereby the seat was to go to the eastern European coun- Itry favored by the majority of the Eastern bloc. - On both issues however, .there was strong pressure either economically or politically. O In the United Nations Britain sup-. ported the Soviet-backed candidature of Czechoslovakia for a non-perman- ent seat on tthe Security Council and in London there were reports from usually reliable sources‘ that Bri- tain may recognize the Chinese Com- munist regime next month. Britain said she voted for Czecho- slovlukia because she feared possible retaliation against the Common- wealth. Yugoslavia, backed by the United States, was the other candi- date. ~ Britain thus supported the Czechs because a similar understanding guarantees "a Commonwealth coun- try will always be grantetd one of thc non-permanent seats. Yugoslavia won the seat on the second ballot but Britain indicated she stuck with the Czechs in the final vote» ' .In China. the situation waé govern- ed by Britain's vast trade intetrests. Diplomatic officials in London re- ported that the British consul-general in Peiping. Communist government headquarters, is trying to establish temporary working "relations with the Communist regime. It was understood Foreign Sec- retary Bevin decided' that when the Communists were in virtually , full possession of the Chinese mainland there would. be little humane in denying full recognition. Simultaneously with the Lbndon reports, however. came a statement from diplomatic sources in Washing- ton that Britain had given assurance she is not preposing even ï¬mit’ed' recognition to the Communists. Sn Dun f3 CARNEGIE “How to Win Prludn and» _ Mum- P.0d." in the, manner of presenting another program. Corre pondence developed and.‘William Bacher was invited to come out for a mutual size-up; he went, he taw. he got a ï¬t). H became Program and production chief at that studio. And now he gave up dent- istry. He wxcte to a New York radio chain executive offering to analyze coastâ€"to~ coast air shows. The radio exec invited him to come to see him and William Bacher was there as fat as steam and electricity would take him. As they discussed radio ideas, Bach- er maneuvered the conversation a- orund to a job. The boss asked him to submit anothe1 idea and thi: Bach- er did. The upshot of it was that Beacher ..was offe1 ed a job as chain producer. I He could hardly believe it himself but there was the check com- ing in every week, and it didn‘ t bounce -I-D Q's- vvv-d - v vâ€", ' Producing cne of these shows fet- ched him to ollywc-pd and them he looked~ove1 i to the cool movie past- uren a’nd decided ,heql. like to nibble some 0 their grass. -..First thing was to study the movies and try to find what made ’em tick,,just as he had in radio. . He sent a letter of suggestion, got a bos; interested, and pretty soon he was offered a jobias producer. far only Russia and .the.Soviet-bloc countries have established diplomatic relations with the n¢w Chinese “People’s Republic.†‘ The old, n‘agic cry ‘ up last week in Alaska. 'And. as it did back in 1898 at Klon- dike. the cry' called up dreams of wealth in the minds of prospectors. Three men brought the word to Fairbanks, Alaska, that nuggets “the size of peas" has been found along the Yukon River in the Fort Yukon- Circle area, which hitherto had not been prospected. The discovery was said to have been made by Clifton Carrol, a fisherman. “Gold has been found for two miles on both sides of the original strike,†said Rev. Edward dten. a flying missionary, “and from all appear- ances it‘s a big strike†At the end of last Week. approxi- mately 50 'pro‘s’pectors had been flown :into the. area .and were panning along the 'stream. prqduets formerly purchased in the Uniï¬eQ‘:/Stat'es. Oné"b0at. .the Manchester Trader; .last week was unloading 50. 000 feet of cast-iron pipe from England. It “as the first of a numbe{ of large shipments of a product "formerly bought in. the US. The big port of " Montreal is al- ready seeing the effects of Britain’s devaluation on her currency. ' Port officials said last week that Canada has started buying on the cheaper markets 6f Britain many prqï¬ï¬et's formerly purchased in the Bt few speculations were as start- ling as that made in Philadelphia Last Friday by a top United States scientist that the Russians may, in a few years. outstrip the United States in atomic development. 0Importers said they expect the .'.rend to continue. Other British textiles, crockery, woollens, auto- goog'a, ghcwing the new trend are mobiles... chemicals and machinery. Many have been the. speculations thrown out by experts and “informed sources-’3 since Russia made it definit- ely 'lm‘dwn recently that she has the â€Omit: ' bomb. The speaker was pr. Harold C Urey, the scientist who was awarded the, Nobel Prize for discovering hydxogen . about military security. The corporation is outwardly a pur- “It is time that we take stock of this chasing agent for 3118818 in the United situation and recognize it for what States but U. S. Attorney-Geneva}. it is,“ he said, and it is time that Howard McGyath said that for three we step witch hunting about the se- yeahs Amtorg had conected “infor- cret‘ which obviuos‘fy does not exist.†motion for and reported information of the U S government, to" "Russia. Five of the' ‘Amtorg Ten of tnem were- iiven the max- officials were in dammit! by 1881‘ E punishment - five years in week-end. The sixth was safe - in m and a fine of 310.000 each IRusoia. If this development takes place Dr. Urey told a press conference, it will be because the Us. is too concerned about military security. ‘qud!†Miscellaneous wcnh somecomgwomea _ \ -â€"D--l-n_.....4 um in“ I f! f! .I n..- _ â€i On Parliament Hill The Liberals may have little to worry about. But it was increasingly evident in Ottawa last week that some of the Canadians who made Weir living distributing and selling reading matter soon would have worries â€"â€" plenty of them. ’ Justice Minister Gal-son rose in the Commons to announce that the fed- eral government is asking the pro- vinces to help find ways of plugging 100pholcr. in ’the criminal code through which Many publishers are getting away with turning out ob- scene literature The justice minister spoke as the Commons gave second reading to an opposition member’s bill that would make publissers, sellers and distribu- tors or crime camics liable to prose- cution. Sponsors of the bill, which is acclaimed on all sides of. the House, .‘s' E. D. Fulton. national. leader of the Young Progressive Conservative Association and member for the British Colgmbia. constituency of ~Kamloops. And he also .saicl the federal gov- ernment is willing to include crimc comics in the provisions of the criminal code. ‘ Mr. Carson said the Attorneys- (Ieneral of the provinces will be asked for their suggestibns as to how I)" make section 207 of the criminal code- more enforéehble ’ than at present. Mr. Carson pointed out that a book-seller handling thousands of books just can't read them all. And it is hardly fair to convict a book- seller because he sold a book that, without his knowledge, was obscene The section, under which crime comics will be included, provides a maximum penalty of two years im- prisanment for anyone convicted of willfully publishing. distributing or selling obscene literature. The flavor and coler a; roast beef will be improved if a, tablespoonful of ‘brown or white sugar is added to the gravy when basting the beef. White clothes that have turned ye1~ low can be whitened by putting boil- ing water in a vessel, and adding one teaspoonful of cream of tartar to each Suart of water. Dip the garments into this Solution several times, but do not let them remain. Rinse in two or three changes of water ad hang in the sun to dry. One of the main difficulties in en- forcing the law is that'clause “wil- fully.†Woollens Woollens that have shrunk can be brought back- to normal Vsize by [rinsing :them in fresh soap suds instead 03. clear water after washing. Repeat! each time the garment is washed un-. till the correct size is obtained. Velvets Place a funnel in the spout of a tea- kettle and you will be able to cover a large area with steam when renewing velvets. Fruit Tarts Mix a little cornstarch with thq sugar, when making fruit tarts, and it will not ony make the juice thick but will prevent its boiling over. Winter Window Washing A little salt added to hot water will permit you to wash windows even in the colde~t weather without any dana ger of their freezing. The other Communist, a‘former army sergeant with a Distinguished Service Cross, got off lightly with a three- year term and the same fine. But the government which they were trying to overthrow provides a chance of freedom for them '- or for any other convicted person. All .11 filed notice of appeal of their convicition. Thus the legal sparring. which filled their 39 - week trial and landed, them additional small sentences for con- tempt of court, will continue - pro- bably all the way up the line to the This one also carries a Communist iabei - Russia’s famed Amtorg trad- ing corporation. which was ndicied by a federal grand jury in ashing- ton with failure to register as ,agent of a foreign power‘in accordance with U. 5. law. Six top Amtorg ofl'icials were included in the indictment. Conviction carries a maximum penan ty of five years imprisonment and a $10,000 fine. The United States government deâ€" cided Friday that It has been harbor- tng another viper in its bosom. U. S. Supreme Court. It may be months - or even yea-rs - before the case is finally cleared up. Family Scrabbobk White Clothes Roast Bcef' Mood For Fun and Fitness", 0X TAIL - VEGETABLE STEW Va teaspoon pepper.' ' ‘ ,w . Leads the Food Fashion Parade . Season ox tail joints. Rbll‘inï¬'our, ‘ 133/ Martha L088“ ,Brown joints in hot shortening. Add FaShion is the keynote this Fall, onions, ' vinegar, and watei'.-’.u:Cove1-. and along with the Paris “originals" Simmer†2 to 3 hours until {meat is comes new styles in meats. Today’s tender. Add halved pare‘d potatoes, modern shopper will find ox tails, an celery, carrots, and strips ‘of. 'gfeen old-fashioned favpurite, always a pepper. Sover. Simmer % hm“... winner with the men folk. Place vegetables on hot 1plattér. Ox tails make excellent soup, to be sure, but many homemakers prefer to take advantage of the fine flavour of these meaty joints and combine them with colourful vegetables for a hearty vegetable stew. The secret of a flavourful stew is slow mo’ cooking to bring out the full rich flavour of the meat. To cook ox tails, roll the joints in seasoned flour and brown in hot fat for that desired dark brown colour. Brown the meat thoroughly as it fades during braising. Then add a cup of hot water for each pound of meat, cover, and simmer (low heat, 0)? course) 2 to 3, hours until the meat is tender. Add hearty vegetables as halVed potatoes, sliced carrots, celery andgreen pepper during the last 3/: hour of cooking, and serve hot with thickener brown gravy mahe with remaining meat drippings._ For a retake on an “oldie†serve ox tails and plump dumplings. Sim- mer ox joints separately and While the meat is cooking add dumplings to some steaming broth. For prize dumplings. keep a tight fitting lid on the kettle throughout the cook- .ing time, and resist that urge to peek. ' Braised “ox tail joints with vege- tables is just the beginning of the story. You’ll probably add some new chapters in ox tail cookery once you try the following: ' Braised 0x Tail Joints With Vegetables Yield: 5 Servings 2 Pounds ox tail jOints, 2 tea- spoons salt, V4 teaspoon pepper, ’xé cup flour, 3 tablespoons short- ening, 1 cup diced onions. 1 table- spoon vinegar, 2 cups not water, 4 to 5 medium potatoes, 1 cup diced ‘celery. 2 large carrots. 1 green pepper, 3/: teaspoon salt, For gravy \with “spice," 'add seas- onings like .caraway seed, WOrces-' ‘tershire sauce or prepared mustard, or substitute M: cup chili sauce as parf of the cooking liquid for extra colour and flavor interest. Because of their rich meaty fla- oour. ox tails' add a savour to bland vegetables and cereals. Hot buttered noodles, fluffy rice and mashed pota- toes take on appetite appeal when served. with meaty ox tail . joints. Recipes ' . ‘- ‘ I," , , A. V ‘ 3 3 2 I - ; t _. ' i _ " . , r ' y‘._-::.‘- '. ' ti. _ l V... N' 7 \ ' 3/ h , ' 4 > - -' _ V , . ,3; '3 r, ' . :; $3.4" «\‘r- , , , 3,, .., :~, . . ~ ; h > ‘5' :5 f ' '3' ' ' ‘ g {Pi .‘ i» "V . 5‘ ; '. - . ‘ 33 . ’ ' I ‘ ', _~. ‘ . . . \ ‘ a“. 9;" _ . ,. . ., .‘A. . _ . _ BA [AA/CED FEED mom/cw. . . . MORE A 12.x MILK TIMMI NS Y‘_/] Chickens 15 Commercial Ave. “We Deliver†Place vegetables on hot platter. Top with ox tail joints. Remove ex- cess’fat from drippings in skillet and thicken remaining drippings slightly With flour. If gravy is too thick, an additional one cup of water may be added after meat is removed. '. Then simmer gravy 5 minutes more; Sea- son. Pour over vegetables. ' ' Miiking Herds Hogs ' Turkeys 36. IO .3“ .00 UNION BUS TERMINAL NORTH BAY v .TRIPS EACH 'WAY -[ EVERY DAY ' ' lEAVE NORTH BAY 10.10. m. 5.061.» SINGLE Tobey’: ‘ CARPENTER Sill†Phone 1876+ .126 Toke St. Timmins ' Minor Alteratlom'- * Counters. Shelves , Bookcases and Built In Cupboardn’ PHONE 101.2.) F0 10 11.45 â€4. Daylight Tim. ONTARIO PAGE I"! -- RETURN 311,00 K