Timmins Newspaper Index

Porcupine Advance, 27 Oct 1949, 1, p. 4

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*Canada $2.00 Per Year Authbrized as second class matter Ni S};e mog'u_kely to persuade the Russians that they are not in danâ€" ger o cause them to make war. ' : * Grfbat danger to peace comes from the constant irritation . screated in the free nations ty Communist propaganda. Sane N Ajslike to see the life of nations threatened by fanatic moveâ€" § Â¥f theâ€"RusSsians really want peace, all that they havie to atop supporting Communist movements in other countries. 21. 65 afo s;ble for free nations to have a long period of peace fesia nnder.the present Tsar as it was to have peace with Russia % Sunder his predecessors. «... _ Jhe ch arents wil dults will +0 l AA K. {l.#f nsP LREPEELL in 22 31 Nf§ t ts 11 tWWA A UVA N. _ VY A VAA . M PA t _ 4 0 Here is a list of the essential human liberties prepared by 2 tommittee of the American Law Institute, on which Canada had a repteseritative:~Freedom of religion, opinion, speech, assembly, und associations; Freedom ‘from wrongful interference, arbitrary detention, andâ€"retroactive laws; Rights to fair trial, property, caucation, work, food, housing, social security, equal protection and ‘barticipation in government. . ~.The nature and the extent of these freedoms in any nation are influenced by its heritage of moral standards, its legal tradiâ€" tion, and the social structufe.,it has built up. Every nation, anc ‘every generation, has to hammer out for itself the special pattern that will fulfill its ideal¢ within the limitations of its environment. #} It may appear foolish to ask: Who Wants Freedom? â€" But when one looks around the world it is not difficult to find whole nations whose people seemingly do not want it enough to stand up (ffectivelyâ€"for it; and even in Canada there is evidtnce that »n everyone is militantly free. Sso much is this true that men of ‘thought and goodâ€"will are worried about the ease with which people in still free countries swing toward the dictatorship of the _ speaking, the outlook would seem to be that, proâ€" _ Videéd«the free nations go on ‘with their business of organizing mdequate defence against a Russian attack, such an attack will mot take place, and that the ability to make atomic bombs will “I‘here are some who, for another reason, do not want liberty. :don‘t like the freedom it gives others to behave in a difâ€" Yerent way from them. An ox may lovehis yoke, and consider the @ger in the forest a stray and vagrant creature. Russian atomic bomb stories are a dime a dozen; range from -repo,nts that Russia is ready to drop atomic bombs on the U.S. ‘to accou'nts of an accidental explosion which killed all the Rusâ€" ‘sian and German scientists on the job. It is recommended thait ‘a:scmependable information be awaited. v ~Military outloOkis, naturally,« more pleasant for the Rusâ€" qians in the event of a war if they have atomic bombs than if lhey mave not. Some U.S. Army authorities have argued that ic might be wise tqo drop a lot of atomic bombs on Russia before '-‘hcy were ready to return the compliment, but the common sense and human decency of the people of the United States made this ‘mnothing but a theory, however correct as a piece of military techâ€" Bs + y J @_ _ The ancient Britons used to get goose pimples on their blueâ€" painted hides on the night of Oct. 31 when the ‘spirits of the wicked walked the land. On Oct. 31, 1949, the notâ€"soâ€"wicked «Epirits of little boys will be loosed again for ¢ne night of wildness Nn a year of _ reasonably wellâ€"mannered behaviour. x Hallowe‘en is the night when traditionâ€"bound parents are sobliged to let their offspring blow off a little steam. M Jw : Boys and girls, ordered évery mornifig to 'wé.s'h' béhind their will have a chance to smear their whole faces with burnt Little girls, constantly admonished to keep their clothes :(:lean, will run about in the trousers father wears to stoke the wurnace. t Latterâ€"day goblins, taught to say ‘"please" and "thank you" «at the slightest provocation, will thump on doors with the demandâ€" cry, "shell out" and then scurry off verandahs, their loot »clutched under their arms. ined to avoid serious thoughts about freedomâ€"â€" a. we do.other fundamentals of lifeâ€"until it is threatened. In view of what we see happening in the world today it is high time to ask; what is liberty? Can we keap it? What shall we do to fnake sure we do keep it? our grandfathers held to be simple statements of fact are challenged in many quarters. Institutions painfully ‘ ‘up "and guarded through centuries of struggle have been everttrown. The problem of keeping our liberties involves th whole of civilization. The idea of freegdom seems simple, the kind of thing we take for and ‘yet it bristles with difficulties. Mos s might be inclined to define liberty as being allowed to io what we want to do, to live without persecution, to work and earn asUecent standard of living. e _ _ ‘When we go farther, however, and think of the kinds of frecâ€" com, we run into complications, because civil, personal and pol tical are different in themselves and they sometime interfere with one another. . * J - i. . We are incl 1 o e i U e oo m i n io ie en m n efi .. Timmins, " Ontario, Thursday, 1}}‘?_‘.3‘ $ s 5 o ~â€"_â€" Russian Atomic Bomb Stories d every Thursday by Merion W. Subscription Rates: Their Annual Fling Our Liberties: ';"'l 'l".- m " er Association; Ontarieâ€"Quebes s United States: $3.00 Per 3 by the Post Office Department, October Zith, Some years ago there was a local gentleman who frequently wrote letâ€" ters to The Porcupine Advance. Those letters were always thoughtful and tipped with an odd humour that added to their interest. They were always welcomed at the office. t was quite evident that the writer of those letters kept posted on all curâ€" rent affairs. For this reason, it was at first surprising when one letter started out by stating that the writer never read anyhing in a newspaper except the editorials The writer went on to explain that he never troubled to read the news, becauss the news was always the same from year to year and from century to century. Every item of news, he cleimed. had been written before There were no new kinds of murâ€" ders, or burglaries, or concerts, or marriages,. or fores, or whhitâ€"havn you. "Change the names, the places, and the dates," the writer claimed, "and you will find any item has been written up before a score or z hundred times." At the time, The Advance, whils admitting that there was some basis ior letterâ€"writer‘s theory, sugâ€" gesed that there were some casos where tive gentleman woul1l need to go back some hundreds of years to duplicate current news. Examples that may have been quoted were the birth of quintuplets near North Bay. and the abdication of a British sovâ€" ereigr to marryâ€" a divorced comâ€" _ The chief point against the letter writer‘s theory, however, was the fact that most news had a twist that made it different. As a matter of exactly the same, or two accidents fact there were never two crimes that did not make them to some extent different in detail. In the early days of the Porcupine Camp, there were many items of real news, even considering the opinion of that humorous letterâ€"writer. One murder could not have been writâ€" ten up by changing the dates, naroes and places in a previous killing. The few murders here all had their odd twists to make them different. For one gontleman who was was hanged some twentyâ€"five years ngo, was convicted of killing one of his commonâ€"law wives in Timmins because she refused to keep another of his commonâ€"law wives, so that he couldâ€"live in peace at Rouyn with a third commonâ€"law wife There are nct many kinds of that type of murâ€" derâ€" on record. Even social events, after all, difâ€" fered widely, in more than the names, dates, and places. In addition to the necessity for a record of events as they occur, the differences in the various items of news of the day deâ€" served as detailed mention as might be practical. As for burglaries, they too were in Timmins. For example, there is the case of the fellow conâ€" victed of breaking into a room and stealing> money and a watch. After conviction, he broke out of jail, stealing money,‘ diamond rings and other valtables from some . of his fellow prisoners. \ But, you may say, a charge of obâ€" tiining money under falsé pretences would be the same in Timmins as in any other place. That would be a case where al} that would be necesâ€" sary would be to coange the names, places and dates? ; That idea shows that you do not know Timmins. This is proven by a case of obtaining money under false pretences in Timâ€" mins some thirty years ago. "GREENER PASTUREk No. 120. Everything Was Different Then The saccused was a humble lavnorer who lived in Moneta. According to reports at the time, the man secured several hundred dolliars from a numâ€" ber of ‘trusting women, before Conâ€" stable Norman Burke gathered enâ€" ough information about his afiexed fraud to bring him to trial <~Conâ€" stable Burke found that the man had been selling a form of ribbon garter that would, according to the Moneta man, do almost anything that was required of it. In each garter, the M .1eta man placed a paper on which was written a prayer in the Italian language. This prayer, accordmg to the garter peddler, was al} powerful under the proper circumstances, and with the proper amount of money paid him â€" One lady told Constable Burke that the garter had beéen guarâ€" anteed to wiard off disease, but it didn‘t, and she was refused: a reâ€" iund. â€"nother lady said that she was told that if she wore that garter she woild4 not have any more children. When she asked for her money back, for breach of contract, she was simpâ€" ly told she had worn it on the wrong ‘>g, and to adjust matters she must Fpay more money. Still another Alady had been promised a baby if sae wore the garter, but apparently. this was ancther case of the wrong leg, or the wrong garter, or the wrong piraye. From the information gathâ€" ered by Constable Burke some..ladies kad paid as much as $100.00, for the garter to assure ‘a‘large famil while others had paid up to $150.00 for a guarantee that they would Have no family at all. law under ordmary circumstances, the evidence for the Crown was so conf‘cting and so uncertain that thae magistrate felt he l:ad to give the accused the benefit of the doubt "I know who to believe," comâ€" mented the ‘"Neither do 1," responded J. E. Cook, who actedâ€" for the prosecution. The real basis of the defence was to the effect that only smaller amounts of money than thoss claimed had been paid over, that this money was not for the garâ€" ters, but for reading the scriptures to the ladies concerned. Dismissal oi the case seemed to be the only fair thing under al the circumâ€" stances. â€" In any event, it must be admitted that this was nct a case | where qnly the dates, places and ‘ names had been changed in a case of fraud. ‘ When the case «came to trial, ‘howâ€" ever, the Moneta man must have been wearing that powerful: garter himself, or maybe. two or three of the ribbon article, not to mention a‘‘inumâ€" ber of prayers. In this case, the prieyers seemed to be answered, for the case against the garter peddler was dismissed.‘ While the â€"evidence for the defence was such as would have had little weight in a court of e t iob Even in the ordinary incidents and zeccidents of the early diays there were twists that specially made them news. For instante, there was the instance of the patient at the Cairns Lospital who escaped through an open window during the first few minutes he had been left alone for many hours. This patient was s0o seriously ill with the prevalent ‘flu that no hope was held out for his recovery. Though his case seemed hopeless, every possible ‘attention had been given him, though he seemed close to the apathy of apâ€" proaching death. Escaping, clad onl perature around thirty below, th in a hospital nightshirt, with the temâ€" patient made his way to the, Matâ€" A‘4 before he was rescued_ Hustled tagami river, and was in the water back to the hospital there was no hope at all of his recoyery, but he fell into a deep sleep, and in the morning he was quite evidently well â€"A f# TT# on the way to recovery. Dr. H. Moore, the medical man in chargse of this patient, explained that ths cold trip to the river and the plunge into the icy water had broken the man‘s fever, and thus made his reâ€" covery‘ possible. The doctor, howâ€" ever, said such treatment was So drastic that it could not be ventured in most cases. But anyway, the item about this patient must be set down as news, even to a humorist, or espeâ€" cially to a humorist. Also, an item about so common a thing as a birth was worthy of being classed as real news, not duplicated by other names, p‘aces or dates. This item was published in The Porcupine Advance in February of 1918, and told of the birth of a son t: Mr. and Mrs. G W. Stewart, Jr., of Iroquois EFall:. So far, only a change of dates, names and places was required to put the item in the very commopn and ordinary class. But a comment sdded to the birth notice put the item in a class by itself. It was noted that the child‘s parents, grandparents, greatâ€"grandparents, and greatâ€"greatâ€" grandparents were all living and all in gocod health The greatâ€"greatâ€" grandiather resided at Ottawa, and was quoted as saying: "I am only 103 years old!" Even concerts in the early days were not just routine affairs that might have all been written the same, with a change in names, places and dates. One good example of this truth was the concert at which Dr. J. A. McInnis presided in 1919. An excellent programme had been arâ€" ranged by the band, but when the concert commenced it was found that not a singlse one of the assisting artists was present The good doctor iook it all in his stride. "I‘m calling ior volunteers," he said, and he named artists in the audience. The response was so notable as to be a matter of real news. Gifted vocalâ€" ists like A. W. Snow, J‘as. Geils, W. Ru:msay filled in a programme that was a genuine delight to music lovers. But someone may suggest that refâ€" erence had been missed lj>re to motor car accidents. Well, here‘s in 1918 that certainly was difâ€" ferent. A motorist was convicted of running into a baby carriage, with ‘tho baby still in the carriage That‘s nct too ordinary, but there are more twists to ccome. The motorist was fined $50.00 and costs. "I won‘t pity!" he told the magistrate. "I thmk you â€" will!""‘ Magistrate Atkinson snid as ‘he waved the man down from the stand. At first, the man steadily refused to pay, preferring even to go to jail. But the magisâ€" trate was more ‘ interested in the money being paid, so the car was seized and sold by public auction. ‘The fine was paid. Rev. Richard D. Jones Heard by Kiwanians (Continued from Page One) this by pointing out that in alt indusâ€" tries workers had io coâ€"operate in friendly way to secure. the best reâ€" sults. At the other end of the quesâ€" tion, there was certain to be loss and unnecessary cost if the execuâ€" tives were selected on the basis of prejudice, instead of on merit. "Ths churches, democracy, the industrialâ€" ists, the labour unions, the service clubs, and all others are against prejudice, just as they against .sin ’and ‘cancer, but prejudice, like sin iand cancer, continue with us," Rev. Mr. Jones said. "What can be done about it?" hc asked. His own answer was that the facts should be faced. Eve~ race or ethnological group had it too often in evidence. But no 1acg, or creed cr color had any ‘monopoly on ability or integrity. If all groups had equal opportunity and education, it would be found that all would disâ€" play the same level of heart and head. Prejudice wlas fed too often on mass judgments. but individuals shculd be judged on their merits, and real acquaintance would soon lead to respect and goodwill _ Rev. Mr. Jones complimented Timâ€" mins Kiwanis Club on the number of national and ethnological groups repâ€" *esented by its membership roll. "Yoau ire working. together and doing Eleven United States Communists stood in a HNHew York court room last Friday and heard a stern judge, J:arolid: Medina, pzss sentence on them for .conspiring to â€"advocate overthrow zgood work for yi;ur community, th; aation and the world, because you now each other withcut prejudice," Once when my social existence was slightly more esoteric, 1 sat arcound with John L. Lewis and nostalgically he told me, as he smiled thatâ€"sudden beatific grin of his, that he liked wild west movies. Knowing well the gentleman‘s‘ affinity for casting himself rockhewn rcles, I could see behind his momentary whimsy a vision of opalong" Lewis holding the mountain pass, single handed, aifainst whole tribes of roaring warâ€"painted Apaches. . Some years later, in San Francisco, I listened again to (this time at a safe distance across a banquet hall) and once more sented with the vision of a lone~figure fighting hordes of secret po justice and decency. Again he grinned as he to#ld us that the Whi use had wired his Alexandria home with microphones and had even red the FBI to plant a secretâ€"gadget truck outside the houseâ€"a vehi€le equippod with a new fangled wireless receiver which could pick up conversattons «e had in his living room or as he wlalked the street. Lewis told us that he believed Harry Truman was trying to frame him into a federal pen because Old Trueheart spoke for the working class of the world. Nothing less. _ Some days ago John L. (for Laundelot, I suppose) sounded off agaln behind the closed doors of Federal Conciliator Cy Ching‘s Washington offices or the third flcor of the U. S. Dept. of Labor building. And Lewis disclaimed as he always does when he‘s in troubleâ€"whether he‘s Hopalong or Hamlet, he‘s always the mian the world wants to crush because he‘s such a mighty, mnghty labor leader. a w â€" m is s h t s e © 6 % grizz‘yâ€"bearish Ching had brought the industrialists in a wearying effort to settle the coal strike, Old John sneered at them as "economic underâ€" ling~" with no influence. They sat there, grinned and enjoyed it as you always do a Lewis performance. For, the more difficulty he‘s in, the greater the histronics. 9. d mss fln ze Eo wind n t . 00 0 W No Old Hopalong dldnt fool anyone. He tried to exploit $Be stecl strike by giving the impression that he, personally, Launcelot Lewis was going to back it up. This was supposed to frighten the steel companies, who own ceoal pits of their own, into settling with Lewis.. What Lewis said, in effect, was that all of American industry had ganged up on him to cursh his United Mine Workers. To put it bluntly the reason for Lewis‘® new Wagnerian trumpeting against all U.S. industry, finance and Wall Street, is that he‘s really in personal crisis. He‘s worked himself into a senseless His: miners Hs knows he could settle today, get more money for his welfare fund, 2 shorter work week for his coaldiggers and send them back to workâ€"if hne would on‘y stop being stubborn and give up his demand to control producâ€" tion of American coal. But Heâ€"insists on the inclusicn of a clause. saying that the miners need work only when they ‘"are willing and able."" Which means that Lewis can shut down the fields anytime he wants-â€"â€"and the operators just won‘t have that. are pathetically broke and going more and more into debt ts= keep from going hungry and thinly clad this winter. i Because his coaldiggers are going penniless to satisfy his whims, he again has recreated an ogre and is holding the imaginary pass agamst imagâ€" inary Apaches. Then to prove that he‘s 1eally the worrywart of American ‘labor, he embarrasses Phil Murray by publicly asking the AFL to donate= $2,250,000 a week (plus his $250,000) to the steel strikers. This was supposed :to| heroâ€" ize him among his own people. But it didn‘t. {154 TAere Have been sharp protests from the minersâ€"and for ; tl;e first time in years they‘re talking back tc him. On his desk right now ‘he following typical telegram from the mmers local union in St. ;éxaels, Cambria County, Pa.: ‘"We be‘ieve a kitty should be raised to jlleviate poverty in the mining fields first. The policy of advocating bread for every other Johnny ‘éxcept Johnny Miner can have no other effect than to demoralize the ‘digger. If you visit the coal fields, the economic conditions will be selfâ€"evident that charity begins at home. ® "Signed by the officers." 2ut This wire, one of many reportedly sent him, reflects the resen}ment in the coa) fields figainst his ubiquitous grandstanding. It is the Steelworkers Union needs no money now. During the cl itegy session of CIO chiefs in Pittsburgh last Wednesday, leaders of the p rerful Amalgamated Clothing Workers (men‘s garments) and of the auto workers offered Murray .their treasuries, totalling some $10,000,000. Add this to his cwn $7,000,000 to $8,000,000 and you know Phil â€"Murxay PEd Eis fol lawers aren‘t exactly broke. $ If the o!1i boy wants to help the wOrking {people of thig Matitn; him put the ccaldiggers back.to work and guarantee coal in the steeKn so the industrialists may know they have fuel with which tooperatey Then we‘ll have peace, Sir Launcelot. In other words, the industrialists want a ceiling on jus how: many. mil4 lions of dollars they‘l}. have to shell out as the ydars go by. They recall that. John L. Lewis started by asking for a nickel a ton coal tax for his welfare, fundâ€"and‘now has hiked his demands to 30 cents . . . HEARD OF THIS BEAT: Once when a columnist insulted President Truman‘s wife and daughter in print, the little chief executive almost punched the newsman after h press conference. FSecret service men hustled between them, and the incident went unnoticed. That was one of the few moments in which Mr. Truman revealed how tough he can get when riled. Now he‘s that irritated againâ€" and only the fact that word was flashed to him from New York "late this past week that the steel strike might be over in five or six days g' him from sounding off at both sides. But on the same day he did go'{ offâ€" the record meeting of 200 businessmen and called some of the inQutrialists "stupid" , | : When word came that there might be steel peace, his negotiators were working on a formula which would have the steel industryâ€" grant Phil Mursay‘s union the 10â€"cent pension and welfare package, with ‘the _ _CIO not having to chip in a penny. BUT in return for this.nonâ€"contributory ‘system, the union would have to share in any jump in welfareâ€"pension payments from nc won . $ ' John Lewis may be responsible for actual hunger in the coal fields within 10 days. Clarks in hundreds of mine patch stores owned by the Union Supply Co., which caters to the miners and has given them vast: amounts of credit, report that "the coaldiggers have forgotten whatâ€" cash: means." So heavy is this credit load that the Union Supply Co. now con> templates cutting off all but cash sales and that will mean actual .depression. cays kind of aching empty stomachs. But the $1,000â€"aâ€"week John L. (plus: expenses, of course, of course) isn‘t upset by the thought. He‘ll cat . regularly., . . f One of the trcubles with motoring is that drivers don‘t decrchse acci dents as fast as accidents decrease drivers. Sing and the world sings with you; groan and you‘re a nuisance to th* community. . h Soon the latest thing in fall clothes will be ja married woman,. Ask the hubby who has to wait. r ‘"Fight billicon germs live on a dollar bill.‘"‘ * to pay taxes. and they don t buy things they don‘t afford. Mothers should t«@ach their sons to cook so that they need not go to work without break{ast when they marry. k away from authorities who disagree. In the good old days photographers used to take people hi"*,tlntyr( g. Now gasoline does it. $ Ofter the bride put initials on her flneuâ€"-â€"nuybe to make her mark in the social world. Consumers are showing more resistance to rising meat prices. It ‘/ikes 2 stout fellow to stand up to a tough slice Of round steak posing in porterâ€" hcuse prices. Feathers on hats are coming back, style report says MBy we recomâ€" mend the lovely plumage of starlings and sparrows? Western scientists have stuck upon a chemiQil that will disso‘ve fog, but they don‘t recommend it for those whose minds are continually in a A California woman â€"before she did. Pawnbrokers prefer people with no It doesn‘t count when the rubber you get in bridge comes froérm pecking The fellow who is a stickler for law often provek a trial to his friends. A Bit O° This and That by Victor Riesel identified a robber who got her husband‘s weekly n +4 # dolla‘t: bil!..‘" Yes, but germs don‘t have redeeming qualities Y, 1900, => need at prices they can‘t

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