Timmins Newspaper Index

Porcupine Advance, 7 Jul 1949, 1, p. 2

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man. * The club room of the Goldfie»lds Hotel decorated with fragrant summer flowâ€" ers was the setting for the reception. The guests were received by the bride‘s sister, Mrs. E. Grant of Franz, Ontario; who wore an afternoon dress of navy créepe, powder blue accessories and corâ€" sage of red carnations. ‘Mrs. Fratâ€" tura, mother of the groom assisted in receiving, and: wore an afternoon dréss Of navy blue with matching accessories aund corsase oi whlte gladioli and pmk roses. The bride wore a gown of embroid gred white nylon marquisette, styléd wit}: a nylon yoke, a.deep bertha with scealloped edging, and short sleeves, She wore a crownless hat garlanded with white ilowers and misted with veiling, white «gloves, and carried a cascade of red roses and baby‘s breath. She wore a crownlessâ€"hat of orchid marquisette trimmedâ€" with sprays: of lilacs and tied under the chin‘ with vellifig, orchid lace mittens, and.carâ€" ried a nosegay of yellow gladioli and sprays of delphinium. Theâ€" Church ofi the Nativity décorâ€" ated: with a profusion of summer flowersâ€"was the seene of the wedding on Thursdayâ€" morningâ€"of Helem Sedâ€" gwich, of Nobel, Ontario, and: Kingâ€" ston, daughter of Mr. and Mrs: A. T. Sedgwich Nobel, to Joseph Frattura, som: of â€"Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Frattura, Timmins. Father F. B. Murray perâ€" formedâ€" the ceremony. $ She was attended by Mrs. Lou Marâ€" shall matron of, honor. _ Mrs. Marâ€" s::all .chose a tgown ‘of orchid nylon marquisette . fashiqned>~ with a fitted bodice, with a double collar outlining the low V neckline and short puffed sleeves. . The«skirt was softly gathâ€" ®red and: tucked below the waist. Mr. and Mrs. John McDotugall â€" and family have left on a motor trip to Nova Scotia and New Brunswick where they will spend: several weeks with relatives and friends. Following a honeymoon in southern points the bride and groomâ€" will proâ€" ceed toâ€" Toronto, where the groomwill lake a summer course‘ at: the" Univerâ€" sity of Toronto. Mrs. E. Grant ~of; Franz, Ontario, was an out of town guast at the wéd- ding,. ; 4 Church of the Nativity Setting For Frattura â€"â€" Sedgwick Weddimng She was attended by Miss Grace Nelson, her sister, as bridesmaid, who wore a gown of blush pink taf.eta and net fashioned with sweetheart neckâ€" line and pufféed sleceves, The skirt Gf neéet was softly gathered and was caught at the side with a large bow of matching taffeta. She wore a wreath 6of carnations and white gladioli in her nair and carried a nosegay of pink carnations and shattéered gladioli. Les Sloan was groomsman and ushers were Mervyn Craig and Ted Walsh. The marriage took place in the Church of the Nativity on Monday morning of Lyda Nelson, younget daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. Nelson of Cochrane to Donalid Craig, son of Mrs. M. Craig and the lats Mr. Craig. Fatrer F. B. Murray oficiated. The church was decoratei ywith a profusion of summer and candelabra and the wedding music was plaved by Miss Shirlevy Thomson. After the ceremony a wedding break last was held at the home of the groom‘s brots:er, Mr. Jamo; Craig, 123 Cherry street. In the afternoon a reception was held in the Rainbow Room of the Goldflield: Hotel. ‘@he qguests were receiveo 1 by the bride‘s mother wearing a frock of black crepe with Black acâ€" cexxori¢=, and corsage of pink carâ€" nations., Fatr~er F. B. Murray officiated. The church was decoratei with a profusion of summer flowers and candelabra and the wedding music was played by Miss Shirley Thomson. During the nuptial mass and the <ignâ€" Ing of the register Robert Millette sang "On This Day, O, Beautiâ€".ul Mother," and ot:e~ appropriate hymns Given in marriage by her uncle, Mr. G. Lebrecque, the bride wore a gown of white sheer styled with shirred bodice. swcotheart neckline, #mbroidesed midriff and long full sleeves cuffed at the wrists, and softly gathered skirt. Her full veil fell from a coronet of nylon net she carried a cascade of pink roses. Craig â€" Nelson Wedding Performed In Setting of Summer Flowers Mr. Armand Renaudâ€" was grooms* To mourn her loss ‘she leaves ons daughter, Linda (Mrs. Oscar Paganaâ€" nen), sonâ€"inâ€"law and two grandchildâ€" ren. William and Toivo Paananen, at home at Night Hawk Centre; one son, Jalo, atâ€" 278 Augusta Ave., Tornoto; a brother Matti Mattson, at Grand Marâ€" ais, Michigan: They all were present at the. funeral services. ‘The late Mrs. Strang was greatly honouredâ€" and lovedâ€" by herâ€" fellowâ€" membersâ€"of the United Finnish Evanâ€" gehcal Mission Church. . Through her fine Christian character and winsom disposition she had won a great numâ€" ber of friends among many nationalâ€" ities in Northern Ontario. Friends from all mining camps and farming communities of the Porcupine Golden: Area had arrived to pay their last respects to Mrs. Mary Strang, nee Saveanpelto, who passed: away peaceâ€" flully at her home in Night Hawk Centreé, June 28th;, In his short funeral sermon on Death as a blessing, Rev. Heinonen spoke a few words on the great Christftan forâ€" titude with which Mrs. Strang had enâ€" dured ner long illn»ss and met finally also death itself, after a useful life of service and sacrifice for the Kingdom of Goga and for the Christian church in the Povcupine Golden Arra. Mrs. Charles Strang was the daughâ€" ter of thg late Matti Annola and his wife Anna Helena, nee Hautala, of Finland. . She was born at Tarvolank, Lappajarvenp.,, Vaasa. Provincs,.. Finâ€" land om the eleventh day of March, 1880. She came to Canada together with her late husband and their two children: during 1924 For a few months they lived at Copper Ciiff, while Mr. Strang was working at Mile 45 and Johnson and Brander Lumber Camps of the Wicks Lumber Co:, Ltd. â€" During the next year they bought th» farm at Connaught, Night Hawlk Centre, where she died. Mr. Strang predeceased her at Haileybury Sarfitarium a few years ago. The funeral services wore conducted in the Chapel of Hunkin‘s Funeral Home, South Porcupine, July ist, at two‘ o‘clock in the afternoon. _ Rev. A. I. Heinonen officiated, conducting ths services in Finnish and English. Floral tributes had arrived from a great number of friends. The pallbearers were; Samuel Emil, Kuusela, Evert Kallico and Oscar Paanan‘en. The interment t0ook place at Tisdple Cemetery. Funeral Services Held For Mrs. Mary Strang T::e grooms gift to thne bride was a gold wrist watch the bride preseated the groom with a Ronson lighter, the bridesmaid reéceived a pin, the groomsman‘ a cigaret ‘case and the soloist and organist and ushers receivâ€" 1 personal gifts. ‘Pribr to her marrriage the was entertained by Miss: Je Leblanec of Cochrane. QOut of town guests at the wedding were Mrs. Fred Pearson and son Predâ€" die, Noranda, Mrs. Nelson and son Murray, o‘ Cochrane, Miss (Grace Nelson, Cochrase, Ted Walsh Cochrane, and Mr. Gérry Lobrecque and family of. Val d‘Or. For the honeymoon trip to ern Ontario the bride wore a grey gabardine wit: powdcâ€"> } cessories â€"and corsage of rose their return they will rc_ide Ogden avenue. At the reception Mr. Lester Hill nrcvided plano selections, :;:e also entertained with several delightful tolo:, cthc: soloists were Mr. Gorge Bilborough. and Mr. Mervyn Craig. Mrs. M. Deacon left Saturday for pwo weeks holiday at Moosonee. Timmins, Mrs. B. Clark, Timmins, Dr. and Mrs. G. Feidler, New York City, Mr. and Mrs. Ferguson, Barrie, Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Feller, Georgetown, Mr. and Mrs. W. Beihn, Georgetown, Mr. and Mrs. W McNally, Georgetown, Mr and Mrs. Jos. Garvin, Barrie, Mr. and Mrs Jack Garvin, Barrie Mr. and Mrs. A. Spangue, Belleville, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Pritchard,; Kingston, Mr. and Mrs. M. Hearn, Kitchener, Mrs. A. J. Prest, Kitchener. Mr. and Mrs Thcmas Prest, Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. C. Stumpf{. Elmira, Mr. and Mrs. J. Mitchell, Elmira, Mr. M. Weiniek, North Bay. Amon the out of town guefits atfiend- at Sarnia and Lake Huro. ing the Lakeâ€"Sharpe wedding ‘were Mr. and‘ Mrs: Jos. Lake, Powassan, Mr. Mr. and Mrs. A. Belfour le‘t for Knd Mrs. L. Schafer, Bayfield, Mr. and Toronto where Mr. Belfour will go t Mrs. H Rinn. Tottenham, Dr and MrS. Kingston where he will take a cours Lee Honey, Welland, »Mr. and Mrs. at Queen‘s University and Mrs. Bel G. F.Mitchell; Grimsby, Mr. Chester four will remainin Toronto visiting Wyse, Timmins, Miss Barbara Barry, her parents for the summer, Mr. Stan Pearce is spending a holâ€" iday viting his son Bob and family in St. Catherines. Miss Delores Grant and Miss Mary Warry left to spend the holidays in Niagara and Sarnia. Pictured above foll¢wing their wedding which toock y and Myrs. Donald Craig. â€" The bride is the former Lida No The groom is the son of Mrs. M. Craig, 254 Ogden aveon u St. Alphonsus Roman Catholic Church, Schumacher, was the setting for a pretty wedding recently when Katherine Dukovac was united in marâ€" riage to John Buchar. _ The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. M. Dukâ€" ovac, Grimsby Beach, while the groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. M. Buâ€" char Riverside Pavilion "The Dancers For The Best Music And Finest Dance Floor DANC!E at the To The Music of Mrs. C. .R Gallagher and son Bobby are expected home on the weekâ€"end after spending two weeks® hohdaymg at Sarnia and Lake HuroH., Mtr. and Mtr home after Barber‘s Bay. were presented to Nancy Alleéen. Audry Alien, Patsy Andrew, Evona Fanoff and.Wendy Cro:s. It was deâ€" cided a Varijiety Games Night would be heldâ€" during the coming season and that the girls would work fo, their Mr. and Mrs. A. Belfour leit for Toronto where Mr. Belfour will go to Kingston where he will take a course at Queen‘s University -:.z'n}q Mrs. Belâ€" t ui. ie . mb . t e h .. es . ds m o «ie ap Photo by Rovyal Studio s. C. Carruthers returned two weeks vacation at A#iA* 4A > on Monday in the Church of the Nativity are Mr. 1, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. Nelson of Cochrans, ind the late Mr. Craig. Advance Photo Mr. and Da cons, George and P visit with relative: Haileybury and Cob George Culhane hkas left to spend vhe next ten days at the home of his mcethcr in Cobalt. Misses Gloria and Madeline Landâ€" reville have returned to Toronto where they are employcd after spendâ€" ing several weeks visicing at the home cf their parents. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Landreville, 110 Third avenue. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Oliver, 113 Patâ€" ricia Blyvd., are spending a three weeks vacation in Ontario. Mr. and Mrs. Head and daughter Margaret and son Jiminie of Calgary will spend the next scven weeks visitâ€" ing in the district. Mi:s Lily Co‘:born of St. Catherines panny, Mr. and MiS is:a: seven. weeks visitor to. the distritt, ___________._ _ _._.__ _ While here Miss Colborn will attend the skating sessions mnow in progress | at the McIntyre Community Building. | Miss Marilyn MacGregor of Winniâ€" peg arrived Fridsy morning to spend vhe‘ next seven weeks in town. Wihnile here Miss MacGregor will attend the figure skatinz ses:ions at McIntyre Mis; Sydney Foster and her brother Chuck Foster of Fargo, N. D. are amonz those who will attend the sumâ€" me skating at Mcelntyvre Arena. Mr. and Mrs. John Pratt and son Bcobby have returned after spendâ€" ing the holiday weekend with relatives and friends in Kapuskasing. Miss Leana Prince has returned after spending the weekend with friends in Kapuskasing. Mrs. B. Pecore and Mrs. Cole, 59 Balsam street. South have returned after . visiting friends in Kapuskasing ovetr.the weekend. Miss. Janet Fisher has returned to Toronto after spending a brief visit with her parents, Mr and Mrs. T. Fisher, 331 Seventh avenue. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Gurcvitch. Reva nd Ronni¢, ‘:ave left to spend a acation at Watebeaz. When gahead the road‘s not clearâ€"Be careful, danger may be near! Danny Culhane and Paddy, have left to ves and friends in To try to pass on a hill or curve is asking for trouble ... take it easy, wait until the way is clear. And, always observe the rules of highway safety. Father HMigh Martindale officsiated at the ceremony and Mrs. Henry Donâ€" ovan pleyed t‘e woeiding music and hymns during the nuptial mass. Givâ€" in in marriage by Mr. See, the bride woere a strest length dress of petalâ€" white crepe with a crownless »icture hat to match, white lace mitâ€" tens, and carriel an old fashioned rosegsy ‘of white glaaioli circled witn: vink rosebuds. Mrs. Gilbert Hill} was <matron of honor, and: wore an afternoon frock of yellow silk jorsey, a whits straw hat Against summer | Church o when Rita, only daugnter of Mr. an Mrs. E A O‘Callaghan, Timmins be came the bride of Francis Josepi Kâ€"ly, son of Mr and Mrâ€" Matt Kelly North Bav. trimmed: with yellow flowers tied undâ€" ¢r the chin with mauve veiling and mauvye lace mittens, She carried a nosegay of mauve gladioli and roseâ€" buds. Mr. Emmett McNulty, brother in law of the groom, was best man. â€" Te rescotion was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harold See, 156 Elm <treet South. The bride‘s mother reâ€" ccoved the guests wearing a ilowered silk jersey dress, s white hat, and corsage of yellow roses. The groom‘s mother, who also received, chose a gown of powder blue facgnne crepe wit:: navy accessories and corsage of red roses. Mrs. J. J. McCatrhy, grandâ€" mother of the bride, poured tea. Later the couple left for a motor to points south. on their reâ€" turn they will reside in Timmins. Out:â€"of town guests at the wedding were Mr. and Mrs. Regis Kelly and son Kelly â€"O‘Callaghan Nugtial Vows Exchanged m Church of Nativity U# i G H _ alm aitar decorated â€" with flowers and candlelight, the t Nativty was the setting First of all, when yeu are paid, pay yourself. Unfailingly, set aside a definite percentage of your earnings, deposit it in a savings account with usâ€"â€"and leave it untouched. Then plan to live comfortably on the balance of your earnings. In this way you are bound to succeedâ€"to enjoy life much more, to be independent when independence means most. LET <« NOTHING COME AKHEAD â€"OF. THIS H. J. Fuke â€" Timmins Branch Manager THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE Matt J. Kelly, GEO. H. DOVUCETT, Minister Be generous to yourself. 1d Mrs. Howley and daughter Gloria of Enwewcod, New Jersey, will be visâ€" itors in the district for the next seven weeks, Mike Ke‘ly, snd Mr. and Mrs, Hugo Shaw, all of North Bay. Prior to ner marriage the bride was Mis J. J. McCarth ford, Mrs., Ma‘t.a Mrs. Joe Couthier Mrs. Sonvya of spend the distriet. mer while Miss Thoresa La.onte was a week end visitor to North Bay she visited relatives and _ kating pr on *EVERYVTHING IN MUSIC" PIA NOS kating Ssonva Frank Cu: £ Edmonto \Villis Cn. Mason Risch RECORDS 76 Third Ave. i6/ lhn(l‘ .\:. PHONE 3525 Whiile he teachinsg ot Of All Types wWill e and lessons ‘riage the bride was wers by Miss Velma Hill, Mrs. Bill Goss, Â¥. Mits. isert Ruthe®râ€" Tie dGaugnter n have arrived to ven weeks in the re Mrs, Currie will Mâ€"Chesne 439 the sumâ€" Mcelntyre with he; anuszhter

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