Timmins Newspaper Index

Porcupine Advance, 12 May 1949, 1, p. 7

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Light °. sexed 4 cemplet alAcatita mE PE mm C P week" old at bargain prices while they lutu Also day old cockerels, pullets _nonâ€"sexed ‘chicks, turkey poults, finmediate delivery. A sample of the bargains: 6 week old Lig :t Sussex X i tE Started cockerels, pulléts, nofnâ€"sexâ€" ed many breeds and cross breeds to choose from 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8,:9, and 10 i : * / 6 t te ccmpleto bargain price list aldgti¢:‘ T'Q“h Ghtok Hatcheries: Fergus,: Ontario _ (minimum 50c) AV Claasified Advertising @ust tr te A WORD PER INSERTION #+, _ »NOTICE TO CREDITORS mfl AND OTHERS _ All claims against the Estate of .. Nellie Babic (also known as Nelâ€" "**ta Babic), late of fhe Town of Timmins, who d_igd on or agg‘m assist in buying or A;imfl'odng your‘ or fur any othcr need" . _ Phone 26 MVE the 21st day of November, 1944, must be filed with the underâ€" signed before June 2nd,.1949, atâ€" ter which date distribution of the estate will be made having ~regard only to the _cfa'lins ‘"of »~which the undersignéd Shall then . nave notice. (% "% /+‘ Dated at Timmins, Ontario, ‘ this 12th day of May, 1949. â€"_ Peter Babic. Administrator with Will Annexed, by his Solâ€" icitor, J. W. Liecberman, 206 Sky Timmins, Ontario. w P #* _ ~PROFESSIONAL CARDS Hampshires, New Hampshires, t : sussex cockerels 36.95, nonâ€" d 43.95, pullets 58.95. â€" Send for 28 . NOTARY PUBLIC ‘â€"__ Suite.5 Ellies Bldg. * 87 Third Ave, Timmins PHONES â€" Offlce 3819 Res, 2747 Monthly for Do you require a FOR SALE Gillies Este Financial RTERED ACCOUNTANTS nsed Municipal Auditors AR ST. 8. TIMMINS ONT. Phones 640 and 681 SOLICITOR, 19, 20, 21 Timmins ‘ _ syrLaw nunBerk : ‘”hmmut ;tm RArman Catholic Separate © shoal ; for School Section No# 1 in the Townâ€" chip of Mountjoy require to borrow | the sum of $15,000.00 for school purâ€" large present School to six rsoms and f5r such purpore to issue debentures therrftor bearing interest at the rate et Four and one half (4‘‘%) per centâ€" um per annum which is the amount o{f the debt intended to be creatod by AND WHEREAS it is expedient 13 make th» principal of the said debt repayable in twenty (20) annual in« staiments of the respective amounts «hown in the cecond eolumn of Scheâ€" dule "A" hereto w‘ich is hereby dz>â€" elared to be:and form a part 0f this byâ€"law; AND WHEREAS it will be~â€"necesâ€" sary to raise during the respective years of the said poriod of twenty _years the respective sums set forth in the fourth column of Schedule "A" hereto to pay the yearly sum of prinâ€" cipal and interest as they become due; a 0 L oA o d o . in in v ic Ne n 4A AND WHEREAS the amount of the. whole rateablé property rateable for. Separate SZchool purposes in the said School Section No. 1 in the Township ef Mountioy according to the last reévised assessment roll is $164,527.00. AND WHEREAS the amount of the existing debenture debt of the Board o0%¢ ‘Trustees of the Roman Catholic Separate ~Schools. for ‘Schotcl Section Nc. 1 in the Township of Mountjoy is $77,300.00 and no part of principal 07 interest is in arreatrs. NOW THEREFORE the Board C Trustee; of the Roman Catholic Sepâ€" arate School for School Section NoOo. i in the Township of Mcuntjoy ENACTS AS FOLLCWS: 1. That for .the purposes there shall be borrowed the sum of $15,000.00 and debentures of the Board of Trustees of the Roman Catholic Separate School for Section No. 1 in ine Tm‘mship of Mountjoy shall be therefor in sums of not less thanâ€" Cne Hundred ($100.00) ‘Dollars each. â€" The said debentures shall have coupons thereto for the payâ€" l’p'ayment of interest annually. _ w 2 4 2 us 92. The debentures shall be dated as of the first day of May 1949 and shall be payable in twenty (20) annual inâ€" Etaiments on the first day of May in each of the years 1950 to 1969 incluâ€" sive, and the respective amounts of principal payable in each of such years shall be as shown in Schedule "A‘" hereto annexed. 3. The debentures as to both princi« pal and interest shall be expressed in Canadian currency, and shall be payable at the Bank of Nova Sceotia, Timmins, Ontario. £ 4. The Chairman and Secretaryâ€" Treasurer of the said Board shall sign and issue the said debentures, and the debentures shall be sealed with the corporate seal of the said Board. The interest coupons attached to the deâ€" bentures shall be signed by the said ‘Cecretaryâ€"Treasurer and his signature thereon may be written, stamped, lithegraphed or §. During the twenty years, the curâ€" rency of the debentures, the respecâ€" tive sums set forth:in the fourth colâ€" umn of Schedule "A" hereto shall be levied and collected annually by 2 â€" _ BARRISTERSâ€"ATâ€"LAW Solicitors, Comsmigsioners Netaries Public W. 0. Langdon K. C,, T. E. Langdon TIMMINS SO. POROUPIN.! Drew Block 110 Bruce Ave. Ph. ~Off. 223 Ph. Off. 96 Drew Block Ph. Off. 223 ~â€"Res, 492 William Shub, B. A BARRISTERâ€"ATâ€"LAW 9 Third Ave, . Phone 332 17 Pine N. CALDBICK YATES Frank H. Bailey, Bark of Commerce 8. A. Caldbick, K. C. Oo W- Y‘ml B‘ A.‘ 3TERS SOLICITORS EVC to build, equip and enâ€" ISTER and SOLICITTOR NOTARY PUBLIC Phone 1110 .mmmwmw. BEINC A P tiin portions of the un â€"named > BY.LAW to stop up cer«l B4 8t id s C m,flfl. # . u p> * ‘The eir to teady ‘a and a0mMy ‘sessicns t3 move and as son __aeore save people wore busy outside, furniture as s "t4+* te Bustard brothars . both Mr. Harold, owners of rad a number of to have the right to lease or sell the pcrtions of the streets and tae lane!‘ so stopped up. AND WHEREAS notice of the in« tention of the Council has been duly advertised as required by the Muni«â€" cipal Act and all persons who claim | that their land would be ‘prejudicially | affected by this byâ€"law and who apâ€"|â€" plied to be heard have been heard by the Council. % Now THEREFORE BE IT ENACâ€" TED AS A BYâ€"LAW OF THE TOWN OF TIMMINS as follows:â€"â€" 1. There is hereby closed and stopâ€" | ped up that part of an ®Qinâ€"named street on the west boundary of Plan Mâ€"29 Cochrane described as fcllows:â€" "Commencing at the south west angle: of Lot 17 as shown on Registered Plan Mâ€"29 C:chrane: Thcuce North Ast. aâ€" icng the east btundary of tae said street shown on said plan a distance of 750 feet to a point on the easterly extenâ€" sion of the south boundary of West~â€" mount Boulevard as shown on regis« tered Plan Mâ€"88 Cochrane; Thence South 89 degrees 56 minutes West on said easterly extefsion 33 feet to a. point on the West boundary of lands laid out under Registered. Plan Mâ€"29 Cochrane: Thence South Ast. along said West boundary 750 feet to a point on the Westerly extension of the Scuth boundary of Lot 17 as shown on said plan, Thence North 89 deâ€" grées 56 minut2s east along said Wesâ€" terley extension 33 feet to the point of commencement." «> h. d 2. Th;x:; ié hnereby closed and stopâ€" ped up that portion of an unâ€"named. street shown aqnp the West boundatry of Plan Mâ€"29 Cochrane described as follows:â€" "Commencing at a point on the east boundary of the 33 foot street shown along the west boundary of Registered Plan Mâ€"20 Cochrane, t20 said point being North Ast. 825 feet from the south west angle of Lot M as shown on said plan; Thence North Ast. along the east boundary of: said strect a distance of: 730.92 feet to point at the north west angle of Lot 13 as shown on said plan; Thence North 89 degrees 57 minutes West along the westerly extension of the north boundary of said Lot 33 feet tc} a point on the west boundary of said plan; Thence South Ast along said west boundary 731 feet to a point South 89 degrees 56 minutes West Nowe . 900 m from the pomt of commencement; Thence North 89 degrees 56 minutes special rate sufficient therefor Oover and above all other rates in the same: manner and from the like persons and property, by, from, upon Of out of which other Separate School rates are levied. raised and collected for the said period of twenty years. ui) 6. The said sum of $15,000.00 zo boOr« rowed and interest thereon and th6o said debentures shall be and the same:® are hereby made a charge. upon th. schcoolâ€"house property and prenuse’b and on the real and personal property vested in the said Board Of Trustecs: of the Roman Catholic Separate Schooal for School Section No. 1 in the Township of Mountj>y and upon?_ s1l the Separate Schocl rates of ‘the said Bcard to be hereinafter unpOcod ‘untnl the said debentures and each and every of them together with all interest therson shall have been fully paid and satisfied. 7. The said debentures may contain any clause providing for registraâ€" ticn thereof authcrized by any Statute relating to Municipal debenturas in force at the time of the issue Read a first and second time this 21 day of April A.D. 1949 J. P. Bergeron â€" Chairman H. Lemieux : Secretaryâ€"Treasurer Read a third time and passed this 21 day of April A.D. 1949 J. P. Bergeron Chairman C H. Lemicux _ Secretaryâ€"Treasurer . Sne C 2 tE of the gtr,:e where they wc-:e ets. and tae Jan€! enc wecnomy Slore next to the j | Gerage was saved but the side of the r:?tice ?.r the,, ,i,?; w’illagras bSstered and windows broken a «iL oA aa ‘kfi“”h Ww . RMeEME 2 C 0 0 o from‘ the intense heat, even . though water was continually sprayed on both roof and wall. ‘The Bermont Hotel and the L. :C. Johnschn General Store were also in danger and two lines of hose kept on the roofs of both places to keep the buildings wet. in the places where it seemed almost imâ€" East 33 feet toâ€"the said point of comâ€" mencernent." » 3. There is hereby closed and stopâ€" ped up that portion of Hamelin street described. as follows:â€". "Commencing at the south west angle of Lot 16 as shown on Registered Plan Mâ€"29 Coca+â€" rane: Thence North 89 aegrees 56 min« utes East along the south boundary <f said Lot 594 : ‘eet to the south east _ Pmd angle thereof; Thenc» South Ast. 66 feet to a point at. the north east angle t _ LX 6. The Corporation may lease or sell the portions of the street shown on the west boundary of Plan Mâ€"29 Coâ€" thrane, the portions of Hamelin street and the lane between Lots 19 and 20 as>shown on Plan Mâ€"80 Cochrane so glosed and. ‘stopped up." " AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that any petson who claims that their lar _Mllfi‘;b*mejfldic,ially affected by ‘the byâ€"law. and who applies to be Reard will be heard by the Council, in person or by his Counsel, Solicitor ‘or Agent at a time to be fixed thereâ€" for upon the appli¢ation to be heard. * DATED at Timmins, Ontario this |‘gth day of May, 1949. _ THE CORPORATION OF THE [ss TOWN OF TIMMINS sX By V. Salomaa i ‘ Clerk. c s y ' 19, 20, 21, 22 Mrs. J. .called to her‘mothe hâ€" stroke. is that V next dition has Te lad ebrated ty ‘thc aftert rived to : who ::ad azain. Mr: day May At bot! games Al rvents. I visitors W und usef Those Ladoucer. col:apsou. e removed saved. but ed a . new urned toâ€" tsols and t to the ide of the ws broken n . though d on both ont Hotel ieral Store vo lines of n~th nlaces The girls cluks of Shillingtorn and Hcoker Creck held their Achievement Day Saturday, May "th. at tre Courtâ€" room, Mstheon, with Mitses L, Petty nnd E. J. Stewart, Home Eccnomists ¢f the Women‘s Intitute Branck D¢éâ€" partment of Agricuiture, Toronto. to judge the work done by the girls. The girls a.l made dresscs and. modelled them. They also made Rezord books which were a complete story of what they had learne1l during the year. The work was judged and later Miss Petty presented certificates to the girls comâ€" pleting théir unit. Those participatâ€" z4 ass â€" ilialr or sell w e l C e o ; . P > was cnly a few years ago that Mr. ard M:s. Bustard lost their home by fire, while ti::y were in Toronto. At shat time the x iis were home and in the batin milking when the fireé broke w m uk out and their kome Yiiifm _â€"_ VABNW Mc o c oo ce 0s % T ing were girls from Shillington Silck Sewing Sircle with their leader, Miss Mary Jane Lsfebvre, and the Hooker Créek Club with Miss Evelyn Wolfe leader. HEALTH CONFERENCE HELD Ten Healt: Confe:ence held at the Courtrozm Mathéson, Thursday, May 5th, by Miss Grace Hamilton of the Women‘s Institute Branch Department of Agriculture, was well attended. This conference was ‘very interesting and many important topics were dicussed, including types of blcod, R. H} factor, the different toxoids, t‘:e after effects ‘of measles scarlet etc. . ~ Miss Hamilton also stressed the need for farmers to pasteurizc the milk for the heme which could be done in a double boiler. A brief talk on tie needk for relaxation periods to ward off heart stfain especially for people forty yeats or o‘der. Cancer and how to tell a few symtoms was dcalt with in trief. also Arthritis and neuritis. A hearty vots of thanks was extended by Mrs. A. Hebbc; of S::illington ta Miss Hamilton for her inspiring and enlightening conference.‘ L Mr. Anthony Gettler of Mitchell, Ontario. motored to Matheson May 7, 2s »a N ANZ, _ AAR M M M P e t s to spend a ho‘liday with Mr. and L. Gettler. Gold called to Detroit. Mich. to be with her‘mother who has recently suffered h stroke.. Word receivede last week is that Mrs. Hough plans to return home next week as her moti:er‘s conâ€" dition has improved. ® J a «Ne L 4. io oc Artortio ind ebrated two birthdays recently, one in thc afternoon when eleven ladies arâ€" rived to surprise Mrs. Isaac Durham who :ad her birthday recently. Then azain. Mrs. George Gray nad her birthâ€" day May 6th At both homes the ladies played games and danced to celebrate the rvents. Lunch was supplied by the visitors also brought many pretty und useful gifts. Those present were, Mrs. Oscar "e ladies of Vimy Ridge have celâ€" Hough of Matheson . was were, Mrs. Oscar H. Durham, Mrs. F. comp.ete C:cmin‘cn gove?nmem, p _ e its prigram unde® which farmerâ€"sponâ€" Ontario in rumbers again this spring," says Presâ€" ideit W. J. McGregor in his‘ annual report to sharehclider:. "This long.teâ€"m . prograim. w::ich placed thcusands of the finest type of Eurcpean farm families mainly from Be‘gium and Holland, has not only Plouffc. M«s. D:edge, Mis. Les. Durnam, MIS. iard Miles, Mrs. Howard Smith, Mrs. A. Smith and the tws celestating their birthdays, Mrs. fsaas Durham and Mrs. G:orge Gray. Mathc:cn branch of the Wom°ns Institute plan to hoc‘d their next monthly meeting Tuesday the 31st of May. The date has beca changed on azeccunt of the Annual Convention June 8th. coming the next day fallowâ€" ing t:e usual meeting day. The. Mother‘s Day Service was conâ€" ducted Sunday evening at St. Andrew‘s United Church, Matheson, by memâ€" bers of the Mother‘s Club. The music was supplied by the childreén‘s choir under the direction of Mrs. R. C. Wade and Miss M. McMorine with Miss N. Findlay at the organ. Rev. K. I. Cleator. in his sermon stressed the need of "Making the home Chistâ€" jan" and gave fists w.:.ich pisoved that in most cases of Juvenile ‘Delâ€" Inquency blameo could ‘be‘ placed upon the hcme envirements. Members a: io A tA C # 8 SA the Mother‘s Club participating in the service were, Mrs. R. Craig. Mirs. R. CG. Wade, Mrs. J. A. Mooteé and Mrs. M. Leavoy while Mrs. 8. Brotherston and Mrs. R. Johnson took the offerâ€" ing. Mrs. V. Davis of Swastika and\ daus‘.ter Barbara is visiting with her parénts, Mr. and Mrs. A. Brightwell. cf Shillington. Northen Star branch of the WIâ€" men‘s Institute held their regular monthly mesting at the *some of Mrs. A. Mackford. Shillington. The meetâ€" ing was well attended. Guest speakâ€" er was Agricultural Representative. Mr. L. H. Huanian of Matheson who gave an intercsting addr‘ess on soil erosion and its remedy throug~ reforestatiofi. At the conclusion of the delicious lunch . wWaAS served by the joint hostese=s, Mrs. E. Cline and Mrs. and Mrs. A. Mackford. ' Thirty residents of ghillington motâ€" cred to South Porcupine to attend t*e Variety Show at the Ssouth iPorâ€" cupine High. School. Automobile Insurance YÂ¥ou may have had a car or truck stored for the Wnnter If so iet us quote you rates for your protection against acâ€" cidents or fire damage. We also write Fire Insurance; Piate Glass, etc. SULLIVAN NEWTON 21 Pine Street North. Timmins, Ontario ‘Phone 104 of the Women‘s is continuing Mrs. Willâ€" r Oomâ€" (Est. 1912) t maintainc4 but actually increased the number of familyâ€"operated in cur sugar beet area. Jarm Imnntigrants as A class, are the finest exponconts o. soll buildia®gâ€" and conâ€" o Te M s ot exodus from farimn ts the citic« "IP..e company is also establishing mobille labor posts in the sugar beet disulet manned by ; farmers "»#»P»mM O Ne ts DJ on bonm- Bartieman caid, "I bhave had complaint: from parents up Toke St. about. tis proposed ‘plans of the Kinsm+ir Club in regard to the Tiny Tcts Playground at Giglics Lake Park. It‘ they procced with present plaas <ho clde: beys and gitls will have no place to play ball unrless it is out on the street. Other parts of park cauld te used for th» Tiny Tots "That i~ almcst the of last veas when I was Public Relatic as Cbairman," said Ccunciller Aubry "% had complaints trat they did not want them playing ball in the park because they were breaking too many windows with the softball." « | 4 AL n duticcs db at _ council give me the auâ€" thority to approach the Kingsmen Club and give them our views on ‘the subâ€" ject," asked Mr. Bartleman,. * Council agreed. Mortgage Loans â€" in health and bottom in cost. Our Daily Specials are. tops Silver Grill RAILWAY STREET Ansonville , SERVE â€" . FINE FOOD have become a * iB ik *

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