p‘. ‘Cn Gun Get Action‘‘*";. D‘.' 6c C 1L W2rs _ Moose Case to Reâ€"open â€" «> Roya‘ Câ€"nadiar Sea Cadet Corps‘ wi‘l lose a veâ€"y valua‘sle memâ€" he â€" of its‘ nersonnel w‘ien Cgdet Chief Cnner‘ Mate Roy G. Hobbs submits p‘: »ral@n»tion to 7.0. Wm. Hitéh. Tha Raval Canajian Navy ha acceptâ€" e‘ HobFs as Ordinary Seaman in the Bâ€"anch and is to re> port for duty very shortly. _Petty Hobbs has been with (th: Corps for a litlle over five,,yéirs. The Boards of Trade in Ogiilia, Barâ€" riâ€" _ Noâ€"th Bavy and Cochrane have commenced. on their annua! memberâ€" drive and from. the present reâ€" poflr it is expected that the memberâ€" s"iz will increase by at lea:t twentyâ€" five percent over last years numbe~ A liitle warning to all local ~porstâ€" men wio were successfiul in obtaining ducks, or geese last fall. . In Ontai it is Mlezal to have migratory ga birds in one‘s possession (whetaer in one‘s own home, cold storage loclc- c* o0> elsewhere) After â€"March 31st. Fat up those birds and cave. the trouble of having the Mounted Policâ€" preseciite= for megal posse'sion game birds. 4iX ¢ In many of the cases the owners of the birds claimed that they had forâ€" rottyi that they still had some of their bag of A@ucks and geese in cold storage. The realization that they had broken the law appeared as : unpleasant surprise <to nearly all of ihe lockerowners prosecuted. On Sunday,. all Cubs, Scouts, Brownâ€" ies: Guides leaders will atâ€" ten‘ special ‘churc‘t services. Roâ€" mar Catholic members will meet at Central School at 10 a.m. to proâ€" ceed to St. Anthony‘s Cathedral ‘for 1¢.30 mass. Protestant members will macet. at Zentral School at 10.30 a.m. to proceed to s; Matthew : Proâ€"Caâ€" .thedral ipr the ad pï¬m zen iclock se;- Â¥ice.‘:""" % 152 5s 3 *! Fleventa Troops. will..meet at . the Bbszement of Notré Déthe de Lourdes Churclv in t‘m evenlng fo :ra special _/ Rather: Brouillard oys# from Larder Lake wil! ‘be present, gnd all parents are invited. _ The members of the Porcupine Rod Gun Club at their regular meetâ€" ing held on Tuesdgy in the council chamï¬ers heard a renott on â€"the ‘acâ€" tion taken to have the ‘eare reopened acainst L. Gauthier for the illegal killing df two moose. out of season. Lo‘ters the club and from Wm. Grummett. K.C., to the Department o‘ Lznd~ and Forests on the subject were read and the rgply from the Deâ€" partment on the qwon they were taking was given to the meeung A: leiter had been sgent to the Crown Attorney by the Department instructâ€" ing him to raopen the case and that the h>aring would take place in Cochâ€" rane. on March It was also janed that a request had been ftted to the legislature to. have increased penaities.imposed for such 'Phe Porcupine Fish an Game Proâ€" tective Fnderaï¬pn nm, the Rod and Gur Club a: promisiry note to the amount cf $982.69 payabl- in one year. This. amount is in. payment of the Ciub‘~ sbare in the Leeâ€"Robb Camp O W !’ish Comâ€" . prlzes for the Members of the ?Bï¬i'th,'flghth and Fire Proof Construction | Recommended, Fire Hall The Tewn of Timmins received the rebor, ca tke Canadian Underwr:ters Assoc:atio~n the Fire Jaspoction 01 tro town carried out on §Qepitsimae; (Tpa recommendatiors. by th2‘ Undastwriters were on the ho. 2 icpstifion tâ€"at Fire Chisf Stanley bad made in his gnnual report. se A. Martin received a Kenwood blanket for the largest pike which weighed 168 Ths. A fly casting reel waz preentsi t oJ. A. Reynolds for ar 8 ib. 15 oz. pickerel while Norâ€" man received a telescope sight lov o 22 riC‘e for catâ€"hing a 4 1b; 1 oz. speck‘e‘ trout. Thac larbest fish caug‘: t and registered for the conte‘t war sukmitted by Jim Lawrie, a 17 1b lake trout for which he received a steel casting rod. f Elarns are underway to have classes in ‘ly casting, the casses will be held in ts Sex Cadet Batracks with ths t‘my»‘ snd datec to> be anncunced latesx. If ycosu have visited the YM.C.A. Hall} ut frem â€"this poIRL the past week, you will have wat ro dcubt that roticcd the new reinfcercing strips that . was the trg:e m n4ve teer pated around the wall. | on the ass‘ ‘sting end. This job was und>rtaken ind eompleted the puék in:o Falls by members cf th. Wings Nâ€"Â¥ Club wit> i. hok thas rot and thsy deserve to be congratulated te> momenéarly, 62 107 th© fire j;b they have done. After goa‘ linc. Thcrault thei‘ experience as carpenters, they and plantsd the . bis car bard‘y wait to taks pain? b"ushes ccunte. was tE in hand to finis kthe job. . on migh : ile p atâ€" Wings N Y Become Fine Carpenters The fire hall, the presont one which Vunitebed io Timmins. Ont,.. Canade BVERY THURSPAY )o i. frazis,. hoeuld be of fire proof conâ€" strucr @r.â€" For greater protection ts s . cential atea extra alarm boxes es in the outlying districts .L Aa. zoo a 9Y lllv..lu]lla AA1,%% _ J NAAA« A “'3:::1 ‘Cx | Lxs.ecto.,s was held at. Â¥ Ar C\ B iL with ten~ C.ubs â€" and CrIpt rw)reaen..e G. ’VIarklo ut.â€" ind glhe i%..,.of _ such..a ; Junior Bcarc,. andâ€" the espcn,nbxhhe tha.t ;;.‘. mx'*h. carly cut. The ma‘n f busicés conisdered at this mozsting / was thy. holdingy cf a weekly "Open I;..;‘,u" Party as tne Y.M.C.A. each 3:tu:day nighs for meinvers and ther invitaâ€" sevests. Admission wi.l te by tion only and there will be a variety progism cach evenmvr consisting of gz=ncin , .. games, . noveltics, refreshâ€" mints and spotial events as arrarged by toc cormittee in charge. It was. decihled. that the vanuu.s Groups within the Ass s aticn wou‘ld take turns acting item / ZlS curin ; At the Fsbrumy n'e..tmg the Board c__ Liruector: of the FoOre _ Com- ‘ muniy . . Cf A thc o the: -ciffi ‘e :~CP foai d w.s: he The new .. .ec..t \e is as follow5° Presâ€" id nt â€" P. . Moisley, Vics President C, P.eeman and W. Stanley seer . ary; â€" 7. E. Hawkins; and Trea- â€"â€" 9. R. McCoy. Tiic‘s team of officers is year, 1949. M.. agr ,ual 'elo:tion ',the Moisley anked the Board cn bchalf oi the and timselit for the conâ€" fid:ne«. it had placesd in them. ... Moisicy was congratulated: for thy finc leadership : ne ‘had given the ‘Forcup:ns Community Y. M. C. A. th « past ycm 1 CA Junior Organizes Hollinger Push Falls Aside in 3â€"2 Thriller _ LJWM winger, . as AR!O, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 24th, 1949 hb the opsning goal oï¬ the ï¬am". f i « 1711« g. mss was comparatively clean with only 6 sentences being handed cirt by Refs. Campsa‘l and Milton, the two arbitraters who wore brought Belorc the Faptcrmak>»r; ccud pull iLp thsir socks and get going, ~Doug Cliistes,; lit ths lamp for th« seecnd G.censhi:; counte, . leoyg\ Falls {ans thougnt bat at icast the‘r t.am had r‘n into a sna: th. P.p rmakrs themselves dans s:» thnings that way. .. After t _as cool they suddonly caugut fire and »exploded with everything / thcy Lad. They sict everything but the * sink at B.ovnles, and it »p okably w:uldn‘t have surprised the .cteran go 1 .if that came rca:ing at im toâ€". Th: clasest thiy came howâ€" to erich the score sh*o* was when M nsten was riz‘t in on the T. nt, cnly to hit thae post. The p o0 (nded with . the Greenâ€" shirt; tw> up but from the spur'*e "ths Fals prt on at the en of the l‘period 1t va~ chvi‘vs; that th«â€"conâ€" . cm a scramkle and drove it into th: cpen of the net.. Lineâ€" mat:s Orlando ard Va‘ Lucâ€" (laztuonio were givein assists on â€"tha piay. s The â€" 88 shirts tw> 1i s py period. i* y t â€"st was not te secand canty got inder | w. y, tho Fal‘s wed thai t.hey * Fed really caugeht fire thay ,?m statingz li>e a bunth of: Jet. ro k3itr, They firally BB midâ€"way thriugh the game. Bc‘ teok the puck at his. own end snd cBrried it right tt the Holly goalâ€" to uphold t he Judge‘s decision. .. A motion moved by Councitior i Aube and seconded by Counci lor Fayv ‘that the Town solcitor and H, E. iM nning be and. hereby authorized | to apply to the sup;<me Court of Onâ€" ; taric oi ra prohibition order aagainst ‘ G.. . Lamarche, Assessor of Town o‘ Timmin~, prohibiting said G, °L L>â€"marche from carrying out thg usâ€" sessment as directed. in the : A:sgossâ€" mont Appeal Judgement of Judgo R. A. Danis dated February 7th, 1949. 'l"o Tdate an answer from the-';Su- preme Ccurt has not been received. The motion was carried with Counâ€" cillors Aube, Aubry,,Fay and Railey for and Councilior Delellano against and Councillor not voting. hy Noted Publisher _ North Bay Nugget Visits Town Briefly Jack Grainger. Prcsident and: Pub-‘ lisners of the North Bay Nucéget r ~ brie" visif to town today, dropped into the Advanc> Office. He informâ€" ~1 us that the Nugget photogra; was up last week and while in tQW"\ tcook a few pictures of the Municlpal Building. . North Bay is considering the erection of a new town hall in the near future and have been looking over, the more modern m'.mir'ipa‘ buildings througA the no:th. t Canadian Leg:ion art P â€"2a2 carmIvdâ€" wWhionle~ will ve y is the co nven r ¢ the affulr and membfr: g;';n: ; fower nb :t, uwdy booth, â€"an Aunit :J¢ i bot off the grid -e. a fun hqgue ugm;’s‘m: ' '.'".QM\V bcpsrcnnt for oprying ‘\ \5 PE -....."A.‘ï¬.- dy Averted Timmins Mourns Loss ly Moth in:,’; 3e :.M|Deputy Chief M. Daher Late yesterday alterhoon Deputy players Fire Chief Morris Danher passed away | The quietly. in St, Mary‘s Hospital after | home a a prolonged illness. . The Deputy| The Chiet was 49 years of age and comâ€"| urday : menced his career as a fireman and | glicar a public servant at an early age As| fire de lantern boy at the fire hall â€" He had | _ Sury been actively connected with the fire | two departiment since 1913, and has served | min . t continu@®usly under all fire chiefs. Cochra In: 1925 Mortis Daher became a , C1dbu! paid ‘employee of the department | Ha:ry wher it first L2came inotorized and rese to.the rank of Deputy Chief. He| C was a faithful emplioyes a: A\ volunâ€" | 0“ % Chi _ agb a paid fisema» for over [thirty-f_iye vears. _ In the early days: of, the town he‘ ; ] very active in spoeris and w.as;At ‘ consizered one of the outstanding ball | vest _ mE ~Mâ€", Roy Cunbar, President .of the Timmins Conservative Aszociation in‘"ormed the Advance that Mr. A. Kelsc Raborts, K.C. will be makins a tour 0o: all Nortehrn Ontario rid ngs next week. He will be in C° chrane or March 1st and is expected in Timâ€" mins on Tuesday, March 2nd. The reason for Mr. Roberts A fair +5 theso ridings is to seek their SsUPâ€" | (wpen C port in the forthcoming provindlal | ar the r Progressive Conservative ConventÂ¥N | poged it w hoh will be held sometime in April, | f@Â¥entior as he has already indicated his inâ€" | {pat wit tenion Cf being a candiate for | tinao chie provinzsial conservative leadership. ava "Th; mecting of the local conseryvâ€" l and that atives with Mr. Kelso Roberts, will give i the fore t!~,m a better idea and a cahnce to | _ Consil mee‘ the type of man that will lead the| which cf Co.ms*rvatne Party and the Gove‘nâ€" | oppociti and in turn a‘low the average | A. resol: votsy 'to ma‘cc a imore intelligent apâ€" ‘ on‘es" h procch t chcs ng his represertative | the hey! 1>) the legis‘ aluxe,"fsatd Mr. Duntar. “;‘. :1 Canada leads in the study of w nd ercsiin‘ ..n.l saskatchovan has icaned to thse UZA Department (f Agriculture in the study to restors ferti.ity to eroded atres. * Sutherland Represents: Northern Ontario at Brier The fink skippsd by Jimmy Suthâ€" erland â€" won the right to represent | Northern Ont:ric at the Brier in Hamâ€" ilton on March 7â€"8â€"9â€"10, in Kirkland Lake Friday afternoon. The Sutherâ€" land fourscme defeated the W. Johnâ€" ston rink of Kencra and tho DBon C voom e rink <f Sudbury in fouy straight gsmes of a double"round. roâ€" b‘n seres. ' itX ‘This is the first time that the Mcâ€" Intyre Cu:lnz Cub will be represâ€" ented in the cutrling World Series, Thn+ teem ecmpcsoed of .. Suth:râ€" 1 nd, sÂ¥ip; E. Dick, vice skp; 3. va‘l. second: HE. Calvstly, lead, wil leave Schumacher cn march 4th and va‘l. second:; B. Calysatly, lead, wil leave Schumacher cn march 4th and it is bhoped that they wil! bring back the MacsConald Briecr Tr:phy to add to ths: M:Intyre trophy cupsoard. Legion are p anntng 2 u-uvfl whiehp will bc ke ‘puty players of his day. away| The body will rest ot ths Daher after | home at 66 Birch street South. puty| _ The funeral will be held on Satâ€" comâ€" | urday afternoon at St. Matthew‘s Anâ€" _ and | glicar Church and members of the ie as | fire department will be pallbsaroers. > had | Survivors are his wife Marie, and » Tire | two sons Alvin and Ronald alil of Timâ€" erved | min>, two sisters Mrs. Mary David of [3, Cochrane and Miss Satie Daher of ne a | Cudbury, and three brothers Eddic, ment | Harry and Aimen all of Sudbury. Council Decrees â€" Chief Has Car At His Disposal The report of Urbain Aubry, chairâ€" manrn of the fire and light commnttee. cemanded most of the ccuncils time at tho last regular meeting. The report was the result of several complaints by taxpayers as to why the Fire Chief shoul3J have a car at his disposal day a1? right, Councillor Aubry was of the opinion that the car should be at the dispesal of the chietf at all times wss oppoted by council).o'r Rartiem2an who insisted thnat the "car was part of the fire equipment and {hat it should be left at the. fire hall at times and when the chief was not on duty it would be at the disâ€" posal of the deputy chief.. . fairly heated discussion arose be* (wooen Councillors Aube who supportâ€" ec the report and Bartleman who opâ€" posed it. â€" Councillor Aube drew the @#ention of the council to the Tact that with the car at the disposal of the chief it meant that an extra man available for duty 24 hours a aay and that this added ty the efficiency of the forecs. Considerab‘e debating. followed, w }nc councillor Bar q;.mdn met suong oppccsition f{rom {wo of the councillors‘ A. .xcsr_l'mon made by. Aubry and socâ€" on‘o? by Bailey, thet whereas it is in tho best intorest of the Town that. tage Fire Chiey be available at all tmu;: for mrty now. tlmrcforc his: eoun> _ 32 T merec="inaf tho "Fire Chiot “’bé’ï¬â€œ e sranited us> of a Towh car, prohibitâ€" i7 the tss of same outside the lnaits o¢" itho townthio; of Tisdals, Whitneyv, Mcounticy and Ogden excoot at the of the council, â€" The resoâ€" lution, was passat with CounciHors Rarticsman and DolVillano oppusing. Jingle Copyâ€"Five Cents * _ The S. A Wookey Shield was won by the nighs shiff rink skipped by i ‘mmy Gilbs w th ‘I. Godin, vice â€"ki>p; °. Shirpam, second and S Urâ€" curart as lead. Runners up in this M Emp‘oyecs event was the gample‘s teoam skxpped by L. R. Redâ€" or:l w.ti C. B. Reeves, vice skip; 2. Cha‘mars s, szcond and H. Laga.re !â€Ti'.c @xtra event for members outâ€" ‘side the McIntyre Ming was won by Nclt Stickly with the Lafferty rink Â¥ s d h t ) t m 4e c M h dR K >‘ t ul WA §R 9 O WA M o i * > $ The winners of the much coveted . Storehcuts Shiecld, was the Storehouse teair sk‘ppcd by‘ George Richardson with Forcy Aids, vice skip;, Dave Iaml., second and J. G. Webber aAs ltad. This was the first time that a, stcrsnorse tzam hrs won the Trophy teans in this competition C w w# Sn aj iunnerâ€"up e (‘ B M PW : .ob JS dnc ME Es iembers aire busy completing plans Aunt Jefnima and ber pickanniny ing with things mysterious, a bake opening ceremonies. â€" Ballet exhi« they dsnated it some ten years hers 5 ‘_I.I.".z.:‘.. a