Timmins Newspaper Index

Porcupine Advance, 9 Dec 1948, 3, p. 5

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Fourâ€"Inâ€"One farm and gart cording to T harrowsâ€"and â€" tion. Cultivat tracks for sup ing transmitte to ~you. Midland Ontario. H Just â€"a rein intend to s: the ‘ Advance ing tran agitators Spikelike inches i are giood; seriptions _ we Mospital Bed 1 in this Comtr of the H. LAPORTE C.G. A. Al} Classified Adveriising pald â€" before lasertion _ those phiornt gult : ub aol ‘or 221 CRECORY T. EVANS B.A. Suite 5 EID 37 Third Avsc PHONES â€" Offige 21 Third Ave 39 Third Aveas. Aeccounting 2¢ A WORD PER 1 ({minimem 5 Systems Installed income Tax Returns Filed Phones 285.â€"288 P.O. Box 147 "hones: Offices 2725 60 THIRD AVE., TIMMINS, QONT. Phones 640 and 681 BARRISTER, soOTIICTTOR, ‘NKOoTaARYÂ¥ PUBLIC sudte 3%, Marshaliâ€"Ecclestone Blog Tiromins, Ont., TIMMINS, GNTARIO , Phone 362 CLASSIFIED ADS CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS Harold W. Gauthier Alberta Lump â€" Red Jacket Stoker Coal â€" Dry Wood BARRISTER,. â€" SOLICITOR, NOTORX PUBLIC Expert Swiss Watchmaker PHONE 13065 Phone 26 1¢t Gillies Este an le, al j 0vrenpHte Aiobani PROFESSIQNAL CARDS .. Chalifoux 11 nd in Whi Phonet cann hich WC Ellies Bldg to th Th a % 11 819 Rers. Tinunins, Ont. ose of you who ‘ir renewals to our â€" intentions ‘eive your subâ€" purchase the o badlyâ€"needed The â€" Matheson Anstitute does A uditors collecting ets made e oper vheels Timmins Auditing NeW type ator,. acs rEeâ€" agibly from d verâ€" 2512.p dis land rinf eapQ Me bs.!‘ The openine of the new:> Currie "Y |Centre School occurred Friday Decâ€" ember 3rd. The chairman for the evenâ€" ax: ‘ing was L. Berringer, guest speaker, e« Iuspector of Public Schools for the jqz, | Uistrict, Mr. Kennedy B.A. of Kirkâ€" ioz |land Lake. During the evening a free De|dance was held with local music. Mr. Leo A l a r i e,â€" Matheson, A. Brightwell, «Shillington and Romeo \‘Champagne of Ramore left by car for North Bay Friday Dec. 2nd where they intend to spend a few days reâ€" |¢urning Sunday. Matheson AndfDistrict News M _ Help Wanted Female A social worker for the Children‘s Aid Suociety of the District of Cochrane tilingual preferred. Preference will be Mr. Thos. Hough of Matheson left ronto recently where he will spend ie next few months. 6 WESTINGHOUSE FLOOR MODEL space. _ Phone 605 or 343 Mathsson Branch of ven to person with University eduâ€" tion or technical training. Kindly forward application to aildren‘s Aid Socwty Koom 4 Municipal Bulldmg Timmins Ontario the BARRISTERSâ€"ATâ€"LAW Solicitors, Commissioners : Notaries Public W. 0. Langdon K. C., T. R. Langdon TEMMINXS S0. PORCUPINE Drew Block 110 Bruce Ave. Ph. Off. 223 Ph. Off. 96 8. A. Caldbick, K. C. C. wW. Yates, B. A. BARRISTERS SOLICITORS EC Bark of Commerce Buillding Timmins, Ont. William Shub, B. A BARRISTERâ€"ATâ€"LAW 9 Third Ave. _ Phone 332 Portraits with Personality Expert Film Finishing Box 338 43A Crawford St. S. Porcupine 111 Toke St. ‘Tre wWwas a very arge attenadice alld y will long remember the good time v had when this new schoo offiâ€" ly opened. r. and Mrs. J. I. Rossman, of O:â€" a, are the proud parents of a baby Copzratuiations from residents Matheson and district. 11 Judith MacLean V.S., D.V.M. Tube short and long wave in Al ndition. Selling for lack of CALDBICK YATES Jean Hough Mrs. J. Atwe 7 gine BARRISTER and SOLICITOR NoOoTARY PUBLIC Frank H. Bailey, LLBE. 11 and Mrs. Robt. S. Potter left ‘son to spend the winter south. intend to stop off at North Bay ~»d the Conseorvative Convention M mna {1t Tuesday the 30th of November had a buffet lunch and every. thoroughly enjoyed themselves Morin and son Terry spent sev ays in Timmins last week visitâ€" ith relatives. Res. 492 VETERINARY PHYSICIAN SURGEON PHONXE 1536M Morin nds at Puesda DONALD sSTUDIO iave het ot. Tracey and daughter Ann, hart spent the weekend in i at the home of his parents, Mrs.. D. Johnson. We regret Johnson‘s condition is reâ€" ; be critical. Mathe held with local music. a very arge attenadnce and ng remember the good time when this new schoo offiâ€" Hough, daughter of Mr. _ Atwell HMHough of Matheâ€" on the icy road of Fourth injured the ligaments of n, on Tuesday Nov. 30th. finds it very painful and â€"her arm in a sling. vons left Matheson last ) to Dryden, Ontario. of Matheson enierbained a stag party held at his Ph. Off. 96 Res. 98B By Mrs. G R. Weir the Women‘s Phone 1110 Instiltute hbeld a busi the Kabin Tuesd. wiuen eight members was a brief meeting w items dispensed with PBed was ordered fro chant who promised procure it at cost pric ior the usual Chris m W.I. members that w ceeds firom the Groce tn1g Library resu.led in Geie matter until the New Year. ments,were made for a socia to be held at the Legion HAM Dccember, Boxing Day. A ; wil be charged at the door expenses. Refreshments to } and a ‘committee forme@ ‘tc for Those ‘acting C. O. McLean,*Mrs. L. Cole Friendship Circle Branch® of" tt Women‘s Instityte held their reguli rionthly mesting at the home of Mi John Miller, Matheson. This beir the‘ir Christmas meeting, the Roll Ca was respol Cnristmas spirit. During the business riotion was nassed to have retary write Reeve Alarie to that Friendship Circle Bran wholeâ€"heartedlya commend bo Karl Evre and Mr. Reid for tion in regards to the Aged Peoples‘ Home for part of Ontario. Mr. Ed. Colgan rushed to Rosedal tal Matheson, Sunt fering wi‘h a thrsat caused, bad teeth. A wish of his n( Mr. Stanley Cook seen ploughing with day on his farm on four miles from Ma Black River Election Hlection results for the Black River Township Area are as follows, Reeve Leo. Alarie,, (Acclamation). Councilâ€" lor sfor 1949 are: A. Boucher, Val Gagne ... .. 20 G. Perrault, Val Gagne :..............386 A. Brigh‘well, Shillington 3719 J. Elliott, Holtyre Those unsuccessful were: O.. Laâ€" doucer, Nat. Gibosn and Mrs. N. Elms. This election was the quietest ever held here, some complaining that even though notices were put in all Post Offices and Public places, they dign‘t know there was an electiop. It might be a good idea next year if they rustled up a good oldâ€"fashioned ‘bandâ€" wagon, an election so quiet aoesn‘t seem natural. Ane °. gest B Erance Suvsan (i> Sch Seiftert lair; 4 John Ducehs Of Wi Wentw Legion Hawk, Family Mornit Love, Broph] Tendetr Man, Regina The co 0 <regor him The Gréeat destroyed â€" 1 churches, in edral. 00000000006 e 0000 e CANADIAN SOPRANO Frances James, a native of New Brunswick, will be guest artist on the Decempber 13 broadcast of the Northern Electric Hour, with Paul Scherman and the concert orchestra, Miss James, whose mellow soprano voice is familiar to CBC listeners, will sing Delius‘ "Twilight Fancies‘" and a selection of "The Chocolate Soldier‘" by Strauss. The program is heard weekly over the CBC Transâ€" Canada network. bu aristmas ponded t 148 Algonguin Blyvd., East SERVICE ON RADIOS â€" INTERâ€" COMMUNICATORS â€" AMPLIEYING SYSTEMS REPAIRS an infected , aftsr the e speedy e‘zshbors ant( Fire of London in 1666 3,200 â€" houses and 89 ‘luding St. Paul‘s Cathâ€" 1J1SCMUSSIO! ed in del New Yea: Mr. _ "J. hbors and Branch W. I., mend both Mayor Reid for their acâ€" the much needed for this Northern f Anthony was Memorial Hospiâ€" r atâ€"I1LV 9 SUi= of Atnhony was a team last Monâ€" Highway No. 101, heson. 1t THE PORCUPINE ADVANCE, TIMMINS, ONTARIO cha tongue and extraction of overy is the d friends. in period aA the Secâ€" he effect nbe T defray served repare ‘o MtTs. Brownl friend: NX 1 leliht 423 386 379 376 a t Many new books hbave been reâ€" cvived in a recent shipment at the sâ€"humacher Library. Included there is a splendid selection of the latest in liction, nonâ€"fiction and mysteries. Folâ€" lowing is a complete list of the books: From The City, From The Plough, Alexander Baron; Peony, Pearl Buck; Fire In The Heart, Henrie.ta Buckâ€" master; Temper The Wind Clyde B. Davis; East Side, West Side, Marcia DaDveiport; The Face Of Hate, (Mysâ€" tery), T. DuBoisy; Winter‘s Grace, Puby Ferguson; Few Trees From The Window, Doreen Idie; I Married A Dead Man, William I r is h; Fair Havens, B. â€"C. Jefferson; The Black Coat (Mystery). C. C. Little; Murâ€" der Is Served, F. R. Lockridge; The Enchanted Life, Mary Main; Dead Man‘s Gold (Western), W. C. Macâ€" DPmnald: Caith:Me If YÂ¥ou Can (Mysâ€" tery), Pat McGreer; A Clouded Star, Anne ‘Parrish; <«Fourteen Readers Diâ€" gest Books, Reader‘s Digest; Rememâ€" Rock, Carl Piroutte, Susan Scarlett; The Deer Cry, Wm. (i> Schofisld; The Proud Way, Shlrley Seifert; One Celar Call, Upton Sincâ€" lair; All Men Are Lairs, (Mystery), John Stephen S‘range; The Emperor‘s Ducehss, Countess Wadeck; The Case KoOxâ€"FICTION ~The Popcorn, â€" H. Allen â€" Smith; ittle For North America, John Tebâ€" aft arin SCHUMACHER NEWS lenk« ‘Trison};â€" xander MacLean it Ezsience ! Cru: 1nhowe r ~American â€" Disasters, Ben. nan: Home Decorator, Catherine k: Great Soul, The Growth of idi Herryman Maurer; The Mirâ€" Of France, Andre Maurois; Masâ€" ces Of Religicus Verse, J. D. ison: Geology For The LAayman, it act Animal It in; ‘Trapping. The Of Catchins Fur Harold McCracken; 1i A. Nadeau;. The t Of Short Story aolain: HowW To Use To Make Money Tne Second PForty iglitz, M.D.; Elien Shaw Christopher stt In Me Other didn‘t have enough salesmen nor cffice help. So Mrs. Schmid took a course in bookkeeping under the diâ€" rec‘ion of a certified public accountâ€" ant and the bookkeeping problem was scttled. Next up stepped Mrs. Snow saying "I just love selling,"«and then proceeded to prove it. But there were still letters {to be written. Inasmuch as Mrs. Fasse knew shorthand and typâ€" ing, she took charge there, leaving her Tae English L Winning Tenn P.. Cooke: Go John Gassnetr Harper Bros H D. Eserâ€" Dwight D r Rov Far UI Golden Chinaâ€" of Here‘s a story of" real partnership in marriage, and a marriage that is a successful is not headed for the rocks. . Aiter the late war three veterans started in business together. Their names: Maj. Marvin G. Schmid, Col. Tevlor H. Snow and Maj. Adrian L. Fasse. Did the helpo shortage hinder them? Well, you can just bet that it did â€" for a.,time. Shortage of maâ€" erials loom up as an Oobstacle? Natunf ally, but our story doesn‘t deal with that, nor with the shortage of offices and furnishirgs, for they settled the former by buving their own building, and they managed to pick up the necâ€" essary. furnishings. But they couldn‘t even by dint of hook and crook settle everything to their satisfaction. For one thing, they to care I0Or UIG O se spent in the office. Naturally, you‘ll want to know what they made and sold: gadgets, clothes tines that required no clothespins. They also started with a special dustpan, but found that it infringed on the patent of sameone else, so that was dropped. * During her selling experience Mrs. Snow learned that housewives needed a specially dsigned spice cabinet, in order to save the bother of scrambling around for some small can or jar when hurried. (You see this was someâ€" thing a woman seller could talk about with enthusiasm.) It was discovered that a medicine cabinet was badly in demand. So with a few changes in the svice cabinet, a medicine cabinet waeo turned ont Thane: Willaw Farm, Doreen Wallace; Master Mariner Leo Walmsley. MYSTERIES : House Of Mist, Maria Louise Bomâ€" tal: Death Is My Love1 Sot Brock}; Devil‘s Reckoning; Miles Burâ€" ttn; Trv Anything Twice, Peter Cheyâ€" ney? Witness For The Prosecution, Agzatha Christie; Night Walk Elizaâ€" beth Daly; Spot Marked "x", Berkeley Gray; The Whispering Master Frank Gri@zser: â€"The Fourth Letter, Frank Gruber; And She Had A Little Knife, J. Lane Linklater; Ugly Woman, Wilâ€" liam O‘Farrell; As Long As I Live, Tone S. Shier. Agents With Underwriting Facilities For All Lines of Insurance n too. Insurance is the great safeâ€" | guard against dangers that threaten from within and withâ€" cout. No matter how careful we may be, things happenâ€"â€"some 'prcvcntablc, some not. Look to the insurance compani¢es for the financial security â€" against disaster which these establishâ€" ments alone can provide. This agency represents the best \ disaster strikes at the financial t security of home and business ; and usually as unexpectedly, Simmsâ€"Hooker Pickering ~ _ WmMIfTk4 THE SPEED OoF LIGHTYING Partnership in Marriage Timmins And South Porcupine Dale Carnegie two small children for somveone else to care for durinz the hours she snent in the office. During her selling experience Mrs. Snow learned that housewives needed a specially dsigned spice cabinet, in order to save the bother of scrambling around for some small can or jar when hurried. (You see this was someâ€" thing a woman seller could talk about with enthusiasm.) It was discovered that a medicine cabinet was badly in demand. So with a few changes in the svice cabinet, a medicine cabinet was turned out. It is hardly necessary to add that with such cooperation and enthusiâ€" asm, this ‘company‘s business is now booming. PHONE 324 Clean Rooms The King Edward Hotel Cor. spruce St. and Third Ave. Day or Week Very Reasonable HKates Discriminating home owners choose our superior coal â€" for comfort, for ease of firing and for economy. And smart home owners are filling their bins NOW. They know that when the first cold snap strikes, we will be overloaded with orders for immediate delivery. NQORTHERN FUELS Insure your family‘s comfort on the first cold day by ordering your coal today. TIMMINS, ONT. Quiet Atmosphere Dorothy Habib, W.B. Brewer, Gerry Doughty Mon. Wed. Fri. Daily 10 am to 4pm Evenings 6 to 8 p.m. and by appointments in health and bottom in cost Our Daily Specials are Judith MacLean DoGus CATS } Specalizing in Diseases of ¢ c onsy , 7 yOur uEt 4 Eim Street South Silver Grill Ansonville Phone 1100 AT THE PAGE PIVR / M tops

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