Timmins Newspaper Index

Porcupine Advance, 16 Sep 1948, 1, p. 5

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a ESWIing GCWI ui:( but ‘he hcuse d running. This mt sleeping habits and rent inscmunia afli be cu:r¢d by tire sat regular bedtime h Children wke acd gradually. ~The av and d1 «t hok â€" t # * #. ho tto #* # ) [# #* * * * @ V * , La d _ ® ## w “. t # 141 scramble for 2 doesn‘t have t hour your ne is impottzan: andtover see t ing. But veou M.thods Thal Help Parents Get Chiliren Off to Gelting ensugh sizep seems to lifelong proviem, but there is 1 no exeuge for children sharinge in its witAa $90%999 0804409090960 009 4 V y Check over those chestcs occasional chairs. Let u. repairs while on your holidays CALL US FOR FREE ESTDIATT Smitheram Rioux‘s PHONE 3933 444996 6441040444104 "Associate Dealer‘" \| Canadian Tire Corp. Ltd.% Phones: Store 2390 â€" Garage 2556 | UPHOLSTERING SULLIVAN NEWTO R As the owner of a car or truck YOU ar have a judgment for a large amount ag for injuries or death to person or persot mobile Insurance rates have been reduced. New Upholstery Shop 623 Birch St. N. Tobey‘s CARPENTER S$HQ0P EYES EXAMINED CLASSES FiTTED Irvin Rosner, R. 0. For Appointment Phone 1876â€"M iwenty ‘"ft ‘off down SCIENTIPIC ACCURACYK $10,000 and COSTS 13â€"A PINE ST,. NCBE * I U Minor Alterations Counters, Shelves Bookeases and Built In Cupboards 384 MAlzonquin Bivd 26 ‘Toke St. Timmins wet s aPuateatectnefaats ate a*s ats ARAGE 4 11 ind m Lir tr1}i tis wWVIDH LETCUS QUOTE YOU Phoune 1871 L d old3 and» do yourZ Ttinmins *A IHK nomim n , m mm enc enc me L * w # n 0 m mm on ...... s e sns mee m s on on ner - » # # ~ e i L DLAAAE *# tÂ¥ n# t# O# bo t# d# *4 o4 t# t# o# t#4# *4 '00.0'."’ 0.00....0 0'."’0.' .“.N' a * *C" * *%"*% A¢ binl* * °+ "% °* ~"% "% and COSTS ‘ or truck YOU are liable to ‘ge amount against you Autoâ€" a la to person or persons. have been reduced. QUOTE YQU | NEWTON (Est. 1912) SERVICSE 21 Pine ST. N, mins h h + h + + » » n ® ® # l # t » e 7 TB t BPRA «*sa*s «#*"% ’ d #.% | flow: 3| | } exesiods»+ oC3 § , abe w .H, '.’."'-:'"f'wwww '-.-.f\ (Est. 1912) i lhite Rose Service Station 11 }7 "a THE HOME MAKER‘S PAGE Household ‘ Hints â€"~â€"A,. MacKe of Second ir Tires â€"â€" PHONE 11 ‘ at all, or a very thin one, ir children, because a thick the cmild‘s narrow shoulder.s who has sleot soundly in 1€ hild wakens inconvenien. ually means that his bedâ€" have not been pianned ‘ averase threeâ€"yearâ€"old, requ.res a total of thirâ€" eep, including naps. If cep, too long in the dayâ€" down his night sleeping. â€"yvearâ€"clds can get along ) which would mean thas ‘osably sleep from s.x or vening to seven or cight ng. But the child is ‘ with at least an houtr‘s e day, which would move ven or eights o‘clock and to a reasonable Cl ind Our Farms 2 s.ated biuntly thay o sccialization of "the luctiin and disiribution essities of life." And it 1‘t j be either with the of the platform adopted es »Ir ht ig his pass ng nega 1for if a disiplinary altitude il1 may feel slhut out of it w.il Hikely take him 11 5 1 h car utont it Uran a € 17 6 ~or ~wrong in never be L prices and farm nestic and internaâ€" 5s control over the distribution of the 1 equipmelnt farmers In} rrom age children go to s.eep to take a beloved :‘em.. A soit stullfed ; best for bith boys to comps Wi‘h such it uminin ite ju n izle Prop. Aveo, Spruce Hart Balteries 3950 12â€"48 J1 yvisits be p T1 clhuld â€"ma morning noises. 1 see toâ€"1it that x the day. : that there is ng agricullure. "It certainly imission of one se of Commons l bluntly thas ation of "the ad disiribution ~And "It : putting awWway ing to kerself leep. Father The point is of being "put notior nanCQl that rong ol our r be a safe by the word on â€"Edwards. npesteiy enâ€" uch absolute sary for the ze the land. illy fall into st as it did r how much iw materials o dictating be ‘sald and it ecep 0 he wWon‘t e person‘s good night be me in the ep, ‘lhere ind 1€ rnhninent ssibility nd can Tother when put nAnas roll | Chop ‘ three rour. eria 1i0WEIS}) BSprinkle wi‘h salt and allow to stand overnighs Drain and rinse. Combine the followirs ingredients. 14 onces tumer‘c 2 eurs brown sugar 3 tbsps. mustard seed 3 tbsps. celery seed * tbsps. whole cloves 1‘4 (ibsps. all spice * oup dry mustard 3 cups yvinegar erl? and o m with â€" vinegar slow‘ :y ur utes. (Stir tc in hot stert ence to icdized sifting salt. 3. In gsneral, use rmnure whcolo spices in pickling as ratain their flavour imnger and ‘can be lifted out of thse liquid before pickles ars packed. If spices are canned along with the pickâ€" les they will turn dark. When using a spice bag, uss a clean thin white cheese clsth bag large enough to allow thke liquid to c rcuate through the spiceg The use of dill is very popular. While the stalk adds some flavour to the pick ibs, it is the seeods which are most useful. Leaves and seeds may be used sreen, drizd or brinced. 1# CUups) sal measure) water cups white sugar tbsps. vinegar thsp. sailt f Mix well and boil ten min WATERMELON PICKLE 2 pounds nrepared watermel: salt water (made with 1 cild water and 4 cup salt itbsp. whole allspice thsp. whole cloves twoâ€"inch pieces stick cinn cups vinegar cups wa‘er pounds , sugar wmelect thick rind from firm Trim off the greon skin and pin Weieh two of the prepat f» by M b 1 +A 4 PickK‘?s i1 yCu mesurec th accurately. This brine sl enough to float a fresh cups} salt to n‘ a and cut into ing, dra‘n « frosh water untll tender needed. Let 2. Ordinary fi; is recommended ense to icdized sreen, drisd or brined. 4. Never use a copper keitle as the acid in v with these metals to 1 substances. 3. You may be fairly and thi into thd Thert tlhie br edin wl rA x erright. Drain Put clean, thin white Y ly. Bring to t lowe etabl MUSTARD PICKLES quarts sliced green cucumn quarts chopped green to: guarts small white pear heads caulflower â€" (separ "Food For Fun and Fitness" cup drp pnt vine latr OJ I * D CHIol table 16 vInC OU TIl ?E CUCUMBER RELISH ) ripe cucumbers (3 qgts. « 11 Temove Cut in cubst ons, add t on tuheric flour fairly thick. Remo ice watermelon in hot, sterilized * sprup over rind, filling jars cal, Store in cool place. pons ground cinnamon may in place of the cinnamon Bring to boiling poi gar, 2 cups water and 1 watermelon rind a: ibout 15 hours or un CORN RELISH corn, niblets cu nions cut fine ) @1 O inCc piec?s,.. Next mo off the brins coveor w and cook for 14 hours r. Add more water t stand several hours 1to C2Bxture wil sSay caing C TAK E A TIP baun‘gks!: i1 mor MS +Sak, Mix floutr Add t} nderâ€"abotu vent burni jars. YÂ¥i od 111 t can whic} 9‘ firm melon. n and pink flesh. the prepared rind reg?s. Next mornmnâ€" than brin tick cinnamon ‘eds Ccucâ€" (about 1 inch) cuoumber with Vinegar recacas form harmful li¢ UYr AT uld b moth past tables _ an minmute nours â€" or es . loosely h tie top point the nbe chopped) 1n 10@ hnd sugar. and boil until the ilvanized Poetry in noutl e strong 1 pound s â€" (wWino yeferâ€" chi 00.0....0.00000.00.00.00"’ # . _# Pastualaatas*ns* nsl astnetnalas" nalas" oooooouoouooooooownn (Gua UT} M i1 nth nd Oor 1n In Do Â¥ou Know Junior‘s Teacher . . _ Now tkat school is beginning again, the ch‘ldren won‘t be around the house s> much. Some of us appreciate this more than others. We love our childâ€" ren, of course, but after o long sumâ€" mer, it‘s not so bad to have someons else responsible for them a good part of the day. We hove that Miss Smith or Miss Brown will be a good teacher and ‘will understand our Johnny and as far as a lot of us go. It‘s important to know your child‘s teacher; You and she know different things about him that should be sharâ€" ed witl: cone ano‘ther. Sometimes we parents hesitate to visit school and shy dishes by using bouilon cubes, moat sauces or meat extract. Hea!t kills wili go down if you cook food more slowly. Lower heat when fcod comes to simmerings or boiling; it will cbok just as quickiy as though yeu lmd: the heat high. upe Of The Wetk Ragsed Robbins . (strves 6) 1 pound chuck s:.cak, ground ‘@â€" cup> nuts chopped cup g60ffl bread crumbs 5 ~ teag efm salt i4 pmut’% cut fine 1 tab 2spcon chopped: parsley 1 camn tomato soup cup water Mix all ingredients except tomato soup and water. Shape into small balis. Place. in m bakinsg dish and cover with tomato soup mixed with water. Bake for 30 minutes in a modâ€" crate (350F.‘ oven. fSorl comes it will cpok Â¥CU had th n:gner. If pice halfl an lHold th Family Scrapbook When maki If pie she‘l‘s are chilled for about a If an hour before baking, they will Id their shapeâ€"<bettert® Get Meat Flayour in â€"meatâ€" Di THE RORCUPINE ADVANCE, TTIMMINS, ONTARIO ite surfa vezsetables with above mixture sh" fiftcen minutes. Add bloâ€"poms flour mfred to a pave wi‘h water and conâ€" dokint {or five minutes. Pack ‘ars and seal. Yleilids four 7i slices are stuck «together whin you ty to pull them es them in the skillet and 1em with a fork as the bacon warin. br HELER HALE cer is excellent for slicing ind unifcrmly whether you m for salad or as a vegâ€" ic g a dessert souffle first £s of the baking dish, granulated sugar. The he ps the surface climb ater and conâ€" minutes. Pack al Yielids fsur M ;1 ?fZ Miscellaneous get aquainted because weue afraid wo won‘t be wanted. Teachers may fear, ‘00, that any cparent who comes to school is kringing a complaint. Toâ€" ge her we need to overcome these and ather feelings that get in the way of homeâ€"sck.ool cosperation. If the teach er asks mothers of her children to come in for a friendly. group discussâ€" ion, it‘s impomant to put off other and go. If she doesn‘t, find yearâ€"and in ‘iheir prictes also says The Financial ‘Post. Fashions will provide ‘better protection from _ the wintry blasts, but means a bigger dent on the pocksetbook. Best dressed women will be wearing their coats 12 inckes from the ground this winter. This means an extension of anywhere from two to four inches per coat and a ‘fuller back thrown in. It also mcans 10%â€"230% more skins per coat and about the same hoist in prices. For those women who are satisfied with last vear‘s styles, a little shopping around will provide close to last year‘s prices. Created for women in the larger size range. A simple well,. cut two piece dress w oth waisiline darts to insure a neat fit, shirring at shoulders for a feminie touch. Wear it the year arcurdâ€"thrée quarter and short sleeves are provided. Pat‘¢rn No. 8003 is designed for s zes 36, 33, 40, 42, 44, 4G6, 48, 50 and 52. Hize 38, three quarter sleeves, yards of 39â€"in. @ ‘hings and go. If she doesn‘t, find out whether you can arrange to see her informally and without any probâ€" lems on your mind. She‘ll probably appreciate your intecrest in yvour child and in her. Name Address Name of paper Pattern No There‘s a new look in fur coats this arâ€"and in their prices «also says he Financial Post. Fashions will 1150 Sixth Ave., New York 19, N.Y. Pal r. 1Cl ‘la D ow I DJ att C rn § Send 20 cents in coin (for each pattern desired) toâ€" Fancy Fur Styics And Prices TOWN OF TIMMINS SECOND INSTALMENT 1948 TAXES DUE SEPTEMBER 18th Prompt Payment Saves Time and Penalties ind short sleeves wij Size rC As an mdxvidual the new Quegn Or Juliana has great digmt;v but also grea* ar simplicity. As queen, I am sure ske will have the dignity of royalty, yet never lose the touch she has had with people of every kind in her own land In her turn, Queen Wilheimina trained her own daughter, Princess Juliana, who has been carefully reared for her new responsibilities. @Queen Whilhelmina reigned for 50 years. That is a long time to carry the heavy reâ€" smonsibilities of state. She has veen mindful of the fact that changes were needed in the world. If her plans are carried through as I am sure they will be, there will come day when selfâ€"governing territories will be an actual part, through federation, of the Dutch government, and the Indonesian problem will be solved. HYDE PARK Sunday â€" Those of us in the United States who are of Dutch desent always take a special interest, I think, in events in the Neâ€" therlands because of our ties with that nation. For this reason I have with great interest watched the preparations which Queen Wilhemmnina made for turning over the goverment to her daughter. . She herself was care{lully trained for the responsibilitiee which she took over her mother. It was her mother who began the great interest in the nation‘s health and did so much "Pepsiâ€"Cola"" and "Pepst * are the registered trade marks in Canada.of Pepsiâ€"Cola Company of Canada, Limited. i; today, and often every day. It‘s a real treat anytime. Pepsi‘s quick delicious flavour really satisfies your thirst, doesn‘t just tease it. So whenever your thirsty, drink a Pepsi. Recipes Attention ! Delay in presentation was due to a holdâ€"up in engraving of cups.... Those unable to attend may secure awards from the secretary during the cffice hours, Relatives and friends of winners For presentation of awards by His Worship K. Eyre Winners of awards of the Legion Track and Field events are asked to attend the Memorial Hall on Thurs., Sept,. 16th at 8.80 p.m. Presentation of Awards for Legion Fieid My Day By Eleanor Roosevel! and in cou: ‘The ruler hard. It is eas Queetn Wilkelimi well imagine the regret with wh céremonies that Hoiland m shoulders. At t not divorece you your country at sibility you hay 1SIACCUOL at the : and her he‘p he s‘ ormy to deterior All :o0f : * this world prosperity t not being abl t shows great wi ime when one is rily those of us who have U od, will wish the queen at the her 50â€"year re‘zan, content and 10n letting nmnC hu 11 wish the queen at the end ear reian, content and satâ€" a job well d.ne. We will c lime wish the new qusen sband, who I am sure W.ll every way, success in ‘he rs that lie before us all in and eventual peace and for the Dutch speopie. cordially invited 11 urself these burder had n mtion works very ) understand that is and I can xture of relief and she attended the ve taken place in se last days. She jlen slide off her ime time, you canâ€" fromy the love of e senso of responâ€" d for it during so is surely a regret to go on, and yet m to give up at a ; the peak of one‘s it until they beg.in untry, partisâ€" ) have Dutch yeopie

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