Timmins Newspaper Index

Porcupine Advance, 30 Jun 1948, 1, p. 2

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WE =. m} \ttcnd Nurses’ Alumnae of St. Mary 3 mm :1 Dance m Honor of Graduates 1948 )NESDAY, JUNE 30th_ 1948 600W ‘FU R COATS MflYS'XHR FURRIERS ("yrmfr Goad)" MAI)EZTO-MEASURE as ma ”5.. PEERCE SONS LTD. MC 143 Third Avenue I] A. Mack'cnzu: l’mp. ¢.f Srcund Ave. Spruce l?‘ Tirtw â€"-- ".ll‘t Batteries PHONE 35 50 12-48 R638 Service Station GP‘NER \L ELECTRIC APPLIANCES Ixef 1'1 gel atm 8 Vacuum Cleaners - Ironers Ranges - Washing Machines by experts :xluc. your coat is ninz: into Storage in whvn taken out 30000000000000. 0 o 0 0 0 O O 00. 9.: D . 0 ) r a O. O D u 0 O 0 .oeo.0.o..000O0o0:000o00:000.000000000000000 0 . l o c .0 v 0 o 0 0 0 o 0 000000000030‘000090000000090000000090000000000000090000 900. O O. FIFI E D [‘0 R. AG E hairman for the dress he congrat- ues and also pre- Nurses? Reference 3.3 Alumnae.“ Fulton, Gprdon '15.. Miss Maizie Elliott, Miss Ca- Marjorie Pexton nuraing pro- Mary'a Hoopi- namea of the 10:8 simouette in green me- background. a graduates sur- cen streamers. 3:. Maris Hos- N11 Mrs. Sid Chap- n Howard. Mr. , Keith Caver- Mr. and Mrs. 1 Mrs. Ed Ewi- : Fulton, Roger n ), Irvin Finchen 'exton. orations was by Alex Ful- iiss Ellie Mc Olga DiFant. 1 Brown, Jor- Gu ndLean rs. H. Cyubul‘ McKey. Geo background trellis en- ursing pro- acIsaa ear was headed The invit- 2m-L‘osed of .. C. Ashen- tied with clots and McGrath he musi- I1 air were Dr. and [avor of Mr. and PHONE 16 â€"â€" 17 I’ll. 1394 even- N 0 W is the time to have your furs IF you need a new fur coat let us make It to your mcuurc ..... it costs no more than ready made . Redyed Mur- ‘1 St. Jean gy Lloyd. Ian minimum. Glenn's By- ron, Jimmy began. Marjory Pen. Dr. and Mrs. G. C. Anmuge. 'Mr. and Mrs. William Taylor. Dr. and Mrs. Graham E. Lane. I). and Mrs. J. D. Hope. Dr. and Mrs. Gordon Watt. Dr. and Mrs. Oscar sum, Jack Barker. Sonia Donchuk. Leo Blais. Mary Sperm. Dr. and Mrs. Paul Clermom. Dr. and Mn. .1. R. Giardme. Dr. and Mrs. P. Brunet. J-Zm Aver-v. Inez Paul. Mr. and Mrs. R. Lemieux. Wlillam Watt, V1 Lamrcst. Emile Tremblay. Carmel Cas- tcnguay. Mr. sand Mz‘s. BU lL-cddy. Deng Farren. Doris Olser. Jack Doug- las. Helen Levcrt. Francis Murray. Bet- Remodelled Q Repaired O Refined ty Szmpsm. Mr. and Mn. Lionel Bo'u Mr. and Mrs. Alex Miller, Mr. and Mrs. Del Baker, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Alpine, Rov McKay. Eileen Ralston Ted Romanick. Lila Ralstox‘, George Fera, Margaret Mchgor, Mr. and Mrs. Rcland Nilson. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Kelneck. Jimmy Fraser. Pat Clark. Mr. and Mrs. Russ Bentley, Joe Cunlifie. Madelaine Four- nier, Tom Shub. Jzyce Mclenn, Ro- ger Carborneau. Louise Dellch. John Belec, Theresa Oulmet. Dan Ouimet. Theresa Charette. Mr. and Mrs. J. Croccini. Mr. and Mrs. C. Culhane. Mr. and Mrs. Mark Burnett, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Poulin, Ron Morris. Marv Whaley, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Hitch, Mr. and Mrs. J. D. MacLean. Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Vaillancourt, Russel McKeough, Maisle Dunbabin, Mr.,and Mrs. Harry Bobbie, Mr. and Mrs. Gerry Killeen, Ken Riley, Theresa Kllleen, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Dwyer. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Sweeney, Co- lin Corrigan, Myrna Ball. Elliott Dou- cette. Gwen Dolan, Mr. and Mrs. B. Byron. Cl'fl’ Ellies, Mlldred Bcvrland. Ken Wagner. Peggy Lloyd, Vic Niemi. Marion Howard, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. R1- chardson. Jack B 1irdon. Jackie Levert, Bill Potvin, Shirley Ramberg. Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Marriott, George Taylor, Helen Channer M1. and Mrs. Vincent Roy. quo‘o M 'Iavish. Betty Killens. 'Peter Doucct, Kathleen 'Corris. 12m McIn- ioli, Glenrys Byrcn, Jack Tomlinson, Eileen Sguc‘e. Jerrv .-Larmer. Grace Latham. Robrrt Millette, Irene Bor- lnnd. Michael Turf-31'. Rita Millette, Phil M00011r.t Laura Dotondo Gordon Eyie, Lola Co11igan.Lec Finchen, Jean Adamson. Lcsl e Pearce. Geimaine Ra)?- mond, Rock Gauthier Whnnie Mac Fine-,3 Gaston amarche Louise Lern- lieux George Stummewille Do1a Knell, Bill Yoris cw Madelaine Bcisvert Mr. and_,.Mrs. 02111 Ashenhu1st and many .others. Mrs. Read and daughter Doris have left for a holiady to Ottawa and Que- bec City. Mr. and Mrs. Danny Culhane and sons, Paddy and Georgie. are holidaying with relatives and friends in Cobalt. George Culhane is holidaying at the home of his mother in Cobalt. Mrs. Kerr and family of Rupert 11!?!“ [lb nunauua House are visiting Mrs. Kerr's parents, Dean C. Cooper Robinson. The Rec- The 14th annual (Hose/mu ( Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Mulvihill of Arn- rprior are visitors to town where they are attending the Lions Club conven- tion. For good work on its guaranteed to (it. ()ry Service Dry Cleaners HG ("edar St. South Hemlock street Q Cleaned Timmins, Ontario 'crsonals your Furs sec “BROWNSTON . Stored 1d O O gue. A called L. come we Mrs. L. national of Mom} a pleasn 'and ma help to ...any d'ffi in their 0 .0. - .0 O O .0 O O .0 O 0 0'. o O... O Q .00... m 0 .0 O O O. O O 0'... O O O O O... ”.0 O O O tion of the C'athclic Womcr's: of Canada, which tosk place i- anda, June 22-23. was well a' by delegates. visitors and clcrg Tim'mins, Schumacher Iroquoi; Kapuskasing, Cobalt. Hailey‘su Nox'anda. ' Pictured above as they attended one of the Si‘L’ sons most successful and entertaining afternoon tea‘ are Mrs. S. Jesse], Mrs. C. R. MacLean, Mr's‘f‘O. Stahl.'and her sister- -in-law. Mrs. N. Heimbeeker of Detroit Mrs. L: Halperin and Mrs. A. J. Friedman. The delightful affair \\ as held under the uuspiws of the Ladies Iladassah and took place at the beautifully appointed home of Mr: Fried n1:.m.Advanee Photo Registration and the executive meet ing began at 7 pm. Tuesday evening June 22. The formal opening cf thi convention took place at 3.15 pm. wit] the singing of O Canada and the reei tation in unison of the League prayer Addresses of welcome were given ‘0 Father Caufield. chaplain 3f the Nsr ianda division, Mrs. Dempsey, presiden iof the CWL in Noranda. and Mrs. I Water, diocesan president. The rule of order, the minutes of the last com mittee and executive meetings, an the reports of all standing committee were read. 1 The convention continued Wzdnes adv moxning with the celebration ( High Mass by Fathei Caufieid in th .hurch of the Blessed Sac1ament.Th singing and music during the 1113: CWL Convention Held At N oranda were provided by membeis oi gue At 9.30 pm. the conve called t1 order, and addIESSI come were given by Mrs Der M15. L. Watexs who int1o: national president, Mrs. W. of *Mont1eal. Mis. Dundin s a pleasure t3.attend the < and that she hoped she mi help to the delegates in cl -any d'fficulties which they 11 in their own‘ subdivisions. Barron moved a vote of then 'Dundin. The busine's portion of th ltion commenced mm the 1 all subdivision presidents‘ ldiscussion period followed in topics were the explanatcn <_ constitution and the vaiiou ities mising in subdivi sicns l March of U? s‘nging and were provide gue. At 9.3 THE PORCU'PINE ADVANCE. TIMMINB. ONTARIO 10 ("edar St. N. Prompt Attention 1780 Victory Theatre TIMMINS Out 0! ann Order-s Given OPPOSITE nd addresses C W Mrs. DemDS who introduc: mi onvention DE 11 WE the 11 dix Of luncheon in the hall of the church. the go- Mrs. L. Waters mess‘ntcd Mrs. W. J. who w Dundin with a crystal neekl-aee on be- speech half of the diocese of 'I‘immins. ening“ In the afternoon the Resoluts‘g ins é'mgirg Committee, comnosed of Mrs. L. A. (fa-11101". Nomnda. chairman, Mrs. T. M“ n da kasfng; tree of Timmins as 11 posed a His Wor anda pr brought cesan DI'E Ir N C it? 11017. Nora n,da chairman, Mrs. T. .thus and Mrs. D. E. Burnett, light in a report, that was unani- .1st carried. Mrs. Walters suggested t a suiritual bouquet be presented Father J. R. O’Gorman who is in health. Mrs. W. J. McCoy was ed to take charge of the matter. ,n election of officers was held, the Lills as follows, president, Mrs. L. ters, elected by acclamation, first 3 prcs'dei‘t, Mrs. R. McGillvary of Hex-bury, second vice president, Mrs. Wilma of Iroquois Falls, third vice 1d 181' 11’ Wa tE bemal gr Drummox llation of (tfiicers was carried Father Cauiield, Norand-a, and PaqueLtc of Iroquois Falls, fol )y the Benediction of the Blessed rent. The meeting was closed be singing of the National An- 3L, Mrs. G. Card 'etary. Mrs. W. Br treasurer, Mrs. )x'an rummond, Grand Knight of St. 5 Council of Noranda.. Ad- were given by Father Caul- ather T. W. Kavanaugh, Father of Kirkland Lake and Father e. Mrs. Dempsey introduced . 3...... :... .I. «Max-w... ... «”341... 3.... lab... ll .3. .3.$nflaw I a?! u ters were presented with our roses. Father Caulfield pro east to His Holiness the Pope hip Mayor J. A. Carter of Nor posed a. toast to the King an civic greetings to the dele Mrs. D. E. Burnett, past dic esident, toasted the hostesse: G. Gallagher responded. [1.32, a b8 Hotel man. . . . you he} Office. The in‘ eetin .id f n't oms lquet Mrs r it 3restuem, Mm. alls, third vica- nal of Norah- own of Kapus- D. E. Burnett. I::(,2111\‘:H"' ,1 1.x. {him \1( z iisoppo c or write 3 carried 3 held in Dempsey ndin and iven by other counm'cs, consult your nearest oncdo, even though you have 1d More than 5,000 years ago the Babyâ€" lonialzs had apartments laid out in the mndern. manner, complete with liv, ing rozm, bedroom, bathroom and kit- Chen. Mr. and Mrs. T. Stephen's, Toronto. are visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. France, 92 Algonquin West. 9% “N9 w 7'6?” @zi/MM You'll find quick relief for the itching. bum- ing feeling of eczema when you use Dr. Chase's antiseptic Ointment. Just try it today! Dr. Chase’s Ointment minty bum 04:3:on [33¢ha WI .1 Fannie mm; Before ordering goods EYES EXAMINED GLASSES FITTED lrvin Rosner, R. 0. EYESIF 111T SPECIALIST For Appointment Phone 187“. 13-A PINE ST. NORTH (Ustmsscr Bldg.) 'l‘imminq SCIEN'I‘IFlC ACCURACY spcakm, M13. W. J. D1 thanked at the 010.59 0 Mrs. M. Walkex. Th . brought 1/) a close wit :' the National Anthem V If $9 £$E§S.. art W'l'l'll 15bit .toms be 5% St. Matthew s gGreet New Minister, if; His Wile and Family Dundin. c of her The ev- HI L11 the A capacitv crowd. on members of the congregation of St. Matthew‘s Pro-Ca- thedral flowered during the weekend In the church hall. to meet, and ex- tend a conilal welcome to Dean C. Cooper Robinson and Mrs. Robinson. . Dean Robinson. the new minivter re- places Canon Robert A. Chidwlck. The program opened with the sing- ing of O Canada followed by members congregation, whom s welcome at the rectory Robinson also gave a mentioned that there "Pepsi-Cola" and "Pepsi" are the registered trade marks In Canada of I'rpsi-Cula Compa The drink that SATISFIES your thirst -doesn’t iust tease it! 0 Millions of Canadians agree that Pepsi-Cola is downright delicious, enjoy it whenever they want refreshment and pleasing, satisfying fla- vour. And no wonder! l’epsi-(Iola’s unique for- mula brings you pleasure no other drink can match; it’s a treat anytime! Yes, for taste. for refreshment, for unsur- passed quality, Pepsi-(Zola is a better drink; And, ounce {or ounce, it is your best buy. So whenever you’re thirsty or want to add delight to a moment of relaxation, pick the drink that gives more for your moneyâ€"drink a Pepsi! Made from only the'purest of ingredi- ents, there's no finer carbonated beverage! 3nd mail it! Riverside Pavilion Henry Kelneck and His. Orchestra FRIDAY JULY 9th $2.00 PER CO UPLE JfCa can WC‘ 323 mar. Mm McChcsne S "mm M Mrs. Reg be”. Fsh old stranger is in things rcndél‘ be avoided. POTTED PLANTS An excellent. Im'Lilizcr 1} plants is to take tm loaves been used and put. them 3 plants. It will also stimulate t FL(‘)WERS NEED SUGAR In 1908 French hort'culmrists found that cut. flowers come not be kept fresh by adding chemicals to the water un- less sugar was added too. delabn 0 Mrs. Clean Rooms . Mr Mrs her k kltch abelled Bur PHONE 324 Day or Week The King Edward Hole! l1 rank Bu m. Suture St. and ‘fhlrd Ava. ck. Very “flammable Rate. MARKED JARS on jar: and mm: . In (we of il'ne: in the kitchen. she M inet Almosphare M Mr H l M ring to. und who Taylor. “11 mm Tayhr. Mrs. M t N Jackson. term were Mr. and asst. Mr. and m and Mrs. '1‘. 81th.- s. A. L. Travers. Dir. hinwn, Mr. and HR. 1d Mrs. Car! 3113."... 3.12. m5. H “M. Mrs. Hurlov. Mrs. 15. and Mrs. A. L. Joy- han. Mrs. Maltland and Mr“. Freddie Ira. J. Knoll. Mr. and . Union‘s Fisher. M- N. Marv, Mr. Hare Econ Burt. Mr. and n Burt. Mr. 1 many other Inner flr potted 1 loaves that have them armmd the mulm? the growth. PAGE bottles 81" uld il'ness and a 1. she can find voniuslon will 'I'KMMINS

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