Timmins Newspaper Index

Porcupine Advance, 13 May 1948, 1, p. 5

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Police Still Drag Lake For South Porcupine Man Mr. George Helmer aged 61, is reâ€" ported missing since Saturday afterâ€" noon when he was last seen at Munâ€" roe Lake sixteen miles ast of Mathâ€" eson where he bhad gone on a fishing trip. Mr. John Hodgins of S. Porcupine who had left with Mr. Helmer on Thursday for trout fishing at this lake returned on Friday leaving Mr Heimer alone in the tent cabin on the lake. When Hodgins accompanied by Harry Chevrier went back on Saturday evâ€" ening, they found no trace .of the elderly man. His provisions were unâ€" touched and h ewas not around. Later they discovered his éanoe, overturned on . the lake. They searched the surroundings all night, thinking that he might have made a landnig somewhere round the lake., but found no trace. They returned home on Sunday with the news and immediately*search parties, including the South Porcuâ€" pins? Firemen, and hosts <o0f volunâ€" teer friends went to Munroe Lake and to date (Tuesday) no sign of Mr. Helâ€" mer has been found. The supposition is strongly that he has drowned in the lake which is larged and deeper than Porcupine lake and being primitive bush country,‘ has dead trees and other slash ing the bottom, making it extremely difficult to drag. McGinn Presidert of the club thanked h:> patrons at the close of the dance. PBCRN In Porcuvnine General Hosâ€" pital cn Aprilt 29th to Mr. and Mrs. M ty Keast ol Dome Extension, a â€"daughter. Pragging parties assisted by the Provincial Police with equipment are still working on the lake. Mr. Helâ€" mer‘s fishing tackle (one with a fish attached) and his minnow pail have been found and this spot is some; disâ€" tince from wheve the canoe . was found.â€" This had drifted out from the spot. A diver has beéen requistioned from Iroquois Falls, but has now reâ€" turnedâ€" home Mr.. Helme: and was wea the time. He was last seen on Saturday by a party of fishermen who left for home at 3 p.m. Deepest concern and syntpathy are extended to Mrs. Helmer and her famâ€" ily, and while hope seems very feeble, thre is still a chance that he may be wandering in the thick bush Surâ€" round the lake. Since Sunday a number of relative: have come to the.support of Mrs. Hel mer. Stewart of Shawville, and Mrs. Edith Bennett are with her. Also Mrs. Sinclair and Mr. Wesley Pirie (broâ€" ther)» of, Shawville. Mr â€" Helmer‘s sister Mrs. Budrick of Toronto is here and brother from New York is exâ€" pected tonight. After considering the case with the Crown Attorney, the magistrate statâ€" ed that in all fairness to the public and to the defendant, he could not appear, as a "lineâ€"up" could not be arranged before court opened. Five drunks paid $10 and costs. For speeding,. Lucien Grenier and Oswin Graves, each paid $15 and costs. POLICE COURT The case against Gilbert Qlement held on a charge of vagrancy in conâ€" nection with the Deluca murder was not heard on Tuesday in South Porâ€" cupine Court. For "having defective lights" Arnâ€" old Kennedy, K. Cavanagh, V. Philâ€" lips, J. M. Dumont, each paid $1 and eosts. "No name on truck for J. Baderski. Bob Pupich, paid $10 and costs for"havingy a gun which was not regâ€" istered. Three paid $10 and costs for "overâ€" loading" J. McConnery, F. Fournier and H. Rutelyki. __ _ Council Notes m mecting held on Menday corresâ€" } ?e was reatl .concerning comâ€" plaintsabout drivers of vehicles passâ€" ing funeral processions. There is no law but that of courtesy to prevent suth happehings, but divrectors»® of fufii@ulf mre. advised to speed proâ€" cesstons to 30 mites per‘‘houtr after leaving the subdivision of the Townâ€" ship. Signs will be put up each side of the cemetery when a funeral .is expected. and taken down attér. Mr. Moskal of the Airport Hotel askeqd that the road and sidewalk be extended to the lake near his propâ€" erty. A report will be handed in later., A letter was redd from the Clerkâ€" Treasurer â€"_of Whitney Township thanking Tisdale for the coâ€"operation and assistance given in the installaâ€" tion of the water and sewer system in Whitney. "‘That the Annual Financial Report of the Municipality of the Township of Tisdale conforms to the principles and standards of Public Financial Reâ€" porting as pronwulgated by the Assoâ€" cilation. Mr. P?. Murphy has received a cerâ€" tificate from the Municipal Finance Officer‘s Association of Canada saying "That the Annual Financial Report of the Municipality of the Township Two sisters of Mrs. Helmer, Mrs Mr. Murphy has been appointed on films by Mrs. Maxwell Smith sOUTII PORCUPINE mer was not a swimmer wearing heavy clothing at number of relatives â€"~ $1 and costs requistioned â€" rcâ€"ireâ€" 8 ras now reâ€" He w Bbedy w; a swimmer tcown fc J omm n esc c css s in enc is in iscc ocmsc the Slate of Executors of the Public Welfare Division of the Canpdian Welfare Council. other hockey players home for the summer are:â€" Mike Miller from Glace Bay N. S.. and Steve Pirie, Joe Sullivan from Cornwall, Roy.McKay from San Francisco, Lawrence McKay from . England, Jack Gecan and Don Deacon frem Scot.and and Dusty B‘air from Oshawa. in Poreuvnine General Hosnital o V.citors at the home <i Mr. and Mrs. Dpan â€" Tavlor, 143. Evan St. recently were the Mormon Quintet Canadian Mission of the Church of Je:us Christ Latter Dayv Saints now touring Canâ€" ada: Douglas W. Scott of Prova Utahn, Jack E. Call of Salt Lake C:ty, Berâ€" narr Harris of Taber. A.berta Heber Grart Evans ¢f Paima, Idaho, and Joâ€" serh M. Brown of Kanab, Utah. The Beome Ladies Curling Club held its Annual Dance on Friday evening in the Arera. â€" Ron Jones and his orâ€" chestra nrovided music. Mrs. Andy McGinn Presidert of the club thanked h:> patrons at the close of the dance. Th> bedv of James Richard (Dick) Croucher who had been missing from his hoeme ‘sirce last Wednesdayvy, was iwund on Friday. k . He was 42 years ofwage and had worked at Pamour mine:. as Timeâ€"keepâ€" er. â€" He was also secrecar'y of the Poreâ€" voire Schcol Brard, He was born in Brartord, and his bedy was shipped ongSunday to that tewn for He leaves a widow, Mrs. Stella Crouâ€" cher ainmd onge daughter. The Women‘s Club of the Anglican Church with some members of the United Church saw the two films on "Cancer‘", presented by the Timâ€" mins branch of the Society for Canâ€" cer prevention last Tuesday evening. Dr. E. A. S. McKittrick gave a short address after the showing emphasisâ€" ing the points brought home by the The largest tournament ever held in the history of the Temiskaming Firemen‘s Association is to be feaâ€" tured this year on July 1st with South Porcupine Fire Department acting as hots in South Poreupine. Plans have been well worked out by the local department and firemen from Northern Ontario and Northâ€" west Quebec will compete in events A parade will start . at 1 p.m., and the final event will be axdance at the local arena.. There, will â€"be midway rides and races for children, and ;soft ball games. 7 Assistance =of v~local Service Clubs and the Tisdale Gouncil has been asâ€" sured, and c our> Volunteer â€" Firemen will outshine themselves as hosts in their @fforts to make this day an outâ€" standing success. Mr. Kevin Cahill is home for the summer from Guelph where he is attending Agricultural College. â€" wagon and ladder races, First Competition etc., for #he various phies and prizes. There has always been wonderful coâ€"operation and goodfellowship withâ€" in the Firemen‘s Association and as the North has grown, so have the number of Volunteer Fire Departâ€" ments. July lIst has long been the day set apart for competition among them. Nothing that can be said is too praiseworthy for these gallant lads who offer their best â€" voluntarâ€" ily in the cause of good citizenship â€" standing ready at all times to protect tomes and lives from the everâ€"menâ€" acing monster Fire. And in reâ€" sponse all assistance and coâ€"Operation on the part of our community will be offered our Department on July 1st. This is a foregone comclusion. t oA BMG: J1VJILEELELLS__AAEL _ LRA ; Re 1P OM NY W 4 o W Scout Hall Building Fund, and the committee in charge would llke to see a good turnâ€" out for this wor ‘thy cause. Last party lCSUH.b were (1D Mr, Otto Eckel for men and (2) Mrs. Sam Tessier for ladies. Each party gives a door prize two prizes for high scores and two consolation prizes. " Grand prize at the end of the fifth party is a hand made leather handbag. On Wednesday last form 7 p.m. on. our Public School held *open house‘ for parents and interested friends. This was an ‘extra in the schol‘s annals as the ‘Education Week‘ open house has already been‘ held. S Born â€".â€" To Mr. and. Mrs. Lorne Hart â€" {(Kathleen Reynolds) of 132 Leighton St. on May 3rd in Porcupine General Hospital a son. Born â€" To Mr. and Mrs. Ferguson Murray of Hallnor Mine on May 8th, a son, in Poreupine General Hospital. Born â€"â€" To Mr. and Mrs. John Nevâ€" ard of 55 Broadway Ave. on May 8th, a daughtoer, in Porcupine General Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Rud Langdon are enâ€" joying a month‘s holiday in Bermuda, having flown from New York, and are expected home at the end of next weoek. Mother‘s Day was observed specâ€" ially, in the United Church on Sunâ€" day at the evening service, which was chieflyv coral. The music was of very fine qualâ€" ity and the artists and choir especially 1mdcred theirâ€" items with marked mut The: choir gave "Hear Lord our God" by Tchiakovsky, and "Goâ€" ing Home," by Dvorak. M4. Lloyd Hunkin sang ‘"Thatk What Mothers are For," and Mr. W Honer gave two organ solos â€" "Trauâ€" merai" by Schumann and "Vision" by Rheinberger. The beautiful voice of Mrs. A. E. Stanlake was heard to perfection in "Bless This House", and "Sunshine After Rain.‘ Mrs. Peters gave two good trumpet solos which ywere well received. Aid troâ€" At a meceting of the Girl Guide Assocâ€" iation ladies held on Monday, it was decided to hold a Penny Sale in the Guide Hall on Wednesdagy May 26th. Proceeds to go toward Guide Camp this year. Please keep the date open. Guest speaker on Monday evening at the Kiwanis Club meeting at the Airport Hotel was Mrs. A. Rose of Timmins, who addressed the members on the subject "The School and Famâ€" ily Life." * She pointed out that the need of edâ€" ucation for home and family life was being recognized by Gove)‘m'nental agencies. For instance, Considerable . literaâ€"« ture on child rearing is avazlablc at the office of. the, Dept.. of National Health .and Welfare, Ottawa, and can be had for the asking.. In Toronto there is a library on chnld Llraining. and books may â€"be bonoww without cOst. An Institule in the Porcupine (,amp An. Institule in the Poré is to be set up and cond Dept,. of Edugcation .. in this year to specialize in cation. Home and School Associations have progressed a great deal in recent years and provide a fine charnel for coâ€" opreation between school and hcme. "So ofien‘‘, said Mrs. Rose, "parâ€" ents accept the curriculum provided by the school and do» not make known to the educational experts their ideas as to how the curriculum could be imâ€" proved. Mrs. Rose attended the Home and School Conference held in connection with the Ontario Educational Associaâ€" tion this year in Toronto, and was impressed by the subjects discussed, of which her theme to the Kiwanis was one. 'Shé was introduced by Mr. Ralph Ellis and thanked by Mr. Lloyd Hunâ€" touxnamnrt sponsared. , by., the , Roy Scouts‘ A.xsouauon and held every two weeks in the Scout Hall,; is‘ to take placc thl Fuday May 14tb at 8 , p.m. â€"The mO(ecds are to go toward the Scout . Hall Building Fund, and the committee in charge would llke to see a good turnâ€" out for this wor ‘thy cause. Last party lCSUH.b were (1D Mr, Otto Eckel for men and (2) Mrs. Sam Tessier for ladies. Each party gives To those who have not vnsnted our | public schools recently it was an opâ€" portunity of seeing how moderh methâ€"~. ods of education ar appliéd! Rach teacher was in the classroom ready, to talk over individual problems with barents â€" to show the tangible »reâ€" sults of weeks of ‘instruction, and to. bind more firmly the bonds between home and school: teacher and taught. On each desk was placed the pupils books â€" art and script, with name prominent. Around the walls were specimens of the best efforts, and the individual murals were exhibits at whigh to marvel. + in ons mm e omm m n tmscc hm maen. in mm ies tm ons mt Over three hundred parents regisâ€" tered for the affair, but many more attended who did not register. There are 735 pupils in attendance at the school and 21 teachers with Mr. R. L. Ship, principal. : The craft displays by the older pupils are worthy of mention. °_ In the boys wbodworking section md}xy wellâ€"made articles were on display â€" brackets and breadboards, holders ’of all kinds for domestic use, and metal work were there. + The different weekly ‘projects‘ were all exemplified by children‘s work, and the sand tables in some of the rooms were works of art. In the> girls exhibit, sewing â€" and knitted articles were much admired. In one room four black ‘and white drawings of scenes, were grouped .on a wall, which (from our point of view) were worthy of an exhxbnt in any adult art class. ' The art exhibition in the hallways attracted much praiseworthy notice, and. modesly placed among this was a grouping of prize ribbons won by clases and pupils in the recent. music festival. The â€" Rebekah Lodge ladies are holding a euchre party in the Masâ€" onic hall on Friday (l4th). Lunch will be served and prizes for both men and women given. A draw for blankets will be held.. Proceeds will go to the cancer and tuberculosis fund, Mr. and Mrs Stfinley_Jay_ol Dome Ex. are on holiday in Toronto. ' The: third, Bridgeâ€"party, in the Bridge THE PORCUPINE ADVANCE, TIMMINS, ONTARIO the asking.. In Toronto library on child, training nay â€"be. borrowey, without Porcupine Camp conducted by tte in Ontario Tliter e in Parent Eduâ€" iations have recent years nelt for coâ€" and hsms "~A very pleasant social evening at the home of Mrs. Holimes on Bruce Ave . followed the service at St. Paul‘s Church on evening of May 2nd when Jladies of the Women‘s Group (club) of the church met ‘to honour the wife of the Revd. J. R. Morris who will be leaving soon with her husband for Detroit. i The bridge, euchre and bingo which the ladies of St. Joachim‘s Church were planning is now definitely to be held on Friday, May 28th, in the Finn Hall. Mrs. Holmes in a nice little speech presented Mrs. Morris with a gift of dainty lingerie from the Club. followed. Ladies present included Mrs. 0. Cosâ€" tein. Mos:~J. Miner, Mrs. I. Crawford Mrs~â€"Ed. Chambers, Mrs: J. Roderick Mrs. Eâ€"â€"Marris, Mrs. Evelyn Brown Mrg ~G.: Knutson, Miss. Pearl Wilson Mrs Ruth Blair, Mrs. Briggs (Dome) Mrs: A. Bennett and Mrs. J. Phillips Word has been received of the death Mottle Verner in Philadelphia, who passed away .at her daughter Ruth‘s home in that city last week, Her body was shipped to Toronto for burial on Sunday May 2nd. Mrs. Verner left South Porcupine wit‘r her husband about two years ago to reside in a@a warmer climate. Mr. Verner was for many years manâ€" Azer of the S. Porcupine branch of Sam Bucovetsky Co‘s store on Golden Avo., and later on Bruce Ave. Le{t to mourn their mother are one son lHarry in TFToronto, Mrs. Scholes (Anne) of Timmins: Mrs. Malin (Rose) of Kirkland Lake; Mrs. Nalon (Ruth) of Phlladelphna and Mrs. _V. Hirschâ€" berg !Besme) of Cancouvet all were present ixt the tundral in Toronto. te Born â€" On May 6th. in Poreupine Genéeralt Hospital ‘dbughter to: Mr. and Mrs: Walter Lang of Powell Ave. ‘~Mr. Emorson‘ Smith ‘of Commercial Avo. is in Killaloe attending the funâ€" eral "Cof ‘his father. â€" Mr,, Ralpa Mnchell and baby daughâ€" â€" ore visiting Mrs. George Michelil b“mc Ex{ension for the summer. delightful lunch and social time a sOUTii PORCUPINE Mclntyre Arena _ Monday, May 17th 8.30 Premier George Drew EVERYBODY WELCOME Yarrow, Shirley Sparks, Patsy Tomâ€" linson. Georgina and Joan Goodyer, Mrs. P. A. Boyce, Mrs. James Macâ€" Kenzie, Mrs. Lowe, Mrs. Peace, Mrs. Kennedy, Mrs. John Monaghan., Miss Betty Killens and the Jleader Miss Kathleen Christopher. Sunday morning the service of Worship in Trinity United Church was conducted by the Rev. J. A. Breckenridge. The theme of his serâ€" mon was *"Mother‘". Douglas Jones, young son of Mrs. Ted Jones, second avenue, sang a lovely solo "God Bless Our Home"* Mrs. James Huxley acâ€" companied at the organ. The Junior choir under the direction of Mr. J, Lillie sang a lovely anthem "Ong¢e When I Was Still A Child" ‘The Sacâ€" rament of Baptism was administered to the children: (Heather Anne, Brough, daughter of ~Mr. and Mrs. W.G. Brough Rose Mary Louise Reid daughter <of Mr. ‘and Mrs:R. Reid, Teresa Phyliss Rushton: daughâ€" ter of Mr. and Mrs. Rushton Vincent James Eliot., son ‘ of Mr.â€"‘and Mrs. Sydney Eliot, Hugh James~ George We Cater To Bangquets â€" Weddings â€" Parties THONE 400 For Reservations Regular Meal Hours South Porcupine, Ontario 3â€"48P Mcintyre Band In Attendance Rodgers son of Mr. and Mrs. W. Rodâ€" TELL YOUR FRIEXDS YoU gers. Rev. J. A. Brackenridge sSAW ITINX THE ADVANXNCE officlated® assisted by Mr. H. Waddell The beautiful flowers on the altar of the church were placed in grateful I CENTRAL HOTEL Miss Sheila Moran, second Ave. entertained Saturday evening in honâ€" or of Miss Mildred Veorbik, who was ceélebrating her birthday. The guests spent a nice social time and during the evening the guest of honor was presented with a Stirling Silver Hair Club. The hostess assisted by her mother Mrs. Elmer Moran Mrs. Joe Verbik and Miss Shirley Moran served a delicousâ€"lunch.. Afterâ€".lunch games and dancing was enjoyed. Attendâ€" ing the pdrty mwere Mae Sutherland, Fddie‘ Pare. ty > Sutherland, Melâ€" Â¥Ll Hicks, Morgo Kirkland, Roger Todhunter, > Nancy McNeil, Don Charch, Atice Scultion, Gordon Web ber, June~ Sutherland. Ray Hanniâ€" gan Marie Wilson, Matt Mesich, Verâ€" onica Shantz, Pete Babando, Mildred Verbik, Alvin Cavanagh, Sheila Morâ€" an,. Johnny McLelland, Shirley Morâ€" an, Mrs. Joe Verbik and Mrs. Elmer Moran. Percy A. Boyce "*W'“M'"‘o f"o": Cut Flowers Potted Plants Floral Designs Wedding Bouquets FOR DISTINCTIVE : Wm. E. Jamieson Florist â€" 108 Golden Ave., â€"S. Porcupine 74 Bruce Ave. South: Porcupine DISTINCTIVE : ARRANGEMENT s Phone 835 Progressive Conservative Candidate For Cochrane South Peo y C M A . Boy ‘C e 0. M. HENDERSON, FProp. and ... 0. ®# ' # ® 0 * oooo estes 0)- oooooooooooo 000 ats welwals M. T. Maapla, Kay Votour Proprictors Comfortable Rooms Excellent Service PMONE 135 84 Bruce Ave. _ South Porcupine SOUTH END ELECTRIC 80 Main St. Phone 880 Phone 800 Service Everything We Sell South End Electric NORTHERNX ELECTRIC APPLIANCE® Ranges Refrigerators Washing Machines Authorized Dealers

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