Timmins Newspaper Index

Porcupine Advance, 6 May 1948, 2, p. 2

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"1“ ( N. ;. -\ “The mt?" proving flying Ma man for out-ob- ‘j‘_-.,...‘fj. “The floor. What does the 151) mnmummumyrm .f‘ , requirez. What experience? sun? 4:" ‘wm Wt 11': u fr2u6' infusion s ° am? I: n dotns somethinc you mm :zholarshtp wood from all parts or om-fi - i 2 3011"“ moguls tum- so do? ,If so, you are half-way home tsrio and Canada. As the largest W W ed to My prodncers. Would they aim the We, are "you'n b’e pretty College in the British Commonwealth :mndae hm»: .‘ come out to 3011M and make 9‘0' good at it. a-Skflls can be learned; ex- University Colleg'e long has 119% the-iguana;- zlr , z W .4 ’ ' m2. annoy was no. object. Many ”flew acquired“? you can Only need of more residence acocmodndoni . . . meprodu- ’ _ t. you map; 813” new" A w'hc‘usetm 4, h 512‘ “= nine mama m:- man» ‘ fjm'flfl , Ulc Clu uuuc. W low ceumg. . ‘ 5 . and you and yourself 1am , ' . £57} , ,. . 7g“! 091111118 Jcbis Von altré‘m‘fi‘ “18%):on the 6m housesonst create ‘ - I a c amp on pee-van '-‘ Where me; markets are taughpwm .N da. . .. ,. ' - ”gm gm :1» rgom with an eight-foot be torn dam tu make way for the tw- gioa 1mm first ware war topthe m ted to 8° ahead now and mace and a “5". Arts 3““de ‘8 33° presexvt,:'s' flit Universifiy 95% received . .p _. it!!! maxilla idiam there a: on :the list (I maturements. ' . over 3122:“me throxighp pg}va_te con- '* }7- Y _ W W ‘08 38 W " The Univetstby «library des to Na} “an a‘gflk b have or? ' only by your imozimflon- «5-».- . _ _. W buti _ . ‘ ' ' ‘31:: mes-e 1 want. to push the «.3- ~ '- ‘ r" .quv‘m.‘ “i1“ 1* ~ . . 1 \, A GREAT LOVE STORY! WW and ‘51” w "the when" ' ' vide hymn locum-M01! “r “‘4’“ 7'“- ’7 1 "W ‘° “‘9 m" m “‘e ”The flour. What. does we 16!» ’32,, Mummummy reds i' mwayeaownmmemm ° munch mm experience? ammonia mun a fresh infusion __ ~ “”M own? hummethmzyoum zMammbthwpmof%-‘ '- «the W006 moguls tum- 2,0 do? .1: so, you are half-way home tsflo and Canada. A: the lmt W’ ,_ , building. and a 452mm: W'mch nanny steamers Would they the the We. the you'fl do pretty College in the British Commonweanh' flame hfldmprtte's gas; the exam. ' ‘0 mum W W" 9‘9 good at n. suns can be learned: ex- University Collegi- lone has “W the Meant 2+ ._., ' , fiwode‘n “W“ W W“ 00 m Many perienoe acquh'edo-W you can 1531? need of mere residence acocmodngpi A 5‘ ‘23: _{ a... 1: you like. Um new; 1R" 9 BLYTH : .- . o‘s“A Womangs: V .- _ -. ‘ {An/6317i WALT filsm -- ’s ‘ “ By J. P. McEvoy Ubku-u v v- v ‘--'â€"â€" vv- â€"__.. 8 m“ geral’d in ‘CrackuD’ ‘wr‘bte enviously 0‘ “a“? 9?}ng mobility of me. rich.’ . But- mo- Hf-f Mk? , minty; dike. practically evél‘ything @153: .e ‘3‘,“ goes: on m your-héad. 'It’s mbstl‘y 'idea. it Splltsgx‘lhe‘ vergbricl‘fi have no moregmabinty ’1 Imma'ehan théi-ééry poor. In fa’ct, wgighed 1; “31104:. wuu wu {uw .vv-o --- --â€"- ,-_- .1," 4' cain’t fire: You, yourself. That’s one [am boss who will chase you to; bed at. md night and reuse you "out in the morn- ;fid lfig’all the. days of your lifgz. You . can mever quit early on him or, get add (may __-fro_n}- him {for week-ends or. va- any (Gamma 19.5.1-thg-Woods or by «the sea. ushHélIbe lifidmg behind every tree or o comiztig injon'eVery*waye.”, ‘ e. ’n 'down;,with possessions," they are not {wheat-l? so mobile E«sis gypsies and are rooted in the ground when compared to hoboes. Anybody can be mobile if he is willing to take his own boss along make his own assignments. set his own delivery dates and deadlines, andmrack the-.wh'ip on mmself: ' _. , ,“Ihushort young fellow". I conclude pontificall‘y, “you too. can push the . button, but you’ve ‘ always-u got to be p 1 ready and‘wil-linglrto run’like the devil Have-raw u u.u “But a job ties you down. ' I want kin he dreet’i :5 ~ “Writers call it {1 ee-lancing But no one is less free than a free-lance. : The --desk bound writer is free of his ‘ his editor when he walks out the door, "but «the free-lance carries his editor around everywhere on his bank. like the . Mime Mon «at Canada comprises 5the whale northern part of the Nonth American continent with its islands ‘éxcapt Alaska. Newfoundland an d Gleenland. . Mgmhhnt' fshippnig under construc- tion in yiBritain in 1947 'was 187 per cent: of ' the 1939 figure and abbut 57 pm cegqt orct’otal worid construction. to answer it.” LOTS 0F » TERRITORY SCHA'NT sxii‘miNG TANDY Jessica Wm of in: new residence is to meat; at 17.00. . .. proud; 11m 3000an Mon, {or out-0t, -, ,1. fl . . WWII mu m the "My ‘9“ . I g .413”. ;, ~ Summer fire prevention begins as soon, as the,snow.leaves the ground ac- cordingto .fire 'ch‘ief William Stanley of Timmins Fire Department. Spring .finés in-grass and. weeds take a heavy toll annually and "unless homesin the . vicinity of such a fire are roofedwlth~ asphalt shingles or some other fire- resistant material. they are vulner- ableé'to‘destruction by flying embers. One of the first jobs for the far-see- ing householder, chief: Stanley says, . is to-clear-rubbish' and debris “from his . property. By doing this he removes .one of the..g‘reat’£ire hazards of the :Spring season. ' , Fences. sheds and barns are partic- ularly vulnerable and care should "be taken not to leave oily rags about such premises; Dead stalks v'an'd brush from the garden should be re- moved and burned only under super- vision. Here again many municipal- iti’es take the precaution of not allow- ing any-one to burn rubbish unless a permit has been secured from author- iti’es. . Another fire hazard, pérticularly in country districts according to chief Stanley, is faulty construction or im- proper materhis in chimneys. Brick or tiie should’be used “and the chimney should be hunt of tho-brick thickness from the museum through mg... , \ Tstorey. Rural homes shoulfli afii 3 saving “ii-9h aeood so 1 ‘So great .is the danger=fro§x " these early Spring fires that some4’munic- ipalities demand that any new or re- newed construction must employ fire- lesisant materials. lettgth 6f sount!‘ girdeh hfitidie’ or a reliable firé extinguisher approved by underwriters. Spring is not only the time fm‘ housevcleaning, garden-planting and general clean up and beautification work around city and country prop- erty. It is_ also a good time for a check- up on the condition of building con- structiOn, whether city dwelling. country residence or farm and farm w- gigâ€"v "5am the first ‘chbeks which should be made are on the two extremities, roof'and foundations. If any " leaks in K296 ' Posted .‘ NeWs ’11 Notes From drawing of'prop'bsed residence by Mathers a ‘Haldenby construction generally: is as good we itime as any to get Ithi‘s done. Nearly ten per cent of all fires in Canada during 1946 were caused by faulty wiring and electrical appliances. roofs developed as the winter‘s snow melted away, the time to locate the trouble is now, beIOre summer thun- derstorms can do further damage to ceilings and rafters. With asphalt shingles and roll-roofing in plentiful supply, now is the time also to get reeroofing jobs done on dwellings, summer ecottages, ebarns and an other buildings. ' . ’_ONTARI,_.OT GOV’T OFFERS em)! MORTGAGE LOANS -- Starting “workday, 'May 3, Ontarians of limited means but :acceptable credit rating can buy a small new house with a down payment as low as $950 or: $1.000 On that day, Ontario Planning Min.| ister Dana Porter, in Toronto, will open books of a new provincial crown l - company to lend direct to such home? buyers several millions of dollars an; 20-year second mortgage at 3%% in- terest rate. The effect will be to cut present down payments in half on newly built law-cost hauses where a first mortgage has been arranged under, or on terms comparable with the National Housing Act. . . " MUST STpP ASKING FAVORS -- “If we are going to make a success- ful stand against totalitarianism then we must make very sure that we are free from the curse ourselves.” Wag-A WOOden -50nstruction should be checked for mildew and Woodzrot,gpar- ticularly in the foundations. These are fungus. ‘gro’wths, cauSed by invis- ible organisms carried due! the atom";- phere in great numbers. They earlobe dealt with by use“ of copper naphthen- ate, a war-developed chemical whsch not only kills off the fungus but also acts as preservative of the wood. All wiring and electrical connec- tions should be examined ‘periodical- 1y. and WWW am the house gChimneysgand flues.;,,slfii0uld also he lacked to’ at this time of .LyLe-ar. If any tendency toyvards overhggting was no-. ticed during the winter. get the 1%- pairs done before fall. If put off, they may Lbé fbrgotten until the win- ter, when it [may be too late. FREE USE OF Us DOLLARS, WHEN? -â€" Any hopes of early lifting of the governmental restrictions affec- ting the use of U28...d911ars would seem to be dispelled by the annual re- port for 1947 of the Foreg’in Exchange Contra! Board, says The Financial Post. â€"â€"‘I" â€" â€"â€"vâ€"â€"w v ,pafli‘hus been worn to Ottawa? and Washington by so-called tree citizens mm» mm“ lamina the}: higher costs. less 'coin'p’éfltibn, A higher taxes and more government control. ‘ Unless we change our way "that sort of thing can only lead to the same state domination which threatens so in“ a part of the world ‘iodax, The; This was the warning of wmum A.{Ivy1n ecomogxist for it": . . Bankers sown m an? amber?“ before the Chadian Club of Tqmnto thisweek. 3'. Thermammmaaus am: m ‘ Can ‘ada’ _s official reserves ‘ofi; :ng ‘ AQng.‘ -' cwmyq IAIN A 28 percent Increase In: the no- ”"5”” U9. VUU‘ tton's flro loss lost your to proof of “- Iho turnout mod for removal of are Distrtct residents have been quick to n “I? haunts»- uid Fire Chic! William take advantage at the modern factu- M“ Stinky as he outlined details ottho a...“ memmwrursmme ”99° Spun: Clean-up promm which plant u 1 m avenue, ”manner. M‘ m ““5” Mly 3’3- .. Manager. E. C. Brewer reports that 883‘. 3“” About $700,000,000 was the dis- meats by the scars have been picked 5â€"â€" treutng monetary coat and 11,000 up and placed into storage during the kw spot-ooh: were killed in tires. Chief past week. ' ‘ ’ :2; taniey explained.. He added that .. v one of the best m1 be Spring Clean-Up ‘8 the most effective pmgfldes “:8 £1); afiywhere‘ we are mm 9‘ “re Wecfion- MW mid: ave ~ amt residents speedy “3 ism“ Clem-Up as f; thorough 10" service." Mr. Brewer said, “This will 7 to of: spring cleaning .wi «accustom at- become apparent next Fall when we ‘1‘” “mm“ to fire “(awry .23: "iiii’fi‘im‘la'fio‘ iX‘h‘éliopr n woman's cont 8in ~ ems: sea The annual clea'n-up dfive is held b in the spring because the danger of conflagrations is greaté'at. he said. High winds caq eufly‘ Trry sparks from i mbmrlite to *1 7* dry flini hi mable 1'6! iand' the" team often is a £1 bummh building. the cm: 1)an “ W 1 H Chief Stanley gave his sgpport to cthis program of the National Fire Protection Association, sponsor of the clean-up program: 3» how much better it woultl be to pres fur Wage mutt which will contain vent it altogeher. Firemen can make 4080 cats has been built at c-ohelder-. suggestions, but- ltfs up“ to every res- able expense. The new enterprise en- ldent of Tlmmins: to do the worn" tailed the remcdelollng of the entire Chief Stanley said. than of the company s large premlSes. He recommendéd. that Spring Clean- Large front emces an the upper UP not be confifled mamas but BX- portmn of the building while the vault tended to all MODEM Although is buried in concrete beneath them. seasonal cleaning is traditionally a Temperatures and humidity are con- PETE ‘E’FE‘EE fire can strike any- trolled by the most modern equipment “v- vâ€"_ 3M“ Clean-up Prom!“ Whit}! plant at 1 first avenue Schumacher A new charities! both tasteless and started Honda? May 8161mm x. c. Brewer reports 1111113111» odorless. called 11-11611.er used 1:1 ”w “’0‘“ 8700. 0001000 W” the (“5° ments by the me have been picked refrigeration system replacing the brine 11mins monetary cost and 11000 up and placed 111m storage during the 33111110111 or cams diorlde used "1 peach: were killed in tires, Chief past week d‘oi‘m’er days; WWW units which Btuntey explained" He added that .. 1 1 mtures and Battles hav one of the best both mainta 11 ore taupe 39"“ Clean-Up ‘3 the moat eflecttve of 113 1:; anywhere we are hold the air of‘ the vault at the re- at means °f are pm°§Q°n° “mm“ pk.) ameltd gtve dtsmct residents speedy mined humidity are installed along 3.9?“ 9‘9“”? '88 ‘. “0’0“!“ 10b service» m 3.er said “11113 11111 the north side .01 the yaun 0‘ SIM“! cleaning Wi ““5““ at- become 1111113113111 next Fall when we The floor at the v is made with tentton to tire Supt? ..- """" 91" 11161111111“ 3 coat of 1 111mm mooncrete {our The annual clean-up ,dflve is held {WIT be abie t0 dellv 8 813‘ inches 8 in the 3mm: because the danger of back to M1 on the day following her inches of cork then two 111-11 one-halt ." 1 of concrete There are 1 He said that in the past women had 1.8 inchesot reinforced concrete in :23; {muffifigufo ”gys‘gfl‘ m to fwatttor as long 113th - theathgeb (inside walls of the Vial; mable 1'8: a€11d one reason often is a fir the return ‘ Off“ that Matthew an memeftmerua fie. t humid: bonding, the: Chief panacea W! Witt that the garments-had to be ‘mvy “a” 1111 1”” out 1.381111 out of storage at Toronto mck- doors ma vault’s con was. “The ffi‘re department as away; ed and shipped man. “We more this new plant 1111's a ‘ 111 the '.No1‘th"Mr. Wâ€" ready to respond to afa- and we do The £01111 A11 M Stomge company definite 1109!! our absolute best to kéep dam is a subsidiary or No1thern hoSteu or soil. ‘We how hot! an exoette11t low. We can put a flfimut but thitis Ms and Cold Storage Ltmited. The response Horn the publlo to date. He recommendea that Spring Clean- Up not be confined to .‘hhmes but ex- tended to all propem Although seasonal cleaning is; traditionally a home function fire can strike any- where, he said. :eontainers. 6. Don’t use flammable cleaning fluids. Use nomexplosive Cleaners. 7. Clean yards and grounds as well "as interiors of "buildings. ‘ " â€" 2. Heating plants and chimneys, almost. certain to «:be dixty after win- rter-long use, should be cleaned and repaired if necessary. 1 Remove rubbish â€"- old. maga- zines, newspapers, discarded" furni- ture and other useless accumulations of comustlble materialgRubbish is a doublehazard because it {can ignite spontaneously or ‘be set 'afire by a spark. -. 3. Make Spring Clean-Up a time for house repair. Pay particular at- tention to roofs, covering worn roof- ing with a fire- resistant material such 'as” aSphal-t shingles. :‘mA ‘ _.__-._!-- JInLL-‘ Aug-A hi4 Mrs. H. Darling has left for Tor- ’onto' kWh’ere she and‘Mh Darlingwilb make ‘up permanent resi‘dén’ce. ' "4. :Cigan "and repair dirty: and de- fective electrical equipment. Replace (fryed) Jrayed extension corgls, \LLJW] 8‘ "J vu HIDE”- w-v-u 'vâ€"w- 5.1{eep oily rags in covered metal containers. Cleanliness is the essence, of safety. That makes it easy totake a few- ex- tra precautions and convert spring cleaning Into Spring Clean-‘Up, Spon- 'sored locally by the fire department 'and nationally by the National Fire Protect-ion A'ssocnablon. ' {For your own sake, we urge you to c00perate. Keep-oily rags it} covered metal fa: DEPARTMENT or PLAN ulna mgoevzmmaur Hm . PER cent RepucnbN. 0:; DOWN “mews ON NEWLY‘ cqusmuc'rso: my“ ; 90:51 Haggis UNDER THE HOUSING "DEVELOPMENT; Acr (angina) . . I a». .... ." A h}. _ The Province of Ontario Will: arrange for 5 the loan of fifty per cent of the d1lfere11ce between the amount of the ’first mortgage and the sale price of a newly conStruéte‘d house, the Provincial advances not to ex- . ceed $1, 250. 00 on any: one hpuse. The loan W111! be repayable on agtwenty year amortization plan with interest at 31/; per cent-per annum. Satisfactory evidence will be required that the amOunt: of5’ the first mortgage advance is a reasonable’propor- non of the -value..- ‘ Applimtmijorm: and all necessary informaIien may be chained/ram: Rookâ€"4662, East Block, Gu‘oehs‘farki'l'oromo Ontario «, QN‘TARIO, «t? The anqurcb_lg pane Porter, K'.C. manned by 'r. . A. Mott and Son. refrigeration and wocondmonmg ens For‘ "tglmtbzebrass and copper, there ~‘is,._ޢtl;ip§.lietter than salt mix- ed. .w"itfl?‘-‘Ian“"eqޤlwpart of flour and vinegfir. Letmls remain on ‘l'or an hourgoreso,~‘,.then-»rub off with ’a soft cloth. Mter'y‘y‘é‘i‘ds. waSh and . use a soft brufih5'tpr‘;‘-pl'aces that cannot be reached Wifl‘t’ra cloth. . Then polish. rmnss *‘A’ND comma Mama ,

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