Timmins Newspaper Index

Porcupine Advance, 18 Sep 1947, 2, p. 3

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~ Shower Given For Mrs. T. H. Paterson oooooooovoooooooonoooooooo 0 _0 _0 _0 o. o_ _¢, 00 _¢_ _0 .0 .0 oootooolooooooooooooooooooooocooom PHONE 1369 ~C s J. A. Gagnon â€" Manager‘ . > # 20080052020 * 0.“.“.‘.00‘0‘.“.00’0‘.“.00..0.0..00..0:.‘...}0 * 00.0'.00.‘ 177 Pine St. N. § '"."‘"..'.“6.1 A greatâ€"uncle in the back country has writtn in for details of the new Ford pension plan, covering h‘s Model T. The following guests attend:sd, Miss Jean Lafferty, Miss Gwelda Farr, Miss Shirley McMaster, Mss June Sutherâ€" land, Miss Joan Prentice, Miss Bette Miss Mary Sutherland, Mrs. Beryl Moran, Mrs. Fr:d Webber, Mrs. Kay Leck, Mrs. Jim Lacasse, Mrs. Porothy Sutherland, and the guest of honcr, Mrs. T. H. Paterson, Mrs. J. D. Sutherland and Miss Sutherland, Second Ave., were hosiesses Friday evening at a nicely arranged â€"miscellaneousâ€" shower in hcumor of Mrs. T. H. Paterson. last Monday evening cn the Northâ€" land for Toronto where she will comâ€" mence h:r studies at the Salvation Army Officers‘ Trianing College. Prior to leaving, Miss Lowe was cntetrtained by many of her friends. The Young Pecples‘ Group of the Balvation <~Army, Timmins, present=d her with an umbrella and sum of money, the gifts carrying with hem their best wishes. Mrs. Paterson is the former, Lak.a Webber, only daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Frid Webber, Third Ave., and became the bride of Dr. T. H. Paterâ€" son at a quiet coremony on August 22nd. The rooms were nicely decorated for the occassicn and large vases of flowers were beautifully arranged. The gussts enjoyed a social time. Bingo was played with prizes for the winners. During the evening the guest of honor was presented with a large assortment of lovely gfts. A delicicus lunch was cserved by the hostesses. E um > w i o5 c\ 3 e C B ; t oo Mi:s Audrey Lowe, Second Ave, left DUNDAS BROS. COAL ... WOOD and JUNK DEALERS McLeod River Lump Stirling Cobbles Railway Tisdale Timmins, Ont. over 35 yrs.‘ on all makes ‘~Western Coals sSCHUMAC All© Work Guarantee_q nce Monday Meeting Of Catholic Women‘s League Annual Picnic At Mclntyre Park A wedding r:cept.on was held Sunâ€" day evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Cowden, Gold Centre, in honor of Mr. .and Mrs, Carl Cowden of Barrie, who are spending pari of their wedding trip visiting Mr. Cowâ€" den‘s parents, Mrs. Harry Cowd:n, assigteéd My her qgisterâ€"inâ€"laif, Mrc. James Cowden, recetived the guests. A nice sccial was enjoycd with singing and dancing. Durings the aveâ€" ning a delicious lunch was sorved. The young couple were the recipi ros of many beautiful gifts. The following guests attended, Mr. and Mrs. E. Dunâ€" babin, Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Sutherâ€" land, Mr. and Mrs. Alex Sterling, Mr and Mrs. J. Morris, Mr. and Mrs. L:o Lampk‘ n, Mr. and Mrs. Alex Dunbaâ€" bin, Mr. and Mrs. L. S.ymour, Mr. and Mrs, Herb Eden, Mr. and Mrs. 8. Arquette, Mr. and Mrs. Brundy Defelice, Mr. and Mrs. Jones, Miss Maisie Dunbabin, Reg. N., Miss Ruth Westerholm, Reg. N., Jean Iannarelli, Joey TIannar:lli, Alice Cowden, Murâ€" Jcrie Cowden, Jo Anne Cowden, Jackie Cowden, ‘Bill Morgan, Elmer Morgan, Neil Seth Cowden, Cecil Kennedy, Denham Gr:er,® Leity Walker, A. Kutchaw, Steve Ostrovich, Edd e Morandin. Unable to attend but sending lovely gifts were Mr. and Mrs. Ben Davies, Mr. and Mrs. Nick Tomiui, Mr. and Mrs. L. Taylor, Mr. and Myrs. Latour, Mr. and Mrs. James Mack:onâ€" zie, Mr. and Mrs. T. Pigeon, Mr. and Mrs. B. Hannigan, Mr. and Mrs. W. Dupuis, Mr. and Mrs. W. Jeffrey, Mr. and Mrs. N. Cousineau. The Schumach:r Home and School Association held their annual picnic Sunday afiernoon at the McIntyro Park. The day being fine, there was a large attendance. There were the: usual races and games for. the chilâ€" dren and grown ups. Also a softball game. The Public School boys verses the M:n members of the Home and Schocl. There was also a softball gams with a mixed team picked from memâ€" bers of the Home and School. During the afternoon a delicious lunch was enjoyed. The attendants gifts were to the brid:smaid gold earrings and to the best man, a gold chain and pen kniic. Out of town guests at the wedding were Mr. and Mrs. Harry Cowd>n, Misses Alice and Marjory Cowden, Mr. Joe Iannarelli of Gold Centre, Schuâ€" macher, Mr. and Mrs. L Wilson, Miss Juns Wilson, Mr. Keith Wilson, Mr. Hector Mr. Ken Wilson, Mrs. Arn.ce Cowden, Mr. Bert Cowden, of Torcnto, and Miss Edith Meiner, of Waterloo. Affer the reception the brids and groom left for a motor trip to Timâ€" mins and northern points, For trav.lâ€" ling the bride wore a wine gabardine suit with black accessories. After the ceremony a reception was held. The bride‘s mother rece.ved th: guests. She wore a gown c¢f black and whiie jersey silk and corsage of red roses. The groom‘s moth:r assisted. She wore a black crepe peplum dress with pink accessories, and had a corâ€" sage of pink rcses. A wedding of local interest was heid at Bbarr.e, Saturday, S.ptemibcâ€"r btn, when Oiga Joyce, youngest aaught.r of Mr. and Mrs. George Mmor:is became the briqe of UQai.e Beth ¢Ccowden, only son of Mr. and mu‘s. Marry Cowaen, Gold Centre. Miss Aiice Cowaen, sister of the groom was bridesmaid and Mr. Phip Morris, brother of the brids was bes. mah, ‘tThe briae, given in marriage by her fasher, wore a beau.iful white sat.n gown with lace yoke and lace inseris and a full bouffant skirt. She carried a show.r bouquet of red roses and white glad tleurettes, Miss Alce Cowden wore a lovely blue crepe trimmed with white fieconne She carrisd a cascade bouquet of piunk glad fleurettes. SCHUMACHER Mrs. Bosnar, who has been visitingz her sister, Mrs. Dave Bennett, Fifth Ave, left for Mcntreal whire she will fly from Montreal to London, England, to join her husband. Dr. and Mrs. Bosnar are at present on leave from India. Mrs. T. H. Patterson, of Toronto, is visi‘‘ng her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred W;:bber, Third Ave. Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Leck, McIintyre Property, are holidayir}g at Ottawa and other points. Mrs, Dan Fraser, McIntyre Proâ€" perty, returned home this week after spending several we:‘ks visiting friends and relatives at New Glasgow, Nova Scotia. Mrs. R. V. Wiston, Foulth Ave., has returned from a hchdav at Toronto and other points. Mr. Will:lam Mansfield, Fourth Avoe., left for Noranda where he will attend the Tamskaming Firemen‘s Associaâ€" Jon Convention. Mr, John Monaghan, Second Ave., fcor Noranda where he will attend the Temiskaming Pir:mens‘ Associa tion Convention which is being held ‘"r2 Noranda on Monday, 15th, and Tuesday, 16th, of this week. * Mr. and Mrs. James Dillon, First Ave., lefs by car for Noranda where Mr. Dillon will attend the Temiskaâ€" ming Fir men‘s Assoc‘:ation Convenâ€" ticn being held in Noranda this week. Mr. and Mrs. Dick Keen>, Railroad St., has returned from a mctor trip in Southern Onilanmo. Mrs. Jefferys, of Gold Centre, has returned from a holiday in Toronto. is home from St. Mary‘s Hospital and all extend him their b:st wishes for a speedy recovery. Miss Maisie Dunbabin, Reg. N., and Miss Ruth Westerholim, Reg. N., Gold C.ntr2, have reurned from a holiday at Toronto and Niagara District. The â€" many friends of Mrs. Tsd Jones, Second Ave., will be glad to know she is able to be hcme from the Porcupn> General Hospital and all extend her their best wishes for a speedy recovery. BORNâ€"Sunday, Sep!t. 1l4th, in the Porcupine General Hospital, to Mr. and Mrs. James Hamilton, McIntyr»> Proâ€" perty, Fourth Ave., a son. Mr. and Mrs. T. Breckbank of Torâ€" onto is vis.iting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Laine, First Ave. Th many friends of Mr. Jamss Cuwllen will be glad to hear that hc Miss Gertrude Hawkins has left to resume her studies at the Univ:rsity ¢f Toronto afier spendng a holiday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Stan Kitchen, First Ave. Miss Be‘te MacMillan of th> Trade and Prices Board, Mon.real, is visiting her parints, Mr. and Mrs. Sincia.r MacMillan, Mcintyre FProperty. Mr. and Mrs. Harcld Grist, Gold Centre, left by car for a holiday at Toronto and other points. Personals â€" 1 hanksgiving Services ee mama o m rme In Schumacher Churches \'/ GRow over. 260 varicnes Of l7 kinos or FRuir Small tea tables were arranged with whit2> cover and centrepiece of mixed flcwers, Serving the tables were M:rs. MacKenzie, Mrs. Malkin, Mrs. Towell, Mrs. Killens, Mrs. Langford. The bake table had a large sel:ction of delicious homse baking to choose from. Mrs. George Shippam, Mrs. Byron and Mrs. Pearce were in charge of the table. Thers was a large selecticn of fruit vegetables and potatces for sale. Mrs. McCarthy and Mrs, McWhinmuc were in charge of the table. The kitâ€" X3IV ‘SIN 319M UolW) ing and Mrs. Ernis Dunbabin. The day being fine, a large number of ladies attended and enjoved afterâ€" noon tea. Before radio \w> had the party line â€"which many maintain was more teresting. Miss Gwelda Farr, of Toronto, is visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Monaghan, Second Ave. The Wemen‘s Association of Trintly United Church held a very successful "Harvest Home" tea sale of hom> baking, fruits and vegetables, Mconday afternoon :n the church hall Te hall was nicely decorated for th»> ocâ€" cassion. Mrs. Wink Wilson was in charge of the d:coraticns. The large tea table was very attractive with lace cover, tall taper whits candiles in silver holders. The ceonir.piecs was a silver vase filled with pale pink and white baby asters, Mrs. R. V. Wosion and Mrs. J. H. S‘@les poured tea from the silvir tea services. Mrs. E. Pooley and Mrs. S. Kitchens greoted the guests at the door. "Harvest Home" Tea Sale sSCHMUMACHER Presented With Gift At Surprise Party A number of friends of Dr. and Mrs. J. M. Gabriel, First Ave., paid a surâ€" prise visit to their home Friday eveâ€" ning and‘ injoyed a nice social u«.ime. Dur.â€"ng«. t,h;:" evening, Dr. and Mrs. J. M. Gabriel was presentsd with a Toast Master, the gitt carrying with it the best w.shes of their many friends. Dr, and Mrs. Gabricl, who have b en res‘din.s ¢f Schumacher since 19230, left _ Sunday by car for Southeru Ontan.o where Dr. Gabriel will rejoin his regiment. . The Rev. J. A. Breckenbridge gave a very inspiring Thanksgivwng sermon and the choir rendered special "Harâ€" vest anthens. Mrs. James Huxâ€" ley accompanied at the organ. The beauiiful fiowers on the alter of the church were placed by Mrs, Ted Jon«s and â€" sons ,Bsobby and Douglas, in memory of a d.ar husband ana fathsr, mir, Jones, who iost his life at the Hoilinger M.ne. Harvest thanksgiving scrvices wore held Sunday in Trimty United Church, Schumacher. The church was beautiâ€" fully decorated for the occassion with a bountiful supply of flowers, fruit and vegetables. Mrs. Stan Kitchen was in charge of the d:ccrat.ons. TRINTITY UNITED sCHUMACHER The ladies to hold an afterâ€" ncon tea sale of . home baking and vege‘iables in the church hall Monday afternoon, September 29th, Th> work meeting will be held tonight, Thursday‘ at the home of Mrs. Collins, South Porcup‘ne Highway. The Lad‘es Guild of the Schumacher Anglican Mission held the.r mesting last Thursday ev:ining in the church hall, First Ave. The president, Mrs. E. Smyth, was in the chair. Mrs. Collins gave the secretary‘s report. Canon Cushing announced that the Harvest Thanksgiving service would b» held in the church Sunday, Sspt. 28th. ANGLICAXN MISSIOX Cralive Rankhing m a ..' % Creative Banking helps create more work and better living for Canaainns; FROM 1940â€"1943 THE AVERAGE CASH VALUE OF FRuUiT EXPORIED FROM CANADA WAS*10,733,179 PER. YEAR. gimy! ** Jbe c «* .r\Il.m C 1 , * \ w Ll‘t*’h w + ud W. Long, Manager, Timmins, Ont., Pamour, Ont Let‘s do it together! Through the bountiful crops he raises fromâ€"Canadian‘ soil, the.fruit farmer contributes greatly to the health and wealth of His ceaseless afttention to the crop; and progressive methods of agncul!ura combine to make the fruit fcmner one of the moulders of Cancda Unlimited. > "Pepsiâ€"Colo" is the registtered trade mark in Canada of the Pepsiâ€"Cola Company of Canada limited in N t Hag x ns

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