Durinz the afternoon tea, sandwichâ€" es snd small cakes were served. In the evening coffee and pie was served, Mrs. Gsorge EShippam poured coffee. The "May Fair‘ was a grand success and the ladies express their thanks to all who donated and helped make the event so succzcessful, and to Mrs. W. K. Wylice and Miss Paul who were in charge of the lovely decorations._ The Women‘s Association of Trinity â€" ,:;ï¬ United Church, Schumacher, held ""M their monthly meeting Woednesday . â€"*+* evening in the church hall. The Presâ€" . â€" ident Mrs. Harold Grist was in the» Mrs. chair.. Mrs. George Shippam cor;glnc’ 2. gem;air ca the Worship peric2c. The i:‘ï¬cp.n'\e“!"‘efl pPal was ‘"*Mother Love". Mrsg. Sï¬iflf'ng eveain read the minutes: ‘of the last meetmg Business items were discussed ~and,;, m plaus were made for a Strawberry ‘Pea kevite! to be held Juns 25th. ‘The meetiag SONCS€ closed with the Benediction. Lunch land, was served by the hostesses Mrs. Jack Carme Matthew and Mrs. Harold Grist. Mrs. HoeY Stan Kilchen poured tea. Aiter tra a ty anc social period was enjoyved. ich. The bake table had a large selection of delicious home baking. Serving at the table were Mrs. Peace, Mrs. H. Mr Carthy, Mrs. Sandy Fulton and MYS, James Stirrat. years in.IHdIRZ areâ€"at present on furlough. M“‘"Bozman left London, Ensgland, bmpl.a.ne Bunday, May 1l1th, for Montréal, and travelled by train The work table hadâ€"apâ€"toâ€" Schumdcï¬er During Japanese gir grand display of aprons, dresses, pHIOW rFaids Dr. and Mrs. Bozman‘s home was cases, tea towels and children‘s knitâ€" ted garments. There were also a nice selection of ladies jewelsy and attendâ€" ing this table were, Mrs. Ernie Pooley, Mrs. Stan Kitchen, Mrs. Ed Nelson, Mrs. Dave Killens and Mrs. Byron. The Kitchen conveners were, Mrs. Jack Matthew, Mrs. Alek Stirling, Mrs. Frank McoWhinnie, Mrs. Bill Brough and Mrs. Art Robson. bombed, it is to hoped that the weaâ€" ther will be.â€"kind and .so help to make Mrs. Bozman‘s stay a pleasant one. ‘sSCHUMACHER 18th Birthday Celebrated Mrs. Jack Hannigan, 13 Poplar St., entertained Thyursday at a nicely arâ€" ranced narty HÂ¥A WARAAr Af The hall was beautifully decorated for the occasion with Spring Blossoms. The windows had white creper paper frilled curtains, imitation flower boxes fillted â€"with floawers and colâ€" oured awnings. The large tea table was very attractive with a lase cover and tall taper pink candles in silver holders, the cexntre piece on the table was pink and blue African violets. Pouring tea fcom the silver tea serâ€" vices were Mrs. Fred Gilbert and ‘ Mrs. Roy Asselstine. The small tea tables with white covers, the centre pmece being a ~miniature May Pole. Mrs: Harcld Grist and Mrs. George Shipâ€" pam teceived the guests, serving« the tea tables were Mrs. James MacKenâ€" zie, Mrs. Ernie Towell, Mrs. FPladys Fulton and Mrs. Andrew Doige. The Women‘s Association of ‘Trinity United Church held their Annual "May Fair" Friday afternoon and evening in the Church hall. All receipts will go to the fund for Aid for Finland, from loyal Findfish The Canadianâ€"Finnishâ€"Aid Soriety in South Porcupine is holding an unâ€" ique exhibition in the Maso:xnic Hall on SBaturday May 17th. A bundle weighing 250 lbs has been reccived from Finland via Vancouveg contairting many i1teresting â€â€ : all specimens of the kind of "ersante" nccestties whith Finlard had to make shift with, during the war. Not havâ€" ing seen the articles wher this" inâ€" formation was given, we are unable to <state percisely what they are but paper sheets, pillowâ€"cases and .clothiny â€"â€" ingenious substitutes for the proper things will be on exhibition. I21. adâ€" dition the ladies of the organization will serve coffee and their famous coffeeâ€"bread, and have a table of their own bakingâ€"products for sale. Canadian people. The exhibition opâ€" 2 p.m. Trinity United Church "May Fair" "Ersgatz" F SCHUMACHER Mother Love SCHUMACHER SCHUMACHER 4 se the: _ Mrs. Pat Smith, 64 Fourht Ave., enâ€" uct=". tertained Thursday at a nicely arrangâ€" emeâ€"od party. The guests enjoyed a social evening, during which the hostess serâ€" ting: Ved a delicious lunch. ‘The following ‘ang â€"guests attended: Misses Mildred NMirâ€" ‘pea kovitch, Margaret Scullion, Incz Freâ€" li:g Sonese, Nan Hamilton, June Sutherâ€" inch land, Molly Bennett Alma FPregonese, Jacy Carmen Dupieu, Joan â€"Prentice, Anne Mrs. Holjevac, Velma‘ Popovich, Mary, Betâ€" pa a ty and Chris Vrbanac, Mrs. Alice Banâ€" Mrs. Jack Hannigan, 13 Poplar St., entertained Thyrsday at a nicely arâ€" ranged party tAhindnor of her"smat son ° Danny, who was celebrating his 5th birthday. A number of little guests attended, and had a grand time playâ€" ing games. The hostess, assisted by Mrs. Don Campbell served a dainty lunch, and each guest had a piece of the lovely Birthday Cake. Guests who atternded were, Mary Catherine Macâ€" Donnell, Pauline Murphy, Danny Mcâ€" un t t C i it DPDuet "The Prayer Perfect‘". The Leader gave a very interestnig tailk on * "*MotHer" "and ~her influerice in the Home Life. The meeting closed with the Beneâ€" diction. Refreshments were served in the church hall after the service. SCHUMACHER Shower For Mary Bann AP $ 0 am se 0 00 suwes 2 attnet> «e wl d M o e O C TD ~~ $ ip tb n tb ""' Manette Don Campbell not forgetcino the .little guest of hoxnor Danny Hanniâ€" A: Grand Reâ€"Union took place at Schumacher station when Mrs. Dave Bennett 5th Ave. Schumacher, met her sister, Mrs. Bozman Hor the first time in thirtyâ€"four years. Lieutenant Colâ€" onel Mrs. Bogman, have spent many years in e are ~at, present on furlough. Mrs.“"'Bozman left London, England, by.‘ plane Sunday, May 1li1th, Mrs. N. Brough, Mrs. M. Kelly, Mrs. W. Ward, Mrs. W. Mansfiesld. Coxrâ€" solation event was won by the team captained by Mrs. R. Johnson with players Mrs. L. Cowden, Mrs. E. Diâ€" miracle] Mrs. J. Scullion, Mrs. M., Shinglerâ€" Miss â€"B. Sauriol. Theâ€" High Average award was. won by Mrs M. Ward. . The !igh“%lngle was worn by Mrs. Roy Hazelwood and the High Double by Mrs. P. Huntor. After the présentation of prizes cards were enâ€" joyed. Winners of the whist prizes were; 1st Mrs. Béert Southcott; 2nd, Mrs. Len Thomas; 3rd Mrs. Peter Hunâ€" ter;.â€"Consolation Mrs. Don Campbell: Door Prize Mrs. E. Hicks. Afterwardes dancing was enjoyed with Miss Mildred Mirkovich at the piano. The Mother‘s Bowling League held their banquet Monday in the McIntyre Lounge. A delicious dinner was enjoyed and team awards presentâ€" ea. The team captained by Mrs. Roy Hazelwood with players Mrs. E. Hicks, Mrs. W.. Rowe. Mrs. 5. Fulton, Mrs. J. place. ~Mrs. Don â€"Campbells teain won second place with players Mrs. J. Mair, mwmmm Mrs. C . Barron, President of the Leaâ€" gue was in the chair. Plans were made to hold an afternoon tea, saie of homeâ€" baking, aprons and qovelties in St. from 3 till 6 p.m. ‘‘Mrs. Smith Entertains The Catholie Women‘s ‘Legaue of St. SCHUMACHER Meet After 34 Years Hold Banquet A.â€"Barilko of South Porclpine, Misses H. Synos, M. Skrorich, L Kirko, Elaine Gech, T. Basak, Milly Berbik, Anne Wizinsky, K. Rubfe H. Boychuk,> M. Pupich, O. Spasuk, Mary Wizinsky, R. Rubic, A. Ostrosky, R. Ttartarich, M. Cunib A. Parlakovich, V. Kordiyko, J. Ostrosky, Mary Stefanich, D. Parlaâ€" kovich, L. Davitsky, M. Kuzik, A. Sherâ€" ochuk, P. Onotsky, J. Yakorach, D. Scripsnich, H. Shaculoki, M. Kramaâ€" suk, N. Nastasuk, A. Nizapo, H. Kramâ€" er, O. Ramanuik, Helen Mazipa, N. Samenych. Mrs. N. Butkovich, Mrs. J. Enyos, Mrs. K. Yandrilovich, â€"Mrs. Mary Barkovich, Mrs. L. Bondar, Mrs. Miss Nancy Bann, Mrs. W. Proc and Mrs. L. Hirskevich were joint hostesses at a nicely arranged miscellaneous shower held in the Croation hall First Ave. The guest of honor was Miss Mary Bann. The guests spent a nice social evening. Bingo was played and the prize winners were Mrs. Synos and Mrs. J. Barilko. The door prizes were won by Mrs. M. Gryschuk and M. E. Awdychuk. After the bingo game the guest of honor was presented with large array of lovely gifts for which she thanked each guest. The Mothers‘ Day Eventide Service was conducted by the Youns Adult Club Sunday evening. Mr. Thomas Leck was the Leader. Miss Shirley Kyle played a violin solo, "That Wanâ€" derful Mother of Mine". The Scripâ€" ture reading was from the Gospéel of St. John chapter 4. The Junior Choir directed by Mr. Lillie with Mrs. James Huxley at the organ sang the beautiful anthem "Mother". Miss Betty Gilbert and Mr. George Leck sang a lovely Duet "The Prayer Perfect‘". The Leader gave a very interestnig talk on During the evening a delicious lunch was served and the following Jladies attended: Myrs. K.‘ Bgrilko and. Miss During the service of Worship. the Sacrement of Baptism was adniinisâ€" tered by the Rev. J. A. Bvecï¬enridge, the children Baptised were Chety! "Ann Ruth Cavanagh, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Kirk Cavanagh. Alva Lee Leeâ€" man daughter of Mr. and ‘Alvin Leeman.. Marilyn Beth Jean Mullia, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Victor Mulâ€" lin. Susan May McNeil daughtéer of Mr. and Mrs. Ronald McNeil. Sanda Ann McTiernam daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. K. McTiernam. Sharon Evâ€" elyn Anderson daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Anderson, Jeffrey ‘fhomas Arthur Brown son ofâ€" Mr.: and Mrs. Gordon Brown and Peter Michael Eyâ€" erett, son of â€"Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Everâ€" €tt.. During the ceremony each of the babies were on their best behaviour. The beautiful flowers on the Altar of the Church were placed by Mr. and Mrs. William Rodgers in memory of Mrs. George Rodgers and by Mr. and: Mrs. Jack Matthew in memory of: Mr. Thomas J. Moore. Mother‘s Day was observed Sunday in Trinity United Church. The GMurch was filled to capacity, extra chairs Had to be placed down the ailsli= of. the church.. The Rev. J. A. : Breckexridge conducted the service, the theme of his text was "Honour To Whom.Honâ€" our Is Due". Mrs. James Iizatt â€" a lovely solo ‘"Bless This: House". The Choir sang "Show Mc My Task" with Miss ~Betty : Gilbert® singing the solo parts. Mrs. James Huxley aocompau- ied at the organ. collision. The passengers in the cars were badly shaken but after treatment at Hospital were able to proteed home. se dif .57 _E 477. M 1 ip: Mm†210 qay;pita mmmemmwt [ mmmmmmumm Honor To Whom Is , Mr. and Mrs.. Allan Shidick, and daughter, have left for their home in Charlton after visiting Mrs. Shadick‘s parents Mr. and Mrs. Harold Bell, Gold Centre. ; While in town they attended the Bellâ€"Robb. wedding last week in Dr, and Mrs. W. D Robson, McIntyre Property, have returned from a holidsy in Vancouver and other parts. Mr. and Mrs.. W.P. Olton, Pottsville, spent the past â€" week visiting their daughters' Mrs. Len Thomas, Mrs. Alâ€" bert Miuer and Mrs Allan Platt. Miss ‘Ellen : Sampson, student at Queens‘ University is spendâ€" ing the summer vacation with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Dick Sampson, Pirst Ave. s Mr. W. K. Wylie, Second Ave., spent the week end at Toronto. Mrs. Hume Douglas (Joy Wookey) and sor â€"Jimmy of Vineland, are spending a holiday with her father Mr. 5. A. Wpokey, McIntyre Property. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Jucksch First Ave., have returned from a motor trip to Pembroke, Sudbpry, and other parts. Born â€" Tuesday,, May 13th, in St Mary‘s Hospital, to Mr..and Mrs. D Culham, 3rd Ave., a son. her sonâ€"inâ€"law, Mr. Ken Adamson, Belle Terre,. left© Wednesday by car for Renfrew Where they . will" attend the burial of the late, Mr. J. Chatson. Mrs. Adamson Aill <join her husbhaxd and mother at New ‘Liskeard and will travel with them to Renfrew. The many friends of Mrs. Wilf Robâ€" son, Fourth avenue, will be sglad to know that she was able to leave 6t. Mary‘s Hospital Baturday and all exâ€" tead her their best wishes for a speedy has been . visiting m-achumachef. léfl; Monday for a holiday at New York. Miss Florence Macinnes of the Pubâ€" lic School Staff, spent the week end at NMorth Bay where she attended the Art ‘Exhibition. Wirng Commander J. E. Howell ‘NT AMfl’S future prosperity depends directly on a sufficient volâ€" nume of production to satisfy domestic needs and assure for Canada a preâ€" eminent place‘in the markets of the world. Every individual product of :Ontario‘s manufacturing (f)lan'ts requires the services of printing at some or many stages of its development . . . order forms . . . production Today,‘throu‘gh.tbeeplan sponsored by the Department of Veterans‘ Affairs and other agencies, thousands of young workers are being trained to meet the printing: and other industrial needs of this Province. Gradâ€" uates of these rehabilitation courses are now ready to take their places in Ontario‘s industry. Available to you are veterans, well started on SÂ¥ NA MA 6y ® forms . ; ; invoicess ; shipping bills . .. advertising . . . ublisixing. The whole . printing : industry ‘is faced with unprecedented Semands ... and to meet those demands skilled hands are needed. â€" For them great opporâ€" tunities lie ahead.:»Higher wages, job security, better working conditions are within easier.reach of those who have mastered a skilled occupation. Mrs. Calverley, Second Ave., left this week for a hohday at North Bay where she will visit her son and daughterâ€"inâ€"law ~Mr. and Mrs. Dick Calverley. Mr. Ed. Willan, Nroth Bay, spent a few days visiting at his home on First Ave. Miss Nancy Ban. The bridesmaids Miss Rose Butkovich and Miss Anne Hrisâ€" kevich. The groomsmen were Mr. Frank Buchar and Mr. Nick Hriskeâ€" vich. â€"The ushers Mr. Carl Wasyluk and Mr. Bill Slywchuk. Miss Betty Doyle played the wedding music. The Rev. Father H. Martindale officiated. The bride given in marriage by her father, wore. a lovely gown of white satin, long torso bodive trimmed ‘with beaded flowers and full fashioned skirt, her full length embroidered net veil fell from a heartâ€"shaped coronâ€" et and she carried arm bouquet of calla lillies, Mrs. Buchar as matâ€" ron of honor wore a Blush Pink emâ€" broidered bengaline gown. Blue straw and taffeta half hat, long blue sloves and she carried a shower bouquet of yellow rcs:s and mauve sweet peas. Miss Nancy Ban, sister of the bride, as matron of honor wore a blue nyâ€" lon gsown. Pink straw and taffeta half rat long pink gloves and she carried a shower bouguet of yellow roses and pink sweet peas. Miss Rose Butkoâ€" vich as bridesmaid wore a gown of turquoise net over taffeta, long white gloves her shoulder length veil exâ€" tended from a band of fowers she carâ€" ried a hand bouquet of pink carnaâ€" tions and gypsophilia. A pretty wedding was held Saturâ€" day afternoon i1 St. Alphonsus Parish Church, Schumacher, when Mary Bon, daughter of Mr. apd Mrs. B. Ban, ESecond Ave., became the bride of Mrs. N. Hriskevich. The matrons of Mr. M. Hriskevich, son of Mr.: and honor were Mrs. A1n Buchar and Betty was the recipient of many lovely gifts. The following guests atâ€" tended: Alice Scullion, Barbara Colâ€" lier,â€" Helen Boyce, Erica Batchelor, Margaret Lafontaine, Shirley June Collier, Gwelda Gannon. turned and the hostess assisted: by Mrs. Lloyd Cooper served a delicious brating her thirteenth birthday. The daughter, was celebratâ€" first part of the evening the guests ing her eighteenth birthday. A «ieâ€" went roller skating at the Arena. Afâ€" licious dinner was served by the hosâ€" ter an hour‘s skating the guests reâ€" toss. After dinner the guests spont a turned and the hostess assisted: by nice social evening. Mrs. Michael Bugera, Second Ave., Mrs. Joe. Verbik, Pine St., enterâ€" entertained Saturday evening in honor tarined Sunday evening at a wellâ€" of her daughter, Betty, who was celeâ€" arranged dinner party in honor af her Miss Anne Hriskevich, cousin of the Thirteenth Birthday Party Birthday Party SCHUMACHER Hriskaevich â€" Bann LEARNING TO PRINT The Young People‘s Uxion of Trinâ€" ity United Church held their weekly meeting at the home of Miss Catherâ€" Iine Waddle, Mcintyre Property, PFoutrâ€" th Avenue. The minutes of the preâ€" vious meeting read and Neil Porleyfice. "There‘s Science in Duck Calling." Nonsense! The woods are full of quacks! 4ns ues usnn Here‘s a remarkablé 'thmg" said the character, entering a newspaper ofâ€" "It‘s a potato that resembles gave the treasurer‘s report, The proâ€"nothing except a potato." ram, an allâ€"Indian Night, was given by Shiela Bassett. The worship serâ€" vice was conducted by the Rev. J. A. Breckenridge. Durings the evening a delicious lunch was served. Atteading the meeting were Frankiec Morgan, Shirley Studden, Betty Gilbert, Sheila Bassett, Effie Monaghan, Norma Kilâ€" lens, Ruby McCarthy, Catherine Wadâ€" Â¥iniama IA mA a% inb‘ therns aAf miatkas groom, wore a gown of misty blue eyelet embroidery and net, long white gloves, a halo of fulled net and she carried a hand bouquet of pink carâ€" nations and gypsophilia.. After the ceremony a wedding supper was serâ€" ved the wedding party in the Croatâ€" ian Hall, First Ave. The bride‘s mothâ€" er received the guests wearing a gown of blue sheer. Black accessories she wore a corsage of pink roses and carâ€" nations. Mrs. Hriskevich wore a gown of pink and white figured silk jerâ€" sey. Black accesories and a corsage of red roses and carnations. The bride and groom lefi for a wedding trip to Kingston. For travâ€" elling the bride wore a beige benâ€" galine suit with brown accessories. The groom was a student at Queen‘s University and while in Kingston will receive his graduation diploma in enâ€" gineering. sCHUMACHER Young People‘s Union It+t Makes You Fee| SoMuchBetter Dr. Chase‘s Nerve Food ‘.000...0..'000000..00...0....0...0......0..0..."....‘ The GrapHic Arts courses give students a thorough grounding in many aspects of the printing trade. Practical instruction of an individual nature is offered in the course, available ® at Toronto only,â€" together with education in â€" related work. Previous exâ€" perience is naturally an asset. ~ Extensively used for headache, loss of sleep, nervous indigestion, irritability, _ anaemia, â€"Chronic fatigue, and exhaustion of the nervous system. 60 cts. _ Economy size, $1.50 The Vitamin B4 Tonic 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 6 9 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 o 0 a o a an THURSDAY, MAY 15th, 1067 . _ hour and a half Programme of movies in the Schumacher Public Scenooal toâ€" night Thursday May 15th at 8 p.m. ‘The pictures to be show :2 include travyâ€" el, Music, Sing Song, and a comedy and are mostly in colour. die, Shirleye Kyle, Bill Lafferty, Nelil The PORCUPINE ADVANCE Printers Publishers PHONE 26