A sing song led by Manny Abrams with Gordon B. Thompson accompanyâ€" ing at the piano, was enjoyed. Guest for the evening were District Governor Stan Fowler, Timmins: Mr. Clark ¢iorie, Timmins: and Mr. Dave Rawlings, Kirkland Lake. on "Lionism" and pointed out that the Lions International was the greatest service organization in the world. Mr. W. K. Wylie thanked the speaker and presented him with a gift in honor of the occasion. District Governor Stan Powler of Timmins} was the guest speaker and was introduced by Dr. C. MacLean. Mr. Fowler gave a very interesting talk their regular weekly meeting Wednesâ€" day evening in the McIntyre Auditorâ€" ium. The president, Mr. Roy Wilson, was in the chair. Mr. Hugh Hamilion gave a report on the sales of Canada Baving Bonds. A vote of thanks was accorded Mr Bob Crosby for his work in the bond sale which had far exceedâ€" ed the quota. Stan Fowler Talks _ Hold Successful To Schumacher Lions Anniversary Supper PACGE STX The Porcupine Advance 219 Algonquin Blyvd., East The. Schumacher TLions Club held Wedding Invitations _Personal Stationery receive careful attention at Cor. Second Pine St. Schumacher Grocery and Meat Market PHONE 770 THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE I{ETAILERS make constant use of banking services. In some cases these are sixnple but essential; the bank takes cash receipts on deposit, makes change, operates curâ€" rent accounts, and accepts and records used ration coupons. Other retail accounts involve considerable handling of drafts, andâ€"a very important serviceâ€"the making of loans to enable retailers to take advantage of trade discounts. All this entails Banking in Action. SCHUMACHER Timmins Branch, H. J. Fuke, Manager News From ECCC EUECEEE CC I T3 53 4 445 "The House The ladies spent a nice social time. Everyone is busy knitting and sewing for their Christmas tea and bazaar, and many finished artncleq were handâ€" ed in. The Ladies Guild of the Schumacher Anglican Mission met Monday evening for their work meeting at the home of Mrs. R. E. Renison, Schumacher highâ€" way. ~% Ladies Guild Meets At Bishopstope Serving tea, coffee and pies were Mrs. McCarthy, Mrs. Calverley, Mrs. James Stirrat, Mr‘s. Alex Stirling, Mrs. Art Robson, Mrs,. Frank McWhinnic. The kicthen conveeners were Myrs. James MacKenzie, Mrs. Jack Matthew, Mrs. Walter Rowe, Mrs. Pegce, Mrs Peéeter Hunter, Mrs. Ernie Towell. The ladies express their thanks to all who donated and helped make the dinner so successful. Mrs. Harold Grist and Mrs. George Shippam received the guests. Mr. Frank Wills was in charge of the adâ€" mission. _ Serving the dinner tables were Mrs. P. A. Boyce, Mrs. W. K. Wylie, Mrs. Stan Kitchen, Mrs. Ernie Pooleéy, Mrs. E. Nelson, Mrs. A. Doig, Mrs. J. G. Malkin, Mrs. Shouldice, Mrs. Stan Shippam, Mrs. Bill Brough, Mrs. W. B. Sparks. The Trinity United Church W. A. held a very successful anniversary dinâ€" ner Monday evening in the basement of the church. A delicious roast meat dinner with all the trimming was serâ€" ved. The dinner tables were very aâ€" tractive with white cover trimmed with bronze and green decoration, lighted candles in brass candlesticks. The centre piece on each table was a brass vase filled with lovely bronze mums. EESEEESSECESEIEES T ECE * % %5 454 FRANK KLISANICH, Prop. Phone 788 : Schumacher Comfortable Rooms Excellent Service PEARL LAKE HOTEL _ of Hospitality" Use our services for your banking requirements, whatever they may be. Consult our local Manager. The Canadian Bank of Commerce has among its customers many retail houses, from the small corner store to the large chain and departâ€" ment store. Strict attention to their particular needs is given to all the Bank‘s customers. Trinity United Church was filled to its utmost capacity Sunday. At the morning service of worship. Rev. Mr. Leng gave a very interesting sermon on "‘The Kingdom that Lasts"®. Myrs. Clifford Armitage was soloist and sang a lovely solo "Just For Today" by Scaâ€" Rev. Mr. Leng related some of the pleasant memories he recalled when he attended the old Church on Second Ave. down near the Fire hall. He also referred to many of the faithful workâ€" ers of the church who had passed on but said their name would always be held in reverence. Rev. John R. Leng, Assistant secretâ€" ary of the Board of Home Missions, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Leng, McInâ€" tyre Property. Sunday was a great day for Trinity United Church and for Schumacher when one of her own boys came back to preach the special anniversary servâ€" ices in the church he attended as a boy. Bartlett, 1912; W. A. Morrison, 1914 ; J. C. Cochrane, 1915; S. M. Beach, 1916â€" 1917; J. D. Parks, 1920â€"1924; C. A. Sales, 1924â€"1026; I. E. Kennedy, 1926â€"1930; W. H. Summerell, 1930â€"1933; M. C. Tait 1933â€"1938; F. J. Baine, 1938â€"1941; N. A. Healey, 1941â€"1942; L. W. Carlson 1942â€" 1944; and the present minister, Rev. J. A. Breckenridge. Trinity United Church is free of debt. The mortgage was burned seyâ€" eral years ago. The earliest record on hand concernâ€" ing the church is the year 1912. Some names reélated to Ministerial Leaderâ€" ship here under the Methodist, Presbyâ€" terian and United Church are: W. H. On Sunday Trinity United Church, observed 21st Anniversary of the present church on Firstâ€"Ave. and the 34th year of the church in Schumacher. Rev. J. R. Leng Is Guest Preacher This has been done, and a meeting is now called for Friday of this week at 8 p.m. in the Council Chambers. All persons interested in any branch of education for adults; any person with ideas; any person who wishes parâ€" ticularly to follow any course of study A short time ago a few interested people met to discuss the possibilities of educational facilities for adults in South Porcupine. The outcome of that meeting was the formation of an exâ€" ecutive for an "Association for Adult Education" consisting of Mr. V. H. Evans, Mr. R. L. Ship, Mr. Aarne Manâ€" ner, Mrs. Harry Crick and Mrs. Shaetâ€" fer. This executive was asked to draw up a constitution for further discussion, and to call a meeting of interested people when such was completed. Adult Education Group Calls Meeting For Friday sSCHUMACHER THE PORCUPINE ADVANCE, TIMMINS, ONTARIO sOTTH PORCTPINE Out of town guests at the wedding were Mrs. Melville Drew of Kirkland Lake, Mrs. FP. Williams of North Bay, Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Elliott of Morâ€" risburg. Pouring tea at the reception were Mrs. Richard Curboy and Mrs. Melville Drew. The young couple, to whom is ex tended the best wishes of the com munity, will reside on Commercial Ave South Porcupine. assisted by the bride‘s mother, Mrs. Cameron, who was gowned in a twoâ€" piece suit of hunters‘ green with brown accessories. A reception followed the wedding at the home of the bridegroom, Mrs. Lansz receiving the guests in a gown of turâ€" quoise with black accessories. She was Previous to her marriage the bride was guest of honor at a shower given on Thursday evening at the home of During the signing of the register, and before the ceremony Mr. Lloyvd Hunkin sang two solos "I‘ll walk beâ€" side you," and "At Dawning". Ushers were Stanley Jay and Ivan and the best man was Nicholas Harbar. John McGinn was an attendâ€" ant. The bride‘s two sisters acted s her attendants. Miss Clara Cameron, as maid of honor, wore a long blue taffeta gown with tiny flower hat and short veil in pale pink. Miss Phyllis Camâ€" eron, as bridesmaid, wore an identical dress of pink taffeta with tiny flower hat and veil of pale blue. Both carâ€" ried shower bouquets of yellow and white baby mums. The bride, who was given in marâ€" riege by her father, looked charming in a long gown of bridal white satin cut with sweetheart neckline and lons sleeves. She wore a threeâ€"quarter length veil caught in a coronet to her head with a chaplet of pearls and orâ€" 2enge blossoms, and carried a shower bouquet of American Beauty roses. A very pretty wedding was solemnâ€" ized on Friday afternoon in St. Paul‘s Anglican Church, by Rev. A. R. Chidâ€" wick when Doris Margaret Cameron, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. 8. Camâ€" eron, of Gillies Ont., became the bride of Walter Russell Lang, elder son of Mr. and Mrs. Russell Lang of Dome Extension. Doris Cameron Married Friday For the evening service of worship Rev. Mr. Leng‘s sermon was "Masterâ€" builders Today". Mr. Ron Jones was solist and sang the lovely solo "The Stranger of Galilee" by Morris. The Choir gang the anthem "Sun Of My Soul" by Turner. Mrs. James Izatt and Mr. Ron Jones sang the solo parts with Mrs. James Huxley at the organ. After the service the congregation met in the basement of the church where a nice social period was enjoyed and everyone enjoyed a friendly talk with Rev. and Mrs. Leng. The Youns Adult Club were in charge of the reâ€" freshments and served a very dainty lunch. ver. The choir sang a lovely anthem ‘"‘The Lord is Gracious. Miss Betty Gilbert sang the solo parts. Taking part in the Quartet were Miss Gertrude Bristow, Miss Betty Gilbert, Mr. Ron Jones and Mr. Alan Jones. Mr. James Huxley accompanied at the organ. On Sunday, Rev. Ernest. Harston, United Church minister, former chapâ€" lain in the. R. C. A. F., now a field secretary of the Canadian Red Cross Society, will be the guest preacher at the service of worship in Trinity Unâ€" ited Church. Miss Edith Joyner, First Ave., has reâ€" turned from a vacation at Toronto and other points. The many friends of Mr. H. McCarâ€" thy, Pirst Ave., will be sorry to hear that he is ill in St. Mary‘s Hospital and all extend him their best wishes for a speedy recovery. The many friends of Mrs. Blanche James will be pleased to know that she was able to leave St. Mary‘s Hospital this week and is resting comfortably at her home. All her friends extend her their best wishes for a speedy recovery. All that is necessary, is enough towns people to be sufficiently interested to further this project, and with the great number of new families and young men and women recently added to the popâ€" ulation of South Porcupine the execâ€" utive feels that this should not be difâ€" ficult. All are welcome to attend this meetâ€" ing. The Association welcomes all who would like to improve their education in various ways. It will then be the aim of the organization to find suitâ€" able supervisors for such improvements. This study need academic. Hobbies sewing and library tural interests. that might be attractive to a group is asked to be present. SoOUTH PORCUPINE SCHUMACHER h improvements. Mrs. Barabas left is enough towns Toronto where sheâ€" Guests included Mrs. Gordon Murâ€" ray, Mrs. Wes. Murray, Mrs. Ivan Lang, Mrs. Russell Lang, Mrs. George Helâ€" mer, Mrs.. Gilbert White, Mrs. A. Mcâ€" Ginn, and Mrs. M. Keast. Mrs. R. Lang won first prize and Mrs. Wes Murray second. The hostess serâ€" ved a delightful lunch. Mrs. Sherman Dome Extension. The guests brought useful gifts for the bride‘s kitchen and were entertained afterwards at bridge. They called it the Country Fair Cosâ€" tume Ball and all the students attendâ€" ed decked out suitably. An oldâ€"fashâ€" ioned ‘hoeâ€"down‘ as woell as the ‘Virâ€" ginia Reel‘ was featured,; all had a good time Mr. Lemay was in charge of the parâ€" ty â€" Joan Sullivan, Carrie Ursulak and Colin Robinson were the commitâ€" tee having charge of refreshments. Decorations were arranged and deâ€" signed by Emily Howard, Carrie Ursuâ€" lak, George Fera and Jack Jay. Music was by Clara Campagnola (piano) Italo Basso (accordion)», Mr. H. Lemay (violin). South Porcupine social affair in the day evening under student council. H. S. Students Costume Party Florence â€" To Mr. and Mrs. Malâ€" colm Florence of Buffalo Ankerite proâ€" perty, a daughter on Nov. 14. Gasporette â€" On Nov. 19, to Mr. and Mrs. Severino Gasporette of Powâ€" ell Ave., a daughter. Dupuis â€" On Nov. 13 to Mr. and Mrs. Fernand Dupuis of 191 Front St., a daughter. CONLEY â€" Born, in Porcupine Genâ€" eral Hospital on Nov. 10, a daughter to Mr. and Mrs. James Conley of 147 Front St., South Porcupine. Mr. and Mrs. Elmans and family have moved from Strachan Ave., to their new home on Connaught Hill. Friends of Mrs. Gerald Rosebrugh of Connaught Hill will wish her speedy reâ€" turn to health from her operation in Porcupine General Hospital performed on Mondayv. LEMIEUX â€" Born to Mr. and Mrs. Rohbhert L. Lemieux (Valerie Besette) of Commercial Ave., in Porcupine Genâ€" eral Hospital on Nov. 15, a son. At the euchre held on Tuesday evenâ€" ing in the Moose Hall on Golden Ave., Mr. A. J. Cloutier won first prize, Mrs. D. McPhee the surprise box, and Myrs. A. DeRosa‘s name was called for the door prize. As she was not present the $9. will be increased to $11 for next week. Lunch was served. Born in Porcupine General Hospital Mr. and Mrs. George King, former residents here, but recently of Quebec, have returned and are now living at Preston East Dome. Mrs. Sanderson left last week for Hamilton for the winter after spendâ€" ing some weeks with her daughter, Mrs. L. Hunkins. MmMrs. Barabas left on Monday for Toronto where she will in future reâ€" side with her son Walter. The annual bazaar sponsored by the Women‘s Association and the Evening Auxiliary of South Poreupine United Church will be held in the church on Wednesday, Nov. 27, from 3 to 6 p.m. There will be a bakeâ€"table, fancy work booth, aprons and novelties for sale, and tea will be served during the afterâ€" noon. | Mr. and Mrs. Ambrose McManus have returned from Red Lake and will reside in future on Commercial Ave., in South Porecupine. Try The Advance Want Ads high school held a gymnasium on Friâ€" the auspices of the SOUTH PORCUPINE ..,; #, *, ,* s oonooooooooooouooooonooooooooooonooooooxnooozoooooooou "% *#. . * ).-00..0. t it :t :% . * .. *#. 00. .0. # '0 Â¥. .*%..*, * 0'00.00.00'00. o *#,.,*% e * *s *#* #,. * * * *s *4 # # #* *. .*.2 .00.0’ They were presented to: Mrs. A. Walâ€" ker, Mrs. J. Beard, Mrs. J. Courchesne, Mrs. H. Rogers, Mrs. H. Lemay, Mrs. R. L. Ship, Mrs. T. Gibbons, and Mrs. ®. Hodgins. This division is believed to be the first in the North to receive such dipâ€" lomas. The St. John Ambulance Brigade (Home Nursing Division) had its reg»â€" ular meeting last Wednesday evening at the public school. Miss E. Kain who, with Dr. McKitâ€" trick has been instructing this class in maternal welfare and child care, preâ€" sented eight certificates to students who had earned them. S.J.A.B. Nursing Certificates Given Guests present included, Mrs. Walter Dixon, Mrs. F. Fedor, Mrs. E. Chapâ€" man, Mrs. H Chapman, Mrs Prankie, Mrs J. Sharp, Mrs. J. Beard, Mrs. R. C. Mitchell, Mrs. R. J. Connelly, Mrs. Wm. Allen, Mrs, H. Disher, Mrs. G. Bean, Mrs. C. Edgecumbe, Mrs. 8. Jay, Mrs. AU E. Stanlake, Mrs. Percy Reilly, Mrs. G. Grant, Mrs. J. Cronmiller, Miss Lucille Mitchell, Miss Rita Tubman, Miss Dorothy Andrew, and the guest of honour. Not present but sending gifts were: Mrs. G. McDonnell, Miss Lillian Belisle, Mrs. M. Vachon, Mrs. C. H. Libby, Mrs. J. Miller, Mrs. T. Powers. A delightful lunch was enjoyed at the conclusion of the evening. tainment in the form of court whist and bingo followed the presentation of lovely gifts to the brideâ€"toâ€"be. Prizewinners at court whist were: Mrs. Wm. Allen, Mrs. Fred Fedor, Mrs. H. Disher. For Bingo: Miss E. Mitâ€" chell, Mrs. Rita Tubman; consolation, Mrs. H. Chapman. Mrs. Cecil Reilly assisted her mother as hostess on this occasion. Enterâ€" Miss Evelyn Mitchell, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Mitchell of 21 Crawford St., who is to be married on Nov. 28 to Mr. George Grant of 145 Crawford St., South Porcupine in South Porcupine United Church, was guest of honor on Wednesday last at a miscelâ€" laneous shower held at the home of Mrs. Bentley Webb, Dome Extension. Evelyn Mitchell Is (i1ven Shower Potlted Plants Cut Flowers Wedding | | IFloml Designs | | _ Bouquets 108 Golden Ave., S. Porcupine Wm. E. Jamieson Florist ‘. SOUTH PORCUPINE MERCHANTS Try The Advance Want Ads DISTINCTIVE FLORAL ARRANGEMENTS Phone 835 FOR News From Expressiveness Opp. Town Hall Ebe Borcupine HAbbance â€" your dependable â€" PRINTER AND PUBLISHER That is worth thinking . about the next time you order printing. This is the secret of profitable printing â€" expressiveness â€" and the expressiveness of your printâ€" ing depends on the training, the talent, and the resourcefulness of the men who produce it. To be effectiveâ€"to produce reâ€" sultsâ€"your printing must be exâ€" pressive of the nature of your business and also the character of your product of service., THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 2ist. 1(046 Timmins, Ont Phone 26 The winners of the various articles upon which tickets were sold were: Bed jacket, (donated by Mrs. L. Cecâ€" coni), â€" Mrs. J. Costello; Cardigan Sweater (donated by Mrs. F. Tokar) â€" Mrs. L. Saumur; chenille rug (donated by Mrs. P. Dagenais) Mrs. E. Chapâ€" man; iced cake (donated by C. W. L.) Alice Oliver box of candy â€" Mrs. L. Pyke; quilt (made and donated by a sister of Father LaSalle in Quebec) Mr. Emerson Smith. SchuMACher 60940000006# 4009680400884 Â¥*o 2+ oe*, °n«no “u’n’o :ou:, § Cfaude NMillon “““. 140008080000 060 000 090# 09« The convenor of the dinner and its attendant service was Mrs. T. Cahill. Over 300 enjoyed the meal which was home~cooking and excellent. Myrs. F. Fedar was in charge of the sewing table, Mrs. N. J. Sullivan of the fancy work; Miss B. McKeown of the novelty booth; Mrs. D. A. McLelâ€" lan of the "White Elephant" table: and Mrs. G. McManus of the homeâ€"baking. The candy booth, to which each tholic family in town had contributed a small amount of sugar, and which an array of willing workers under Miss Pearl Kennedy had converted into deâ€" lectable candy, was sold out completâ€" ely in a very short time. The ladies worked very hard before and during the bazaar and the artiâ€" clées made met with a ready sale. Mrs. Cahill, president of the C. W. L. and the ladies of 8t. Joachim‘s Parish, have extended their thanks to the public of South Poreupine, and their many helpers who made the bazaar and dinner held last week on Wednesday and Thursday in the Finn Hall, such a wonderful success. #, #. @ #. .@. .@. .® U s i o s M M M 1 28 1 2M . * 1. .. .# . .# ooo.o."ooo3.303.3.3030!03.3.0oooooo. Es C. W. L. Bazaar And Dinner Enjoyed (Genuine HIâ€"HEAT RANGE , OIL BURNERS For Cooking and Heating Good RADIO Service 117 Golden Ave., . 8. Porcupine IN Plumbing and Heating QUALITY SERVICE Heavy l‘ruckmg, Service Station ; 33 CRAWFORD ST.%? South Porcupine RESIDENCE PH. 510 Motor Winding Repair Phone _ HEATING 920 | 8 Radio "A" All Appliances Phone 3715 and v(f)/ PLUV MBINCG 12 #