8 «â€" W4590 _ â€" Mix or â€" match gm cflbrs" 4A »m gee Ycur searoh tm' t‘he perâ€" with: Pattem 4590.. Bkirt has au-rétmd t(afn slip m over. . . .Pattern 9082 is the unpreed pleau b«um trlm Dh’P‘ M! %Bnp that won‘t r ‘dc or mt.iand et: is simple sew. : w shoulder, : push-up Slme’ on*? tuflked t m 4 triwer mclpgidectlo This ;“nt- blouse. Bï¬ocklng-cap in one meco “tem‘ gives . perfect fit, is easy to use. This pattern, easy. to usq. stmple to pew. Qoxï¬pleta. illustrated Sew Ohart shows is tested for 1it. Includes gompletg n.. you: avery step. Pattern 90823 comes in lustrated: instructions. â€" ~â€"Pattern 4590 'm 3111: _::kf.zs:sué:gn 38, 40, 42. comesd in Teenâ€"age m 10, 14 14, 10. mm Wonderful! The way this Bize . 12, skirt, blouse, cap 2% yï¬rds two-piece dress. fits into. your scheme CU!MUGJ JA . J URICRBC ; AV, ‘Ads 1 ; MU. Bize . 12,â€" skirt, blouse. ca.p z% yï¬rds ~54-inch - WIMSEâ€" Little juai*iidork pkata such : as~ these! Pattqrntm 18 the kind of spic-and-span neat and: shpplo dress. you love on your li t.le 2 gives perfect fit, is t% plete, illustrated Sew. Chart show :every ~step. Pattern" 9494 ‘:com sizes 2, 4, 6, 8, 10. Site 6 yards 35<inch; % yard. mntrast > v = 2e 7. s;rl Easy taes*l%’: and ‘ size. Â¥9125 â€"â€" Wonderful! The way this -twoqpiece dress. fits into your scheme of:things. â€" Pattern 91235 uses a flatterâ€" ; mz tephnique with slimming skirt panâ€" els and soft. bodice ease. : This pattern gives:perfect fit, is easy to use. Comâ€" plete, Illustrated Sew Chart shows you every step. . Pattern 9125 comes in sizes 1 34, 36, 38, 40, 42, 44, 46, 48. Size 36 -takes 316 yards.39â€"inch fabric. > . en twenty gents for each pattern, ‘he Advance, Timmins, Ont. Print cléarly. your name and address, pattern .. IpaRTY SURPRISES k > ~PAULâ€"LANDRIAULT MISS L. Relly, and ie soloilst, Mrs. Drew, Mrs. A. Jackson expressed the appreciation of all present. An enjoyâ€" able social half hour was spent, at the close of the meeting. TWINS CELEBRATE AT BIRTHDAY PARTY . ; Indeed a celebration was the birth_- day party held at the home of Mr..and Mrs. R. Romaine, 267 Maple St. North recently. The party â€"was in honor. of their twin daughter and son, Claudette _and Claude, who were five years olC, and also feted on the same day were their twin cousins,.Victor and Adelard Nadeau, who ce;ebrated their‘ second 'birthday â€" 3A jgygus a!temoon :',“h- 4. t c l ; \Games were p_layed and they all joined in singing"and chanting nursery rhyâ€" Auinegh, Joe Ra y : f pnick and daudette and Claude Rom J6e Onâ€" . Hoxior, Victor and. Adglard:Nadeau and ame, jÂ¥ Bertrand, Jacqueline Minneault, Mike thgse a.ttendmg were the Boychuk, Jacqueline Tremblay, Dora ;'_..f,'.'“;:,f;f..’?YOhnde ‘Charron, Ann Novotâ€". Boychuek, Denis Lauzon, Rolande Lau: ’tflhw Sm ,mclek _ Sam . zon, . Pat <BRertrand, â€" Roland Tremblay, Cao,"*, :Cy â€"Landrlawt, i ult md eaueltg-of ‘ . Timmins Y‘s Men‘s Club held. - ® 4sR ud t.heir mula.r Monday night dinner The regular monthly meeting of the iinâ€" the â€" Grill Room at ‘the Junior C. W. L. took place on Wednesâ€" day, Nov. 13, at the home of Mrs. J. j0 igines -omeet,ing was held, Evans, 123 Cherry St. - : scussion an the yarious Plans were made for the ‘card‘ party ‘of> ,:wopk locally.‘ | which will take place Friday, Nov. 22 ' Yof President Earl in the basement of the Church of Naâ€" dg Loucks preslded at tivity â€">bridge, "500" a.nd cribbage - are to be played. > § _ ""The â€" guest of honor was presented parents relatives and friends. â€" _ 'wiwunudor’ aÂ¥ A group gift, and _‘ Attending the party were <Shirley alab : gaceived many â€" ‘other gifts from Bertrand, Evelyn Guillemette, Simone friends, for which he heartily thanked ‘Romaine, Yvette Neumainville, : Marline ;@"{4\ ) â€"â€" as a famâ€" 14 + 20 32 â€"42 e +# . â€" It was decided that the organization should contribute to the planning and enjoyment of parties throughout the year for Junior affitiated groups, C. G. I. T.. Explorers, and Playmates. :. Mrs. 1. Gordon, Mrs. R. McLaren and Mrs. A. Jackson were appointed as a nominating committee to bring in the slgte of officers for 1947, Members were asked: to bring a guest to the Christmas meetinc 4 The theme for the wonhtp serviee was "Woman and the Community." 'I'hiswaaledbyMrs W. E. Bull. The importance â€"of close co-operat!on .be.â€" tween the home, school and church was stressed. The task of the woman of today takes her beyond the importâ€" ant. duties of home to the ‘duties of citizenship, in the communlty and the world, it was stated. Mrs. Geo. Drew favored with a solo. She was accompanied by Mrs P. C’ar- son. letter of sympathy was‘ sent to Mr. H. _ inspiring address on‘ the subject of "Citizenship"‘ was given by Miss Lois Kelly "The ideal state is one where every citizen is determined to be part of the community, to share its burdens, to put its interests before his own, and to ‘sacrifice his wishes, convenience, time and money to it." y Miss L. Kelly, and the soloist, Mrs. Drew, Mrs. A. Jackson . expressed the appreciation of all present. An enjoyâ€" able social half hour was spent, at the close of the meeting. She traced the progtess of training for citizenship throughout life, in the home, in school, in gratup organizations. she pointed out the importance of conâ€" tinued work, of growth, of a mind alért to new truths and continued faith. In aâ€"vote of thanks to the speaker, The bake and novelty sale is taking: part of program. _ ; . place on Dec. 7. Mrs. Damanski and During the evening the: tmmediatq Mr. m Morland served as groomsâ€" Mrs. Nelzson are convenors for the nuvâ€" ~Past Worthy: Matron;, Nora Nixon, IBAD. . élties. Mrs. J. Marks and Mrs. Schynes was i:resqntod with ‘the hy Mat, : ‘A dinner. patty was held at the Grand are convenors for the baking. ron‘s JTewel â€" token m apprecjmon oz Hotel tollowin.g the ceremony. â€" The It was moved by Mrs. E. Burntt, her ‘year‘s: service.© Trill Room was tastefully decorated seconded: by Mrs. J. Marks, that the Fozf‘owmg this, gifts and good wisheaa baskets of flowers for the occasâ€" next meet.lng take plce Dec. 4, inâ€" for success were presented to the new ion: : !A followed at the home stead of Déc.‘ 11. ‘‘The meetinig will be . WortHy. Matron... of the bride,‘ with her mother recelvâ€" at the home of Mrs. Damanaki, 171. m Coulson, lovely in dmpeq white ing.‘ Mrs. “jt!mhier was attractive in Maple St. North. ; with nail head trim, graciously 2 CNOCt brqwn crepe dresf feafurâ€" It was Mdedthatuchmammwm ied :all" for mr kina thoughts.. kline and long sleeves. She pay a nominal:charge for refreéshments 'rhe evening closed with a.social hour mding accessories and a corâ€" at future meetings. All members are as all enjoyed famy sandivicbea cakes sage of d«m pink roses.. requested to bring. their novelties for and tea. _ s _ Mrs._J. McGrath poured tea at the the novelty t0 the mamng s 0 wedding hinch TT . o Outâ€"ofâ€"town guestsat the wedding Mrs. Romaine and Mrs. Adelard > Naâ€" AIALDU .L U ILILL,: 1. deau served ‘a delicious lunch to the INST ALS OFFICERS children, consisting . of sandwiches, candies, soft drinks and Afruit. TWO â€" some nundred members and friends large birthday cakes decorated with . thick fl'OStmg and glowing ’Wlth blue gathered m the Mâ€ch Hn tO enJOY_ birthday candles held the centre of the ceremony of Installation of officers attention. . of . Arbutus Ghapter .No. 123 of the The two sets of twins were presented Order of the Eastern Star. . with manyâ€" delightful gifts from their : Installing Officers Mrs. Rose Anderâ€" irthday ca.ndles held the cent.re of ttention. The two sets of twins were presented ith manyâ€" delightful gifts from their . arents, relatives and friends. Attending the party were «Shirley ertrand, Evelyn Guillemette, Simone omaine, Yvette Neumainville, Marline ertrand, Jacqueline Minneault, Mike oychuk, Jacqueline Tremblay, Dora oychuck, Denis Lauzon, Rolande Lau= Tremblay, on, . Pat Bï¬rtranm Roland 'aulette a onor, Victor and. 4 u. A1 'ia.udette and Olaude Romaine e JUNIOR C..W. L. PLAN CARD PARTY FRIDAY The regular monthly meeting of the unior C. W. L. took place on Wednesâ€" ay, Nov. 13, at the home of Mrs. J. vans, 123 Cherry St. the ceremony of Installat.ion of officers of . Arbutus Chapter No.: 123 of the QOrder of the Eastern Star. . 8 carried out. the impressive ceremony, insta.lling each successive . ofï¬cer asg follows: > â€" Mrs. :Nessie Coulson, Worthy Matmn' Mr. Archie Wright, Worthy : ‘Patron; MrS. | :‘Cellia Easton, Associate . Matron; Mr. !Perpy ~Collyer â€" Associate ; Patron; VA Joyce _ Service, . . Secretary; â€" 3 Mrs -»f Bertha. * Bervice, | ‘:Treasurer;; Mrs. . Helen.‘ Lake, _ Conductress; Mrs. Lena Paterson, : Associate Conâ€" ductress; . Mrs. Dorothy Bennetts Chaplain;. Mrs. ‘Mabel Pennia, Mar- . shall; Mrs. Minnie DeMille,; Ogganist'- Myrs. . Maude : Mccmloch ‘Adsah; Mr3. Helen: gunt Ruth; «Mrs. Hattie ~Nelly," ~Mrs... Ellen . Wheeler, Elécta} Miss | ‘Ena sman Warder; My. Verner . Marthag;> ‘daughter of . Mr. and Mrs. Edward Installing Officers Mrs Rose Anderâ€" son, Mrs. Jean White, Miss Mildred Tackaberry. and Mr. Wimam Pritchard * ‘which:fell a shouldm'-lenzth veil showâ€" 'pra,yer bock with satin streamers tied hucal ns lt ols h o6 Can eR oo PR Bc o P v-_v-__... un ks hp CP .R +. ing, © when ~Miss ° Jullette â€" Gauthter,. 28 Sixthâ€"Ave., became : the bride of : Mr. Jean Bouchard + son. of Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Bouchard of Ramore. ~Flowers, â€" trailing fern> candles provided a lovely‘ setting for the wedding.. During the entire.service organ music was played by Mrs. Paul Piche. Mrs. J. McGrath sang . Roderâ€" ique‘s "Ave‘ Ma.ria†durhmg the . signing of + the. tregmer Mr :E'rancm '.BoMn Bang app P TL NA ';:â€.-1',-.,¢.-.~, Ees 3 o 4 The brlde'i{' ez 2 .’..'H r‘; ; .ul'. P ic‘ maa-riage. Attined%in a chic. dressmaker suit of heavenr blue wool, the bride was very lovely.. She: wore an:« attractive light blue © hat with %sca.lloped eflect. ; from ered : withsequins. > A : white: leather with red‘roses :â€"and bouvardla Wfls Ccar«â€" rlmir’bmflamhfl s s s ons hi t %WW% $ : ’me recular monthly meet.!ng of the Porcupine Branch of the Music ‘Teasâ€" chers‘ Assoclation was held at the raâ€" v. e en + O Ma\go ;\ï¬céu}loch ax;d .Mr James lâ€"a auet by Mrs Bertha rvice and ‘daughter Joyce, were ‘dell ARBUTUS CHAPTER BOUCHARD GAUTHIER INSTALS OFFICERS:â€" . CATHEDRAL £" CONCERT PLANNED FOR .dr'eg.s. PRUNELLA: WOOD > + : Bonwit Tell There is never any shortage of date dresses in any,store depa.rtment agedicated to college girls; but this .particular frock seems the cream of | the crop to this writer. The ‘â€"model is made of black velvet, unadorned, . depending on its wide V neckline, its slim body moulding, its fared‘skirt > ‘of unusual formal length,â€"to put it over.. With youth," it goes over, too, with a satisfactory detonation with the stagline. * â€" _ We like the choker worn with it; . we‘d also like a single pearl stra.nd - a locket and chain, a cameo on a velvet ribbon.. The:â€"model is a picture. dress, Wwith which to make oneself into the living tableauof a belle.: ‘Any .: time after dark, except for a very formal ball, is the right. time for . the : ried byrme guw Acting as matron t bf 'honor vaa Mys. . Gery; Lacasse ‘charming: in? a ‘lime _ green : crepe : dres with mtcï¬ing ac~ â€"cessories and a dainty corsage of red Attired in a chic. dressmaker suit of heaven +blue wool, ‘the bride was very lovely. : She: wore an:« attractive light blue hat : with + scanoped effect, ; from which : fell a shoulder-lenzth veil showâ€" ered : with sequins. > : white : leather prayer:book with satin streamers tied with: red*xoaeu bouvardla was carâ€" ‘Rev. C. E. Therrlault officiated at a very pretty. wedding held in â€"8t;, Anâ€" thony‘s Cathedral on Saturday mornâ€" Bonwit Teller * 2+ 2 oc 'l«,, Ramore and Mr. and m-s 'rom Den- neault of Ansonville, . Gifta to the attendants "ficlhided a nhm tnnc. n pearl earrings to the matron of honor andaeold-!flledtiep'i;‘l'tothe groothsâ€" here Mr.. Bai : man.: Mrs. Piche and’w*a ‘McGrath . relattvesandn'hnds rooe!ved told-fllldd ',';ts and ‘Mr . ~ Can. lny of the followi - “{\‘ v‘ *% .\ % P CC Â¥ % *R "Mr. Frank. Dawson Mrs. C. Desaulniers, F will gladly.take your cation TEAM*CA‘PTAIN’S ~Pmming â€" Mrs. C ‘Abrama, Phone 394 Mrs A 5 Carnovale,P e 461 Ph b:::‘e 1192-3 (mT 1913) é ; j ce Insuranoe ot every kind .â€" Real Estato t ce ... _: . Mortgages 5-8% intemu National nou-lu A,ct Loans, : _ .. nm‘s“' Phene 106 .. .. ... Timmins ’*05 § * o se m o 'Nr““ That bufldlnx values have mc{eued 50% ‘since : 1989? swek. oreased. your fire insnranqe accqxdintly? Let us diaonu your ‘problems and quote youâ€"rates inoluding damage from ‘Wind “"d Mrs ~Gordon: Gauth one 959â€"J . Mrs. Paul Picl\e, Phone 1520-3 Mrs. J« D. Hope,: Phone $125â€"B Mrs. Henry Kelneck, Phone 2063â€"W _ Mrs. JOhn ‘Knox, Jr., Phone 2847 ue _ _ Mrs. Wm. Phone g51â€"J . . ~Mrs. Mamie Shaheen, Phone 605 â€" Mrs. J. . W. ‘Thomsgonâ€"(Bernice) : Phone 1519 x: Mrs.‘J. L. Wyatt (Hazel) Phone 2098â€"J Mrs.. Leo Charlebois, Phone 383â€"M â€" $ 3 4 <~South Porcupine _ . Mrs W E: Jamieson: Phone 835 Mrs. F E Altherr, Phone 347 0-W-2 Anh 'Mnler, ‘Phone: 792«R 3 Pamour â€"‘Mrs.: Ruth Wearing â€"245â€"R .JA y ta x â€" § s t o e o e h L s h a Th d « s a p,.l y P P G i P e ".'..'u" e CE C "btl" i "THE HOME OE HAPPY FEET†; ~Rresents â€" â€" . 3. 3. Bouehata of GOCIAL . andâ€" PERSONAL aA tsa TAAAz NEW FALL and L2«